Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 153 Minority Report

Spider-Man brought the Prophet back to Gotham City, and the Prophet directed him to take various strange routes, sometimes climbing over walls and sneaking through dark alleys. There were dangers of one kind or another, but under the leadership of the Prophet, the little spider—none of them were encountered.

He didn't even have the chance to be a hero... You know, Spider-Man can get very busy in Gotham.

But the pursuit of the mysterious organization disrupted everything, so that the little spider had to focus on self-protection and at the same time find the way home.

When she came to an old building, the Prophet skillfully turned around and came to the door of an inconspicuous room. She winked at the little spider and said, "Open the door!"

Only then did the little spider discover that the room had a signal option to remotely open the door. The little spider invaded the network here and opened the door.

Inside was a large and luxuriously decorated house with weapons, medicines, and food, and it was very hidden. The Prophet walked in and collapsed comfortably on the sofa, saying: "Don't worry, this is the home of the big local tyrant Wayne. The safe house, no one knows, and it is very safe, without monitoring, is located in the old city with complex terrain and complex people."

"Besides, our rich and powerful Batman will not come here when he is free. This is a place where there is an emergency, and the security system is very complete...and with me here, it is the best security system! "

The little spider sat down on the opposite side: "Then I can ask you now!"

The Prophet snapped his fingers and said, "Ask!"

"Why are you hunting me down?"

"You didn't ask who we are first?" The Prophet was surprised, and then laughed: "Just kidding, I actually saw it all. I know all the questions you want to ask, so I won't tease you. Let me tell you directly!"

"This calm, peaceful world!" The Prophet stood at the window, looking down at Gotham Road through the anti-peeping bulletproof glass.

The little spider also took a look at the dark and dark Gotham, and complained speechlessly: "It's not appropriate to say that in Gotham!"

"No, very appropriate. Is Gotham already the worst? Far from it... Behind this peaceful and peaceful world, it has actually been destroyed once. Our world has been destroyed! Although no one knows, although Not in history, not even in the past and the future, but this world has indeed been destroyed once."

"That time the prophet saved the world, he changed the ending of the world being destroyed!"

The little spider couldn't help complaining: "You mean, you saved the world? Then we are colleagues! I have saved the world more than once, although I only contributed a part..."

"No!" The Prophet turned back, "Who told you that there is only one Prophet?"

"There are three prophets, the one who saves the world is the first prophet, and I am only the third prophet!"

"Don't interrupt me, let me finish the organization's glorious past first... The first prophet saved the world, but only a few people still remember it. Those who can remember the world's destruction are not ordinary people. They have very powerful Strength and power, and incomparable gratitude to the Prophet, but also a deep fear of the end of the world."

"So they formed an organization called the World Security Council to help the Prophet guard the world."

"This is the origin of the organization... The Illuminati is just a force under the command of one of the committee members. Except for the first prophet, no one knows the identity of the director of the World Security Council, and the members of the organization are also varied. They themselves Don't even know why they obeyed the committee's order."

"In order to prevent the world from being destroyed and go back to the end of the end, the organization found three superpowers who have the ability to predict and see the future. This is the origin of the three prophets."

"Are they trying to prevent the First Prophet from gaining supremacy?" the little spider interjected. "Democratic principles?"

"On the contrary, it is the First Prophet who has found us and shared his power with us, and he will have a World Security Council at his center,

Become an organization guided by the will of the three prophets. He gave up his identity as a god and returned to mortals, so all the committee members, including our other two prophets, respect him very much. "

"He was a truly great and unselfish man."

"The first prophet found us and established a perfect prevention system to protect this world. The biggest task of our three prophets is to observe the existence that may destroy this world. Just yesterday afternoon, an hour before your arrival, All our prophets have predicted that a man from another world will come to Gotham...and he will cause the world to be destroyed again."

"So, the organization issued a hunting order, the minimum goal, and you must be safely contained."

The little spider was completely dumbfounded. He spread his hands innocently and said, "Why me, but I...didn't do anything! I'm not going to do anything bad either. Why would I destroy the world?"

"It's not that you will destroy the world, but you will cause the world to be destroyed!" First know: "I am also very surprised, you are obviously a good person, and you belong to the kind of person who is not threatening at all. Why do I see the world destroyed because of you?"

"And don't ask me how you caused the world to be destroyed." The prophet said depressedly: "I just saw the possibility of the world's destruction, and then traced the reason, and found that the world suddenly had you as a variable, so I ruled that you might destroy the world. Only Only the more powerful second, the first prophet, can see the specific causal relationship."

"However, in the system of three prophets, two prophets must rule that you have the possibility of destroying the world before it will officially enter the processing procedure."

"So, other prophets must have considered that there are other complicated reasons for the destruction of the world, and you are just an innocent fuse. Only when you have the greatest causal relationship will two prophets decide to hunt you down."

"Wait, two prophets?" The little spider said, "In other words, there may be a third prophet who judges me innocent!"

"No, there must be a third prophet who judges your innocence. In the system of three prophets, there is the principle of the third person, that is, when the opinions of the two prophets reach an agreement. There must be a prophet who must stand on the opposite side and prophesy Everything, this prophecy is called the Minority Report and it is kept in the Headquarters of the World Security Council and no one else knows it, only the Secret Keeper who has seen all the documents and the Prophet himself, and an original document is kept in the archives , no one is allowed to watch."

"Only when there is a major change in the pursuit of the culprit, for example, if the destruction of the world is difficult to prevent, this minority report will be submitted to the committee for publication. From another perspective, save the world. It means everything is messed up special record under the circumstances, to prevent major mistakes in the Three Seers system!"

The Third Prophet told Spider-Man, "So, the Second, or First Prophet, must have made a minority report on you. Anyway, I was one of the two who agreed to hunt you down."

The little spider said: "If I get the minority prophecy, can I be innocent?"

"No." The Prophet shook his head again and said, "Where are you so innocent! The culprit who destroyed the world must be you, but getting the minority report will at least let you know what to do to prevent the world from being destroyed."

"I predicted you many times, and thought you were a good person, so I sacrificed myself to serve the tiger and observe your character at a close distance."

"Because I think that if you get the Minority Report, you will try your best to prevent the world from being destroyed, because you are a hopeless saint. Even if you want to die, it is better for you to commit suicide after reading the relevant prophecies than we chase after you." You take it easy. You're the kind of person who is sure you could destroy the world, or kill someone, cause tragedy, and then end your life and sacrifice yourself."

"If not, I will never help you!"

The little spider froze on the spot, not knowing what to say, but someone actually said directly - I'm helping you because I think you will kill yourself at a critical moment.

But the little spider's psychology does not reject finding a choice: "If it is really because of me that the world is destroyed, then I will end it all. If we fail to get the minority report...and you see If the world is about to end, please tell me!"

The Prophet showed a very strange expression: "Aren't you afraid that I just sneaked into your side specifically to take advantage of your kindness and weakness to make you commit suicide?"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! I believe in you, and I am willing to take risks for this world..."

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