? Batman was lost in thought, he was thinking-why Shazam!

After Diana knew the reason for his confusion, she whispered: "Didn't Arthur say that the murderer was trying to provoke us and provoke us, so he killed the most innocent Shazam first, destroying the trust between us?"

"Arthur has started to use his brain, which is a good thing... It means that he has begun to take responsibility to be a real king!" Batman said: "But he doesn't have that much experience yet, and his brain needs to be active for a while before he can take on the thinking important task."

Diana smiled and gave him a hammer on the shoulder: "Don't let Arthur hear it, or he will beat you up!"

Her smile only showed for a moment, and then darkened immediately: "I know you are changing ways to comfort me, but I really don't need it. Anger and sadness are a good thing for me now. It gives me enough The motivation is to revenge and fight. Shazam is like a younger brother to me. There are no men in Amazon Island. You know that men in Amazon are an unbearable history for us. It is Superman who let me know the seriousness of men, you Let me know the perseverance of a man, Barry taught me that a man can also be kind, and Billy...he is innocent and not evil at all."

"You guys are family to me... The family was hurt. We need revenge..."

"But revenge can't make you lose your mind and thinking." Batman said: "Billy's murder made you feel at a loss for a while, otherwise you wouldn't miss the things that Arthur can think of, and you wouldn't ignore the key points that Arthur didn't think of. "

Diana said angrily: "Okay! So you see me like this, am I not as good as Arthur? Tell me, what have I overlooked?"

"Time!" Batman said.

"Why did Shazam die today..." Batman said.

"Is there anything unusual today?" Diana thought for a while and said, "Today is the first time Constantine stepped into the Hall of Justice."

"When I saw him for the first time, I knew that he came to the watchtower with other purposes." Batman said: "It's not another reason, John will never step here in his life. For him, here is It's like another world and it's going to make him very uncomfortable."

"You think it was John...no...you don't think he did it by saying that." Diana calmed down a little, at least she could think normally.

Batman continued to analyze: "Constantine came to the Hall of Justice for the first time, he has his own purpose, he has a plan... We found his voodoo doll here in Shazam, does it mean that this plan is not related to Shazam? related,

He knew that Shazam was a key, and then the enemy discovered that he knew Shazam was the key..."

"So preemptively...kill him!" Diana's eyes became serious: "Konstantin knew the murderer's motive...so you asked Zatanna to test him. You think the voodoo doll is related to Shazam's death, but Not a decisive factor, but ... a clue to the motive of the crime."

"If anyone can make Constantine tell his plan frankly, then only Zatana!" Batman said calmly: "John is a firm person, he treats every friend sincerely, but he can sit back and watch them He felt guilty about dying for justice, whether his friends wanted it or not, but never regretted it."

"He carries out a kind of dark justice... I wonder if Zatanna is an exception to him."

"Probably not!" Diana joked: "I don't know if he will sacrifice Xiao Zha, but I believe that when the critical moment comes, he will even sacrifice Xiao Zha's father without hesitation, even in Xiao Zha My father is more important than anything in my heart.”

The real father-in-law killer Constantine!

Zatana came to the door of Constantine's room and pushed the door open without hesitation! Constantine said nervously in the bathroom: "Who is it...Damn it, Xiao Zha! It's inconvenient now..."

Zatana kicked open the toilet door of Constantine's room. Constantine squatted on the toilet, flustered while grabbing the toilet paper, but Zatana was unmoved. She calmly touched Constantine, Zha Kang said in horror: "Xiao Zha, don't be here..."

Zatana grabbed the Eye of Agomodo hanging on Constantine's chest, and tore it off violently.

Zha Kang was strangled to the point of suffocation. Zatana did not shy away from Constantine who was squatting on the toilet, she whispered: "Detective Magic!" On the eyes of Agomodo, there were clearly traces of magic, and the light blue fluorescence was in the The bronze-colored eye-shaped copper pendant appeared, and the traces where the eyeball locked the time gem were the most obvious.

The light blue traces of magic faded slowly... This showed that Constantine was still using the Eye of Agomodo just now.

"You tell me...you can't undo the protection spell of this thing!" Zatanna said angrily: "So are you using it to wipe your ass?"

"Okay! Xiao Zha, I was discovered by you!" Constantine said with a dejected face: "I just discovered it too, this thing can see images of the past...I swear I didn't expect the room they arranged for me to be a clown girl Harley lived there too, I definitely didn't watch her take a bath on purpose, it was just a coincidence... oh!"

Zatanna let go of the fist that hammered Zha Kang's lower abdomen. Just as she was about to continue to press, Constantine used a very vicious move that killed both of them. With a puff, he spat shit!

Really hit shit!

Zatanna looked disgusted, and hurried out of the toilet door. She slammed the door and shouted: "Don't even think about fooling around like this!"

