Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 196 Sea King's Theocracy, Battle for the Throne

Constantine was expelled from the Hall of Justice in embarrassment. He walked alone in the cold wind. Facing the cold wind blowing from his head, he couldn't help tightening his windbreaker.

When Hawkman and Hawkgirl were burned to ashes in front of him, Constantine had already understood more than half of it.

The one who killed them was a 'ghost', a weird and terrifying ghost, a thing that makes all magicians fear from the bottom of their hearts, a ghost from hell... This is not an exaggerated description, but an objective and faithful description. Constantine could hear about it in hell, and it is said that it is a big devil from hell.

He later took over the position of the Executioner of God, the incarnation of the Spirit of Wrath.

So this ghost has become one of the supreme beings in the entire universe, possessing almost omnipotent divine power, and its duty is to severely punish all kinds of crimes in the world. Constantine has dealt with him a few times, and frankly, he is the last opponent he wants to face.

But even if he didn't want to face it, such an enemy was just an appetizer in the troubles he was involved in.

There is no doubt that Shazam died in the hands of the dagger made by the ghost. Compared with the ghost, Shazam is really just a child. Anyone holding the ghost dagger can kill Shazam. The magic power of the ghost dagger deprived Billy of the power of Shazam in his body, leaving only Billy's thin body. His divine power had been completely deprived, so he died easily.

Then the ghost went to the Rock of Eternity and found the wizard Shazam...

Only he can kill one of the seven most powerful wizards on earth so easily, and he is also the most powerful among them, so Zatanna is destined to not get any clues when she goes to the Rock of Eternity. The ghost hid the flame of revenge in the body of the Yingman, and only he can promise the Yingman to lift their eternal curse.

"Now the black hand behind that has begun to emerge, and one of them has revealed his identity. But it is hopeless that it does nothing except make us feel more urgent. Because the ghost is the kind of Not at all afraid of an enemy who reveals his identity."

Batman on the other side also guessed the identity of the 'ghost'.

The Specter gave someone a magical dagger with hidden flames of vengeance, and the man approached the unsuspecting Shazam, then took the life from Shazam with the dagger in his back.

Now there is only one question left - who is this man?

He is not Yingren, because Yingren can't do this kind of thing. Yingren can be controlled by that black hand. To kill Constantine is the limit of tortured by the curse for four thousand years.

Then the comrade who killed himself with his own hands,

Who are the brothers?

Batman is very uncomfortable now. The murderer used his suspicion as a weapon to force Hawkman and Hawkgirl to death. Although he was not wrong in this point, the kind of provocation, the kind of malice that made them kill each other, made Batman Xia was very angry. Three heroes have been killed... who knows how many more?

The traitor among them had to be found, and while that was what the enemy wanted, they had no choice.

The Justice League must be united, but Batman can doubt everything.

Batman decided to sink deeper into the darkness, to doubt, spy on everything secretly, find his flaws, and kill him with one blow.

"There is a new dark force approaching us. The ghost is just one of them..."

The Sahara Desert... the sea of ​​desert, the lost kingdom, the endless sand dunes are like the rolling waves of the sand sea. In this place with extremely dry climate, the only similarity with the sea is that they are both extremely vast and wide, and the desert has the edge of the vast sea. The name is because in a sense, they are extremely barren for human beings.

Under the cover of sand dunes, there is an abyss like the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, which was once a trench.

Inhabited by one of the seven seas of Atlantis... the mysterious sea.

In the ruins of Atlantis in this extremely dead and barren trench, a hand gently brushed away the dust on a stone platform.

The stone platform is a forging platform etched with the symbol of the king of Atlantis... the shape of Neptune's trident, it is the mold used to cast Neptune's trident, but it is now broken in two . The highly-developed Mystic Sea Kingdom has disappeared, and the hall where this artifact was cast has also become a relic buried under the sand dunes.

Namor hated it very much... His skin was stripped of moisture by the dry air around him, making him feel very uncomfortable.

"Atlantis..." Namor whispered the name. He had complicated feelings for the two kingdoms with complete names in the universe, just like he knew about the existence of Sea King Arthur, and he had mixed feelings about this experience. Just like the feeling of his own man in the mirror, he is also a mixed race of land and sea, and he is also rejected by the sea people.

It is even born of a princess on the seabed and a humble human on the shore, and it is also a bridge connecting the sea and the land.

