Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 163 Do you dare to try my project?

After the prophet's prediction and the little spider peeping secretly with the eyes of Agomodo, they finally confirmed that further experiments on the cloned embryo Bizarro will be carried out in the Lex Group laboratory in the near future. Batman has formulated a surprise plan Plan, sabotage this experiment, and get more information on 'Origin'.

Bruce has already decided that this time he will directly arrest Luther and torture him to find out what the 'origin' is.

The little spider sneaked into the laboratory through his disguised identity as Dr. Parker, and the Prophet was outside ready to support him at any time. As for Batman, he had his own means to sneak in.

Because of what happened the day before yesterday, the little spider was not allowed to approach the laboratory where Bizarro conducted strong radiation experiments, but this was not a problem for him, he easily stole a permission to approach the radiation laboratory The identity card, and through the simple brain in the hand armor of the crimson mech, the little spider controls the electronic authority of the laboratory.

Taking over the security check facilities, coupled with the perception ability of the spider sensor, to sneak into a place to complete the task, only Batman can compare with him.

Wearing a white coat, the little spider shuttled among the researchers very naturally, came to the position near the radiation laboratory, then turned to the right, and sneaked into the toilet. He took out the spider suit from his backpack and frantically Put it on, and use the device on the spider suit to call Batman: "I'm close to the radiation laboratory!"

"They are debugging the equipment, and they will be able to start the experiment in about an hour... Where are you!"

Batman lay prone in the ventilation duct, and he passed the sensor in the shielded ventilation duct through his own bat equipment.

But he was so big, and he was packed in a small ventilation duct with absolutely heavy equipment, so of course he couldn't talk about his image.

It can be said to be very embarrassing!

But the awesomeness of Bat is that no matter how embarrassing the situation is, as long as he speaks with that hoarse magnetic voice and a calm and forceful tone, everyone will imagine him to be very powerful and capable, just like James Bond It is also necessary to climb down the sewer pipes to get close to the information, and it smells like a stench, but in people's impressions, it will always look like a handsome British gentleman in a suit and leather shoes.

"Ten minutes later... start the next move!" The bat didn't answer the question of where it was at all, and ordered it simply and straightforwardly.

At this time, Luther brought Reed to the ventilation duct where the bat was lying on its stomach. The bat's eyes were fixed, and it reached out and took off a small bat-shaped vibration sensing device from behind. The sound received by the device would be sent to his head. Headphones in both ears of the mask.

"Dr. Reed, congratulations on the success of your experiment!" Luther picked up the champagne gracefully and gestured.

Dr. Reed waved his hand and refused, "Sorry, I don't drink alcohol during the experiment. Was the experimental subject Bizarro independently researched by Dr. Parker?"

Luther nodded and said, "Yes, it's a pity that he is a stubborn ethical person."

Dr. Reed sighed and said, "Dr. Parker is a genius in the field of cloning and retroviruses. So far I haven't been able to figure out some of his theories and techniques. He uses semi-cloning to insert gene fragments into samples. , even using quantum communication technology, using the sun as a signal amplification device and energy source, releasing electromagnetic waves containing special frequency radiation, and slowly activating Bizarro's stealth gene. The clones bred in this way are normal and healthy life .”

"I forcibly stimulated Bizarro's growth through gamma rays, but it was a dangerous and wrong way."

"Dr. Parker wants Bizarro to be a complete life..." Luther said indifferently: "But the Lex Group does not need a complete life, but a weapon... a weapon to control 'it'. A complete Alien life, the world already has it. We don't need a second shitty copy."

"There is one and only one god in the world!" Luthor said disdainfully: "The Lex Group will not create a second one.


"So Bizarro will be a super soldier under our control, a weapon of war, and a...prevention plan!" Luthor pointed at the embryo under the gamma ray device.

"Sure enough..." The bat lay on top of it and thought to itself, "Bizaro is a clone of Superman. They want to use Superman's power to create an army, a powerful military force."

Luthor below complimented Reed: "Dr. Reed, you figured out Parker's cloning technology for making embryos in just three days. You are a real genius!"

Reed shook his head in surprise and said, "No, three days is enough. If I don't understand something in three days, it will be difficult for me to figure it out no matter how much time I spend. I just figured out some simple things from Dr. Parker. Biotechnology, in terms of the real core content, retrovirus, I have not figured it out! Dr. Parker is a genius not inferior to me."

"Also, I think his technical thinking is a bit familiar." Reid frowned and said, "I always feel like I overlooked something."

