Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 185 The magic that reaches the root

Constantine pushed open the door of the Oblivion Bar, which is located in a pocket universe, and it has a portal to almost any major city in the world, so magicians are happy to come over for a drink when they have nothing to do, and exchange it by the way According to the intelligence of the magic world, the captain of Shadow Pact, the leader of Magic Dimension Maya, Master of the Night, is the boss here.

Constantine is, as usual, one of the unwelcome guests here.

"How dare you come here..." The bartender at the bar, a furry primate, is actually a talking orangutan detective with high intelligence. Constantine came in, surprised: "Is the Constantine expulsion spell behind the door invalid?"

"No wonder I stepped on shit when I walked in!" Constantine didn't care, he had an uninhibited temperament.

"A bottle of cheap whiskey! Popo..."

The orangutan detective has a really good temper. He is known as Sherlock Holmes among animals. He has a strong sense of justice and a very high IQ. It can be said that he has all the elements of a villain in the DC universe. There is the Immortal Statue - it's an animal, and the Justice League has a lot of animal protectionists who treat animals much better than people.

But just because I believe that Detective Gorilla is a hero with a sense of justice, he is not compatible with Zha Kang. Zha Kang is only compatible with those who have a unique sense of humor, and the three views are close to the gray area, neither black nor white. This kind of hero congeniality, also known as the dark hero, anti-hero.

"Can you afford the money? If you can, you can just hand it over to the counter. It's a magic counter. After collecting the money, it will automatically refill your glass..." Detective Orangutan replied angrily.

Constantine said with a deadpan smile, "Can't you buy me a drink, Bobo?"

"You shouldn't come here if you have nothing to do...Konstantin!" The owner of the bar, Master Dark Night, said: "If you have something to do, of course I can buy you a drink, if not, you have to pay the bill!"

"Wait two weeks... I'll give you the money." Constantine continued to smoke his cigarette.

"I came here to inquire about some news. You all know that compared with ordinary magicians, I have spent more time dealing with those guys from the Justice League. Recently, I have learned some news from Xiao Zha. I am very sure that there is someone There is a potential threat, an undercurrent, surging in the magical world." Without exception, Constantine was making up nonsense again.

He was half-bluffing, half-seriously asking Master An Ye: "Have you ever felt the root of magic?"

The Master of the Night came to Constantine,

He said solemnly: "What do you know...don't rely on some pretentious things to fool me. If you know something, you should tell it honestly."

Detective Orangutan said: "I think honestly these words have nothing to do with him!"

Constantine said: "The Justice League found the origin of the Speed ​​Force, and they also found the origin of the emotional spectrum power used by the Green Lantern Corps. Unexpectedly, behind these two origins, there is a faint person shadow of... you know whose I'm talking about..."

Detective Orangutan dissatisfied: "Don't fool us with this kind of gossip..." Master Dark Ye remained silent!

Master Dark Night signaled Master Orangutan to suspend his attack on Constantine. He looked at Zha Kang seriously and said, "You want to ask about the Prophet?"

The master of the dark night ignored Constantine's answer, he turned his back on himself, and explained to himself: "You know that our world is made up of a group of lunatics, madmen and... mages , unlike the world of the Justice League, their world is in the sun, there are good guys and bad guys, fighting crime and madmen, and accomplishing the feat of saving the world, it is black and white. Our world, in the shadows, is even more weird And... chaos."

"This allows us to discover those dark little secrets in the shadows before the Justice League can."

"And among these secrets, the most terrifying and the most subversive of common sense are the prophets!"

"In the impression of most magicians, the Three Prophets are a secret society that only emerged after World War II. It is an association of the highest mages in the field of prophecy, so they respect the Three Prophets, but do not fear them."

"But I am different. Most of the archmages, elemental guardians, high-dimensional existences and rule embodiments are different. We are in awe of them, and even...fear them. The three prophets are a group of monsters. Before the establishment of the Eternal Council, When the first batch of witchcraft users in this world were not yet called gods."

"Even before Heaven and Hell were born, they were the most feared beings in the world."

"Mages who have deals with demons learned from demons that they are afraid of prophets, so they fear them. Mages who use the power of heaven get the same answer from heaven, and those ancient witchcraft users, now Those who are called 'gods', Zeus, Odin, Poseidon, and the great mages Naboo and Shazam of the Eternal Council, got the fear of the prophet from magic..."

"According to my conjecture, I might as well draw a bold hypothesis-there was no magic in this world at first, and it was the prophets who created magic. Whether it was heaven, hell, elves, or witchcraft, it was the prophets who sprinkled magic. The fire seed. And the original mage was Prometheus, the fire thief."

"It doesn't mean anything." Constantine said, "Not all prophets... right?"

The master of the night said vaguely: "We don't know what the supreme being who planned all this is. We only know the original source of magic. This world was originally chaotic. It was the prophet who ruled the chaos and found out from the chaos took the world and fixed the order."

"Before that, in chaos, everything was possible and would happen, and there was magic all the time. Reversing time, shaping life, controlling souls, distorting matter, what in chaos It's all possible, so there is everything called magic. But these magics have no meaning, and chaos without order is chaos."