They are so similar and yet so different.

"The universe is overwhelmed with death! But Atlantis did not took root again in a new world, grew, and became a great and glorious civilization...but destruction will come again. Arthur...that man has no king He is not worthy to lead Atlantis, nor can he lead his people through this devastating disaster."

"Atlantis will be destroyed in his hands!" Namor's eyes gradually became firm: "I failed to save Atlantis, I could only watch it collapse in front of me and be swallowed by darkness, but this time... ...I will not! I will not let Atlantis be destroyed again in front of me...I swear, my life will be connected with this country again, and we will share weal and woe!"

Namor held the sacred Trident of Neptune in his hand and roared angrily.

He raised the trident in his hand, and the artifact capable of manipulating the power of the sea set off a huge tide. The highest wave reached the height of the skyscrapers of the metropolis. The seawater that has been soaked for thousands of years is poured into the trench where the mysterious sea country is located.

The tide flooded the ruins where Namor was located. Stimulated by the sea water, the technology of Atlantis in the hall was activated again, and the high-level energy activated the high-tech equipment in the hall. ignite.

Namor said that Atlantis in this universe is a continuation of the previous universe. It is not groundless. At least the technological systems of the two are highly similar. There is not much difference, even the Atlantis technology mastered by Namor is more advanced than that of this universe.

Namor took out the gift given to him by his allies, the Poseidon steel used in this world to build the Neptune's Trident... a precious metal from Atlantis.

Then he put his own trident into the energy furnace, and the melted holy Neptune trident and Poseidon steel were mixed together, and combined under the control of Atlantis' alloy technology, a new alloy was formed. . The Neptune Trident in this world has a strange ability, which makes the trident act like a signal amplifier, amplifying a natural ability of the royal family.

This ability is related to the vitality bred by the sea, and to the source of life where all life on earth was first born in the ocean.

It can command all sea life, and can infect and control the life of the sea, but this is only a trivial manifestation of this ability.

If the Neptune bloodline in this universe represents the power that is the source of life in the sea, then Namor's bloodline represents the sea itself. The holy Neptune can manipulate the power of the sea and set off boundless tsunamis. Namor can command water and manipulate The sea, setting off tsunamis and wind waves, can even create ocean currents when it is the strongest.

Divine Neptune, which gathers power from the movement of the sea, bursts out to silence islands, flood continents, and destroy everything.

Now Namor has used the sacred Neptune and Poseidon steel to jointly create this universe and the Atlantis technology of the universe from which he was born, and created an unprecedented artifact of the sea... the real Trident of the Sea God!

Platinum liquid metal is also liquid, such as in the mold of the trident, as the trident cools down, it slowly sinks into an indescribably brilliant brilliance, and as the trident completely solidifies, when it touches the sea water, a hidden fluctuation , as the tide receded from the Sahara, Namor drove the receding tide back to the sea.

The Seagod Trident emitted a wave that spread throughout the Seven Seas.

All the sea creatures started to commotion. In the sea kingdom of Atlantis, the Atlantis warriors comforted their restless sea creature mounts. Queen Mela was fidgeting on the throne. She called her confidants, Let him go to the Justice League to get Aquaman Arthur back. But he stared blankly at the direction from which the wave came.

"This is the announcement of the birth of a new king of the sea...There can be no two kings in the sea!"

"O sea! Have you also given up on Arthur?" Mela knew that Arthur was not a qualified king. Rather than governing his people, he preferred to drink with the sailors all night on land, and Those terrestrials play their superhero game...which leaves his reign on shaky ground.

It is true that Mela managed Atlantis very well by herself, and she also had a group of solid supporters.

But Mela is the princess of the Kingdom of Zebel, and the master of the Seven Seas can only be the royal family of Atlantis, so Mela chooses to rely on Arthur's legal principles to rule the Seven Seas, but Arthur himself lacks prestige, and Mela herself has no reputation. Flawed by law, their rule may be stable, but it is by no means secure.

Now, another king of the sea has issued his own declaration and challenge.

Mela felt uneasy, and she whispered: "Arthur, come back quickly! Your power is being challenged..." The rough man Aquaman in the watchtower stared at himself with a puzzled face and kept groaning. Trembling with the trident, Arthur grabbed the Neptune Trident, an artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Sea Clan, and felt its uneasiness.

He was going to talk to Batman, and then go back to Atlantis.

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