Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 189 Shazam's death is a big black pot

Old iron^One second^Remember 3^3^Small^Speak^Net ω`ω`ω.З`З`x`s.c`o`мText update^The speed is the fastest

Diana stepped forward, turned over Shazam's corpse facing the ground, and gently closed his puzzled eyes, with an expression of disbelief froze on his face, Shazam's body was actually a ten-year-old The six-year-old boy can even be said to be a little thin. Under normal circumstances, he would not maintain Shazam's transformation when he was going to sleep.

After all, maintaining the transformation also requires physical strength.

But Shazam's corpse was what he had transformed into - a tall and strong adult.

He was still wearing the red uniform with the yellow lightning bolt on the chest, and the magic hood, but the white lightning around him had been extinguished forever. Even those eyes that can burst out lightning are only the gray color of death.

"Shazam must have been assassinated while meeting someone..." Diana said angrily, "When he hides in the room alone, he will change back to his original form."

"Diana!" Batman stopped Diana from continuing, because any further speculation would lead to an embarrassing conclusion—the murderer was among them...and this was what the murderer wanted to achieve. Batman whispered: "No matter how angry we are now, we can't get into the trap set by the murderer for us."

"Why did he choose to commit murder at the Justice League's base?"

"This is to destroy the trust between us!" Sea King Arthur said, but when he looked up, he saw many people looking at him in surprise, Arthur frowned and said, "Why? Can't I use my brain? "

Diana also calmed down at this time, she said to Aquaman: "I thought you would be the most impulsive and angry one among us..."

"I'm very angry!" Haiwang said coldly: "I can't wait to break the bones of the beast... Shazam's death is unusual."

"Oh!" Batman was really surprised this time, because Aquaman has always been the least like to use his brain among them. Arthur is a reckless man. It is a one-time call for him to kill people, but let him make a plan. ...God, how many times have Mela's plans been sabotaged by Arthur's recklessness?

"The person who killed him was provoking us...he not only wanted to get rid of us, but also wanted to break us." Arthur said calmly.

Batman quickly figured it out... The Justice League has faced countless enemies, but generally speaking, the first thing an enemy hiding in the dark wants to kill is either Batman, Superman, or Lightning Heroes... especially The Flash, generally speaking, when a powerful enemy appears, they will get rid of the Flash first.

Because the Speed ​​Force is so buggy!

Seeing the opportunity, getting rid of The Flash is equivalent to bringing down the most difficult general in the Justice League. In the same way, Batman and Superman are the same. Killing Batman is equivalent to destroying the brain of the Justice League. Killing Superman is equivalent to Destroying the soul and the most powerful combat power of the Justice League, killing the Flash will eradicate the biggest "surprise" of the Justice League.

Some people like to challenge the brains of the Justice League, and some like to defeat the strongest Superman of the Justice League head-on. They all want to prove their wisdom and strength, but they don't like accidents that destroy their plans.

So the Flash is always the first to die.

But this time is different, they chose to kill Shazam first, and they did it at the headquarters of the Justice League...Although Shazam is a very active and powerful hero, he is actually not very threatening to the enemy. Because his mind is immature, it is easy to fall into the trap of the enemy. It is really not difficult to kill Shazam for those enemies that the giants of the Justice League often face.

So almost no one would choose to eradicate Shazam first.

When an enemy hiding in the dark makes his first attack, he usually chooses the target that poses the greatest threat to him, unless he likes confrontation, like the clown likes to play with Batman.

"He killed Shazam at the watchtower base, first of all to destroy the trust between us and trigger a crisis of trust in the Justice League. At the same time, he also showed his self-confidence and declared that he would defeat the Justice League head-on. At the same time, he also angered us to the greatest extent. ...Because Shazam is the object of our protection!" Batman has calmed down, but his tone is still serious.

In the eyes of the heroes of the Justice League, Shazam is generally regarded as a boy scout. He is somewhat rebellious and naive, but he has the purest heart in the Justice League and is the object of protection by everyone.

The enemy brutally killed the underage Shazam, which has angered everyone in the Justice League.

Batman carefully inspected the wound that took Shazam's life. It was a sharp and precise blow that pierced Shazam's heart from behind. The wound was caused by a sharp weapon. Three inches, the fit is very tight, indicating that Shazam was stabbed to death from behind by a sharp thin-bladed dagger.

"After Shazam died, his body did not return to its original state." Batman checked: "There may be a magical factor in this."

"Shazam was killed by a magic dagger?" Zatanna frowned, turned her head and asked Constantine, who had been a little out of his wits since discovering Shazam's body, and said, "Do you remember such a dagger?" Magic artifact?"