Little Spider has already put on a tight-fitting battle suit, but he still wears a white coat and takes off his headgear, just like a normal Dr. Parker. Killed Spider-Man, the most wanted criminal by the committee!

After coming out of the toilet pretending to be calm, the little spider greeted the researchers casually.

"Dr. Parker!" The researchers passing by shifted their eyes guiltily, not daring to look into the little spider's eyes. They already knew about Peter's falling out with his boss Luther over the project.

I also know that in order to avoid Dr. Parker's sabotage at a critical time, Luther withdrew Dr. Parker's laboratory authority.

But in their ghostly eyes, the little spider came to the front of the security gate, swiped on the electronic lock, and with a beep, the green light passed, and the little spider naturally walked into the electronic gate leading to the radiation laboratory . The researcher, who had a panoramic view of all this, opened his mouth, looked to the left and right, pretended not to see it, and walked away quickly!

Little Spider didn't try to hide his intention to sabotage the experiment at all, he wanted to let Luthor know the anger of a researcher who had his project robbed.

The last time his father, Richard Parker, was robbed of the project, he did not hesitate to destroy all the research materials on retroviruses in Osborne Enterprises, causing the boss's family to explode with a related genetic disease.

Today, my little spider, I want to let you, the doggy boss who meddles in my project indiscriminately, spiral into the sky!

Walking into the passage, the little spider put on the mask. He patted down, and all the air from the spider suit was automatically discharged. The mask changed from a loose state to being tightly attached to the little spider's head in an instant. The little spider walked out of the dark and narrow space. I came to the radiation laboratory through the aisle, and saw Luthor, the doggy boss, standing outside the glass door of the laboratory.

The little spider raised his hand and raised two middle fingers.

"You congenitally bald, don't understand anything, meddling idiot! Let go of my project!"

The little spider raised his hand, gave two strands of spider silk to the bodyguards who were about to draw their guns, and told them to hang themselves on the spot, and came to the front of the bald Luthor: "You think you are a scientific genius with superhuman IQ, and you think you are flattered by two people? Just a sentence, can you be able to cross the academic and corporate world? Who do you think you are? Dare to touch my project..."

"As a boss, you just need to pay honestly."

"Who gave you the courage to dictate my project... Today I want to let you know the anger of scientists! Mouth!"

"Today, I will replace Dr. Lizard, Dr. Octopus, Dr. Adrian and Dr. Dum, and seek justice!"

The little spider felt that he was suddenly possessed by the souls of many scientists who had failed in their lives because of the capitalists dictating at random...Dr. Cotter, who wanted to study the gene research to heal the broken limbs because of his disability, was almost succeeded by Osborne The capitalists shut down the research group and went out the door.

In the end, he had to use an imperfect potion and became Dr. Lizard.

Dr. Otto, a nuclear physicist who studies the artificial sun and nuclear fusion, was forced by the capitalists to start an imperfect experiment, which caused a big bang and lost his wife and career.

I had no choice but to fuse four steel tentacles to become the monster Doctor Octopus.

Adrian, an electronic engineer who has always had a dream of flying, has done countless experiments to create a wing that can fly freely like a bird, but Adrian, who lacks research funds, is jailed for being cheated by a capitalist .

In the prison, he fulfilled his dream in extreme pain and became a vulture who took revenge on the world!

He used to be Dr. Reed's boss. As a rookie in the capital market, he provided Reed with research opportunities and led a big project flying out of the earth. However, because of Reed's miscalculation, he lost everything and became a disgraced and fiancée. A loser who ran away with Reed, who killed himself.

Determined to take revenge, but when he was about to succeed, Tianqi took away his only body and his name.

The tragic villain Dr. Doom who has never appeared since then.

At this moment, the little spider is not alone, he is possessed by the souls of many scientists defeated by him.

Little Spider can proudly declare that he is not the strongest hero of the Avengers, but he must be the hero with the highest average academic qualifications among the hostile villains of the Avengers. He is the natural enemy of many failed scientists.

Feel the wrath of the scientists!

A big capitalist who thinks he is a scientist!

The little spider threw an angry punch, and just as he was about to blow Luther's bald head off, the bat on the ceiling suddenly jumped down and threw Luther to the ground. Without hesitation, a few heavy punches were thrown down, causing Luthor to vomit yellow water in his stomach. The bat pressed Luthor's shoulder, pushed him against the wall, and asked, "What is 'Origin'?"

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