Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 164 Kill them, Bizarro

"Do you think fear can defeat me?" Luther smiled wildly. He lowered his head and wiped the residue from the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer, "Fear can only defeat people like you, bats. Fear cannot defeat a real strong man." Or, superhuman."

"You are always just a mortal..." Luther said lightly, "And my goal is...Superman!"

Luther looked into the bat's eyes and said in a low voice: "The clown came to me. He always thought that people who would dress up like a bat and walk around the city were crazy, but he just had a sense of humor. He told me that the man who called himself Batman The lunatic who became Batman because of fear... One night, when he was a child, in a dark alley where violence had just occurred, bats flew past dimly lit street lights, projecting on the ground shadow."

"This has become the nightmare of his life..."

"This is the 'origin' of Batman. In a sense, you are a poor person who has not been able to get out of the shadow of the past."

"So don't tell me about fear!" Luther laughed loudly, "Because I have nothing to fear...and..."

Luther showed a crazy smile like a clown: "You've been fooled!"

Batman suddenly felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. His long-term fight against crime and his life-and-death fighting instinct made him feel alarm bells ringing in his heart. Batman's body responded with the most correct instinct. He mentioned Luther and blocked his vitals. , trying to use Luther to protect his back, but the enemy attacked too fast!

A figure in a dark blue uniform with the same red skin as Superman flashed by.

A punch hit Batman's back. His speed was as fast as Superman's, but he didn't have the mercy of Superman. After the fast and accurate Bizarro made up for Superman's flaws, his threat rose sharply. Batman didn't dodge at all. Chance, his spine made a crisp sound, and was smashed into three pieces by Bizarro's punch.

Batman was thrown flying by the red and blue shadow, hit the wall, and fell limp.

He still wanted to struggle hard, but the broken spine caused his lower body to lose control. Even with Batman's strong will, he still couldn't violate the material foundation of his body. He could ignore the state of his body with human will However, there is only one person who forcibly achieved this, and that is the master of mutants' spiritual abilities——Professor X!

The little spider was stunned by this sudden change!

He didn't have time to save the bat, but when Bizarro was about to go up and make up for it, sending Batman to heaven and exploding, he trapped Bizarro with the high-strength spider silk of the Holy Shield for a split second, and the little spider in the crimson gloves It flew out of the hand, and it loaded itself into the hand of the paralyzed bat, and flew away with the bat's body close to the ground.

The little spider stepped forward and entangled Bizarro.

He looked at the 'child' he had created. Bizarro didn't look human at all. His body and face were pitted and covered with scorched scars and festering wounds from the intense radiation damage. , His skin was dead gray, as gray as a dead man, lifeless.

He wears the same uniform as Superman, but with the S on his chest upside down.

It symbolizes the definition Luthor made of him—a parody and biological weapon, the opposite of Superman.

The little spider was completely dumbfounded, he exclaimed: "How is it possible? The prophet clearly saw it, and you will carry out the next experiment today..."

"Yes!" Luther got up from the ground and said frantically, "You have prophets... and prophets know everything. But don't I know you have prophets? Don't I recognize that you are the third prophet who abducted you?" Are you a wanted criminal? I have been pretending to be ignorant just to wait for an opportunity!"

"Only a prophet can deal with a prophet!" The little spider suddenly understood.

Luther smiled like the clown, maybe the curse is true, whoever kills the clown will eventually become a clown, the second prophet killed the clown remotely, so the spirit of the clown was passed to Luther who was closest to him, Or maybe it's just Luthor's crazy side showing... because madness is like gravity,

All you need to do is give it a little push.

"Yes... Only a Prophet can deal with a Prophet." A figure stepped out of the shadows: "The Third Prophet was misled. Of course it was my Second Prophet..."

It was Chen Ang.

The little spider looked at Dr. Chen, the Commander of the Holy Shield, and the insurance investigator—Chen Ang, whom he was very familiar with. For the first time, he felt a huge shadow behind Chen Ang, enveloping him, including two world!

"Not good... I'm going to save the Prophet!" Little Spider remembered the unarmed Third Prophet who was outside to meet him.

But Luther could not let him escape, Bizarro broke free from the spider web, stood up, and he was suspended in mid-air, watching his creator, the titular father-Peter Parker.

Two extremely cold rays shot out from his eyes. The rays close to absolute zero can freeze the movement of all particles in the universe, and the speed of the rays is close to the speed of light. With just this trick, Bizarro can instantly kill most Justice League heroes. As the hero on the agility side, Little Spider is completely restrained by the ray attack, and the freezing air within the range is enough to freeze him.

Just at the critical moment, a golden lightning flashed.

Spider-Man disappeared from the spot!

A hero in a crimson uniform with a golden lightning drawn on his ear and chest put the little spider behind Bizarro, and the little spider thanked him in shock.

The Flash Barry said shyly, "You don't need to thank me, the bat asked me to monitor you and prevent accidents from happening."

"Just like now!" Barry smiled wryly, "I don't want to fight Superman again! Even if he is a fake..."

Speaking of which, Barry touched his face with lingering guilt. He couldn't forget that when he was dealing with Superman, he was punched in the face by Superman in the Speed ​​Force. Facts have proved that Superman can hit the Speed ​​Force. my own. "

"Whose clone is Bizarro?" Parker keenly noticed something was wrong: "It seems that you all know his 'father'!"

"Don't say that, or Superman will get angry. Superman is good at everything, but he is not tolerant of people who are too similar to him. He will not think that he is the 'father' of this monster." Barry said: "I have to put Superman Call here, the only one who can deal with this monster is Superman."

The little spider said sadly: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this."

Everyone present, including Luthor himself, thought that Bizarro was an emotionless killer, a biological weapon, and a combat tool, but only his creator, the little spider, discovered that Bizarro was not without emotion, just now the little spider discovered , although Bizarro's extremely cold rays are terrifying, they are not fatal.

He held back his creator!

Under Bizarro's zombie-like appearance, in the indifferent eyes, the little spider keenly found a trace of emotional fluctuations.

Although Bizarro was catalyzed, his emotional system is not fully developed, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The little spider is trying to figure out how to wake him up so that he won't be used by Luther.

Luther had already ordered over there: "Kill them, Bizarro!"

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