"I was hovering on the edge...Xiao Zha, I couldn't hold back your punch." Zha Kang's weak voice came from behind the door. How could Zatana believe that she knew that Constantine was trying to destroy the evidence? , he was doing something shady in the toilet, and Zatana broke in and caught him off guard, so he had to use this method to buy time to destroy the evidence.

But even if she knew, Zatana couldn't make up her mind to go in and catch her.

It was obvious that Constantine knew it too. With the sound of flushing water, Constantine, who had cleaned up all the traces, came out of the toilet with a relaxed face...Zatana asked forcefully, "What are you doing in there?"

"What can you do in the toilet!" Constantine looked calm, but Strange had completely cut off the communication channel between the two sides, and Constantine had to find a way to re-open it with powerful magic power... the last time he was Sacrificing a Midnight Papa and using a 'friend' to sacrifice the genius to open the passage.

Constantine was very sad...wasted a good idea, originally he planned to use this trick to delay the time when Strange took his soul away!

"Can this magical artifact see what happened in the past?" Zatanna asked, raising the Eye of Agomedo.

"Don't think about it! I just tried it! The power in Shazam's room is in chaos, and the power of magic distorts the past picture, and nothing can be seen." Constantine said.

Zatana punched him in the chest again... Zatanna had some psychological shadows, and deliberately chose a thicker place.

"So you're using it to watch Harry take a bath?"

"I didn't do it on purpose..." Constantine had just opened his mouth when he was punched again.

"I know you have something to hide from me...you forced me to leave, then you opened the protection of this thing, you came to the watchtower, claiming to come to me, but left a voodoo doll in Shazam's room. "Zatana said angrily: "The Justice League has the right to doubt you...Konstantin, you should think about how to explain it."

Zha Kang said calmly: "I can't explain... If they want, they can arrest me."

"So you won't say anything?" Zatanna demanded, "Even to me, you won't say anything."

"One less person who knows about this matter will be less dangerous, whether it is for the insider or the whole world." Constantine looked at Zatana and whispered: "Promise me, don't ask about this matter." It's about me and the Justice League...don't get involved."

"What if I say... I am a member of the Justice League?" Zatanna looked into Zack Kang's eyes and said word by word.

"The last person who knew about this was Father Midnight...you know what happened to him!" Constantine said, "I don't want you to do the same!"

"Finally solved one of my doubts..." Zatana said calmly, "Why did Father Midnight desperately help you?"

"Because you are in the same group!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Why did you go to Shazam? Why did you leave behind a voodoo doll that could take away Shazam's power? Why did Father Midnight deal with the Church of Cold Flames for you? What did you do with the Eye of Agomodo? Yes, what was it that you didn't want me to know just now?"

"The evil god in the bathroom?" Zatanna sneered and asked mockingly.

Zatanna still failed to pry Constantine's mouth open in the end. When Zhakang did what he thought was right, he always went forward and never regretted it. Even if he hurt himself or others, he never regretted it!

Constantine was waiting for the people of the Justice League in the room. He thought that someone would break in at any time in the next moment, Superman or Wonder Woman, arrest him, put him in the secret prison of the Justice League, and then torture Shazam. But he was ready, Shazam was dead! Maybe it's a good thing...

But to his surprise, Diana pushed away from his room by herself, looked around his room, and didn't come to trouble him aggressively, but told him something that made him feel safe. Unexpected things.

"Zatana is missing!"

When Constantine heard this sentence, he finally failed. He raised his hand to light a 'ska', but his trembling hand failed to light the lighter for a long time.

In the Justice League interrogation room, only Wonder Woman and Batman sat across from Constantine.

"Zatana left the watchtower after talking with you yesterday. We knew she wanted to find someone to clear your suspicion, so she didn't protect her in time. She should have gone to Dr. Fate! Because she felt that fate God Naboo behind the doctor should be able to take us to the Rock of Eternity, find the wizard Shazam of the Eternal Council, and remove your suspicion."

"But we've received word that... she's gone missing with Dr. Fate!"

"Her security signal has been disabled since yesterday. We've tried everything we can to get to her. The Martian Manhunter can't find her, and neither can Superman."

"Fack!" Konstantin violently kicked down the chair, grabbed his hair and said violently: "Fack squid...Fuck, the damned Justice League...Fuck, you bastards in tights...you should stop It is our business that she continues to entangle, why should she be involved!"

"But you just want to take advantage of everything...to take advantage of all my weaknesses."

Constantine raised his head angrily and roared, "Batman!"

"We all know!" Batman looked at Constantine calmly, but his eyes softened, no longer full of suspicion: "No one can escape this vortex, no one! We have no choice! This In the world, there has long been no Eden to escape from everything."

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