Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 168 I am an emotionless villain

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At this time, no matter how slow the little spider is, it should be aware that something is wrong.

He looked back at Bizarro, who was still standing there, looking at the little spider. He opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but his bloodless lips squirmed twice, and without making any sound, the corners of his mouth began to twitch uncontrollably.

Bizarro's eyes were covered with a hazy mist.

He opened his mouth, and the twitching of the corner of his mouth made the expression on his face very strange.

He finally yelled out the first words since he entered the world: "Dad!"

"No..." the little spider screamed, he jumped up and jumped in front of Bizarro, but Bizarro's legs gave way and he fell to his knees, he grabbed the little spider's hand like a child, But the Dionysian factor was flowing hopelessly to his heart at this time.

The Dionysian Factor is a 'metal' that exists in the Pool of Lazarus.

It can bring people a powerful self-healing ability, but it can also seriously distort people's minds.

There is a large amount of high-purity Dionysian factor in the clown's blood. This metal exists in the form of a nano-virus, which can change the human cerebral cortex and make the infected person's way of thinking approach to that of the clown.

It is not known that the Joker used the Dionysian factor to create the virus so that anyone who killed him would turn into him. Like a dragon slayer turned into a dragon?

Or did the Dionysian factor have this effect inherently, creating the Joker?

Anyway, all this is meaningless. In a certain parallel world, the Batman who killed the clown was infected with the virus, and finally became a new clown after only persisting for a few days. He slaughtered the entire Justice League and the Bat family, calling himself—— The Laughing Bat.

But only Batman's willpower can last for a few days, Bizarro has not even formed a personality, he is just a blank slate.

A white paper that can be easily smeared, Batman can persist for a few days after being infected with the virus, but Bizarro... only needs a moment.

The corners of Bizarro's mouth began to curl up. Facing his 'father', he didn't show any pain, but slowly showed a smile, an exaggerated, weird, clown-like smile with teeth exposed .


Bizarro said with a sly smile: "I feel like my mind is in a mess,

It seems to know a lot of things at once, father! "

At this time, everyone knew that something went wrong, and Barry was at a loss. Batman could only stand in the shadows and watch everything happen. The only thing he could do was to get rid of Bizarro after the tragedy happened. prevent more tragedies from happening. And the little spider didn't know what to do, he held Bizarro's head in his arms.

Watching his personality struggling in pain.

Bizarro had struggled, and the smile on his face was distorted by this struggle, making him even uglier, half crying and laughing, but Peter could only clenched his fists and watched everything irreversible happen in front of him.

He sang the lullaby his father Richard sang to him when he was a child, as if it would calm Bizarro's struggling pain.

Bizarro raised his head in Peter's arms, crying and laughing: "Father, even if you wear a mask, I can see you crying... What makes you so sad? What you don't want, hate Yes, I will...destroy it all for you!" Bizarro began to behave like a child, innocent and innocent, but he laughed with a cruel and evil smile.

Like when a child rips off a bug's wings and limbs with an innocent smile.

It is the purest evil that transcends good and evil!

It is a kind of evil that is different from the clown, but there are some similarities. It is a kind of evil that adds a cruel personality and evil moral principles to ignorant innocence.

"Is it them?" Bizarro looked at the three giants of the Justice League - Batman, Flash and Superman, tilted his head and asked: "Are they making you unhappy? Father...they also make me unhappy Angry! Especially that one?" Bizarro pointed at the bat: "He looks nasty..."

After all, Bizarro disappeared into Peter's arms, and he came to Batman in an instant, and tore off Batman's right leg like tearing off a leg of a toy villain.

In the hands of Bizarro, the muscles as tough as steel are not much stronger than a toy villain. He began to laugh without empathy like a naughty boy. He watched the blood gushing from the base of Batman's leg. The bones were exposed, and then he laughed sharply like a naughty boy, a bear child.

Barry on the side was stunned.

He stared wide-eyed like a ignorant deer, looking at all this in a daze, and then Bizarro grabbed him with one hand as excitedly as a child seeing a deer, and Barry activated the speed force , wanting to escape from the hands of the monster that frightened him.

But in Speed ​​Force, Bizarro drove Barry into his trap like a hunter with the red cloak behind him. He opened the red cloak and wrapped Barry in one fell swoop.

He grabbed Barry's scalp, and the sharp nails on his five fingers sank into Barry's scalp. He spread his five fingers like a black star grabbing a basketball as big as his own, grabbed the back of Barry's head, and dragged him impatiently Flicking around on the ground.

Before Superman could struggle, Bizarro dragged Barry to Superman, and he whispered, "Hey? Look into my eyes." When Superman looked up, Bizarro's eyes shot an extremely cold Ray, and then he gouged out the frozen eyeballs in Superman's eyes with a speed that no one could react to.

