Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 181 The day is bright and the night is vast; the green light is always off, and there will b

Happening in a future preview, Batman analyzes the Third Prophet.

"Barry returned to the cutting-edge technology laboratory and discovered the speed force generator?" Batman sat on a chair in the Batcave, thought for a while with one hand on his chin, and said: "So, the speed force may be It was created later, if the world we live in is really recreated by the Prophet after the destruction of the previous world."

"Then why did the Prophet create the Speed ​​Force?"

The third prophet shook his head and said: "Don't look at me, I don't know. Although I am the third prophet, I was not the third prophet from the beginning. At first I thought that the first prophet saved the destroyed world, and then found The other two prophets formed the system of three prophets, and I was just a person who succeeded the previous third prophet because of good luck."

"But now it seems that the rumor that the first prophet independently saved the world is becoming less and less reliable. I suspect that the last time the world was destroyed and reshaped, all three prophets participated. And the one who created the speed force should be the first Two Prophets."

"So how did the last third prophet die?" Batman asked seriously.

The third prophet frowned and said: "He is an old man called a professor with paralysis of the lower limbs. I have never seen him. When I became the third prophet, he had been dead for a long time. It seems that there is still a A prophet, he once temporarily acted as the third prophet, but later resigned and disappeared..."

"Regardless of what the Second Prophet created the Speed ​​Force and these cosmic law forces for...we have to dig out the truth. This is definitely related to the ultimate purpose of the Second Prophet. It can be said that we have finally found a clue to understand his intention... ... We will follow this clue and dig down!"

Batman suggested: "Go to Green Lantern...he can contact the Seven Lanterns who master the emotional spectrum, they must know something!"

The third prophet's expression was a bit ugly, and she was a little embarrassed: "Although it is the third prophet, no one is loyal to me, Bruce, you should know that the people of the Justice League are on guard against us, they will not listen to me, and Peter... ..."

"We can't let Peter go..." Batman said: "He is definitely an important figure in the second prophet's plan, we can't take this risk."

The third prophet said unhappily: "Then I have to reveal the information to you again...Bruce, you always have a way to reveal the information to yourself. I suspect that one day you will let 'yourself' know the situation here, and then reverse the situation." Control me! But I don't have a second choice... I hate when I don't have a choice... I hope you will give me other options in the future..."

After speaking, the Prophet left the rehearsal.

She echoed the conversation just now, selected something, edited it into an email, and sent it to Batman. After sending it successfully, she left here without looking back.

Batman in the watchtower received the e-mail. After reading it, he confirmed what he had guessed—there was a "self" who was joining forces with him, and most of them were still under the control of the prophet, even who controlled him. , he probably guessed that 'I' had successfully won the intelligence advantage from the Prophet.

Since the Justice League received the real core secret information of the three prophets system, Batman has a layout.

Now through the verification of the thinking over there, Batman originally only profiled over there habitually, but he did not expect that there was such cooperation over there. He hardly concealed his identity in planning ideas and intelligence analysis, and several familiar characteristics Only Batman himself knew, he thought it was a conspiracy.

Later analysis found that this may be a clue left by himself.

another me……

"The world was once destroyed, because of a force called 'death', the prophet saved the world and created the world today, but the physical laws of the world have changed, and the speed force, which did not exist in this world, The laws of physics were created by the Second Prophet's experiment..." The fog in Batman's heart slowly dissipated, and the clues were pieced together bit by bit.

There are still a few key pieces of the puzzle that have not been found!

"Second Prophet, what exactly do you want to do? Which side does the Third Prophet stand on? And what is the First Prophet doing?" Batman still had many doubts in his heart.

"First, find Green Lantern..." Batman knew what to do next. The Seven Lanterns should hold some secrets.

There are not many heroes left in the watchtower. Superman went to the earth to deal with some hidden dangers left by Luthor after his death. At the same time, he tried to investigate the situation of the 'committee'. The little spider came to the world's largest team of heroes with great interest. Visited the base, and reached a good relationship with some heroes, and maybe even joined the Justice League.

It's just that Batman has been secretly guarding against him.

After thinking for a while, Batman found Cyborg.

"Is the Roaring Tunnel still available?" Batman asked bluntly.

Cyborg frowned, and the red light from his electronic eyes flickered twice: "I haven't mastered the technology from the mother box, it is very unstable, and there is a possibility of transmission error."

"We need Green Lantern, use the mother box to send me to OA star."

"It's very risky..." Cyborg said with some doubts: "We can wait for Superman to come back, or find someone to take us there. There is no need to use such a dangerous method. The mother box will instinctively teleport to Apocalypse. Once I have no time to modify the coordinates ..."

"Apocalypse may have no enemies anymore!" Batman thought of the minority report marked Darkseid, the third prophet sent part of the minority report to the Justice League, but Batman did not tell others , because he didn't trust them, he interrupted the steel frame and said: "And we don't have time!"

"But you didn't tell us anything, you didn't even tell us why we went to find the green light..." Cyborg said dissatisfied: "He has left the earth, and the Justice League still has us."

"Only the green light can do this. I want to know the origin of the emotional spectrum!" Batman had to explain: "Barry found the origin of the speed force in the cutting-edge laboratory in Central City."

