Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 182 Seven Colors Combining One with White Light

When Batman put on the ring, everything seemed to return to three years ago. He heard Hal's voice in his ear: "Why does he want to destroy us? Is it really because he believes that we will bring destruction?"

Batman looked back and saw Hal. He was talking to a little blue man who was wearing a white robe like a Jedi Master and was only half a person tall. That little blue man was the owner of Star OA and the guardian of the Green Lantern Corps—— Gunther. They are the earliest intelligent life forms in the universe, and they had advanced technology and civilization long ago.

After a huge disaster, the guardians came to star OA and created the Green Lantern Corps.

The light ring in Ganser's hand has turned blue, and he said to Hal: "There is a prophecy in the Book of OA, which is about darkness. Every user of the energy ring must use his own light to contend with it." Darkness. Seid and I believe the prophecy is true, while the other Guardians believe it is nonsense."

"They destroyed this prophecy by deceiving themselves and others, and expelled us in the name of tampering with emotion."

"That's why we searched for the blue lantern ring and created the Blue Lantern Corps. As the emotional energy of the seven colors found their users, we realized that the day of the prophecy is not far away!"

"But we didn't expect that there is someone who believes in this prophecy more firmly than us, and his ideas are different from ours..."

Hal said solemnly: "Is this the cause of this disaster? Just because of fear of a 'prophecy'?"

"You don't understand the darkness. The different colors of lights come from the power of emotion. The green light represents will, the yellow light represents fear, the purple light represents love, the red light represents anger, the blue light represents compassion, the orange light represents greed, and the blue light represents greed. It represents hope that one day these seven lamps will each form a team, and a "war of color and light" will occur, and then "the darkest night" will come. The black lamp represents death, and it will swallow all life."

Ganser sighed: "The most frightening thing is that when the black lamp appears, the 'death' who has been looking for this world will find it here, and the world guarded by the prophet will be destroyed instantly. So the black lamp cannot fight against it at all. , although it comes from the power of the emotional spectrum itself, the white light of life that is opposite to it is completely unable to compete with it."

"Because there is a more powerful force of 'death' peeping at this world."

"I racked my brains to find the answer to the Blackest Night, but I could only see a hopeless darkness. Faced with this dark future, someone finally made a different choice."

"What choice?" Hal asked.

"Since darkness is caused by light,

The darkest night was also triggered by the gathering of the Seven Lantern Corps... If you want to eliminate the darkness, you must annihilate the light. If you want to stop the darkest night, you only need to destroy the Seven Lantern Corps first. Gunther handed Hal a thin paper document.

Hal took a look... Minority Report - Legion of Nine Lanterns.

"The prophet made a prophecy that the only way to save the world is to prevent the Seven Lantern Legions from gathering together. He gave us a notice that once all the Seven Lantern Legions are born, the committee will start to destroy one or two of them, maintaining terror According to experience, they generally choose to attack the Lantern Corps with negative emotions, such as red lights and orange lights."

"However, some people feel that it is better to completely solve the hidden dangers than to maintain the balance of terror. He believes that the prophet predicted the key to a complete solution to the problem, but he chose to delay because of his own ideas of creation, maintenance, and containment. So he stole After taking this Minority Report, we found a way to completely solve the Blackest Night."

"That is... the complete destruction of the Seven Lantern Corps!" Ganser said calmly.

Hal was shocked all of a sudden, he raised his head, looked at the distant sky, and said in a low voice, "He's coming!" On the OA planet, countless green lights rose into the sky accompanied by Green Lanterns one by one. Another powerful Lanternman, the energy of the Green Lantern was shaped into energy bodies of various shapes. Many Lanternmen used their own will to mobilize the electromagnetic power of the central energy source of OA star, and together formed a huge and unparalleled mask. , covering the entire OA star.

Light arrows composed of countless green energy bodies passed through the energy shield and headed towards a black spot at the edge of their line of sight.

It can be seen that it is a figure.

That figure just waved his hand, and destroyed all the energy bodies rushing towards him. The energy bodies of thousands of Lanterns were shattered, and the most special one among the Green Lanterns—a planet with self-awareness, Appearing in front of OA star, its incomparable body is thousands of times larger than OA star. The power of the lantern ring depends purely on the willpower of the user.

The self-awareness of the planet is countless times stronger than that of human beings, and its willpower can easily smash a planet of the same size with a lantern ring.

This particular Green Lantern has the power to destroy a sector of the universe.

The power of the green light ring is shaped by it as an extremely destructive source of ion radiation. The green energy body continuously gathers from the surface of the huge planet to the point facing the figure, until the energy is strong enough to easily penetrate a planet. , Distorting the space, even the protective shield that thousands of Lanterns worked together to protect the OA star could not resist.

The beam of light burst out quickly, shooting straight into the dark universe, piercing through that tiny figure.

In an instant, the entire OA star lost its voice! Has this mighty enemy been destroyed? Beside Hal appeared the figure of Atoshitas, the lord of the red light. Atoshitas was burning with fiery red energy, to the point where Hal would feel oppressed when he approached him. Although the Lord didn't show it on the surface, Hal could already feel the anger in his heart.

He was so angry that he could compromise, let go of the hatred that his hometown was slaughtered, and asked for help from his mortal enemy OA star.

