Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 167 A poor, helpless, manipulated, but crazy clown

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The broken red cloak was flying with dark red embers, the inverted S red symbol was printed on the chest of the dark blue uniform, the iron body was like steel and iron, the dead gray skin, and the burnt hideous face .

Everyone saw the shadow clearly - it was Bizarro!

In the direction Bizarro was facing, there was a huge blank space. In the ruins of the Lex Laboratory, which was full of wreckage and broken walls, although it was dilapidated, the general framework was still preserved. There was only one direction in which the punch went. The huge fan-shaped blank space is like the crater caused by the impact of shells in the ruins of the battlefield.

Expose the scorched soil beneath the floor.

Superman lay at the end of this trail, tens of meters away from the little spider, and he could only see the bright red of the cape through the collapsed concrete covering him.

The cloak on Bizarro's back was as dark red as blood coagulation.

The cloak on Superman is bright red.

Barry's face was full of shock, but Batman couldn't see his expression concealed by the mask. Little Spider's hands trembled slightly, and he suddenly stretched out his hand. Bizarro bowed his head facing him, and Peter put his hand on the On Bizarro's head, he looked directly at Bizarro's skin burned through the strong radiation, at those burns that directly exposed muscles and showed deep bone.

"Let's go!" Peter whispered, "Just leave it to me!"

"I will find a way to cure you!"

Bizarro did not respond, he took a deep look at the little spider and turned his head, facing the direction of Superman again.

Superman in the ruins slowly peeled away the concrete on his body, his eyes glowed red - the reason why many people insist that Superman is a demon is because he looks extremely evil when he shoots lasers from his eyes in the dark of red.

Superman stood up from the ruins, he was levitating, and stared down at Bizarro opposite.

There was a strange smile on Luther's face, he turned to the little spider and said, "It seems that when you made him, you left some back doors that I don't even know about."

"I didn't!" Little Spider said seriously, "It's because life cannot be controlled!"

Bizarro rushed towards Superman, his body rubbed a faint white wave in the air, and the huge shock wave shook the entire ruins of the Lex laboratory,

Bizarro rushed in front of Superman. Both of them had the physical quality of Kryptonians, so their collision was nothing fancy, just punches and kicks. It was the most violent and direct collision.

Batman is proficient in hundreds of fighting techniques in the world, but he still can't block the simplest straight punch of Superman.

But after the strength reaches a certain level, human skills will lose their meaning. In the Justice League, Superman is the least capable hero in fighting, because he only needs to exert a little strength, and most of the enemies are defeated. Most of the time, Superman doesn't think about how to defeat the enemy, but how to avoid hurting the enemy.

Otherwise, as soon as he exerted his strength, the ordinary criminal on the opposite side would be annihilated in ashes, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Superman didn't want to learn human fighting skills, but Bizarro didn't have time to learn. Don't look at him looking like a big and hideous man. In fact, he is still a baby who has just been born for two days, and his personality is still in ignorance. Period, he doesn't even know what is good and evil except protecting 'mother', a baby with great power.

The battle between him and Superman is like moving forward tens of times, and most people's optic nerves can no longer capture such a fast picture.

Superman's fist hit Bizarro, sometimes hurting his body, but soon these small wounds healed, and the next attack of the same force could even break the skin, and Superman let go little by little. Unlocking his body, he again used the eye's high-energy laser line, this time the high-intensity laser only scratched Bizarro's skin.

The open skin presents an incomparably complex structure, which is the mechanism of carbon-based materials.

Even a carbon-based body that has evolved to the extreme will have weaknesses, but Superman feels that Bizarro on the opposite side is rapidly becoming stronger. Sex, in a sense, Superman's attack, is like a positive stimulus, allowing this monster to promote his development and growth after birth.

Superman wasn't made to fight, but Bizarro was.

Now Superman's full attack can only cause some flesh injuries to Bizarro, which will definitely not be worse than an ordinary person being beaten by a cat.

And Superman's incomparably powerful abilities are just cat's paws in front of Bizarro.

This is the gene fragment of the Superman serum that the little spider added on his own initiative. The Superman serum is the result of the evolution of the super soldier serum through the Doomsday virus. The Superman serum did not completely retain the fast learning of the Doomsday virus and evolved to adapt to the opponent Ability, the means to restrain the opponent.

But it still retains a part of the ability to learn and evolve.