"So it can be called the era of chaos magic."

"Then the prophets discovered everything in the chaos. They fixed the rules in the chaos. They prescribed light and darkness, sky and earth, sun, moon and stars. They created in the chaos Create order, give everything a name, fix them, and then run the order."

"This is Genesis...a horribly blasphemous heresy myth."

"But only the mage knows that it is true, at least partly true." The master of the night read out the root of an ancient rune, and a little light suddenly appeared in his hand.

"People who have not experienced that era will not understand, Constantine, when you learn magic, magic has already been fixed, so you say a spell, perform some rituals, and magic is produced. Then these spells, rituals How did they come about? What kind of power is behind them."

"I know you have the blood of demons from hell, so I think magic is paid for by other 'beings'. We pay a 'price' to use it. But only those of us who have participated in the creation of magic know...Magic itself is power .”

"Let me tell you how magicians are created!"

"The Prophet shapes order from chaos, names everything, and then their names have power. We call their names, calling for their power to be bound by order..."

Chen Ang is programming in front of the computer. He is continuing to create this world. The Speed ​​Force patch package developed a few years ago will continue to be developed. This universe is a virtual universe created by him. No matter what kind of world it is, it determines the information It cannot simply exist without matter, so the structure of this virtual universe is in the ocean of consciousness of all life forms.

It is entrusted in the material universe, in the nerve cells of every carbon-based life, and in the storage unit of silicon-based life...

Although the life in the entire universe has become an indescribable mixture of flesh and blood, the kind with nerve cells, even silicon-based life forms have become a chaotic combination of countless storage devices and logic circuits.

"All the information in this universe is stored in the storage. It is encrypted by the three prophets and operated by the internal logic given by the three prophets... just like a whole system, it operates harmoniously. The law of this operation is order. Information that can interfere with the operation of the entire system is called an instruction."

"Instructions consist of an 'op' code and an address code."

"The 'operation' code is the serial number of the instruction, telling the system which preset instruction to execute, these instructions are included in the instruction set, pre-written by Chen Ang, and the address code is more complicated, mainly including the source operand address, The destination "operand" address, in general, is to call the information stored in the bottom layer."

"The combination of the 'operation' code and the address code is the bottom rune, or it can be called machine language. It is composed of two hexagrams, yin and yang. Of course, it can also be 0 and 1. The basic unit of information in this universe It is a byte, a byte is composed of eight hexagrams, and the "operation" code and address code occupy 1kb in size."

"The bottom-level rune, or the bottom-level spell, is a language that directly communicates with the world. The ancient wizards used this language to create magic, such as fireball, which is to call fire information data. The wizard needs to issue a command, which was developed by Chen Ang. In the instruction set, it contains compound instructions of element, shape, and motion function, and then uses the address code to call all the information about the fireball."

"That is to say, we first need to compile a fireball spell, which contains all the information of the fireball, and then store it in the world memory, and finally design a spell with low-level magic, issue instructions to the world, and use the back door left by Chen Ang to create a The fireball comes out. But such magic has its limitations."

"The underlying runes respond quickly, but carry little information. They can use magic quickly and accurately, but it is difficult to "operate" complex magic. If it is just simple elemental magic, the structure is simple, and the information involved is not large. Many, it is easy to compile a spell. But to achieve complex magic, such as damage return, time reversal, and consciousness distortion, the difficulty of shaping the spell with the underlying rune is too much."

"So the wizards created the upper runes on the basis of the lower runes."

"The magic world began to progress from machine language to C language, and then to more complex programming tools. Later, the information that could only be processed in a few kilobytes was increased to 1TB, and various complex magics began to be created."

"Later... I fooled the other two prophets and created the world's magic mechanism—Zero Prophet."

"Zero Prophet regulated all the rules of magic. I wrote various underlying protocols and world network interaction protocols, completely depriving all magicians of the authority to communicate with the world. Now they only need to read the spell, and the Zero Prophet will respond. I deprived the magician programmers of their authority, so that they can only be a fool who clicks the mouse in front of the magic computer to operate the magician."

"But I still retain some of the authority of the ancient wizards to reward them for their contribution to the magic establishment process. Now they call themselves 'gods'."

"I integrated some of the runes written by mages into the 'magic mechanism', so they have a part of the 'back door'. This is the ancient legendary wizard. It is I who "groped" the bottom code of the world and fabricated magic. The rules, the 'hackers' who "manipulate" the world - program migrant workers, have become program users who only need to chant spells and wait for the spells to take effect."

"It's really a blessing!"

"During this process, some magicians noticed my existence through the rules of magic, and realized that there is a supreme authority behind the magic, but they are not so much afraid of me as they are afraid of the authority of magic. They Still can't see the truth behind it."

Chen Ang leisurely continued to patch the world with special powers, and at the same time wrote in the notes of the program: "Magic, one of the special powers anchoring this world, has been constructed. The next special power, Speed ​​Force 50th Preparing for a test..."

"The power of a magician to reach the root...and I am the root!"——Chief designer of magic mechanism, world mysterious architect Chen Ang's fantasy world travel

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