Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 165 My little spider, I will chop off your dog's head with a flying knife today!

The little spider immediately thought of the key to breaking the situation, and he said to Barry: "Batman is outside, you protect him, leave it to me to deal with it here!"

Barry hesitated, "Are you okay?"

The little spider spread his hands and sighed, "Why don't you come?"

Barry disappeared in an instant, and his voice came from the empty place: "You deal with this monster, I will protect the bat and find rescuers for you!"

"This is Metropolis, what happens can't be hidden from Superman's eyes and ears, Superman will be here soon!"

The little spider urgently adjusted other modes of mass destruction on the suit. Although the suit had been handed over to him for many days, the little spider only used the non-lethal weapons on it, such as the electrified spider. Silk, or a spider web launcher, a weapon of mass destruction installed by the Holy Shield... He has never used it.

The little spider frantically avoided the extremely cold rays shot out of Bizarro's eyes, while operating on the battle suit.

"Nuclear weapon mode!"

An option with a radiation warning symbol appeared on the light screen projected from the arm of the suit, and the little spider hurriedly turned it off... "Not this one!"

"Antimatter Mode!"

The little spider blocked the ceiling of the laboratory along a spider web, kicked his legs hard on the ceiling, and the whole person bounced off the ceiling, with his back against the ceiling, and jumped over Bizarro's head. With a light kick on the wall, he rolled and jumped into a corridor, and then ran out frantically.

The flaming breath that Bizarro exhaled rubbed his back, quickly burning the air in the entire laboratory.

Seeing that the oxygen level in the radiation laboratory dropped rapidly, the faces of the researchers under him turned purple, and they were about to suffocate. Luthor quickly ordered Bizarro to stop, and he punched Bizarro in the lower abdomen, saying angrily: : "Go chase!"

At this time, the little spider selected the anti-matter mode while running.

"I haven't tried any of can it be used?"

As soon as the anti-matter mode was selected, the little spider found that the color of his uniform suddenly changed. The original blue and red uniform suddenly turned into a striking color of scarlet mixed with a little black. This striking color is found in nature, including Spiders are ubiquitous, and most are highly venomous creatures that act as a warning to other creatures.

Therefore, it is also called warning color.

At this time, the red and black uniform of the little spider is the warning color of the black widow spider, which belongs to a highly poisonous species of black widow - the color of the highly poisonous Australian redback spider.

"It looks cool...but I still don't know how to operate it!" Little Spider complained while fleeing for his life.

"The user's voice application has been detected, and the voiceprint detection has passed... The auxiliary AI is being activated, and the teaching mode is activated... After the user learns to operate the anti-matter mode, he can use the command to turn off the teaching mode to turn off the auxiliary AI!" The headset on the suit Suddenly, an electronic tone sounded by itself.

The little spider was stunned. He hesitated for a while before carefully complaining: "Hey! I didn't know you were inside my battle are hiding so deeply!"

"The relevant information about the auxiliary AI exists in the instruction manual of the spider suit. Please refer to the relevant items under the combat auxiliary system directory in Chapter 3. Users can read it by themselves!" The electronic voice calmly despised the little spider.

The little spider was speechless... Who told him to participate in the development of his own battle suit, and he hadn't read the instruction manual since he got the suit. The artificial intelligence is not in charge of the spider sensing team where the little spider belongs. , so God knows when it was integrated into the system?

The little spider is not Batman, how can a skeptical conspiracy theorist like Stark check his battle suit thoroughly?

A ray of extreme cold from behind rubbed against the little spider and almost hit it, only for the little spider to come back to his senses, he shouted: "Don't talk so much... Hurry up and activate the weapon!"

"The anti-matter annihilation cannon is charging..."

The little spider heard such a horrifying prompt,

He didn't even care about Bizarro chasing after his ass. Shouted: "Don't want this... Is there a less lethal one!"

The auxiliary AI paused for a second before continuing: "Stop activating the anti-matter annihilation cannon, the anti-electron neutrino high-energy photon beam is starting..." The little spider couldn't see his face. The original painting style was quite normal, and the red and black color scheme was a bit On Cool's mask, six green compound eyes suddenly appeared.

The six green compound eyes, together with the original scarlet eyepatch, reflect a little bit of green fluorescence, and each compound eye is composed of countless tiny eyes.

On the red and black mask, eight green compound eyes spread from the normal eyes to the back of the head, directly changing the little spider's painting style. He changed from a cool scarlet spider to a whole second venom, with a Cthulhu hunting style.

These secretive compound eyes are all laser emitters, or antimatter laser emitters. Ordinary laser emitters cannot be made too small.

Only antimatter beams of high-energy photons are annihilated by a pair of positron-anti-electron neutrinos, releasing a pair of high-energy photons.

In the case of antimatter prepared in advance, the equipment required for this reaction is the simplest, much simpler than the ruby ​​laser generator, and can be made in nanometer size... because the most difficult task is how to manufacture antimatter. But the little spider doesn't have to worry about this, because the suit is charged, and the antimatter inside has already been produced by the Holy Shield.

