Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 194 Destroying your universe is our last resort for survival

"Who is your next target now?" Dr. Fate asked suddenly after Zatanna and the others left.

His figure echoed in the empty hall of the Eternal Council, but it was silent, there was no one at all, only the corpse of the wizard Shazam sitting quietly on the stone seat, leaning on his staff, suddenly green lightning flashed from the golden staff Shot from the top of the head, the energy of lightning coiled around the wizard Shazam, pouring from his eyes into his corpse.

At this time, the wizard Shazam opened his eyes. He was wearing a green hood, and his face was as hideous as a dead man's.

Powerful energy surrounds him. It is obvious that some existence has stolen the body of the wizard Shazam. The wizard Shazam raised his head, and he slowly turned into the flame of God's vengeance—the appearance of a ghost, and the ghost calmly said : "Guardian of magic, how dare you come to see me? When I heard your call, I admit that I was a little surprised."

"Who is manipulating you, ghost?" God Naboo asked. "Who is manipulating you to hunt down those lords of chaos and order, and kill us guardians of magic?"

"You are the last one!" said the ghost. "No one can control me. I am just fulfilling my destroy the magic."

"The master of magic asked you to destroy magic?" Neb sneered, "Or are you covering up the origin of magic?"

"I know that the Second Prophet is your master..." God Naboo just spoke, but was interrupted by the ghost angrily: "I said it! No one is my master!"

"No, you have!" God Naboo said sharply, "You said you were a part of God in the City of Silver, but we all know..."

"Shut up!" the ghost raged.

"God is a hypocrite... It is the prophet who created the world!" God Naboo still said, and he obviously stung the ghost.

The ghost is murderous: "I originally wanted you to live longer, but you are obviously more ignorant than Mrs. Shangdu... So, you have no chance!" God Naboo sneered: "If it is the second prophet's plan, Of course I dare not provoke, I still remember when magic was first created, we old guardians of magic, Lords of Chaos and Order, were 'taught' by His Royal Highness, he taught us magic, and at the same time used us Experiment with these spells."

"He created Heaven and Hell, where devils and angels assembled, and us!"

"Then he created you with magic, God, and then cut you into pieces, you should remember... ghost. I also watched one magic learner after another around me, turning into this twisted monster, primitive The magic is so dangerous and terrible that it scares us, and then we jointly created the magic web,

With the approval of the Second Prophet, he survived as the guardian of magic. "

"You're so sick of magic... ghosts."

"Because magic distorted you and cut you into pieces..."

"Shut up!" Beside the ghost, the flames of vengeance were raging, causing him to lose control. The ghost waved a flame of God's vengeance, which pierced through Naboo's chest. Cover up... So you killed the sorcerers of the Eternal Council. When the wizard Shazam Gou survived, I had already foreseen the end of the world. I sensed my own destiny, so I became my destiny."

"Now I know it's time!"

"If the last guardian of magic is still alive, I will return to the Second Prophet to accept those terrible tortures. So the most sensible move is to let you kill me. The Second Prophet created magic, and naturally needed magic, I have already sensed that magic is about to be destroyed, but after the destruction, the next era of magic is being conceived."

"I have to learn to be smart. After the destruction, the new magic rules will be reorganized. I have hidden my authority in the magic rules that are now hiding and dissipating, and hidden in the magic net. Although the magic net It will eventually collapse, I will lose my authority, the memory card will be emptied, and even the system of the magic net will be disassembled, but the communication protocol will be preserved. When the rules of magic are reorganized, I will be reborn."

"The truly intelligent people in this universe have hidden themselves in the embers of the universe's destruction, waiting for the next flame to ignite, and then be reborn in the fire...Only you..." God Naboo's body gradually dissipated: "You Lost its first memory, born in the wrath of God when the Second Prophet cut him to pieces."

"You got carried away with that anger and lost your last chance."

