Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 191 I act like a bat all my life, why do I need to explain it to others?

Just look at the world! Our universe is an exquisite cage created by people. It was created by three monsters called prophets. They reversed the world that was about to be destroyed and created time, space and... magic. The three prophets guarded this world. universe. And beyond the universe is the darkness that once destroyed the world.

One of the most evil beings, death.

I am a prisoner in a cage, using magic created by the Prophet. But now, the conflict between the prophets seems to have opened a gap in this cage... But this is not the light of hope, because outside the cage is the most terrifying darkness that human beings can imagine.

Prophets created the Speed ​​Force, created the emotional spectrum, created magic, and even created the life force that conceives all things.

I learned about the origin of the Speed ​​Force from The Flash, the Speed ​​Force universe created by a prophet, I learned the secret of the emotional spectrum from Batman, the Seven Lanterns died at the hands of Dr. Manhattan, and Batman even suspected that Dr. Manhattan also Had been a prophet, at least one of the council's masters.

I learned from the Swamp Thing that the Green of All Things also had an origin, and that it was created by a mysterious seer.

I learned from Beast Boy that the Red of All Living Things also has the memory of 'Origin'.

The red of beings, which represents flesh and blood creatures, and the green of all things, which represent the realm of plants, were created by the Prophet. There is no doubt that the remaining withering ashes representing microorganisms, fission bacteria, metal spirits representing non-carbon-based life, and the decaying black of the final death realm should also be related to them. The affiliation of all life in the universe, the six kingdoms were all born from the hands of the prophets.

My popularity in hell is good, and I found a clue in Limbo Prison—heaven and hell were also created by a prophet.

I thought I had found the truth, the truth is that this world is a plaything in the hands of the prophet, but the most mysterious first prophet found me, and he said to me: "These have nothing to do with me...the prophet did not create everything, when I will After the entire universe was opened, I was between existence and non-existence. I was trapped outside the existence of this universe. You think I am the black hand who controls everything, but in fact, the authority of this world has been from the beginning It slipped out of my hand, off the track I had planned for it."

"It wasn't the prophet who created all of this, but the person who created it got mixed into the prophet."

"When the World Security Council helped me confirm my existence, I broke free from this illusory state, and I saw this world that I 'created'. I don't know how heaven and hell came to be, because That's none of my business. I don't know how the original life force of your universe was created. I don't know anything about the Speed ​​Force or the emotional spectrum."

The First Prophet sighed: "You think I am the omnipotent prophet,

But in fact, I am just a prisoner. "

"When I woke up, I should have known everything, because according to the principle of the operation of the three prophets system, I should be omniscient and omnipotent, but I looked around and there were too many secrets in this universe... You know what it means ?"

"It means that you didn't create this universe." Constantine turned pale with fright. Only now did he realize that this muddy water is really bottomless, and even the first prophet couldn't get to the bottom.

"I may be just a lock...the only thing I can do is to open the lock, and let the unspeakable darkness outside the universe come in and die with this universe, but I vaguely realize that this is what he wants." First know: "Konstantin, his plan is almost complete. It might even be! It will take a little more speed to stop him."

"Otherwise destruction is our only end."

"Do the best I can while I can see something!" sighed the First Prophet, "I know what the Eye of Agamado is, a mage-lord trapped outside of time, a The fuse, the Second Prophet buried his hands when he created magic, and the seven great wizards who first mastered magic in this world are the coordinates that opened the door for the mage lord."

"They're all trapped by me on the Rock of Eternity now, but there's one man whose power can seep know who he is!"

"Shazam!" Constantine said solemnly.

"This artifact is too dangerous! It should be what the Second Prophet is planning to use to destroy the world... You must control it in your hands." The first one knows: "Shazam is a ready-made coordinate, his Shazam The power is the power given by the wizard, and his body is a natural carrier of magic power. The power from the high dimension can be easily projected into his body."

"So when he comes into contact with the Eye of Agomodo, he can easily become the carrier of the power of the dimensional mage lord." Constantine said: "Then the guy who was exiled out of time can easily return to this universe."

"So, don't let him touch the Eye of Agomodo." The figure of the First Prophet gradually became illusory: "Otherwise something very terrible will happen. In the future I see, this will finally end everything."

"But it's just the latest node. After stopping Shazam, we fought for it for a while."

"Give you time to find out the truth!"

At some point, I began to notice the messy heroes in tights in this world. They wandered around, showing off their power, causing trouble everywhere, and abusing the power beyond their control.

Within ten minutes, I was utterly disgusted with them and the moral superiority they flaunted.

Justice (indifferent and mocking tone)...Cut!

Later my girlfriend became one of them too...

