Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 153 God is dead! Celebrating the Multiverse

"I can ask!" The little spider felt that the atmosphere was not right after making bold words, and said weakly, "The first prophet saved the destroyed world. What is the specific situation? Does anyone know?"

The Prophet shrugged and said: "It's all said, because the first prophet changed the result of the world's destruction, so no one remembers how the world was destroyed. Those who can remember are members of the committee. Although I am the third prophet , but not a member of the committee, so I don't remember how the world was destroyed."

"But you are a prophet, there are very few things in this world that can be hidden from you!" The little spider analyzed: "And I think something is wrong, if the first prophet has saved the world, then the reason for the world's destruction should not be A secret, if it's not made public, someone doesn't want it to be known."

"Why do you always want to doubt the first prophet?" The prophet asked with a strange expression on his face.

Peter said embarrassedly: "Because according to my experience of watching Hollywood movies and popular dramas on several major TV stations... and some personal experiences, those mysterious and mysterious people seem to be good people, and they seem to be covered in a lot of fog. The characters, they are either the key turning mission, or the final big villain."

"You use the experience of watching TV series to deal with the end of the world?" The prophet had a strange expression on his face.

"Okay! Let me tell you something!" Know first: "Yes, there are few things in this world that can be hidden from the prophets, and the organization itself is the most difficult thing for the prophets to understand. Except for the first prophet, Perhaps no one knows all the secrets of the organization. And a prophet, the biggest weakness is—curiosity!"

"I don't think the other two prophets have this weakness!" the little spider complained.

"Yes, there must be. Prophets can know everything, and all the secrets of this world cannot be hidden from them. And there is the biggest mystery around me. Because the three prophets are in the same organization, the things I can't see here are the most Yes. There is no prophet who would not want to know the secrets inside...we are afraid of being concealed."

"I think curiosity is the biggest weakness of women and cats..." the little spider continued to complain recklessly.

"Shut up!" the prophet pointed at Peter and snapped. The little spider obediently shut its mouth and made a zip movement.

The Prophet took a deep breath, and then continued after a slow breath: "The committee members are very taboo about the past of the world's destruction, and rarely mention it, but I still know a little news. That destruction...was terrible!"

"This world, this universe, the most sublime and greatest being, is called in our words—God!"

"God is dead!"


The little spider who was drinking water sprayed it into the air beside him.

The prophet triumphantly raised his head and said, "Well, isn't it shocking, isn't it subversive? God is dead! What a cool way to destroy the world - the point is that because of our efforts, God is dead, but the whole earth is still peaceful Peace, isn't it great."

"You moth!" Little Spider didn't care to keep his mouth shut, and crazily complained: "Your God has a problem too!!!"

The prophet said in amazement, "What do you mean 'also' went wrong?"

"Which other world's God has a problem? Is the death of God a common crisis in the multiverse? Does our two worlds have the same God?"

"No, no, no..." The little spider quickly waved his hands and said, "I'm sure the God of my world is definitely not the same as the God of your world. In our world, He is still alive and kicking!..."

"You are lucky if you didn't meet the God of our world!"

"It's scary when God is dead... It's scary when God is alive!"

The prophet interrupted him: "You are wrong, the most terrible thing is that God is half dead!"

"You know, I said that my main job in our world is the same as yours - saving the world. Why do we save the world? Because the God of our world - not the creator of the universe,

Nor is the universe itself, but the Creator, the Messiah, the One who revealed himself. "

The little spider sighed: "He wants to destroy the world and judge all creations! Destroy the multiverse and conduct an experiment. That is... whether life is infinitely possible!"

"So you fight him!" The prophet's eyes were full of twinkling little stars.

"You think too highly of us! In fact, God hasn't woken up yet, but everyone thinks it's going to wake up? Human beings were almost destroyed four or five times. I haven't seen His shadow yet? Just heard How terrible is He!"

"Fallen God?" The prophet gasped.

"Compared to the one recorded in the "Bible", it should be considered degenerate?" Little Spider hesitated, he didn't know how to describe the insane apocalypse. Generally speaking, degeneration means that sacred things fall into darkness, If it is God in human imagination, it should be fallen.

Many well-informed believers have collapsed their three views.

But from a realistic point of view - people have never been holy at all! Apocalypse was so insane from the beginning, it was extremely destructive to its own creations, and created many imaginative and creative ways of destruction-the disaster of apocalypse, which can be called a million possibilities of destruction in the multiverse.

"This truth is shocking!" Know first: "When it comes to the fallen God, I can no longer see the future we talk about."

"I can't see the things in the original universe on you through foreknowledge... This is very similar to the truth of the destruction of our world, and I can't touch the truth of the destruction of our world, because the first prophet has protected its secrets. Maybe Your conspiracy theory is not a joke, the First Prophet really has something!"

"Perhaps the similarity between our two worlds, our God, is the possible cause of the destruction of the world."

The little spider said without hesitation: "You think too much! The God we think of is definitely not one, and the way of destruction of your world has no trace of His hand... For example, did He arrange opponents for you? Did He create very A powerful and evil existence, as your fateful enemy, did He give you a test, time and time again, and then be destroyed because you failed one time?"

"There is no apocalypse in your world..."

The little spider thought for a while, then suddenly said in fear: "Maybe the death of God will be your apocalypse!"

The Prophet did not believe what the little spider said. In her opinion, these things have nothing to do with the essential attributes of God. If the superheroes in the little spider world knew what she was thinking, they would definitely warn her solemnly: " The essential attribute of God is the test!"

"God is fact, it's just a way of expression. It can also be said that God has fallen!" The prophet said seriously.

"The Supreme God has fallen. So the world is destroyed..."

The little spider still insisted on his own judgment: "You don't know what God is! God is just imagined by you. He may not be called God, but an archangel. There is existence. So... the death of God may be just a test. My God! I broke into your examination room."

"But you have not changed and sublimated, you have not developed an unprecedented civilization, nor have you progressed and transformed."

"So your test is not are still in the disaster of apocalypse!"

The little spider was taken aback by his brain power, "I think your world is about to end!"

The little spider who fell into the conspiracy theory of the apocalypse couldn't help himself. He speculated: "Our world has an apocalypse, and the multiverse is shrouded in the shadow of the apocalypse. So - there is no world without an apocalypse. The same , There is also an apocalyptic disaster in this world, so the death of God may be an apocalyptic disaster, and my coming is not without a reason."

"That must be Tianqi's conspiracy!"

"In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, should I kill myself?" Little Spider seriously considered the feasibility of this idea.

The prophet suddenly closed his mouth, and turned his head to stare at him. The prophet said, "Why did I see so many of you suddenly turned into ashes? Are you planning to commit suicide?"

The little spider has figured it out!

"My own arrival may be an opportunity for destruction, and it is also an opportunity given by the apocalypse. Although the disaster of the apocalypse always brings bad results, its original intention is not for destruction. On the contrary, it always creates a glimmer of life. My Arrival is both destruction and opportunity, and choosing death is not necessarily a good thing, if this is an apocalyptic disaster, then the current peace of this world is just an illusion."

"The truth is the shadow that is engulfing it. I choose to die, but I can't really solve the problem. Although this world has survived a crisis, the next crisis will come again sooner or later."

The little spider let out a long sigh of relief: "I'm not ready now!"

"We have to investigate clearly and find out the secret of the last world destruction before we can find the crisis further away. I hope the crisis in this world is not what I imagined. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, this world may have reached the edge of the cliff, and there is endless darkness and real fear below. The real fear..."

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