"I suspect that the emotional spectrum may have the same origin."

"Okay!" Cyborg thought about it, and agreed to Batman's request, but he still emphasized: "No matter what it is, Bruce, you can't hide it from us. The purpose of the Justice League is to face the challenges facing our world together. The crisis that brings together all of us, not the tools you use to manipulate us."

"Bruce, you are hiding more and more things! The alliance has more and more doubts about you. Everyone doubts whether your fear will destroy you and us!" Steel Back finally warned: "Stand closer, I'm going to open the mother box!"

The thunderous bang and the golden glow instantly tore everything here and shook the entire watchtower. Wonder Woman rushed out from the training room and saw Batman and Cyborg standing on a spinning golden In front of the vortex, the powerful gravitational force is pulling them into the vortex.

Wonder Woman wondered, "Why did you open the roaring tunnel?"

Before the two could answer her, they were swallowed into the vortex. Diana jumped inside without hesitation, and followed into the transmission channel.

Diana was secretly irritated by a not-so-good teleportation experience, like being stuffed into a runaway front-loading washing machine, churning for three days and nights, and then rolling out. With the change of light and shadow, Diana saw clearly the environment she was in. It was the ruins of a magnificent city, and countless tall buildings were either collapsed, half collapsed, or abandoned.

Diana looked down and saw that she was stepping on a rotting skeleton.

She took two steps back in shock, and saw that the bones touched by her were turned into ashes as if they had been weathered for thousands of years.

What shocked Diana even more was that only a dim green light ring was left in the ashes. When she looked up again, she finally had the opportunity to carefully examine the ruins. Magnificent and vast, a city is a planet, guarded by countless lantern men. Diana still remembers the last time she came here.

There are countless Lanterns flying in the sky, and this is where the Guardians of the Universe are stationed.

The guardians here are a group of ancient creatures living on the planet OA, with the first generation of eternal life. The Green Lantern Corps has existed for three billion years, and has survived battles of all sizes. The entire universe is divided into 3,600 sectors centered on the OA star, and each sector has at least one Green Lantern assigned to it. Therefore, it is estimated that there are more than 7,200 Green Lanterns serving the Green Lantern Corps.

Such splendor can be vaguely seen in the ruins.

Those different races have different shapes, some have human-like bone structures, and some have completely different bone structures from humans. Diana can imagine these different races of Lanterns, guarding OA and the universe.

But now they are all dead, and the entire OA star is also destroyed!

"The day is bright, the night is dark;

Demons and ghosts, there is nowhere to hide.

Evil villains and traitors are afraid of my divine light;

The green light is always bright, eternal light!"

But the everlasting green light energy has been extinguished, and the entire OA star is dark...

Diana saw Batman and Cyborg standing in front of her, and she also stepped forward, wanting to ask what happened, but she climbed up the slope only to find that in front of her was a huge depression like a crater, inside The skeletons of Lanternmen were piled high... Diana's whole body was chilled by the numerous lantern rings.

She also saw light rings in other colors, red, yellow, blue, purple, orange, indigo, and white, which she had never seen before.

There are so many lantern rings here that she feels that all the Seven Lantern Corps in the universe have died here!

Diana heard Batman beside her whisper: "Sure enough... Sure enough, we are still late!" The shock in Batman's heart is indescribable. Knowing why Hal rushed to the headquarters, it turned out that all the survivors of the Seven Lantern Corps retreated to the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, Star OA, to resist.

Then they were all killed...

The Legion of Seven Lanterns was destroyed three years ago! At that point, planning should have begun.

The Seven Lantern Corps should hold the real secret that can threaten the mastermind behind the scenes, so they were the most determined to eradicate, and they were also the first to be eliminated. Batman still can't imagine, who can slaughter the entire Green Lantern Corps plus the other Six Lantern Corps, that is the most powerful in the universe. A powerful force of justice, it can be seen that the survivors of the Seven Lantern Corps abandoned all prejudices and conflicts of ideas, and united like never before.

But still lost to that mysterious enemy.

Batman still can't figure it out, if the emotional spectrum is the power created by the Second Prophet, then why did he destroy the Seven Lanterns? If it wasn't the Second Prophet who destroyed the Legion of the Seven Lanterns, who would it be? Who has such a powerful force?


Chen Ang flipped through the minority report in his hand - the Legion of Seven Lanterns, with a mysterious smile on his face.

The emotional spectrum is one of the few threats that can destroy the world. The power of the black lamp represents death. When the black lamp appears in this universe, it will become the coordinate and carrier of death, almost equal to the hyperlink to the "Death Knight". So there was a reason for the Legion of the Seven Lanterns to be destroyed, but the reason for its destruction had nothing to do with the death black lamp...


Batman also noticed the seven white light rings among those light rings. He felt that one of the rings seemed to be calling him. Batman looked at Cyborg and Diana next to him, and found that they were also looking at him, so he Knowing that the two of them also felt the call, Batman walked down the pit and picked up a white light ring that had a feeling for him.

Diana and Cyborg also picked up the ring that summoned them. The three of them looked at each other and decided to wear the ring...

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