Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 195 Justice Is No Longer, Evil Is Eternal

Constantine was imprisoned in the most heavily guarded prison in the Justice League. He faced the darkness alone and didn't know what he was thinking. The Justice League decided to save their opinions on how to deal with him until the next day for a vote. When the dawn dawned, Constantine would usher in the trial of his own fate...

In the empty prison, suddenly footsteps sounded.

Constantine didn't look back, just sat and watched the shadow of a person come behind him...

"You put Constantine in prison..." Diana said with some headaches: "He is only suspected and has not been convicted. We all know that he may be innocent. You should not treat him like a prisoner. he!"

"Xiao Zha will definitely turn against you when he comes back."

"She won't..." Batman said calmly, "Because she knows I'm protecting John..."

"You mean that the murderer who killed Shazam would still attack John?" Diana was surprised: "No, it shouldn't be...Konstantin is the suspect who took his place. How could he murder the person who took his place?"

"Because the murderer is not afraid of his crimes being revealed at all, he just wants us to panic, he just wants to see every hero of the Justice League suspect each other. And don't forget, why did the murderer kill Shazam?" Batman's voice was hoarse reminded Diana.

"He wants to prevent Shazam from accessing the artifact from the old universe!" Diana exclaimed in a low voice.

"The Eye of Agomodo is very dangerous... It may be the core of the plan." Batman continued: "The third prophet sent it to Constantine, she definitely has her intentions, and our enemies may not like to see it. At this point, they killed Shazam, which means they don't want the mage lord who was trapped outside of time to return."

"Then the best way... of course is to hold that artifact in your own hands."

Batman continued: "And they should not be sure in whose hands the Eye of Agomordor is. They suspect that Constantine is just an eye-catching pawn thrown by the Third Prophet. After all, the Third Prophet gave up so easily. It looked really suspicious, so they killed Shazam to confirm whether Constantine was the key man."

"That's why you put Constantine in the most heavily guarded place of the Justice League for protection?" Diana's eyes lit up, "Because that's the safest place for the Justice League..."

"I just want them to think so!" Batman smiled hoarsely, "This way they will think it's safe there... They killed Shazam in the watchtower to take advantage of one of our psychological blind spots,

The fact that the watchtower is safe and that no one can lay hands on the heroes in the watchtower paralyzes us. "

"But it also caused them a psychological blind spot. I put Constantine in a very safe place. It is impossible for anyone to break through the prison of the Justice League. There are many super criminals imprisoned there. They are all helpless. It seems that there It is impossible to break through, and they broke through this impossible."

"They'll think they've caught our blind spots and they'll feel safe ... which creates the same blind spots for them."

"That's the psychological trap I set for them."

Batman looked down at the indicator light of the gadget he had installed not long ago, where the light turned from green to red, and Spiderman smiled. "Now, they're hooked!"

"I've thought about many possibilities, but I didn't expect it to be you!" Constantine looked at the shadow in front of him and said with emotion: "I don't think Batman would think of you, because... there is no reason at all!"

Constantine heard a voice behind him say, "You should know what I want...give it up."

Constantine raised his eyebrows and said frivolously, "Then will you let me go?"

"I can take it on your corpse!" The man sneered: "I have cut off all the security here, no matter what happens here, the alliance will not know. Batman built this place, thinking that no one can crack it It, yes, is perfect here, but I'm a little smarter than he thinks. Smarter than him, maybe!"

This prison was designed by Batman and built by the Justice League. It used magic and magic from Amazon and Olympus, a high-tech system designed by steel bones, and a security system designed by Batman and from Asia. The technology of Atlantis and Mars, Batman has devoted all his efforts to this, Superman has personally experienced it, even he can't crack the security system here.

Too many enemies of the Justice League have been imprisoned here!

Many big figures in the universe have lived here, even General Zuo De, or even Darkseid, shouldn't have sneaked into it so easily and silently.

Constantine groped around on his body. He found the 'Sika' brand cigarette in his breast pocket, but he couldn't find a lighter all over his body, so he had to discuss with the person standing opposite him: "Dude... borrow a fire!"

"Are you trying to delay time? I hope the bats will find out what's going on here?" The man sneered, "I really want to watch you slowly wait to despair, but time is not allowed! Hand over the Eye of Agomodo !"

Konstantin tried to start a fire with his fingers, but he could summon a magic that burned the fire wall of the entire building outside. He couldn't even light a cigarette here, so he had to hold the cigarette in his mouth and smoke it dry through the filter. Perhaps it was the familiar smell of smoke that eased his anxiety, and Constantine slowly walked down facing the man.

He looked up at the visitor and said with a smile, "I'm not delaying time... I'm just watching a good show."

The eyes of the person on the opposite side became more and more indifferent, and he raised the knife in his hand... At this time, the indestructible door behind him, which was jointly built by magic and technology, slowly slid open, and Batman and Diana blocked the door, looking at the prisoner. The man outside Constantine's cell, Batman's face was expressionless, while Diana's face was full of disbelief.

