Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 152 In this moment, there are 1 million possibilities

"Hello! I'm looking for someone who likes to draw with crayons..." The little spider took out the crayon drawing and stuck it on the face of a guard who was tied up with his spider silk.

"She's probably not very old, maybe a boy, or a girl... or a teenage girl... well! I don't know, I was doing handicrafts in the psychology and behavior analysis class of the Holy Shield, you know, modifying small Cold nuclear devices or something... This is a unique course, and other universities will not teach you to manually install nuclear devices."

"I'm just relying on experience and judgment. Maybe it's an old man with a childlike innocence? Or a middle-aged man?"

"Like Einstein?"

"Do you know the person who drew this painting? ... Oh, I forgot to remove this for you!" Spider-Man lowered his head to remove the spider web from the guard's mouth, and the guard immediately screamed loudly.

Spider-Man said regretfully: "Did you see this thing in my hand? The sound-absorbing device, no one will hear you shouting out your throat...Ah! Why do I sound like those evil-minded people in the gloomy alley?" Man...disgusting!"

"You want to find a prophet?" The man sneered.

"Yes, he seems to have that name!" Spider-Man sighed helplessly: "I didn't mean to hurt him, I made it as if I was an assailant, you guys came to trouble me first, okay! I just want to Ask him, why are you bothering me? If possible, the two parties can have a frank exchange of opinions, and if a consensus can be reached."

"Then today, nothing will happen here!"

"Because you are a suspect..." Regarding Spider-Man's question, the guard not only did not have the slightest intention of introspection, but also said righteously: "You have invaded our world, you are a prepared criminal, and you are destined to destroy this world!"

"This is your crime!"

"Oh my God!" Spider-Man complained: "I just came to this world, and I swear to God, I have never hurt anyone since I debuted. I haven't even hurt a pet cat, but I have saved quite a few." But no matter how Spider-Man proved his innocence, the guards looked at him with righteous eyes.

"Maybe you and Batman have the same code, but that doesn't mean you won't destroy the world!"

"The prophet has seen everything... In order to protect the world and peace, you may be a good person...but we will still kill you! Because good people may not bring bad results. We do not distinguish between good and evil, because protection is the highest level good!"

"Oh my God!" Spider-Man said with his head in his arms, "You want to kill me for such a ridiculous reason? Because your prophet saw that the future world will be destroyed because of me. What if he is talking nonsense?"

The guard showed a mysterious smile, and Spider-Man didn't expect this kind of person who was completely brainwashed by their organization to tell any useful information. He pressed the armored glove of the crimson mech on this person's chest, and at the same time, the spider sensed and observed his brain wave reaction, and asked as if reciting lines: "The prophet is a man?"

The brains of the guards in the spider sense showed a calm blue.

"No, no. She's a woman?"

The position of the brain in the spider sense showed a hint of nervous orange, and even angry red—the guards had noticed that Spider-Man was spying on his brain.

"Twenty? Thirty?"

"Unexpectedly, she is less than twenty years old, and she is still a child?"

"Oh, no!"

"That's a girl! My God! Your organization entrusts the killing list and core decision-making to a girl's abilities? Listen to me, women, even girls, are more unpredictable than the weather in London! You must kill me!" Wrong person!"

"You really believe it, why do you believe in the prophet so much?"

The guard's brain appeared fanatical white, which was an extremely firm belief, and Spider-Man had no choice but to give up asking: "The spider sensor that can detect lies, the technology of the Holy Shield is really terrible. Although the armor that Mr. Stark made for me There are also many useful abilities, such as cable spider silk, but I can't inflict electric torture on captives,

The Geneva Treaty doesn't allow... right? "

"But knowing that the Prophet is a girl is enough for me to find her. There should not be too many girls on this ship! Isn't this a high seas gambling ship or a cruise ship?"

Spider-Man looked at the guard, trying to read something from his face, but the captive's brain turned into a calm and confident blue-white, and he showed a mocking smile: "The prophet wants to see you, no matter where you are, he can bring you back, the Prophet does not want to see you, even if you are close at hand and dig three feet, you will not be able to find him!"

The little spider smiled confidently: "But I can find her!"

The spider's induction enveloped the entire ship, and no one could escape his induction. The little spider went deep into the core and opened a closely guarded house: "Hey! Do you want hot water?"

The guard looked back when he heard the sound, and in a blink of an eye, four balls of spider silk were stuck to the wall, floor, and ceiling. Little spiders slipped in from behind the door, and one ball was sealed by the other.

Slightly smiled and said: "If you want hot water, pour it yourself!"

He looked back, and in the middle of the suite was a girl two or three years younger than him, who was looking at him with her head on the desk, and a black-haired lady, who was staring at him, said angrily: "Everyone from the Illuminati Society It’s a bunch of waste! It actually let the enemy directly enter the core guard area!”

"You are too harsh on them!" The little spider couldn't bear it: "You don't even know what they are facing? It's like when you play an RTS (real-time strategy game) and someone ignores the terrain and buildings of the fog of war and opens the whole map. Terrain cheats...Unfortunately, technology is a cheat for the real world."

"That's why we call the developers of cheats in the real world—scientists!"

"Do you think you succeeded when you came here?" The black-haired woman sneered and said to herself: "The prophet saw everything, she didn't stop you, she just wanted to really watch the scene where I knocked you down again, here is the scene in front of the prophet. , so you are very lucky not to die immediately, because I will not let the Prophet see your dirty blood!"

"I..." Before she finished speaking, the little spider had already put on the armored gloves: "As soon as the infrasound wave..."

The black-haired woman fell to the ground neatly, unconscious.

"Is this an infrasonic weapon?" 'Master Prophet' raised his head and said, "I saw you knocked her down in more than six hundred different ways...but she said the same thing. It seems that you are holding back hard!"

"Why didn't you remind her..." Little Spider said in amazement, the task was completed too easily - it was too much!

"Because I have observed you 19,561 times, there is no world where you choose to hurt me, what a harmless little animal!" First know: "And Petunia has 182 times Betrayal, gave me a knife in the back."

"What?" Little Spider sympathized, "Did you see all these?"

"You are safer than her..." Know first: "Of course, this does not mean that she is dangerous. You must know that as long as there is a possibility, she will not hurt me, and I can make it happen, unless... that lunatic clown, If I appear in front of him on purpose, there is no possibility that he will not hurt me... What a psycho!"

"Batman... he won't kill me either, but he will hit women!"

"So, I don't think you are a threat to me. As for you wanting to take me away... I have long wanted to go out. Do you think that everyone wants to be surrounded by a lot of people all day, this is not allowed, that is not allowed Go, there is nothing in this world that can threaten me, but Petunia and the others are still nervous all day long."

"I just wanted to ask..." Little Spider hesitated when he saw the prophet who looked like a rebellious girl.

"Why do you want to kill you?" The prophet raised his head and asked back.

Then he didn't answer, but stepped forward and hugged the little spider's waist, put his head on his chest and said, "Take me away, I'll tell you!" The little spider had no choice but to abduct the mysterious organizer who guards the world The Prophet, he let the armored gauntlet fly him up, the Prophet clutching his waist.

The armored gauntlet sent out a high-energy laser to cut through the top of the ship's plank and soared into the sky.

Let the Enlightenment Society watch the two leave helplessly, leaving only one sentence: "I will not pay the money! You can figure it out..."

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