God Naboo was annihilated in the ghost's angry flames... But the ghost didn't feel happy at all, but became more angry and...frightened.

Because he felt a certain omen, those who died in his hands were so happy, as if they were going to die by themselves, but he felt that someone was using his hand to hide his existence, Ready to weather the storm, but he can't hide himself because he's a predetermined knife.

Constantine was imprisoned in the watchtower base of the Justice League. He calmly looked down at the earth outside the satellite base. The prison suppressed his magical ability, and the shackles made by Vulcan were tied to his feet. Hero They argue very bitterly about what to do with Constantine, who loathes these uniformed clowns, and the heroes think the same of him.

Fortunately, Batman didn't take away the Eye of Agomodo, and even its original owner, Little Spider, didn't seem to have any objection to the ownership of the thing. Constantine stared at the bronze artifact and smiled wryly.

This is a source of trouble.

As long as it's around Constantine's neck, the troubles are bound to keep coming, wave after wave, and Diana reassures him that Zatana will be back tomorrow. They haven't found good news, but at least Zatana can Help him argue.

But what Constantine was really worried about was the mage Strange outside of time... Strange took the initiative to cut off contact with him.

This made Constantine uneasy.

Out of time, Strange is meeting someone he didn't expect...

"It was you who exiled me out of time?" Strange stared at the unexpected figure in front of him, the person sitting in front of him was obviously a projection, Strange sneered: "I was exiled to Outside of time, you can still come to see me, it seems that in this new world, you are still capable of everything! Director Nick."

Nick Fury, the one-eyed dragon, came to see him in an astral projection, and Strange was able to produce tea for the soul to drink.

Although there is a saying, don't eat anything from a mage. But the bald Nick, who has always been cautious, ate happily. He put down his tea cup and smiled: "Yes, I know that you will lose control if you use too many time gems, and I didn't warn you. But it's all about preserving our world. hope."

"Hope?" Strange sneered, "You should know how dangerous that so-called Director of the Holy Shield Chen Ang is."

"Of course it's dangerous... But at that time we had no choice. The Holy Shield defeated the legacy of the Plague Knights, restrained the Death Knights' dependents, and controlled the famine virus... But we were still defeated in the face of death. In Wakanda Three days before the battle took place, we were completely defeated."

"At that time, the door of the soul in our spiritual world was opened. Countless chaos and dark things destroyed our soul world, and only a weak wall of common sense protected us. However, this protection is like a thin layer A mere touch of that truth turns us into nameless, babbling monsters."

"We've run out of options!"

"At this time, Chen Ang had a plan..." Nick Fury slowly described the plan he had agreed with Chen Ang: "He believes that since the human spirit can no longer be protected, it can only be reshaped. He designed a The system is composed of three capable persons who can change the future and are uncertain at the quantum level."

"They are called prophets..."

"The first prophet can create a universe, the second prophet can protect all human beings, or connect the spiritual world of all life in the universe as one, he can pull the souls of all people into his spiritual world, and the third prophet can Reconstruct a universe. It is not easy for us to find all the capable people."

"Chen Ang persuaded Professor, the leader of the Protoss family, and then we sent Reed out of the universe... He must be alive. At the price of Reed's living into the future, the professor sent Reed and Su's child—the most powerful Franklin, one of the mutants, got to that point in time, and then persuaded Franklin to create a spiritual world, and three gentlemen formed a string of ever-changing quantum codes, so that death could not lock this world."

"Then the professor pulled the souls of all beings in the universe to his spiritual world, and protected them into that spiritual universe. They are the second and third prophets... Then Chen Ang used Reed, who was hidden by us, to plot Franklin, let the father be in a state of uncertainty, then his own state will be unstable."

"Then Chen Ang killed the professor... and became the Second Prophet instead of him."

"He created this universe according to his own mind!"

"But this universe is doomed to be destroyed..." Nick Fury said, "We joined his plan in exchange for one condition, the key of which is you... Strange."