And then... when I found out that those who stood tall would be the first to face the danger of the sky falling, when I had to stand as tall as them... she disappeared!

Maybe the pervert who dressed himself up as a bat was right... This world is no longer easy to find a pure land!

When the sky fell, no one survived.

... There was silence in the interrogation room, and Batman silently digested the news he got from Constantine. He picked up the voodoo doll and said, "So this is why you came to the Justice League, to take away Shazam's power, Let him out? You are going to use this voodoo doll to take away Shazam's power, then throw it in hell, and give it to an interested demon lord in exchange for some conditions."

"Satan promised me that after giving him the power of Shazam, he will tell me more about the origin of hell." Constantine said calmly.

"You went to meet Shazam that day..." Diana asked forcefully.

"I told him that I had some clues about his biological parents. His sworn enemy, Black Adam, might have a conspiracy to find his parents, and then borrow the power of their blood to take away his Shazam power. Then I told He, I don’t have time to talk now. I handed him the voodoo doll and told him that I will contact him through this thing. And this doll has the ability to stand in. Once the blood curse against him occurs, this doll will block it for him One catastrophe." Constantine explained very readily.

"and after?"

"I left after that..." Constantine stared at the void three feet in front of him, as if he was recalling something: "Later, I saw his dead body."

"So this voodoo doll is actually a black magic item to take away Shazam's power." Diana said angrily, "Do you know that what you are dealing with is just a child."

"If you are a child, you should keep him away from the battlefield!" Constantine said dismissively: "You let him play this superhero game, this is the consequence!"

Diana angrily picked up Zack Kang's collar, lifted him up, looked into his eyes and said, "This is not Billy's superhero game, but a child with the most innocent desire to make the world a better place. This is the justice he implements. Although Billy is young, he is more reliable than you!"

Batman stopped Diana's further movements, and he whispered: "I only have one question left...Since you want to prevent Shazam from contacting the Eye of Agomedor and prevent the Second Prophet's plan from being completed, then the enemy What reason is there to do this? They can choose to let you take away Shazam's power...Why, they chose to kill Shazam?"

"There should not be two positions!"

"Why, they are more afraid than you that Shazam will come into contact with the Eye of Agomodo."

"Maybe it's because of lack of preparation!" Constantine thought for a while, then calmly said: "You seem to equate the person who killed Shazam with the second prophet?"

Batman said, "Isn't that so?"

Constantine laughed, he laughed so much that his lung cancer was affected, and then he coughed desperately, until he spit out a mouthful of bloodshot phlegm, Constantine raised his head and said: "The second prophet is the second prophet, want to The enemies who would destroy your Justice League are the enemies of the Justice League. The Second Prophet never cared about that...he has succeeded!"

"He's just waiting watch us struggle, to see us get closer to the truth, to watch be destroyed."

"The ones who made the move were only some other people, some who stood with the Second Prophet, but also had their own interests."

"For the Second Prophet, it doesn't matter when the plan is finally launched, but for these people, the time is not yet ripe, so they want to kill Shazam to prevent the plan of the Second Prophet from launching. The reason why they don't let We got access to the power of Shazam because they want to take the situation completely into their own hands. We all need time...that's what I just figured out."

Constantine said: "Bat, you already know what you want... tell me, where is Zatana?"

Diana was surprised for a moment, and then turned her head to look at Batman: "Do you know where Zatana is? You made Xiao Zha disappear and forced John to tell the truth?"

Batman shook his head and said, "I didn't make Zatanna disappear...I just took advantage of it."

"Superman has gone to rescue her!" Batman said: "You are very lucky, John, Zatanna successfully found the Rock of Eternity, and soon, you will be cleared of suspicion!"

"You should trust me more..." Batman said calmly: "You should trust that I will not give up any member of the Justice League."

Constantine spat in his face.

Zha Kang showed a mocking smile and said: "On the contrary, I don't believe you. No one knows how crazy a pervert dressed as a bat is. Bat, you are another clown. You can do anything to achieve your goal! I Believe in this..."

Batman didn't continue to explain, he just wiped his face dry, and slowly exited the interrogation room.

What Batman really hides from Constantine is that Superman has been next to Zatanna since the beginning... Zatanna is indeed missing. But she disappeared with Superman. Batman doesn't really give up on a teammate. He just took advantage of the fact that Constantine didn't trust him... for which he didn't say anything to Wonder Woman, Diana convinced Constantine that Zatanna was in danger.

The person he really hurt was Diana... Now Diana is looking at him behind his back, her eyes are very hurt...

He's broken Diana's trust in him...but so what? He's Batman, and he doesn't need to explain to anyone.

( = )

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