Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 169 The 3 Laws of Minority Report

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The little spider used the Eye of Agomodo as Chen Ang wished.

The Lex laboratory was successfully restored by the little spider, and several people returned to the laboratory, and the surroundings were intact, as if nothing had happened, but the little spider stared behind the door of the radiation laboratory—some people But never again. Luthor, who had been revived, sat paralyzed by the side, with a slightly devastated expression on his face.

When Batman mentioned Luthor, he jumped out of his teeth and asked, "What is 'origin'?"

Luthor's eyes regained a gleam—being played by Chen Ang between applause was a big blow to his confidence, and he said dryly: "'Origin' is Dr. Reed!"

"What?" Little Spider stood up and asked, "Is 'Origin' not related to the Bizarro Project?"

"Yes..." Luthor seemed disheartened. He was revived after being plotted to die. He already hated the Second Prophet. He looked at the little spider with a mocking smile on his face and said: "Project Bizarro, which I used against Superman, has nothing to do with the committee."

"A few years ago, just before the accident in the cutting-edge laboratory in Central City, the committee convened all members and informed us of a very critical accident-Dr. Reed disappeared!"

"Dr. Reed's research is related to the existence of the first prophet..." Luther said: "He seems to have discovered something in the research, so he wants to get rid of our control. After the committee determined that Dr. Reed would no longer work for us , made a let him disappear."

"Wait..." Barry panicked, "What does this have to do with the cutting-edge laboratory in Central City?"

"The cutting-edge laboratory in the central city is an important research institution of the committee. At that time, it was conducting a research on the parallel world, so the committee made a decision to retrieve another Dr. Reed from the parallel world and let him continue the research , and Dr. Reed in our world cannot appear again." Luther said frankly.

"So, what did that Dr. Reed you want to get rid of find?" Batman asked in a low voice.

Luther looked blank: "I don't know, I need to go back to the headquarters to remember."

"So you decided to get rid of Dr. Reed and find another Dr. Reed from the parallel world." Superman frowned and said: "The experiment in the cutting-edge laboratory in Central City was successful. You found the second Dr. Reed , Then what happened to that big explosion?"

"The particle power furnace is overloaded..." Luther said indifferently: "Even if the experiment is successful,

Still all sorts of accidents can happen, right? At that time, we did summon the second Dr. Reed from the parallel world, but the moment he crossed the boundary of the universe, he needed too much energy, which put a huge pressure on the particle power furnace, causing the power furnace to explode. "

"After we found the 'Origin', another committee member cleaned his memory, making him think that he is the Reed of this world." Luthor continued.

Seeing the gloomy faces of the heroes, he laughed: "I know what you will say, isn't it a hypocritical committee? It seems that all of us committee members are conspirator hidden in the dark side of the world, and the World Security Council is not To protect the world, but to achieve some kind of dark and unknown conspiracy, right?"

"What if I told you that the decisions about Reed were not made by our commissioners."

"But it was decided by the three prophets?"

Luther laughed: "Yes, according to what all the prophets have always believed, Dr. Reed's behavior has endangered the safety of this world. The prophet has determined that his actions will definitely lead to the world slipping into the abyss. After the three prophets It was determined that the committee made the decision to make him disappear. At the same time, in order to avoid the same problem with Dr. Reed in the parallel world, we cleaned his memory."

The little spider refused to believe: "The third prophet is on our side, if Reed is the origin, and after the judgment of the three prophets, why didn't she tell us?"

"She doesn't know..." Luther replied.

He laughed: "You don't know how many times the committee has saved the world. The three prophets monitor the entire world. Once there are factors that threaten the world, they will perceive them, and then pass a judgment and inform the committee. The committee will solve it. We judged the kid who developed superpowers because of the Central City experiment..."

"Yes, that's you Barry."

"The prophets have observed that if the speed force you possess breaks through the time barrier and disrupts the normal timeline, it will endanger the entire universe and cause a crisis called flashpoint, that is, the entire universe will be overthrown and restarted. The prophets once considered Whether to eliminate this unknown risk in advance, but later the three prophets believed that the cosmic crisis you caused was not inevitable, so they rejected this proposal."

"They submitted a report to the committee, and a committee member set up a mental suggestion for you. Under any circumstances, if you want to run too fast, surpassing the speed of light, and go back to the past, your body will overheat and endanger your life!"

"But there's also a minority report that erases you, kept at headquarters."

"Once the committee thinks that you have broken through the limit and started to go to the flash point, then we will use this report and kill you!"

"And you—the son of Krypton, the committee discovered you when you came to Earth in a spaceship. At that time, the present Third Prophet had not yet been born. At that time, the Third Prophet was a man called' The professor's psychic ability user, his lower body was paralyzed, and he could only move around in a wheelchair. At that time, the prophets predicted that this world would attract the attention of many powerful enemies because of your birth, but the prophets never thought of killing you, because You are not the deciding factor in the crisis."

"You see the World Security Council as the kind of unreasonable organization that will be eliminated as soon as a risk is discovered, and you see us as lunatics who eliminate all threats, but you don't know that unless there is no second possibility, we are not willing to Eliminate future risks and crises by eliminating one person."

