Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 200 The War of Atlantis

Under Siren's persuasion, Arthur still reached Batman on the phone...

"Bat, I need you to do me a favor!" Arthur said with some embarrassment: "Something happened in Atlantis... a seaman who called himself Namor usurped the throne while I was away, and took Mei Ra is imprisoned, and he seems to be launching a war to conquer the land again... Yes, this time it is not for revenge, but for conquest!"

"I know you want to help, but bat, this is an Atlantis thing, I have to figure it out myself!"

Batman's voice on the other side of the phone was hoarse: "No, Arthur. This is not your business alone. Shazam was killed, and Hawkman and Hawkgirl were also killed! Those people are hiding in the shadows. Members attack one by one... Isn't the purpose of our alliance to jointly deal with emergencies that cannot be dealt with alone?"

"Some people are hiding in the dark and are planning to eradicate the Justice League, the shield that protects the earth."

Arthur was a little moved, but he still insisted: "What the alliance has to do now is to prevent war. The atrocities of the usurper named Namor are still the internal affairs of Atlantis. I can't bring the alliance to participate... …I will now try to take back the throne and stop his madness."

"But if I fail! You can make a move!"

Arthur made his own request: "Namor is challenging the entire royal family, and I need my brother's help. Bat, contact the Sky Eye Society. I'm going to Bellerive Prison to talk to him."

"Release Orm?" Batman thought for a second: "It's a good idea... I'll give you a chance to solve the problem, but once things start to get out of hand, I will do it immediately, and then I won't think about you opinion!"

Arthur said: "You don't have to consider my opinion... because I must be dead by then!"

Arthur hung up the phone and expressed his determination to defend Atlantis with his life. Batman was silent for a while and whispered: "That's why I'm worried."

Bellerive Prison is located on the Gulf of Mexico, surrounded by swamps, where the most notorious criminals in the United States are imprisoned, and no one will escape, because everyone knows that outside the prison, there is a fucking hell, poisonous miasma, crocodiles , insects, and the seemingly safe land, but when you step on it, you can turn your face and swallow you at any time. Compared with it, Bellerive Prison is a paradise.

No one leaves heaven and flees to hell.

Arthur's brother, Ocean Lord Orm, was imprisoned here... Although it is a bit confusing to imprison an Atlantean in the prison where the greatest danger is the swamp,

But Aum was honestly imprisoned for several years.

The Sky Eye will be responsible for guarding the most dangerous mortals here. The middle-aged woman named Amanda even formed a special team composed of several of the most dangerous criminals to carry out dangerous tasks. This plan called Suicide Squad has already On track, but Orm is not someone Amanda can move.

Although he was exiled to the human world, he was still the prince of Atlantis.

Amanda hates this kind of people with special backgrounds who are so difficult that she dare not touch them.

In fact, the treatment of Aum is very good. Maybe the US government is going to help the prince go back and reset when necessary, so as to gain the support of Atlantis?

The U.S. government is very slippery when it comes to betting on two sides!

Don't look at Aum is a criminal now, he may transform at any time, become the leader of the Atlantis anti-government forces supported by the United States, go back and kill the orthodox Sea King Arthur... Not only the United States, maybe Batman has Such a plan to counter Arthur.

Standing outside Aum's prison, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the prison where his brother was imprisoned was simple and comfortable. Looking at his thin and emaciated brother, Arthur's eyes flashed guilt and sadness. He didn't want to lock up his brothers, even though Aum had killed their mother.

But Arthur believed that Orm was also suffering from this.

He is locked here obediently, not necessarily without a sense of self-exile.

"He is my only relative!" Arthur said sadly, Siren looked at his ex-boyfriend with a slightly unnatural expression, but Siren dismissed Arthur's entanglement.

"Weak man!"

"Open..." Arthur said to Amanda, and Amanda poked her neck and said, "You need to be protected...he is a very dangerous criminal...can't..."

"I it!" Arthur said angrily, he looked at the woman he hated indifferently, and emphasized word by word: "And he is not a criminal...he is Atlanta, who was exiled to the human world." Prince of Tees, my brother!"

Amanda screamed like a woman whose skirt was lifted: "You should know how many people he killed, how many innocent people were killed by the tsunami he set off? He committed a crime against the US government!"

"The U.S. government has also committed many crimes against Atlantis. You slaughtered whales and dolphins, dumped sewage into the ocean, and fished a lot to destroy the ecology of the ocean. What you did to Atlantis could have triggered a war long ago. Yes! My brother...although he made a mistake, we owe nothing to anyone on the issue of our two countries!"

Aum raised his head in astonishment when he heard Arthur speak for him.

Amanda trembled with anger, but was speechless. Arthur looked at his younger brother and continued: "Aum, of course he made a mistake, but he only made mistakes against Atlantis and the people on the land. He Waging a war involving the innocent, he has committed crimes against the peoples of land and sea. But this war, we did not provoke unilaterally...”

"Aum paid the America and all the countries on land didn't!"

