Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 186 Zhakang and Zhenxu, the Cooperation and Interaction of the Two Masters

"I'm just here to ask for a little help..." Constantine was kicked out of the Forgotten Bar in a panic.

Orangutan Detective Bobo used all of his self-control not to kick this bitch in the ass.

"I just asked him to assist us in investigating the Second Prophet's creation of magic...that hairy primate drove us out." Constantine muttered seemingly talking to himself.

But there was an echo from the seemingly empty side.

"Maybe it's because of your notoriety for cheating on your friends!"

"Are we friends?" Constantine flicked the ashes from his yellow windbreaker, picked up the cigarette butt that fell on the ground just because he was kicked out, and hung it on his mouth again.

"Uh..." The unseen voice let out a nauseating sound.

"Of course not... Can't you just light another one? Also, I saw you smoked three packs of cigarettes today. As a mage, you should know to stay away from bad habits and things that affect your thinking."

"I smoke, drink, and have promiscuous sex... But I'm a good mage!" Constantine pouted, "And... Which plane are you talking about? The mages here are all like this... Dark, gray The "color" is "chaotic", and every day is a day, believe me, I am far from the only one who has these habits."

"A mage should be a wise man..." the voice said: "You are a disgrace to a mage."

"You are not much better than us, smart and wise? Calm and indifferent? Mages are essentially cheaters, thieves, and thieves. We are the ones who bend the rules and abuse power, and find and exploit loopholes in the rules. No matter how self-disciplined and wise you are on the surface, But we are all "chaos" in essence." Constantine said: "If it weren't for the abuse of the power of would be driven out of time, and you can only contact me through this thing?"

Constantine picked up the chain tied with the Eye of Agomodo, and taunted Strange who communicated with him through the artifact.

Strange did not refute, because he knew that although Constantine was full of fallacies and nonsense, he stabbed at the essence of magic that Strange had never thought of. The Ancient One told him: Mage is to find energy from other dimensions, and He who forges it into a weapon.

But Constantine goes deeper—a mage is someone who twists and uses the rules to cheat.

Even if this cheating system is set by the Creator himself.

But the Creator is not a kind person,

Not to mention being a philanthropist, the Creator's "magic" is not a good intention for these mages. The Creator has its own purpose, and this "purpose" is not a natural thing for mages to just ignore the past and not think about it. Phenomena, it may make the mage pay even with interest... to lose himself.

"Where is the next target!" Strange's figure flashed past Constantine: "And the distance between us is getting closer... This is not a good thing for you. Outside of time I am connected with you, you can temporarily pull me into this world, but the force between us is mutual, and I am also pulling you out of time."

"And in this tug-of-war, you won't lose outside of time."

"I know..." Constantine let out a puff of smoke, allowing Strange to appear in the void through the smoke. This Supreme Mage is doing well outside of time. He is still wearing a magic floating cloak, but his eyes are facing outwards It emitted a foot-long white light, and it looked more like a mage. He still wears the robe of the mage Kama Taj, but after being transferred to the dimension lord, some visions will appear beside him when he appears within time, representing the attributes of his 'territory'.

The dimension plane occupied by Strange is obviously not a positive force.

Blood and shadows spewed around him, and an indescribable darkness enveloped him, looking like just another demon king trying to trade his filthy soul with Constantine.

"I'm used to it!" Constantine said quietly:

"It can be seen." Strange recalled the scene when Constantine saw him for the first time through the Eye of Agamado: "Supreme Mage from another world, I am here to negotiate terms with you! But it is agreed ...I don't want to give anything. The world needs your power, and if it goes well, we can 'get' (this word makes Strange very uncomfortable) back."

It looks like he is much more skilled than him! When Strange went to negotiate terms with Dormammu, he didn't have the rogue temperament of Constantine who could sell everything, anyway, I was determined to renege on it...

Anyway, in order to save the world in the end, not only could Strange get nothing from Constantine, but he had to work hard and lend his magic power to Constantine. It was like selling himself and the entire plane behind him. To Zha Kang.

In the contest of who is irresponsible and who has a thicker skin, Strange is completely defeated!

Of course, Constantine did not get these for nothing.

He used a little more power to pull himself towards Strange. The power in him from beyond time would push him out. If Constantine could not rescue Strange within this period of time Come out, or find a way to cut off the connection with time, then Zack Kang will fall into Strange's hands after being excluded from time.

At that time Strange will let him see the consequences of being in debt to the mage!

Of course, Zha Kang knew it well: "When the time comes, I will sell my soul to Satan...or Lucifer, or any demon lord or something, you can go to the tug-of-war yourself! Whoever wins will get my soul, of course I will use my own As a bargaining chip to negotiate terms with you... Anyway, in the end, I have to rely on my three-inch tongue..."

"Cheating and abducting!"

As Constantine himself said: "Get used to it!"

"For the sake of this world, the two of us can't bear the trouble... so if there is any trouble, just go to the Justice League! Generally speaking, the magic world should handle things in the magic world by itself, but I don't think the magic world has any plans With this trouble, anyway, magic can still be used normally, so what does the magic creator have to do with their conspiracy? They may not be able to live to that time... Anyway, it has been like this for thousands of years."

"Since magic did not exist from the beginning, there is no need for it to exist forever."

"That's what they think... Instead, it's the Justice League. They have Batman, a paranoid patient who is persecuted. Even God created human beings, in his view, it is dangerous. Maybe God has plans for human beings? He There must be a plan against find him..."

Strange watched coldly: "I think it should have something to do with your popularity."

"What's wrong with my popularity?" Constantine asked in surprise, "Even if I'm down and out, people who are willing to help me can still line up from the Tower of London to London Bridge."

"A corpse?" Strange asked back.

"And I remember when you were summoning me, you were hunted down by many powerful mages and collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, just when that mage was going to take your dirty life , you used astral projection to come to me to borrow strength... and you also pretended to be a worried hero in this world, defrauding you of many favorable conditions."

"That's not an unequal treaty, it's an exchange of equal value. You must know that apart from me, you can't find another person to deal with the second prophet for you!" Constantine vowed: "You probably don't Know his fame in the wizarding world."

In fact, Chen Ang doesn't have much prestige in the magic world, just like Master Dark Ye said, most mages only respect prophets. It is only when you reach the top that you know how to be in awe.

"There must be something wrong with Chen Ang..." Strange said: "I have already discovered some clues in our universe, but his evil hides too deep. It is bottomless! I was exiled out of time , there should be his factor."

"I suspect that my return here is also part of his plan. I know a lot of bad things he did... I just can't guess what his motives are."

"Maybe it's's interesting?" Constantine knew a little bit about this because there was a clown in the universe whose life goal was to make trouble.

"Many lunatics destroy the world without any reason." Constantine tidied up his windbreaker and prepared to go back to Limbo Prison to see if he could find someone to bring him back to the headquarters of the Justice League.

Strange shook his head and said: "There are indeed many such people, but Chen Ang is not. He must have some kind of plan..." Fantasy world travel

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