"Am I right?" Luther turned around and asked, "The third prophet?"

The third prophet came out from the darkness and sighed: "You are right... It is the prophet who controls the committee so that it does not get out of control. I thought the system of the three prophets was perfect, because we never go to extremes, each Every decision must have an opponent who thinks on the opposite side, and every resolution must have an opposition report."

"I thought the Prophet had no selfish motives and no secrets."

"I have always remained true to the three prophets system established by the first prophet."

"You too, Luther." The third knew first: "But we already feel that the crisis is approaching..."

Luther sighed: "Because the second prophet has begun to destroy the rules of the game, this makes us have to rethink everything about the organization, the system of the three prophets, the first prophet and the destruction of the world. These secrets must be hidden in the organization In the dark side of the organization, the only way to determine whether the organization is out of control is..."

"Get those minority reports!" The third prophet agreed: "Look at how the prophets of the negative people think, and look at the secrets behind the organization's previous decisions!"

"This time the second prophet's layout used a secret of the clown. I remember that the prophets predicted that the death of the clown would cause Batman to destroy the world under some coincidence. In the end, the prophets issued a report, as long as Batman If we don't kill the clown, we won't use the minority report to deal with the crisis." The third prophet said with emotion: "It seems that someone has already read that minority report."

"Or the second prophet is the villain back then!" Luthor replied.

The third prophet shook his head and said: "The opponent who issued the minority report back then was the first prophet. The minority report can only be made by the prophets who must include the resolutions of the prophets as a variable that has already occurred. It is for the prophets. Prophecies that change the world's decisions. When the first prophet predicts the world after the prophets decide to change the world, it is like an equation that includes a known variable, then we, as part of the known variable, cannot be issued in the predicted minority report The world after."

"Because in that future, Minority Report is a variable in a Schrödinger state."

“We can all predict the world before the Minority Report was read, but we cannot predict the world after the Minority Report is read—because we cannot grasp the variable of the Minority Report, it is also a prophet’s prediction, There is uncertainty. So only after the Minority Report has been read can the prophet predict that timeline."

"The reason why we are not worried about the Minority Report leaking is because once someone reads the report, then the report is known to the Prophet! This isolated variable will start to affect the world, and the Prophet will know that the Minority Report records of everything and who read it?"

"Unless the person is also a prophet, he is a variable, and the Minority Report will remain in limbo."

The third prophet finally revealed another unknown secret of the three-prophet system.

The Minority Report is not just another possibility besides the prophecy of the prophet, not only the prophecy of the prophet as an opponent, but also the prophecy of the opponent, predicting that the three prophets system made a resolution and changed the world.

If you take the little spider as an example...

The Three Prophets predicted that the little spider would destroy the world.

As an opponent, a prophet first prophesies from the perspective that the little spider will not destroy the world. After the three prophets system forms a resolution and starts chasing and killing the little spider, the prophet who is the opponent should use the decision of the three prophets system as a variable Bring it in and prophesy again—that is, prophecy, because the three prophets prophesied the changed world.

At this time, he came to the conclusion that because the three prophets made the prophecy that the little spider would destroy the world, the little spider failed to destroy the world.

In order to avoid this prediction from interfering with the established results, this conclusion will be sealed as a minority report.

In order not to appear, predicting that someone will destroy the world, predicting that someone will no longer destroy the world because of this prophecy, and because of predicting that someone will no longer destroy the world, the result is that the world is destroyed by someone... Such endless paradoxes appear.

Because of this, the Minority Report cannot be known to anyone but the Prophet himself.

Because it is only related to the prophet, it is a closed-loop existence to the world, and its conclusion will not have any impact on the world, and it will not affect its conclusion.

That is to say, a prophecy is most accurate only if it is not known by anyone.

This is a prophecy without observers, it will not cause any changes in the world, so it cannot be perceived by the prophet.

Once it is perceived by the observer, it appears in the world and can be perceived by the prophet, that is, the prophet can perceive the prophecy of the minority report, and the world once again enters the paradox of continuing to prophesy .

Unless the observer of this minority report is also a prophet, like a number packed in a box and taken out of a black box, all observers know this number, but if this number has a relationship with an unknown , then even if it is taken out of the black box, it is still unknown.

These are the three laws of Minority Report.

The Minority Report cannot be perceived, and once perceived, it is discarded and reports submitted as known prophets are considered for execution.

Once Minority Report is perceived, it will be discovered by the Prophet, unless it is perceived by another Prophet.

Minority Report was only enabled after existing reports became unenforceable.

In summary, the prophet predicts what factors will destroy the world, and the committee forms a resolution based on the prediction, with a prophet as the opponent. Began to prophesy the prophetic prophecy, how the world will be changed after the committee's actions, and the prophecy is sealed as a minority report.

Once the committee finds out its actions and can change the fact that the world is destroyed.

Then the archived prophecy will be activated. At the same time, two other prophets will formulate a minority report on the current situation.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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