Neptune swooped down and slid across the glowing algae of Atlantis. Orm held a trident and stared at the endless fluorescent torrent in front of him, the miraculous bridge.

The whole body of the trident in his hand is gilded, and the main fork is inlaid with a gemstone that is as bright as the sea, and the two forks extend from both sides like the limbs of a crab. The overall shape is better than that of Neptune. The trident is even more cool and aggressive. It is worthy of being the weapon of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Not to mention its power, its appearance is extraordinary.

"We can only enter Atlantis from here..." Arthur waved his halberd and said happily, "Meera will arrange for someone to take us in."

"Mela?" Aum turned her head disdainfully: "Do you only know how to obey women's arrangements?"

After contacting Mela just now, Arthur, who was so excited that Mela didn't betray him, looked blank. Aum looked at his stupid brother, sneered twice, and turned his head in disdain. This is such a wife slave. To think that he would threaten his throne, Aum felt unworthy of himself, Arthur was just a fool controlled by Mela.

He stood up to challenge and won the throne of Atlantis, but he was manipulated by that woman behind his back.

Aum felt worthless for himself, there was such a brainless and ambitious brother who let a woman control the throne that should belong to their family.

"I already have Poseidon's trident... so we don't need to hide."

"Namor challenged the Atlantean army openly and won the throne, so don't be petty, just like I did back then, I will give you a chance, and then in front of all Atlanteans Defeat you head-on, instead of stealthily like a thief... The throne you regained in this way is also stolen!"

Aum drove the sea king dragon to the front of the royal city. He raised Poseidon's trident and roared, "The usurper... My royal family, Aum, accept your challenge here!"

"We will never die!"

Aum's roar spread throughout the entire royal city. Namor, who was sitting on the throne, suddenly laughed when he heard the words. He waved to the army that had been arranged below and was waiting for the two brothers to throw themselves into the trap, and said with a smile: "It seems that I Underestimated them, your ridiculous snitches don't seem to work..."

Namor glanced at the nobles who came to inform him, his contempt for them was beyond words.

Namor took the trident, put on the battle armor, and prepared to face the last two survivors under his rule. Mela, who was sitting beside him, looked pale. Allegiance to her Atlantean nobles,

The ugliness of coming to inform one after another.

This was a fatal blow to Mela's confidence.

She did not expect that Namor had only ruled Atlantis for less than a month, and completely destroyed her prestige of being rooted here for a lifetime.

Her rule over Atlantis, such a failure!

As soon as Namor stood up, another Arthur, the new leader of the Trench Clan, knelt down and begged: "Your Majesty, please allow me, your loyal servant, to lead the Trench Clan fighters to kill those two humble challengers. Not worthy of challenging you..."

Namor looked into the vengeful eyes of the trench patriarch and agreed to his request.

Dozens of Trench warriors followed their patriarch firmly and swam out of the king's city. They clenched their harpoons tightly, and their hatred for Arthur and the others was engraved in their hearts. Trench warriors came in front of Aum and Arthur. Aum frowned as he looked at these strange-looking sea warriors, "Who are you? Where is Namor? Does he dare not accept our challenge? "

"You are not worthy to challenge the king!" the leader of the Trench Clan said angrily.

"Hypocrites, usurpers, people who falsify history, the blood of false kings!" He pointed at the two brothers Aum and Arthur and roared: "Atlan deceived us, he told us that his family is from Qihai Co-lord, lead Atlantis to a powerful king. But before him, Atlantis was a million times stronger than it is now, and we are ruled by His Majesty Namor's family."

"You're just clowns who stole the throne!"

"Atlantis claims that Atlantis will master the eternal and inexhaustible energy, making Atlantis the greatest country in the world, but it has brought disaster to us. He turned us into this !” The patriarch of the Trench Clan raised his hands full of bone spurs and scales, pointing to the carapace-covered citizens of the Saltwater Country.

He looked at the ruined desert kingdom.

He watched the fishermen who had turned into murlocs on the national road.

"Only you Atlanteans have become more beautiful and powerful, and we have all become monsters!" the leader of the Trench Clan roared angrily.

Arthur was surprised: "You are Trench Race? How could you..."

"How can we return to the original state?" The trench patriarch helped him say that sentence, and he laughed wildly. He pointed to the salt water country that had begun to shed its shell, pointed to the fisherman country that was transforming into a human image, and was preparing to The Desert National Road of Restoration: "It was the great King Namor who restored us to the glory of Atlantis."

