Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 180 The Hamster is the First Driving Force of the Universe

Central City is located in Missouri in the Midwest of the United States, adjacent to Keystone City. It is worth mentioning that Central City developed well in the last century. It ranks among the best in terms of economy and culture. It is also the center of American commerce, architecture and art. , known as the "Gem of the Midwest", but with the opening of Keystone City, a large number of factories and commercial activities have been transferred to Keystone City, and the development of Keystone City has gradually surpassed Central City.

But despite this, Central City still retains quite strong academic strength, such as Central City University, Central City School of Medicine, and of course the most important s.t.a.r cutting-edge science laboratory.

The state-of-the-art laboratory located by the river was once the pride of Central City, but it failed due to an experimental accident.

A red light is approaching the former cutting-edge laboratory site along the main road of the central city. The speed of the light is so fast that its moving route can only be seen completely in the frame of reference that is stagnant to nanoseconds.

The red light flashed across the continuous flow of people and vehicles on the entire street, without causing any waves, because its speed was too fast! Far beyond the perception limit of human eyes and monitoring, only the super-sensing satellites of cutting-edge scientific laboratories in space can take ten super-sensing photos per nanosecond to take a fuzzy red figure.

Time seemed to be stopped around that red figure!

"Do you have any discomfort?" Barry said shyly, "It's the first time I've taken an ordinary person..." With Reed on his back, his legs quickly swung into a phantom, and golden lightning surrounded them, making them They are caught in a strange force field.

Under Barry's tugging, Reed's body was stretched to twice its length. If he hadn't been lying on Barry's back, he would have scared the shy Barry crazy.

Reed glanced at his rubber-like elastic body that stretched freely.

He said calmly, "I should not be considered an ordinary person."

"I still want to thank you for helping me retrieve my memory..." Out of the instinct of a scientist, Reed analyzed: "Although some memories are still vague, I can already confirm that I should have been teleported from another world. I don't know why there is a Reid here, but I was sent here because of a teleportation accident."

"As for where Dr. Reed went in this world, and how I came to this should all have something to do with the cutting-edge science laboratory that pulled me into this world."

"That's why Batman asked me to take you to the old site of the cutting-edge laboratory. We all changed our fate because of that accident, so I will work with you to find out what happened that day!" Barry said seriously: "That's our origin in this world!"

Reed tries to catch the lightning that surrounds Barry,

He actually succeeded. He used something like a battery to save a little bit of Barry's speed force. This is what he has been trying to do since he met Barry. success on the back.

Reed stole a bit of the golden "golden" lightning around Barry, and Barry didn't notice this weak speed force weakness.

Soon Barry stopped in front of a dilapidated building with three tower-like buildings "inserted" on the ground floor of the circle. The place was overgrown with wild grass, and the surrounding was silent. It seemed that it had been abandoned for several years! Barry stared at this familiar yet unfamiliar building, and said in a low voice, "Since the accident a few years ago, this place has been forgotten by Central City..."

Reed secretly plugged the magnet, looked up and said, "This universe is getting weirder and weirder!" Looking at the seemingly dilapidated building, he felt a strange feeling inside, like a black hole leading to the unknown, It's as if something is still alive inside.

Barry watched Reed pry open the door, and hurried up to help: "I don't think there is anything strange... Wouldn't it be illegal to go in like this? We are breaking into a private domain..."

"Are you still going to apply for a search warrant to the judge?" Reid walked in directly, raising the flashlight in his hand, obviously planning to go in and find out.

Barry was a little tangled, but followed.

"God are really going to apply for a search warrant!" Reed saw the materials Barry had prepared for the search of the cutting-edge laboratory, and Barry said honestly: "I have a good relationship with the judicial department in Central City. for a search warrant."

Reed saw the traces of the explosion left between the three high-rise buildings in the cutting-edge laboratory, so he went up and inspected it carefully: "This is the trace caused by the high-energy particle beam hitting it. There are plasmas on the surface of the building. The burning caused... look at the "diffraction" traces, the energy level of this experiment far exceeded its experimental plan. You are right... this is not a particle accelerator at all."

"This is a large-scale experiment, with at least 10 million times stronger particle beams."

"Look at the neutron radiation damage... There is at least the energy from the explosion of a thousand nuclear bombs here, which is enough to penetrate time and space." Reed dared not believe it: "They actually really abandoned this place, which is worth at least three years. a Nobel Prize."

"You also have a Nobel Prize there?" Barry was surprised: "So many coincidences? Is it a parallel world?"

"It's not a parallel world!" Reid stood up from the study of the diffraction marks on the marble slab on the ground, clapped his hands and said, "I have studied the parallel worlds of our universe, no matter which direction the timeline of the parallel worlds develops, Its physical laws will not change, because the bottom layer of the parallel world is unified at low latitudes, so no matter how different the parallel worlds are, it is impossible to have fundamentally different physical laws... And our universe, there is no What super speed."

Reed said firmly: "The speed force you possess can fully prove that we are in two universes."

"This is an exchange between two different universes, so what happened here that day is really...amazing. Traveling through parallel worlds may not be difficult, but traveling through different's a 'miracle'."


Batman was meditating in the time trap, and after a long time he looked up and said: "The committee's minority report revealed that the universe where Reed and Peter are located is not a different universe, but a world that was destroyed in the previous generation, but Dr. Reed It is believed that if it is the same multiverse, the laws of physics must be the same, and our universe has a speed force that did not exist in the previous world, so our world is not in the same universe.”

"These two statements are definitely in conflict."

"If our universe is reborn from the destruction of their world, why is there the Speed ​​Force?"