"I feel deep remorse for the innocent people who died in the war, but for the politicians who caused this, your government...repent...not. You should atone for your crimes against the sea... If Aum is guilty, you are all guilty."

Arthur said coldly to Amanda: "Now open this thing that opens and closes my brother!"

Amanda opened her mouth silently, her lips twitched twice, but she still pretended obediently. She can be honest with Batman, she can despise and embarrass Superman, but she dare not do anything to Arthur. Because that is the leader of a country that is more powerful than the United States. To put it bluntly, Amanda is a dog raised by the US government. She is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks or criticize matters related to US interests and diplomacy.

In the past, Arthur did not have the self-consciousness as a leader of a country with the same status as the United States, so he was more close to the people and tolerant.

Arthur just didn't regard himself as the sea king of Atlantis... He positioned himself as a superhero who defended the earth. Facing the people's incomprehension and censure, of course, the superhero could only endure it.

But if it is the king of Atlantis, Neptune, then his dignity will not be violated by anyone.

The consequences are the same as being insulted by the Americans when other heads of state visit... Not only is it extremely impolite diplomatically, but it is also equivalent to insulting the entire Atlantis, and may even directly trigger a war.

Amanda obediently opened the cell door, Arthur walked in, and Aum sneered, "Isn't this my bastard brother? Why, finally have the mood to see your imprisoned brother who is down and out?"

"Aum... something happened to Atlantis! We need you!" Arthur said sadly.

Aum's face suddenly changed...


"So, you play your superhero game on land, dismissing your responsibilities and leaving your people behind... until that shameful usurper tramples our country down?" Orm Trembling with anger, he looked at Arthur with red eyes. He regarded Atlantis as his life, but this person in front of him trampled on what he regarded as his life so easily.

Arthur said with a guilty conscience, "Meera managed Atlantis very well..."

"But she is from the Kingdom of Zebel... We are the only king recognized by Qihai. Look at what you have made Atlantis look like?" Aum growled.

"So..." Arthur admitted his mistake frankly: "We need you to come back!"

"Bring me my trident..." Orm said firmly, looking into Arthur's eyes.

While Aum was putting on the cloak, the siren pulled Arthur to hide beside him, and said in a low voice: "Arthur, you can't admit that it was you who caused all this, although Aum will be firm now. Help you, but as soon as the matter is over, he will turn his face and take back his throne. You have to be careful about him..."

Arthur reflected: "Maybe I am not a qualified Aquaman. I handed everything over to Mela, thinking she would do a good job, but I have been evading my responsibilities all the time."

"Perhaps Orm would be a better king than me."

Arthur said: "Now that the war is over, maybe it's time to get everything back on track. He loves Atlantis more than I do, and he can think from the perspective of Atlantis."

Siren is stupid!

"It's hard for me to seduce my brother-in-law by taking advantage of my sister's derailment. Now you want to give up the throne to Aum? Speaking of which, Aum is pretty good. I used to have an affair with him... Bah, bah, bah... I want to Listen to the government behind the curtain! You hand over Atlantis to me, and go ashore to play by yourself! Aquaman is replaced by Aum, a power madman, what's the matter with my old lady?"

"I might as well go back to Zebel Kingdom and play by myself!"

Aum walked out of the prison with his trident in his hand. He looked at Arthur and the two of them stretched out their trident together. The two tridents interlaced, as if the arms of two brothers were tightly held together, and they were united again. .

"Let's go find Poseidon's trident!" Orm said, "I know where it is!"

Seeing that Arthur agreed without hesitation, the Siren felt tight: "I found Poseidon's trident for you! Orm now wants to get the trident by himself, and grasp a power stronger than you." Don't you know? Now it's Om holding the trident, don't you feel wrong?"

Batman looked at Arthur's phone location, and he was ready to let Barry shoot at the right time.

Now is not the time to follow Arthur's temper, first observe Namor's intelligence through Brother Arthur, and then make a plan to let Barry help them at a critical moment, defeat Namor, and then plot against Orm and lock him back up again. Going back, Batman has already mastered all the information about Orm, and plotting against him is as simple as drinking water.

The only worry is that Arthur will turn against him, but Batman has a special weapon against Arthur, and it will be fine for Mela to deal with it when the time comes.

Mela was the last person who wanted to see Aum in power. And Arthur has never been able to do anything to his wife...

Atlantis cannot be in the hands of an ambitious man like Orm, and Arthur is the best candidate.

Otherwise, Batman can't imagine what the next sea-land war will look like. He knows that the conflict between the sea and the land has never stopped, and there will always be a small friction that will turn into a big conflict, and then the day of the war will come.

Not to mention anything else, just a dolphin was killed, and then it became the pet of Atlantean children, and the Atlanteans regarded dolphins as friends, which may cause the Atlanteans to be jealous of the land. Hatred, they will demand revenge for the dolphins, and then some evidence of humans polluting the sea and killing marine life, Atlantis should boil.

The most troubling thing is that these things are not fake, but happen all the time.

If Atlantis is not in the right hands, the peace of sea and land is as fragile as a thin sheet of paper.

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