Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 154 In order to protect the world, the Prophet decided to become 25!

Coming out of Batman's safe house, Peter followed the Prophet through the streets of Gotham. He asked curiously: "Are we rushing to the headquarters of the World Safety Council now? Is there an airport in Gotham? I always feel that there will be a hijacking What about the event!"

The prophet turned around and asked in surprise, "Do you want to be beaten half to death?"

"It's not impossible for the two of us to go to the World Security Council, but I saw that you will be beaten badly there, half to death. Do you think that the one who came to Gotham is the real power of the World Security Council? ? If I brought so many people without my request...too many people come under the excuse that it will cause a war with Gotham, do you think you can take me away so easily?"

"The headquarters of the World Security Council is not only in a very special place, but also the hidden power of the headquarters is very terrifying. There are also two prophets who are stronger than me. You think you are alone, plus me, the weakest prophet Can Zhi penetrate the headquarters?"

"Without my help, any member of the committee can take care of you!"

The little spider looked at the sky above Gotham, the projection of the bat lights on the clouds, and listened to the ear-piercing siren - after the prophet was taken away, it was obvious that the people of the Illuminati were going crazy! They also ignored the prophet's warning, entered Gotham to search for the prophet's trace, and had fierce conflicts with sensitive local forces.

The Council of Light has entered the port, besieged the clown gang, hunted down the clowns, crushed the penguin gang, and is beating Gotham's gangsters everywhere, asking them to hand over the clowns—these people think they are clowns and little spiders Teamed up to kidnap the Prophet... Although it is correct to say so.

But they never imagined that the mastermind behind all this, who is now the leading figure—is their family's prophet!

"So we can't go to the headquarters!" Peter nodded and said, "I'm not a masochist...but I have a question. You left with me, which means that the system of the Three Prophets is out of control. Does the whole system have no countermeasures?"

"Smart!" The Prophet snapped his fingers and said, "You are right. In addition to establishing a stable organizational structure, the Three Prophets system also has the intention of preventing loss of control. Of course, we have considered the problem of the Prophet's own loss of control... everything The biggest uncertainty factor in the system is people.”

"In order to prevent the Prophet himself from destroying this system, the first Prophet is the master, and we two Prophet are assisted, creating a supercomputer that imitates our ability and can calculate all variables...Astrologer. Astrologer can imitate our ability and replace us One of them runs the Three Seers system."

"At the same time there will be another Prophet against me until I can be recontained."

"I am the third prophet. When it is confirmed that I have betrayed, the second prophet who is more capable than me will come out and preside over the pursuit of us. He will obtain the right to use most of the power of the Security Council and preside over the pursuit of me... …Only a general council resolution can stop the hunt for us. So we still have…about a day.”

"One day later, the committee will be able to confirm that I am a traitor, and then invite the second prophet. At the same time, the first and second two prophets will release the seal against me. Originally, the three prophets had a common agreement that the prophets would not See you, in this constraint, prophets cannot prophesy each other. In our world, each other does not exist."

"All information about it - we can't 'understand'."

"After the second prophet unlocks the seal, the two of us can understand each other. I will know his information, and he will know everything about me. And the first prophet will continue to be mysterious. And if, I mean if The First Prophet's betrayal... will be me and the Second Prophet joining forces to fight against him, our strength plus the artificial intelligence created by the First Prophet to restrain himself - the astrologer, may be able to defeat him."

"So one day later, we will all face the pursuit of the Second Prophet!"

The little spider hesitated and said, "The Second Prophet's power is higher than yours. He can see the future farther than you, and his vision is wider than yours... How are you going to defeat him?"

The Prophet's face suddenly pulled down: "I'm not prepared to defeat him!"

She wept and said, "It's all wasn't a big deal at first,

As long as you are sure that accepting you will not endanger the world, helping you is more controllable than arresting you, and the World Security Council is not an unreasonable organization. I just need to make an application report and everything will be fine. "

"The power of the prophet is great, I can save you. There is no need to betray the organization."

"But now it seems that the root cause of the world's destruction is not because of your arrival, but the aftermath of the first prophet's last save of the world, which is a secret covered up by the organization, that is to say... the root cause of the world's destruction, It may be organizing. How can I go back at this time?"

"I am a prophet, and my duty is to protect this world."

"Now that I know that the reason for the destruction of the world may be the secret hidden by the first prophet, then I can't ignore this. I must figure it out to prevent the first prophet from covering up the truth... This is also the hidden responsibility of the three prophets system. There is a prophet who acts as an opponent. When I realize that there may be problems with the organization, I must act as an opponent to prevent the organization from decaying!"