"We let Peter bring the darkness of the last world here, and he will destroy this world again at the right time. At that time, you will return here, because you were exiled out of time, so a series of futures in this universe Doesn't exist for you, you represent our universe's backup in the past."

"At that time, the universe will be destroyed again, and there will be an opportunity. We will summon you to this world. Then at the moment when the universe is cleared... we will reconnect the timeline you represent. Then this spiritual world will Reload the file, and our world will come back...that's our plan."

"Destroy this universe and rebuild our world?" Strange asked in shock.

He looked at Nick Fury with very complicated eyes: "So you killed Captain Steve, because he would definitely not agree to this plan... How many people who opposed you did you kill? To be able to carry out this insanity plan of?"

"Everything is worth it..." Nick said calmly, "Everything is for saving the world."

"This is the only way!"

"So, Dr. Strange, you must return to this universe at the right time, otherwise the archive you represent will be overwritten... The destruction of this universe is already doomed. We are worried that someone will , and give up our universe, so at the beginning of creating this universe, we planted the foreshadowing of destruction."

"Its destruction is irreversible, so if you want to save life in this universe, it's pointless."

"You can only choose to save the life of the world you live in!"

Strange sighed silently: "I'm not that great, I just want to keep the people I care about alive."

"You guys destroyed this universe..." Strange suddenly realized, "This universe was created by Franklin, and Reed was summoned to this world. He married Su under your arrangement, and Su should be pregnant by now!"

Nick smiled and said, "Yes, so the destruction of this universe is doomed."

"The child Su is pregnant with is Franklin. There cannot be two Franklins in one universe, so once the baby is born, the First Prophet will disappear, and the whole world will be destroyed at that time. Even if the child is not born, Franklin will also die , because he 'doesn't exist' anymore!"

"So the destruction of this universe has become doomed."

"It's based on a man who shouldn't exist!"

Nick finally looked at Strange and said, "So, Doctor. You control the lives of all of us and the fate of our world. Will you cooperate with us?"

Strange was silent for a long time, then sighed: "You are such a scum, you are insane. are a dirty politician."

"But I seem to have no other choice!" Strange didn't want to look at Nick again, he drove Nick away and said, "Get out of my sight, don't dirty my eyes."

Nick Fury knew the result, and he disconnected.

Only Strange was left out of time, with an extremely complicated expression.

Nick returned to time, and his expression was equally complicated. He whispered: "Strange, I hope you can be smarter. We pin all our hopes on you. Don't let us down, if you think sacrificing us The world is noble, you will regret it... We sacrificed everything to get a chance."

"You must make the right choice!"

Chen Ang continued to spend time in the laboratory... Although he made all these plans, the execution of the plan has nothing to do with him. Nick and the others are already frantic for that glimmer of hope. But this is not Chen Ang's is just an opportunity that Chen Ang bestows on them.

The whole universe is just the material of an experiment!

The souls of all people, all life and civilization, the matter of the entire universe... are all consumable materials. As for the plan implemented by Nick Fury, it is just an opportunity to recycle waste... Chen Ang is not Tianqi, nor Adam, he is just the designer and executor of this experiment, an insignificant part of Chen Ang's whole.

He is just one link in the grand scheme of making this universe an experiment.

And this link is part of an extremely huge experimental plan...

Now the results of this experiment are about to come out... The whole plan is about to be pushed to the next stage, and the price is the destruction of a mere universe, Chen Ang doesn't care.

Nick Fury's plan to destroy this universe and save his world.

The struggle of the doomed cosmic heroes...Chen Ang didn't care.

He was born for this experiment, other than that, it's meaningless... Masquerading as an insurance investigator—experimental researcher Chen Ang.

Project Leader - Chen Tianqi

Project Team Leader——Chen Adam

Project observers——Chen Jiaozhu, Ang Chen Mianxia, ​​Styx.

Project Special Observer - China Multiverse Republic

( = )

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