Two beautiful brown eyes, held by Bizarro like glass balls.

A sincere smile appeared on Bizarro's face.

He turned his head and said to Peter seriously: "I'll kill everyone who makes father unhappy?"

The little spider is going crazy!

He wanted to stop Bizarro, but Bizarro seemed to know that he was going to stop himself. He screamed loudly one step ahead and dragged Barry and Clark to the sky above the metropolis. He was as sharp as a bear in an amusement park Laughing loudly, he tosses Clark into the air, then lets out a piercing scream that destroys Superman's other senses.

While making Barry scream, he flew around Superman.

The screams of his teammates made Superman furious. He thought he had caught Bizarro's figure, but he didn't know that Bizarro had deliberately exposed it to Superman. Superman breathed out an extremely cold breath, trying to freeze the freshly baked Devil, but Bizarro just let out a smug and shrill laugh, and then ran away quickly.

His speed is beyond the imagination of Superman. His screams made Superman with super hearing very painful, like a person with acute hearing being forced to press on the floor to hear a hundred cats' paws scratching the glass, and a hundred tongue-in-cheek shrews scratching the blackboard with their long nails , and at the same time chattering nonsense and scolding.

Superman, who was almost collapsed by Bizarro's sharp voice, lost control!

Bizarro dodged Superman's attack nimbly, but he deliberately guided the direction of Superman's breath across the busiest square in the metropolis.

In Times Square, Superman's icy breath freezes everything.

Bizarro gleefully flew over here at low altitude, like a child crushing ants, excitedly smashing the frozen passers-by one by one... He cheered. Use Barry to hit those frozen ice sculptures, Barry wants to break free in anger and fear, but Bizarro is like a demon, paying attention to Barry's expression, when he pays attention to those people making Barry more painful, he will Specifically smashing those people.

He flew up and pressed the painful and guilty Superman into the cold pile of corpses.

He held up Superman and announced in all directions: "This is your hero, Superman! He killed everyone here..."

He forced Barry to swallow ice cubes with bones and flesh in his mouth, and poor Barry vomited out of his stomach.

The little spider quickly crossed two blocks with its spider webs, before finding Bizarro. He was screaming, spitting out plasma high-temperature breath, burning the citizens of the metropolis like ants, and seeing the little spider, Bizarro Just like a child playing crazy, excited, can't wait to escape the control of his parents.

He is going to fly to other places to fight guerrilla warfare with the little spider.

Seeing all this, the little spider was in great pain. He reached out and used the crimson glove to activate the time gem on his chest, and then stopped time. Bizarro was flying slowly in the time stop. When he saw the little spider, his face turned pale. There was still a trace of panic on the face, which was completely a child's fear.

The little spider pointed the time gem at Bizarro, and put his palm on the huge green spell energy forming a magic circle.

The other hand took off the hood, and tears were streaming down his young face.

The little spider sobbed and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry!"

The magic circle of time rotates slowly, and everything in the metropolis that was crazily destroyed by Bizarro begins to flow backwards. The dead are resurrected, the buildings burned down by the ultra-high temperature plasma breath are restored, the collapsed buildings are erected, and the seriously injured Barry begins to recover. After recovering, they returned to Lex Lab step by step.

Superman's eyes lighted up again, and Batman's legs joined them.

Everything returned to the original, the strange smile on Bizarro's face slowly receded, revealing the ignorance and embarrassment of the past, he stared at the little spider, but the little spider was already crying - he still can't precisely control the time back, When he treated Batman, he sent him back a few days ago.

Bizarro, on the other hand, was an embryo two days ago and had not existed before.

When he used the time gem, he knew... Reversing the time of Metropolis is infinitely more complicated than tracing the state of Batman alone. In this complicated project, it is impossible to accurately locate Bizarro's time state... possible.

Sure enough... After Bizarro returned to normal, the little spider was desperately trying to control the Eye of Agomodo.

But he was still unable to do what he wanted, and he could only watch Bizarro's state go back quickly, and soon a powerful gamma ray returned from his body, and Bizarro became an embryo again, suspended in mid-air .

Then there is the state of the fertilized egg that is invisible to the naked eye...

Then there are some meaningless dna fragments... He has been wiped out, disappeared in the timeline.

The little spider fell to his knees weakly, grasping the Time Gem with one hand, and wearing a crimson glove with the other, he fell powerlessly to the ground, crying bitterly...

Chen Ang watched all this calmly from behind the screen. He was completely indifferent to Bizarro's destruction, and he was not annoyed at all that his plan was destroyed.

Because of his plan - to force the little spider to use the time gem and destroy Bizarro!

I'm an emotionless behind-the-scenes man!

Chen Ang crossed his hands under his chin, and the flat glasses on the bridge of his nose reflected a cold light.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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