Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 162 Chapter 4 Prophet, Supreme Mage

Wearing black leather gloves, Bruce Wayne flipped through a series of documents brought by the little spider. The documents with the words Lex Group and Top Secret were full of technical terms. He couldn't understand the information recorded on it, but Bruce was worthy of being one of the smartest humans in the world. While searching for information, he interpreted it and insisted on reading it.

The little spider sat across from him with a guilty conscience, looking at the Prophet and Bruce.

The Prophet didn't look at the information, it doesn't matter to her anyway, she just needs to read the future to figure out what happened, so the Prophet stared at the information, pretending to be very serious, trying to scare the little spider.

Little Spider timidly sat on the chair. Seeing that Bruce was about to finish reading, he said, "I may have made a big mistake!"

Bruce put down the file: "You are right. This project is indeed the biggest secret of Lex Labs. Other projects are obviously not that important. Only this cloning project is Luthor's focus."

The Prophet tapped the desktop: "So you helped him finish it?"

The little spider replied embarrassingly: "I was just impulsive. Their thinking was obviously wrong and they went astray. I just wanted to remind them..."

"Then you accidentally became the leader of the project, and you led these people to complete this 'impossible' project?" The prophet joked: "You are really capable!"

"If this project is 'Origin'..." The bat signaled: "Then the embryo is the key. You originally planned to gradually activate the recessive gene of the embryo so that it would grow like a normal human being. But Luther rejected your proposal." plan, he wants the embryos to mature as quickly as possible."

"I investigated that Dr. Reed... was a genius in college, worked for Lex Enterprises after graduation, scientific genius, super IQ, had a girlfriend 'Su' who was a college classmate. But a few years ago, it was the tip of Central City At the time of the laboratory accident, about three months before that, Dr. Reed disappeared."

"His girlfriend Su called the police!"

"And after the Central City accident, he's back at Lex Corp!"

The little spider was puzzled: "You mean that he participated in the experiment in the cutting-edge laboratory in Central City?"

"What puzzles me is that this key figure who was obviously involved in the 'origin' did not join the cloning project after returning to Lex's laboratory, but began to study astrophysics with the support of Lex. Until today, as a radiation expert, he has led the radiation-stimulated cultivation of human clones."

"Maybe it's an exchange of benefits or something..." The prophet didn't care about this being unreasonable.

"We're sure that 'Origin' started with the accident in Canterlot a few years ago... and 'Origin' was moved to Lex Labs. But we're not sure what 'Origin' was. Metropolis has only one One knows what 'Origin' really is, and that's Luthor... the Prophet..."

"Don't ask me..." The Prophet shook his head and said: "I can't see the experimental accident in Central City. That accident created a superpower whose speed can catch up with the speed of light. When the accident happened, the state-of-the-art laboratory in Central City A tachyon storm formed, and even a prophet couldn't see what was going on inside..."

The prophet hesitated for a moment after finishing speaking: "At least I can't see it, and the second prophet probably can't... Forget it! He hides too deeply, maybe he can see through everything? The first prophet... Everyone said that he is omnipotent, so he should be able to know what happened there. In short, I can't even see the running figure of the guy who called himself the Flash, let alone the experimental accident that caused his superpower. "

"I can only be sure that the experiment was definitely not the particle collision experiment they claimed..."

"When are they going to start the radiation experiment?" Bruce asked Peter.

The little spider calculated: "If he is the Dr. Reed I know... soon,

In about three days, I have found out that the Lex Group is modifying a gamma ray instrument. Dr. Reed is an expert in cosmic rays. In terms of gamma rays, only Dr. Bruce... I am not talking about you, Batterman! "

"I'm talking about another Bruce...Dr. Bruce be compared to him."

"If Dr. Banner is here, he should be able to see more things. I can only estimate that with the effort Luthor has made to mobilize the instruments now, they will need at least three days to build a laboratory that meets the standard."

"We must stop Bizarro's experiment!" Bruce said nothing more.

He didn't talk about his suspicion that the 'sample' for the experiment was Superman's cells, or about some of his other discoveries, things Batman knew, kept in his belly forever. As for why he was able to find that the sample was Superman's cells... Can Bruce say that he has studied it?

That's right, both Bruce and Luthor are good friends of Superman, and they even have similar ideas about dealing with Superman.

Batman also thought about dealing with Superman by studying his genes, at least to find a better method than kryptonite, although Batman already has an 'infinity gauntlet' that collects all colors of kryptonite, after wearing it, In theory, Superman can be slapped, but Batman can never be too prepared.

The means he prepared for Superman can be described as endless and insane.

If he had spent a tenth of his mind on dealing with Superman to study the clown, he might have been able to get rid of the clown long ago!

It was still Batman who made the plan first, and the Prophet made soy sauce on the sidelines. The little spider felt that he had caused trouble, and stood obediently on the sidelines to listen to Batman's arrangements. Bruce is the kind of person who has a special opinion, or he is born to be a leader. Or, even if he gave up the position of leader in name, in fact the initiative still has to be firmly in his hands.

And the little spider is too young, in the Avengers and the Holy Shield, he is everyone's little brother, and is taken care of by everyone intentionally or unconsciously.

So the little spider is relatively passive, he is not the leader of that kind of team, but the one who is taken care of by everyone in the team.

The two are temporarily partnered, and the little spider will naturally be dominated by Batman.

But the little spider is not the kind of person who obeys the words of the bat. He has a trump card that he has never told anyone, even the prophet does not know. Eye, or... the Time Stone.

The little spider is trying to restore the relevant information on controlling the Time Gem through the data left by Chen Ang's remote operation on the crimson glove, and progress has been made so far.

Wait until the relevant data is restored...

The little spider will immediately transform into a magician, become the fourth prophet, predict the future, and peep into all parallel worlds. The third prophet will be scum, will this little spider say?

No, no!

With the Time Stone in hand, the spider is as steady as an old dog...

Wait for the Time Gem to be available! I am the fourth prophet! ——The traverser of the Marvel world, the spider supreme mage, the master of the spider suit and the crimson mecha, the fourth prophet candidate, the prophet, Spiderman, Peter Parker!

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