Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 183 Progressive truth, the death of the captain

Back at the headquarters of the watchtower, the faces of the three of Batman sank like water. The heroes in the rest hall did not feel the approach of darkness, and talked and laughed very relaxedly, talking about some recent news.

The biggest news recently is that Luthor is making trouble again.

The secret cloned Superman's gene created a monster Superman-Bizarro. Besides, the whole world was singing and dancing, and nothing major happened. Although he already knew that the Seven Lantern Corps was destroyed by Dr. Manhattan three years ago, which was enough to shake the entire alliance, Batman was not prepared to say it.

It is useless to let these people know, the enemy is still hiding in the dark, and the conspiracy is going on secretly. This is not the time to reveal everything to the world. They need to investigate secretly to find out what the people in the World Security Council are doing. What, what are the three prophets thinking again.

Batman convinces Cyborg and Wonder Woman to keep the situation at the heart of the Justice League, the Big Seven.

Now Batman has thought of the next clue... Whether it is the creation of the Speed ​​Force or the slaughter of the Seven Lantern Corps, they are actually trying to cover up the fact that Batman never believed that Dr. Manhattan slaughtered the Seven Lantern Corps The reason for the legion, the so-called blackest night, of course the black light of death exists.

But Manhattan slaughtered the entire Seven Lantern Corps for this—it couldn't be.

The real reason for the Manhattan massacre should be the origin of this universe. The origin of the Legion of Seven Lanterns absolutely hides unspeakable secrets, and the key to everything lies in the history of the destruction of the world that the committee tried to cover up. All the clues were brought together at that point in time - from the time when the world was destroyed by 'death' to the time when the three prophets created the world together.

"I can go back in time, but I can't go beyond the time when I gained the ability. The further I go, the more blurred the speed and force will be when I reach that day, as if there is an invisible barrier preventing me from crossing that critical time. Time." Barry was on call, and Diana called him, and before he put it down, he appeared out of nowhere.

When answering Batman's question, Barry hesitated, wondering if he should speak out his guess.

But Batman obviously saw through his little thoughts, and said directly: "It seems that you already have the answer in your heart."

"Not an answer, but a guess. I originally thought that the reason I couldn't get past the speed force was because of a time paradox, like if I went back to the time when I gained the ability and prevented myself from gaining the speed force, I would The grandmother paradox arises, I can't change my past with abilities I don't have..."

"But this time the speed force engine in the cutting-edge technology laboratory was discovered,

I just have a feeling. The Speed ​​Force is a force that runs through the entire world. Once it appears in this world, it connects the past and the future. The black hole wrapped in lightning is an 'origin'..."

"What is the origin?" Diana was a little confused.

The Flash had no choice but to explain: "Time is four-dimensional, and any matter in time has four-dimensional properties, but in the middle of that black hole, I saw the process of spatial dimensions collapsing layer by layer until they reach the origin." Flash tried to It's special to tell that point in scientific language, but Diana is a scientifically illiterate.

She is proficient at stabbing people with a sword, but her knowledge of science is limited to using a smartphone.

Not much better than the billion illiterates in India...

The Flash had no choice but to take out his lunch, a three-layer cheeseburger. He pointed to the first layer of cheese and said, "For example, this is a point in time in the past..." Then he pointed to the top layer of the burger: "This is our current time." point."

"And we..." Flash scratched the sesame seeds on the surface of the hamburger: "We are points that move in different time planes... Points at the same position on the same time plane can be connected into a vertical line, then It is the 'history' of our existence."

The Flash suddenly reached out and pressed down hard on the center of the burger, his fingers sank into the bun, two fingers squeezed through the burger, and he showed Diana the hole he made—all different times surface, began to pull in gradually, and then overlapped at one point, and finally a hole that did not exist on the surface appeared.

"This is the origin... A point at the same position on all time planes suddenly coincides, and four-dimensional time, three-dimensional space, and two-dimensional space all collapse toward one point."

"It's like an anchor that runs through the entire timeline."

Diana is only scientifically illiterate, but not stupid, and soon understood: "That black hole can let us go back in time!"

Barry shook his head hastily and said: "The origin does not allow us to go back to the past. In fact, the origin is very dangerous. There is no concept of time in the origin, so there is no past and future. Once we enter the origin, we lose our time and space. coordinates, the concept of time is lost. In theory, anyone who enters the origin will not exist."