"The existence of our other two prophets is not meaningless. We are the two most critical lines of defense against the first prophet."

"Do you think the minority report is only for people like you? Now, I am also a minority, and I also need to investigate a minority report, a minority report about the truth about the destruction of the world and the death of God!"

"So I must act as a traitor until the investigation is clear, submit the minority report to the committee for review, and regain the status of the third prophet."

The little spider and the third prophet looked at each other, and suddenly understood the meaning of her persistence. The core of the World Security Council is the three prophets, and the three prophets are not only the leaders who guide the world security council to prevent the destruction of the world, but more importantly It is the three prophets and the core of countering the World Security Council.

The whole system, while performing its duties, must also clean itself up.

When a problem exists in the World Security Council is discovered, the Prophet has the responsibility to point it out. When the World Security Council deteriorates, the Prophet also has the responsibility to destroy it. The existence of the other two Prophets is not a puppet brought by the first Prophet, on the contrary. They were the line of defense that the First Prophet had sought to balance himself.

The only thing the First Prophet can't deal with is that his own thoughts go astray. He needs a mirror, an opponent, someone who can stand up and stop him at critical moments.

This is the meaning of the existence of the third prophet. It is not that the third prophet is not loyal to the organization. On the contrary, she is loyal to her duty and puts everything above everything else. Prophet's responsibility.

The little spider has a lot of experience in this kind of thing, he pulled the prophet to hide in the alley, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Know first: "I know that there is a task about the secrets of the first prophet, which is carried out by a committee member. The level of confidentiality of the task is very high, and it may involve the secrets of the first prophet. To find out, that commissioner is now on a mission at the Met."

"We want to find him and figure out the secret of this mission!"

"We can't just pass by like this..." The little spider said: "The Second Prophet has seen more than you, so your prophecy ability can't resist it, and according to strength is not enough to fight the committee, the two of us It is simply impossible to complete the task without the intervention of the Second Prophet."

"We need help!"

The prophet looked up in surprise and said, "You mean..."

"That's right... why can the Prophet fight against the corrupt World Security Council?"

"Because we are prophets...and there are heroes in this world!"

"There are villains! Villains! Anti-heroes!" Spider-Man said: "They only need the guidance of the prophets. They are natural opponents. After a prophet finds out that the first prophet is wrong and becomes an opponent, she can naturally Uniting all heroes and villains, we need to convince the heroes of Gotham to use his power!"

"Batman is a very stubborn person..." The Prophet was a little hesitant, this kind of behavior of uniting outsiders against his own organization, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a boy.

As an opponent, the prophet has no pressure, after all, the prophet must have an opponent.

But helping outsiders to cheat your own people is a bit too much.

The Prophet thought: "Could it be that the first Prophet found us two people who had nothing to do with the organization, and wanted us to be second-five boys when necessary?"

The little spider didn't think there was anything wrong with this—didn't the widow sister still help the captain destroy the SHIELD when she was messing around in the SHIELD?

"Hey! This memory doesn't seem to belong to our world... When did this plot happen?" The little spider sensed something was wrong with his memory.

He put this matter behind his head first, and persuaded him to know: "Batman is very stubborn, and he doesn't trust anyone, including his closest people. Not to mention a very mysterious organization? Even if you don't tell him, he will He will investigate, and he will never refuse to invite him to investigate and deal with the organization."

"The first prophet found two prophets because he was worried that the organization was too mysterious." Know first: "I cleared Batman's thoughts, I am a member of the organization, and I am afraid of the mystery of the organization. What Batman fears most is darkness and the unknown. , if he doesn’t figure out the secrets of the organization, I’m afraid he won’t be able to sleep well.”

"Batman has friendships with many heroes, and if he goes out to find someone, he will never lack the backbone of the organization!"

Thinking of this, the prophet's heart trembled, but he still made up his mind.

She touched the back of her head, feeling extremely complicated.

The little spider found out that something was wrong with her and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Try to see if there is any bone in the back of your head!" The prophet said lightly.

The little spider felt guilty for a moment, and he said weakly: "Is there?"

The prophet sighed: "Six inches tall..."

The Prophet thought about it for a while, and felt that she was destined for this young man. He called the little spider and said, "Come with me, I know where he is!"

In order to protect the world, the third prophet decides to become Erwuzi!

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