What the little spider added were only some fragments of Superman's serum, which was only used to fill in the lack of Superman's complete gene, so Bizarro did not obtain the complete ability of the Doomsday virus, nor could it achieve Rogers' symbiosis between Superman's serum and Doomsday virus He's just superhuman blood evolved with superhuman serum.

His ability still comes from the man in red underwear and red cape on the opposite side.

Now, everyone can see it.

Superman is at an absolute disadvantage...

It's not the fear of hurting the other party, the superficial disadvantage caused by restraint, but the difficulty of going all out and still being defeated. The further Bizarro goes to the back, the more relaxed he feels like an adult beating a child.

Finally, Bizarro impatiently grabbed Superman's hand, ignored the crazy output of Superman's other hand, and slammed Superman to the ground.

The world suddenly became quiet!

Bizarro pinched the back of Superman's head like a basketball with his wide palm, lifted him up, and walked in the direction of the little spider.

Barry and the others were a little nervous, but they didn't panic, because Bizarro didn't show any hostility on his face.

The little spider breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Although the process is a bit out of control, but fortunately everything is over. You take Superman away! I will take the child away and find a place to cure him." Said After that, he glanced at Luther angrily: "Dare to join the Prophet, the Second Prophet may be looking for trouble for her."

"How do you usually deal with this lunatic?" Peter pointed at Luther in disgust.

"Send him to the police station?" Little Spider was a little unwilling, but besides this, he really had no other choice.

Bizarro threw Superman to Barry, and lifted Luther up by the neck. Luthor didn't care, but laughed nervously twice, and said with a smile, "Why are you so serious?"

The familiar tone made Batman raise his head vigilantly.

Luther hung in Bizarro's hand, swinging around his neck in a nonsense tone, like swinging on a swing, he whispered: "Don't look at me like that...I'm not Joker. Just a bit like him, Joker trying to prove to me that other people are just like him, it just takes one bad day and anyone can become a Joker."

"Really... just a little push."

"We'd be falling, and we'd be smashed."

"Did you know that there is something in the clown's body, you can call it the clown virus, and if you kill him, you will be infected with this virus. Don't look at me like that, I didn't kill him. But the people who killed him used think I'm a conspirator, a lunatic, an uncontrolled bomb."

"No, I'm just a, poor, manipulated, helpless-clown!"

"When he killed him, I was too close. So I became a clown... Now, he is too close!" Luthor had a strange smile familiar to Batman on his face, and Luthor held himself With his hand, he scratched his neck, and then made a mouth shape - "Bang!"

Then, right in front of Batman's eyes, Luther exploded into a cloud of blood.

It happened so suddenly that everyone was shocked.

"Everything that doesn't kill me will make me weirder; and everything that kills me will become me!" Batman thought of this sentence for no reason, and he realized it...but it exploded into blood mist The high-purity Dionysian factor in Luthor's body has penetrated into Bizarro's body.

All the clues flashed through Batman's mind like lightning——

Someone killed the Joker without showing his face in front of Luthor.

The virus after the Joker's death infected Luthor.

Under the cover of the Second Prophet, Luther created Bizarro in advance.

Those who kill clowns will eventually become clowns—clowns are a virus that can be transmitted and passed on. Those who are close to clowns will be infected by this madness, and those who kill clowns will also be infected by this virus. Luthor himself can prove that even if the clown died a little closer to him, he would be infected.

Then Bizarro has been infected.

Luthor was a bomb - someone used him and Peter to create Bizarro, then used him as an infection source, and ended up infecting Bizarro. His intention was to create something with the body of a superman, the mind of a clown, a true bizarro.

There is no doubt that this person is the Second Prophet—he didn't even intend to do it himself.

He just used Luthor to create the scariest weapon, the physically strongest Superman and the most mentally dangerous clown.

Together, they are the most dangerous existence in this world.

So Luther was controlled by that person from the beginning to the end. He made Luthor succumb, could easily kill the clown, and induce Peter to create Bizarro. This person can only be the Second Prophet.

The Second Prophet created a very dangerous weapon, the uncontrolled bomb, without even showing his face.

Batman raised his head, looked at Bizarro who was in a daze and didn't know what was going on, and said in a low voice, "If I'm not wrong, there's nothing wrong with the Third Prophet... The real danger is us .” He looked at the place where Chen Ang had played, and found a projector there as expected.

Chen Ang watched all this through the screen.

It seems that he and Batman looked at each other through the video...

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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