"Ah?" Constantine came back to his senses and said in a panic: "I don't remember it, but we still don't know what magic is attached to this"

"Get everyone back to their rooms!" Batman ordered. "Too many people here! No good for the investigation!"

Diana directly ordered: "Everyone... go back to your room. The next investigation will be by me and Batman... We also need a magic assistant... Xiao Zha, you also come down to help, and You Barry...we might need you." Zatanna just wanted to say that Constantine could help, but Zack left by himself.

Before leaving, he said to Zatanna: "Don't be stupid, Xiao Zha...they can't trust me."

Constantine stretched out his hand to help Zatanna tidy up her hair, then put on a yellow windbreaker without looking back, and walked towards her room. Zatanna kept staring at his back, and the woman's intuition made her keen Fajue, this man I love deeply has something on his mind.

After all the crowd had dispersed, Diana said, "Whoever killed Shazam, the wizard Shazam must know, we just need to ask the wizard Shazam to find out!" The wizard Shazam is a An ancient great wizard, he participated in the creation of the Eternal Council, a wizard organization with the main purpose of protecting human beings. The Eternal Council is composed of seven wizards with the highest level of magic in human history. They have participated in many major events.

Including the trial of the three original sins of Pandora, Judas and the Questioner.

The wizard Shazam spent three thousand years guarding mankind, and then he got tired of it, so he chose Billy Batson, a fifteen-year-old boy who is righteous and pure and kind, as the guardian of mankind. ability of power.

Now that Captain Shazam was killed, the others didn't see the murderer, but the wizard Shazam who is one with Captain Shazam must know something.

"Only by returning to the Rock of Eternity can we contact the wizard Shazam." Batman said: "But Captain Shazam is dead, who among us can find the Rock of Eternity?"

"The Rock of Eternity is the center of the universe..." Batman also had a headache, Shazam is dead, how can he go to the Rock of Eternity!

Zatanna's eyes lit up when she heard this, looking for a certain place, or someone, anyway, looking for something... Who can be better than Constantine? That is the omnipotent man who goes to heaven (heaven) to hell (Phantom Area of ​​Hell), goes to heaven (heaven) to dream (dream realm), goes to soup (lingbo prison) and goes to fire (hell)!

"I can let Constantine go...he should be able to find the place!" Zatana said.

"No..." Batman and Wonder Woman said in unison, they looked at each other, and Batman came forward to explain, and Batman didn't hide his intentions at all: "Constantine is still the object of our suspicion...we can't let The suspect is looking for clues."

At this time, Wonder Woman made a discovery. She found a little doll that looked like a Barbie doll from Shazam's bedside. No was a villain with a strange shape, eyes made of buttons, sewn with cloth.

Wonder Woman held up the doll and said, "Who of you know this thing!"

"Show me..." Zatanna took the doll, a look of panic flashed across her face... This did not escape Batman's eyes, Zatanna whispered: "This is a magic item, witch Poison dolls... These are magical props used to take things from other people. Wizards usually use them to take life, love, happiness, and honor from people..."

"There is still power!" Batman interrupted Zatanna: "This thing can still take Shazam's power!"

"Can you tell who gave this thing to Shazam?" Wonder Woman's expression became serious. Obviously they all have guessed... But what makes Zatanna flustered is that their guess may be true, because this kind of voodoo doll is a secret tradition of voodoo, and there are not many people who can make it, and Kang Standing happened to know one, and he often stole from him.

Father Midnight!

But Papa Midnight is dead! In order to protect the Eye of Agamado, he was besieged by several masters of the Cold Flame Church. He killed Mr. E, but he also died in the hands of others. Zatanna didn't even know why Father Midnight would do it for Constantine. At the cost of their lives, the two of them are not good friends.

But after Papa Midnight's death, if there is any inheritance, it can only fall into the hands of Constantine.

Zatanna subconsciously concealed her guess, but she still spoke out the clues: "Such magic props require quite powerful magic attainments, and this style of voodoo dolls can only be mastered by voodoo magicians." Good at it, it must have come from a very powerful voodoo mage."

Zatana suddenly looked flustered, and she avoided Batman's sight by pulling her hair together.

She whispered: "I have to look up the magic book... I have to go back."

Zatana left with an excuse, and Wonder Woman held the doll and said to Batman: "It's rare that you didn't expose her!"

"Because Constantine should not be the murderer... This is just something to divert our attention, of course we can't ignore the investigation of him, I will keep an eye on him!" Batman said: "Zatana will ask him, That's better than me asking!"

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