"But the origin is formed by the speed force, so I can use the speed force to protect you from entering the origin, but I don't know where it leads! I don't know what danger there is...everything is unknown."

After Batman thought for a while, he replied, "We'll take the key in..."

Barry was stupid, he stammered: "Bruce, you can't do this, he's just a kid."

"Hey!" The little spider came out of the restaurant and saw Batman and others getting together, and came up to say hello happily: "Bateman, your food is really good, isn't this Allen's Supreme Cheeseburger? You eat it, buddy." Halfway through, I answered a phone call and disappeared. I thought something big happened! Has everyone eaten?"

Seeing the gloomy expressions of several people, the little spider suddenly realized that something happened here that he didn't understand.

So he had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words, greeted weakly and prepared to leave.

Batman said in a low hoarse voice: "That kid is the key to everything, he must go with us, if someone wants to plot against us, then they will restrain themselves, and there are some clues, about the things before the world is destroyed, only he We don’t know. None of us know what the last world was like.”

Batman ignored Barry and Diana who expressed their objection in silence, and turned to the little spider directly: "Boy, we need your help... We found an 'origin' together with the past. It may lead to the one you came from." Even if there is no world, there should be clues that you came to this world. It is a key point, but it is dangerous. Are you going?"

The little spider excitedly said: "Is there really a clue? Do you want me to take back the Eye of Agomodo?"

"Don't bring that thing!" Batman said honestly, "We can't trust that thing."

Now that the little spider has said so, there is no way for other people to object. The five people returned to the cutting-edge laboratory ruins in Central City, in front of the black hole that continuously creates speed force and runs this force throughout the entire timeline.

The black hole surrounded by golden lightning is still stable. Looking at the lightning that was originally as fast as the speed of light, crawling slowly in the black hole, spreading like flower branches in the black void, and blooming golden lines one by one, you can feel that the lightning is getting faster and faster. Closer to the black hole, slower and slower time.

Time has never been so clearly interpreted.

Barry looked at the black hole and said in a low voice: "It should be the origin that is blocking the return to the farther past..."

Batman shook his head and said, "Not necessarily... I think someone named Manhattan is more suspicious."

"I thought the black hand behind all this was the Second Prophet, but during the investigation I found that we were not actually disturbed by the Second Prophet, otherwise we would not be able to see many things. If we are approaching that conspiracy, then It shouldn't be this smooth. So this kind of smooth sailing disturbs me," Batman said.

"The closer we are to the truth, the more dangerous we should be. But I just don't feel this danger..."

"Unless the truth is part of that conspiracy!" The little spider said quickly, and when he realized that everyone was looking at him, the little spider felt a little guilty, but Batman said, "You're right!"

"That's exactly what worries me."

Batman took the lead and began to approach the black hole. Barry quickly released the speed force to protect them, and several people entered the black hole.

The origin runs through the entire timeline, so it is impossible to go back to the past through the origin, because the past is included in the origin, and going forward can only lead to before time, that is, the time of origin, before the big bang, the birth of the fourth dimension Before, that is where Stark and Rogers had come.

The little spider cannot see the Messiah because he cannot see beyond the origin.

He could only see the origin of the Big Bang, where there was a person. At the moment when the Big Bang spread, time was born with the explosion. In that place called the origin, he saw a familiar figure.

"Captain Steve!" Little Spider said in amazement.

He saw the dead body of Captain America, the superhumanized Steve Rogers, half of his body submerged before the origin, into the realm of the Messiah, and the other half... with bright, determined and mournful eyes, watching Looking ahead, watching his killer.

Because time has stagnated at this moment, Steve stayed forever at the moment before he died.

It wasn't the fatal wound on his chest that killed him. His superhuman body was easily immune to this small injury. The person who killed him also knew that this injury was insignificant to Steve, so he led Steve here and brought him here. He pushed into the arms of the Messiah, and that's what killed Steve.

How powerful Steve's superhuman body is, the little spider clearly understands.

But with such a powerful superhuman body, there are many wounds with deep visible bones, and the phenomenon of destruction and daily chemical that the little spider is very familiar with appears on the wounds. Some meats have obviously mutated, which shows that his enemy The doomsday virus in Steve's body was activated only after the deadly threat was met.

Little Spider couldn't imagine who gave the captain the fatal blow...

Let him die at the source of time!

In this strange universe, the first time he saw his familiar comrades-in-arms, it was their corpses that had already been chilled out... Fantasy world travel

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