"Only by understanding this problem can we really touch the truth." Batman said: "And there are no such forces in the previous world, but there are two other forces that exist in our world that are close to the fundamental laws of physics. We should investigate them all. How it came about."

Know first: "You write it out, and I will let them investigate."

"One is the emotional spectrum power possessed by Green Lantern. Green Lantern returned to the Lantern Corps headquarters three years ago. You have to find him back. The other is the anti-life equation. This kind of power is very dangerous, and it is still a mystery. ’, don’t touch it lightly until the most dangerous time.”


"Are you sure this place has been abandoned?" Reid looked at the particle accelerator ruins, his expression a little uneasy.

They originally planned to investigate by inspecting the wreckage of the particle accelerator, looking for some hidden and deeper clues, but now it seems that there is no wreckage. In the original position of the particle accelerator is a group of powerful speed force energy, countless various A black hole in which lightning bolts of different colors are entangled.

The Flash Barry trembled in front of this powerful group of Speed ​​Force energy, his voice changed, and he said in horror: "I feel that my ability comes from it, and all the energy in me is created by it, Speed ​​Force Created by it, used by me, it is an engine, an engine that produces the speed force."

Regardless of life and death, Reed approached the black hole and observed: "This is a complex spatial structure..."

"Is this the source of the cosmic speed force?"

Reed has some common sense collapsed: "How can a physical law of the universe come from an object, how can a physical quantity have a so-called engine, God does not exist, and there is no God who created the first cause. Is it what Sir Newton said Is it true that the force in the universe comes from a first driving force, and the speed of light in the universe also comes from a 'first cause'?"

"From the Speed ​​Force engine?"

Reed's face collapsed, which was completely contrary to his worldview. He didn't want to admit that this world and him originated from the same universe.


One day a few years ago, when the cutting-edge science laboratory started the "Particle Accelerator Experiment", the chief designer Chen Ang stood on the scene with a serious face in his hard hat. He asked, "Is the hamster ball ready?"

Hamster Ball is a special space code-named "Hamster Ball". It is manufactured by Republic Space Bubble Technology. It is a completely closed spherical small universe. Although its volume is small, its structure is indeed a complete four-dimensional universe.

"Put the hamster in!" Chen Ang ordered.

Space began to distort, a black wormhole suddenly opened in the void, and Dr. Reed was thrown out like garbage. This was an unprecedented great success, and it was the first time that humans were successfully transported in the universe, but Chen Ang didn't even look at him, but continued to stare at the wormhole until he found a red lightning bolt appearing in the black hole.

"The hamster scored!" Chen Ang said nervously.

The small space bubble of the hamster ball instantly captured the red "red" lightning, and the red "red" lightning panicked and fell into a space-time trap. Fitting together, creating streaks of lightning—this is the Speed ​​Force.

Chen Ang said excitedly: "I announce that the first type of cosmic speed force engine - the hamster ball, has been successfully developed."

In order to celebrate this success, Chen Ang guided down a bolt of super speed force lightning, which caused a big explosion and hit the young Barry who was far away from the experimental group.

No one knows that the mysterious Speed ​​Force engine, which can change the laws of physics, has the same principle as the pet hamster ball.

Through space technology, a closed hamster ball is produced.

Then capture a 'hamster' that can produce speed force, and through the continuous movement of the 'hamster' in the 'ball', it will drive the movement of the 'ball'-shaped universe to generate a huge speed force - this is the speed force engine. The whole principle of high-end technology, it may be very high-tech in details, whether it is the space technology to create a spherical universe, or the universe that uses the speed force to move, the law of creating speed force requires very high technology level.

But this does not change its essence of simplicity, ease, and anti-intellectuality.

No matter how Chen Ang rated and complained, this speed force creation experiment, in the eyes of Reed and Barry who came to the speed force engine, this engine that creates speed force all the time is really terrifying.

It overturned all the thoughts of the two of them.

Of course they didn't expect that it was just a ball used by the speed force hamster to run and 'generate electricity'. Instead, they felt that it was very mysterious, very scary, unbelievable, and beyond words.


Reed's lips trembled slightly, and he looked obsessively at the wormhole wrapped around the speed force in front of him, which had remained unclosed for several years in the stagnation, and he could still see that at the core of the speed force, the wormhole still maintained The time and space of a day, the closer to the speed force and the core, the slower the time. Reed finally understood why the more he walked into the laboratory, the fresher all the traces looked.

Because of the core time, it didn't flow for long at all.

This is a slow flow of time created by the Speed ​​Force...

At the place closest to the speed force lightning ball, several researchers were still standing there, their expressions still stuck at the moment when the experiment was successful, mixed with twisted expressions of disbelief, surprise, fear and bewilderment.

Barry looked at the Speed ​​Force engine in front of him, and suddenly realized the source of his ability. When the experiment was successful that day, a Speed ​​Force leaked unintentionally and hit Barry who was in the peripheral laboratory, allowing Barry to gain the Speed ​​Force. .

And this is where all the Speed ​​Force is created.

That experiment was not to capture Reed, nor was it to study connecting other universes... but to create the Speed ​​Force!

"It's...unbelievable!" Reed tremblingly said: "It turns out that someone really created the laws of physics, and there really was a first driving force... Sir Newton was right, God pushed the universe, and force was produced. Here Someone pushed the universe, and the speed force was born! At the beginning of all forces, there is really a first cause!"

God caught a hamster and stuffed it into a ball, so the world has hamster power!

Hamsters are the number one mover of the universe!

The speed force hamster—inexplicably came to a boundless space, and could only keep running in the ball. Barry Allen, who had no concept of time and space, looked at a loss and was extremely "perplexed". fantasy world travel

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