"Carter...why is it you!"

That person was Eagleman Carter Hall. His hand holding his precious sword trembled slightly. Carter Hall turned his back to Batman, closed his eyes and said, "So... this is a trap, right?"

"I doubt many people..." Batman whispered: "I also doubted you."

"But I still don't think you killed Shazam..."

Batman said sincerely: "Catch it without a fight! Hall, the Justice League will give you a fair trial. We will give you a chance to explain..."

"It sounds like you know why I did this?" Hawkman bowed his head.

"I know...they want to destroy us, completely destroy us, crush our beliefs, open our wounds, exploit our weaknesses... Hall, you are being used by them in this way. They take advantage of my suspicion, Force me to destroy you with my own hands. You take advantage of your weakness, your love!"

Hearing "Love" Carter Hall trembled like an electric shock, he smiled wryly: "I've had enough of the torment of love."

"I love Ciara, and she loves me. But in the alliance we pretend to be strangers, we keep reincarnating, and suffer the cruelest curse. Once we are together, fate will separate us again." Hawkman He and Ying Mai are a pair of cursed lovers. They have been reincarnated continuously since ancient Egypt. Every time they can't help being together, they will be separated by death.

In four thousand years, they came to this world two hundred and six times, fell in love and separated.

"I feel the pain of Sanders... the pain of being in love but having to separate, the pain of being in love but unable to express it." Hawkman slowly raised his head. Through the reflective metal above his head, he saw the appearance of Hawkgirl. Behind the two Batmans, tears have already flowed down their faces.

"So I decided to end all of this forever...and save happiness for the last!" Yingxia sighed.

"The Eye of Agomodo." He looked at the magical artifact on Constantine's chest, and said in a daze, "I thought it could help us undo the curse...but now it seems that it can only help us end all of this." Green flames glowed on Hawkman's body: "To end this with disgrace..."

"Carl!" Hawkgirl cried and rushed forward.

She and Hawkman embraced each other, the green flame stained her body, burning their powerful bodies, burning through their flesh and blood, and even burning their souls, this kind of pain should be extremely intense , enough to drive a person crazy, but they showed a happy smile.

Then in front of Batman and others - reduced to ashes.

Constantine stared at the pair of lovers who disappeared into the magical flame, not knowing what he was thinking, but the emotional Diana was already in tears.

Diana punched Batman on the shoulder: "I want to find out who framed them and kill him!"

Constantine sat on the ground, crossed his legs and slowly raised his head and said, "The murderer killed two more heroes, right? The murderer played his despicable tricks again and killed Karl... and San des."

Zha Kang turned his head to look at the ashes on the ground: "Use me as bait."

"You don't have to..." Diana couldn't help blurting out.

"You have to have an explain why they are here, and to preserve their reputation. I am the best reason, right? Hawkman found out that I was calling for help, and then he and Hawkgirl rushed over, and it turned out It's just that the murderer used me as a bait and brutally killed them." Zha Kang made up this kind of reason so skillfully that it made people feel distressed.

"But they will blame you!" Diana's impression of Constantine changed greatly.

"Someone has to bear these... let alone!" Zha Kang raised his head and raised the corners of his mouth, hitting the upper half of his face with flaxen blond hair covering the wrinkles on his forehead. Constantine shrugged and said: "Just killed another 'friend'. I'm used to it..."

Zha Kang turned his head away, lowered his head and hugged his feet, and said, "I seem to be familiar with that flame..."

There were footsteps coming from outside, and Zha Kang whispered: "Someone found out what happened here." He tilted his head and said, "Hurry up and find them! Bats... your situation is not good. You are already dead Three people have been killed!" After speaking, Zha Kang lowered his head and did not make a sound.


The heroes all came to the prison, they looked at the pool of ashes, and everyone was silent.

Firestorm looked at Constantine who was in the cell next to him as if nothing had happened, and said angrily: "They came to rescue you like a hero, but you just screamed for help like a bitch? You should kneel in front of their corpses Confession... In order to protect a scumbag, we lost two comrades in arms..."

"You're inside, like another executioner!"

"We're going to banish him... banish him to the Phantom Zone!" Firestorm suggested.

"No..." Wonder Woman objected: "He has proved his innocence... When the murderer committed the crime, he was locked in prison and couldn't do anything."

"Do you prove your innocence by sacrificing Eagleman and Hawkgirl?" Atom Man was not polite, he looked at the greasy exorcist in disgust: "At least drive this wizard out of our sight."

Wonder Woman wants to explain to Constantine, but the heroes are resolved.

And Batman didn't open his mouth to plead for Constantine... In the end, the Justice League drive Constantine out of the watchtower and never allow him to approach the Justice League base.

All the murders that happened because of Constantine's coming to the watchtower seemed to be silent.

But the waves it caused did not end here... On the contrary, they continued to expand. All the heroes knew that a new crisis had come, and this time their opponents... were very dangerous! ! !

( = )

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