"This attack can't kill that devil! The conceited Green Lantern..." Atoshitas said in a low voice:

"You can still calm down when you see me!" Hal was surprised. The red light is a color zone far away from the center of the spectrum, so the user is more likely to be controlled by the power of the light ring. The energy of the red light burns with anger that will never go out , even though Artocitas, the lord of the red light, can think limitedly, he shouldn't be able to maintain his rationality.

"Because I have a more resentful object!" Atoshitas said looking at the center engulfed by the powerful ion beam.

The ion beam dissipated, and the figure disappeared without a trace. Time seemed to stop for tens of seconds, but the Lantern Warriors realized that the enemy had been wiped out, and the entire OA star burst into cheers of victory.

But including Hal, none of the guardians of the universe, the Lord of the Red Lantern, and the other envoys of the ring could laugh.

An alien lanternman who looked exactly like a small animal called a squirrel on the earth flew towards Hal, and he said worriedly: "Something is wrong... Hal!"

However, Hal saw countless particles in the vacuum converging toward the outside of the energy shield. In the barren cosmic space, the number of particles per square meter is only on the order of tens of thousands, so many particles, including quark-level small particles, are needed to aggregate to achieve a sufficient structure. The substance of a human body, a blue energy body glowing with a dim light, the body of a tall naked male earthling emerges from the vacuum.

His eyes are all white, and his body is composed of a blue energy body.

Suspended in a vacuum, clinging to the shield made of green light energy body...

The bald-headed and blue-body man quietly looked down at all beings on the OA planet, including all the Lanterns. He snapped his fingers lightly, and the star-level Lantern discovered that the nuclear fusion energy reaction in his star core began to appear abnormal. , Just like the heartbeat of human beings started to speed up, its star nuclear reaction also started to intensify, and the originally smooth fusion process began to get out of control.

It can feel that this is accumulating the energy of the chain reaction, and soon the energy produced by the fusion reaction is enough to detonate a part of the star core, and its heart is turning into a bomb.

"No!" The planet with autonomous consciousness roared unwillingly.

It was quickly blown to pieces by the expanding power from within, and the star core exploded! A self-exploding planet can destroy OA together... But the bald blue-body man did not let this happen. He watched the exploding planet, causing the outer shell of the planet to collapse under the control of a powerful force. The power neutralized the outward bursting power of the star core explosion.

Make a whole planet complete, quietly shattered...

After dealing with the stumbling block, the bald and blue-body man turned his attention to star OA. He pointed out that the energy shields protecting star OA began to shatter...

Under his gaze, the bodies of the Lantern Warriors one after another began to disintegrate, disintegrating into a skeleton in the sky, and then falling to the ground.

What he showed was crushing and unrivaled power!

Hal was as shocked as Batman and others who watched all this. He seemed to have some memories of this person—active in the Cold War, he once led the hero team Watchmen, and was considered by the U.S. government to be the most powerful force on his side. He was also deeply feared by human beings, and finally created a nuclear explosion and disappeared mysteriously after uniting the United States and the Soviet Union——Dr. Manhattan!

"You claim to be protecting the world... but you are actually creating terrible things. The brighter the light on you, the deeper the darkness you breed. Things have reached this point... there is no other choice but destruction. I I came here not out of malice, but I still have to destroy you!"

Dr. Manhattan said, "I'm sorry..."

At that moment, a strong blue light swept across the entire OA star, and most of the Lanterns were reduced to ashes in the blue light, leaving only a pair of skeletons, which seemed to be the proof that Manhattan existed for them.

Only the most powerful part of the Lanterns survived, including Hal Jordan, Atoshitas, Scarlo who looked like a combination of a dragon and a demon, and Raflitz, the lord of the orange lights. , Sinestro and several backbones of Se's Legion and the Supreme Green Lantern group, Ganser, Seid, Saint Walker, and Serhi of the Blue Lantern Corps, Qingnv, the master of the Blue Lantern, Queen Star Bluestone, Carol, and Fate female……

All the rest are dead! Their lantern rings fell into the dust one after another...

Then a desperate decisive battle unfolded in the eyes of the three Batmans. They saw the remaining Lanterns and Lantern Ring Controllers attacking Dr. Manhattan with desperate hatred, but Dr. Manhattan was just silent, and he could even be called Dull, kill them one by one, while their struggle poses no threat to Manhattan.

The angry ones became even more angry, and the fearful ones became even more frightening. Even Hal fell into endless resentment and despair when Kahlo was blown away by Manhattan's finger. In the end, he took the initiative to merge with the parallax monster, and all the lantern beasts of the Seven Lantern Corps appeared. body, still being crushed and killed by Dr. Manhattan one by one...

In the end, only the seven masters of the Lantern Corps were still alive, Atoshitas, Raflitz, Sinestro and Hal Jordan, Ganther, Qingnv, Queen Star Sapphire...

In desperation, the seven lamp owners abandoned all grievances and took the initiative to share their power with each other. In the gathering of seven-color lights, the white light of life was born. The spirit of existence responded to their resonance and endowed the white lamp with the power They, but after obtaining the white light, they were still powerless and died at the hands of Dr. Manhattan.

In other words, Dr. Manhattan deliberately let the white lights appear, and after achieving his goal, he killed them.

When Dr. Manhattan stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, the seven white light masters were swallowed by a huge energy tide, and the particles that made up their bodies melted away, leaving a huge crater...

The power of the white lamp dissipated, and Batman and others fell into the dust covered in sweat, falling into a nightmare...

The fear engraved in the white light followed like a shadow, causing them to fall into despair for a while. fantasy world travel

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