"Atlantis turned our people into monsters at your notice, expelled them, exiled our own people, and became another kingdom. You expelled us from Atlantis, and then claimed to be the only king in Asia. Atlanteans."

"But my king, Namor, accepted all the ethnic groups that were expelled by you, the ethnic groups that you turned into monsters, the ethnic groups that were tortured by you without reason and civilization, and the ethnic groups that you let go to eventually perish... all accepted into Atlanta Tethi. Be transformed back into the form of our ancestors...Long live King Namor!"

Trench Clan patriarch raised his harpoon and shouted.

Behind him, the soldiers of the Trench Clan roared in unison: "Long live King Namor!" In the king's city, countless soldiers from the saltwater kingdom and fisherman kingdom cheered in unison: "Long live King Namor!"

Only the original Atlantis warriors looked at their two sea kings with complicated expressions.

Arthur didn't know what to say, and his three views began to conflict. He thought that when he came here, he would win the cheers of his subjects, and then expel the tyrant and restore the freedom of Atlantis. But now, his people are cheering for the enemy. It made it difficult for him to tell if he was doing the right thing, or was it a total tyrant's mistake in order to regain power?

He clenched the hand of the trident, loosened it, he was confused!

Facing the furious roar of the Trench Clan and their accusations, Arthur dared not say that he had a clear conscience.

The Trench Clan patriarch roared: "You just use us as tools of war, ignorant beasts, it was King Namor who turned us into Atlanteans!"

"If you want to challenge the have to step over our corpses!"

Aum does not have the confusion of his brother Arthur, as a tyrant, he is very clear about his position: "I am Atlantis, I am the country, Atlantis left his family, it is meaningless! He just pointed forward with Poseidon's trident and snorted coldly: "The rebels... die!"

The trident pierced into the queue of Trench Tribe warriors, pierced through one Trench Tribe warrior like a spear fish, and then took his body and inserted it into the chest of another warrior behind him.

Aum drove the sea king dragon into the crowd of the Trench tribe, and the sea king dragon's big mouth bit towards the leader of the trench tribe.

The patriarch of the Trench Clan turned down to avoid the bite of the Neptune, but the soldiers behind him saw fresh blood and minced meat flying from the Neptune's mouth, and a bright blood flower burst into the sea.

Aum pulled out the trident, stabbed it casually, and set off a huge undercurrent in the sea, making the Trench warriors unsteady, then the trident rose and fell, stabbing them to death one by one under the mount, he set off a huge current, Accompanied by Neptune, it crashed into the wall of the royal city of Atlantis.

The surging sea current made the soldiers on it unstable, and they were stumbling around one by one.

Orm roared back, "Arthur!"

Hearing this, Arthur had no choice but to put these thoughts behind him, and devoted himself to the battle. He raised the trident in his hand, and the invisible mental fluctuations spread. With the surge of the sea current, the entire Atlantis Royal City Everything seemed to vibrate, and a huge claw pierced the ground and penetrated into the city wall of Atlantis.

A huge monster broke through the ground and came to the king's city. Ballistas fired from the city wall hit it, but it was only tickling.

Its body is about the size of the royal city... The most terrifying giant beast in the deep sea, the monster tamed by the Arthur family—Karason!

Aum controlled the water flow, grabbed the leader of the Trench Clan by the throat, and pulled him to his side. He raised the trident and was about to cross its head, like a lone figure appearing on the city wall when the rebels in the city were demonstrating. He holds a trident, wears a black fish skin suit, and has black hair swaying in the sea water.

Namor projected the trident, and the trident of Poseidon hit the trident in Orm's hand heavily.

Aum felt a huge incomparable force coming from his arm. He held the trident tightly, but his whole body was pushed back a short distance with the sea king dragon. He quietly let go of his paralyzed hands and died. Stare at the person.

"Let go of my courtiers!"

Namo said coldly: "As soon as you want to die, this king will grant you death. If you want to despair, I will bring you despair!"

"Big words!" Aum snorted coldly and rushed forward.

Namor held the Sea God Trident and was about to control the water flow, but he didn't expect that the Poseidon Trident in Orm's hand also sent out a wave, destroying Namor's power to control the water flow. That power was not as strong as Namor's, but If it is only used for interference, it can also prevent Namor from controlling the sea normally.

"So you dare to die because you have something to rely on?" Namo didn't take it seriously.

He controlled Atlantis by using water molecule control technology, but if someone thinks that Atlantis technology only has water molecule control and shaping technology, or that Namor only relies on Atlantis technology, then there is He looks good!

( = )

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