On the projection screen he saw, a battery-like symbol was the status of antimatter reserves.

A compound eye is composed of about 28,000 miniature laser emitters. The combined workmanship of these laser emitters may not be comparable to a qualified holy shield high-energy laser emitter, but these compound eyes are not completely without reason Yes, these are countless precision-operated laser emitting devices.

The principle is a new type of weapon proposed by Human Revolutionary Union - micro-photon interference device.

Also known as - photon beam collection weapon.

Scientists discovered a long time ago that the lethality, or destructive power, of laser light has nothing to do with the pure energy level, but with the number and energy level of photons per unit area.

That is, the more restricted and concentrated the laser, the stronger the lethality.

However, photons that are too concentrated will cause damage to the generating device. After reaching an order of magnitude, no generating device can gather so many photons. The Human Revolutionary Union changed their thinking and adopted the principle of the solar cooker. ——It is impossible to manufacture beam-set lasers, which can concentrate scattered lasers on a focal point by utilizing the characteristics of straight-line propagation of light.

This is exactly the same principle as the magnifying glass burning ants in most people's childhood.

But the simple principle of burning ants has produced two kinds of killer weapons of the Human Revolutionary Union, the stellar focal length weapon and the photon beam collection weapon!

The stellar focal length weapon is the super-large lens placed in front of the star to burn ants (planets), while the photon beam set weapon uses the smallest laser emitter, and in the smallest laser emitter, it is small and High-energy photon beams, and then use the brain to fine-tune the laser emitter, and finally concentrate the orbits of all photon beams on a focal point.

Because the photon beam is only a few atmometers in size, the focal point is only a few atmometers in size.

At such a concentrated point, the beam gathers so many high-energy photons, and the destructive power is surprisingly strong. When such dense and active high-energy photons pass through the focus, they will inevitably collide with the atomic nuclei of the atoms at the focus, resulting in photoinduced Nuclear reaction—the gamma photons with greater than a certain energy interact with the nuclei of material atoms and emit particles.

Of course, a nuclear resonance reaction may also occur-the incident photon excites the nucleus to an excited state, and then emits a gamma photon when de-exciting.

In any case, it will produce astonishing lethality... If the stellar focal length weapon is a weapon of mass destruction, a star-destroying weapon, then the photon beam weapon is a terrifying weapon that targets individuals and has astonishing lethality.

Originally, no one developed this weapon because the unit energy level of this weapon was too high, and a single bullet could kill a target. Why did it cost so much? There was no demand for this kind of individual high-energy weapon.

However, after Apocalypse destroyed the original universe of the Human Revolutionary Union, this situation changed completely.

Revenge of the Human Revolutionary League required the development of such fearsome weapons against ultra-powerful individuals.

Peter was completely unaware of the series of games and changes behind it. In his impression—isn't this just a laser?

It never occurred to him that what he unleashed might be a demon many times more terrifying than a nuclear weapon. The photon beam was concentrated at a focal point of only a few atm, and then the eight compound eyes quickly changed the trajectory of the laser light, forming a line composed of countless such focal points , such a line across Bizarro's head.

A bunch of photon knives sliced ​​across Bizarro's head

While the little spider was stunned, Bizarro's head fell off!

If it's Superman, this is literally dead. Fortunately, Bizarro is a biological weapon. Luthor didn't think about him at all. The head is gone, the thinking organ is dead, and a new copy, am I still me? This kind of high-level, involving self-identity issues.

Bizarro is a zombie-like biological weapon, so there is nothing to be afraid of without his head.

Just one more!

There was a burst of granulation on his broken neck, and a brand new baby-sized, limp head grew out of the granulation, quickly matured, and soon it was no different from before.

The assistant AI said in the little spider's ear: "After judging, this life body is more active. Do you authorize the use of matter annihilation weapons? Only half of the antimatter reserves are needed to annihilate the basic materials that make up this life body. The large amount of energy produced It can also charge the suit and activate Antimatter Mode II!"

The little spider instinctively refused: "No..." He hesitated for a while: "Let's find his sample mother body!"

"Destroy the surrounding magnetic restraints and sound-absorbing devices!" the little spider ordered.

In order to prevent the secrets of the laboratory from being known by Superman, Luthor installed anti-Superman monitoring equipment in the laboratory of the Lex Group and the place where he was active, so Barry the Flash completely miscalculated, and Superman may not be sure if there is a disturbance here can know.

The six compound eyes on both sides of the little spider's face to the back of the head looked at the two sides, and the original laser emitting device transformed to emit a beam of antimatter rays.

After a while, a violent explosion opened the dome of the Lex laboratory.

When the dust and smoke from the explosion slowly dissipated, the little spider keenly discovered that under the cover of the smoke and dust in the sky, a striking red cloak was flying up and down against the wind, hunting and hunting. The angular and handsome face is like a sculpture carved by an ancient Greek knife, exuding a suffocating hormonal atmosphere.

I don't know how the little spider will react, but Luther is about to suffocate and pass out!

Batman in the distance suddenly opened his tiger eyes wide, staring at that figure with complicated eyes...

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