Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 207 Creation... God of the World

"Now...the citizens of Gotham are safe and secure!" The subtitle read mockingly: "Superman, it seems that you have recognized your own heart."

Superman was clearly shown by the justice in his heart, but when facing the camera, he still made a painful choice... "You're right, I can't save everyone."

"So you will avoid choices..." The subtitle said mercilessly: "You know that to protect everyone, you can only rely on power. But if you don't choose power, you will let some evil happen, because you can't do it for others You have no choice, so you can only let it go. Because when you have other things to can't save people forever."

"At that time, you will close the hearing of receiving their distress messages, and choose to escape, because you can't be indifferent when you see them crying for help and dying."

"I'm glad I helped you recognize your own heart!"

"It's shameful to escape, but it works... I understand you, really, I understand you Superman. I'm running away from something too..."

The people of Gotham on the ground shouted angrily at the screen: "You coward, dare not face the superheroes and use us as hostages. Coward!"

"You did nothing wrong, Superman!"

"We support you, don't give in to evil!"

Someone on the streets of Gotham raised their arms and shouted, and in an instant, countless people echoed. Superman has never received such support since he came to this world. Those criminals who just opened their mouths were overthrown by righteous citizens.

Superman's eyes continued to emit laser light, and he knew that the man was right, he had made a choice long ago, and when he realized that he could not save everyone, he abandoned some people. The other party just put this kind of thing that he forcibly forgets, doesn't pay attention to the facts, and forcefully puts it in front of him.

Superman is saving the world,

While doing business, there are still countless crimes happening in the world.

Now Superman just made the same choice.

With the continuous input of laser energy, the boom channel was slowly opened, and Wonder Woman came back here from the other end of the channel with a part of the heroes rescued by her, with a sad expression on her face. Batman brings the life support system that has been prepared for those heroes who do not have the ability to survive in space. But there are still some heroes who unfortunately die... No one can save everyone.

On the screen was a black man who was being drained of blood, becoming shriveled and weak. He was also looking at the screen. On it was a picture of Superman and himself. He stretched out his hand, gently stroked the screen, and whispered: "Child, you The choice is not wrong!"

"Don't blame anyone!"

Superman raised his head in horror, the black man on the screen was getting weaker and weaker, the atomizer was spraying out the pheromone that slowed the release of the virus attack, the spread of the black line on the right hand of everyone in Gotham stopped! People on the street celebrated each other, but the white people who were also in the glass jar suddenly could make a sound, and she scolded: "Are you proud?"

"You all committed the crime of killing an innocent man!"

Following her words, the number of red tickets began to increase rapidly, and it was soaring towards more than 75%.

But at this time, Superman turned his head in horror and said, "Louis?"

It looked like a forty-year-old Caucasian woman hammered her fists on the glass jar and knelt down powerlessly. At this time, the image of the glass jar changed, and the forty-year-old Caucasian woman slowly dissipated the disguised virtual image Batman looks very familiar... Isn't this the virtual image projection device I developed to deal with Wonder Woman?

The avatar of the white woman recedes to reveal the image of Lois, the painfully distressed girlfriend of Superman.

The big black man next to him was also changing into another person... His short stubble hair was braided into gray, his black skin turned into white, and finally turned into an old woman whose blood was drained from his body.

"Martha!!!" Superman roared.

Superman tore through all obstacles in an instant. He even ignored the air shock caused by too fast speed. He passed the space at his fastest speed, and the huge vibration tore through the entire sky of Gotham. He came to the top floor of the Wayne Building, broke open the high-strength plexiglass, and put his trembling hands on the skinny old woman.

Everyone could see Superman's anger.

The slowly climbing red ticket stopped in an instant. The green votes representing redemption began to increase slightly and rapidly.

Superman's hand was placed on his adoptive mother's face. Martha, who had been drained of all the blood, was as dry as a skeleton. Louis was crying heartbreakingly beside her. She hammered the glass jar in great pain. Superman used one hand Tore the glass jar and rescued her. He bowed his head and fell to his knees on the ground.

At this moment, no one dared to talk about sacrifice, or voted for yes.

Superman felt their fear, fear of power... fear... Superman!

Does human evil require power to restrain it? Can true peace be forged only with strength?

No... no, it was the choice he made, he chose to give up those who couldn't be saved, he chose not to save everyone, he gave up choosing for others.

Is it to escape?

or freedom?

Superman wants to kill the clown behind the scenes, but he already understands what the clown wants to do... He wants to destroy what Superman believes in, destroy justice, or fulfill justice in another way.

Diana came to his side and stared blankly at all this. She knew that after killing Arthur, Shazam, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and imprisoning the Flash, their enemies finally destroy Superman!

"He just wants you to deny yourself!" Batman said to Superman through the communicator: "Don't be knocked down by him..."

"But I really want to cry!" The Kryptonian, who seemed never hurt and would not cry, burst into tears. The video was still broadcasting live, and the entire Gotham lost its voice, even the villains were sensible and didn't make a sound.

"Would you make a choice for someone else?" the subtitle continued.

Snapped! Batman crushed the live broadcast electronic eye, but there was still a screen in front of him, it was inside his armor, someone had invaded his armor system, fortunately, the Batman suit was not man-made like the Iron Man suit. Intelligently assisted-controlled weapons, Batman trusts only himself.

At this time, a line of writing that did not appear in the live broadcast appeared on the screen in front of Batman.

"Batman...I want to play a game with you!"

Superman put his arms around Martha Kent's body, and slowly turned his head to look at the screen in front of him. The writing on it continued: "I have recorded all the crimes that I chose yes just now, and posted the list on the Internet. Louis Miss, it's your choice!"

"Do you think those who choose yes are murderers? Have they committed a crime?"

"The vaccine made from your body's blood is enough to supply the entire Gotham, but the price is that you will lose your life, but if you only save some people, you just lose some blood. What I want to remind you is that only your The blood produced by hematopoietic cells can be used to extract serum, if someone tries to rely on blood transfusion to replace the blood in your whole body, then you who have lost serum immunity will also be infected with the virus."

"So, if you want to save everyone, you have to sacrifice yourself!"

"But it's okay to save some, and it's more than enough to save those who choose no. You can save at least half of the people, children, those innocent people."

"But will you sacrifice yourself to save those who have committed crimes in your eyes? What about those who have killed because of selfishness? Look at their ugly faces!" One by one flashed on the screen, or indifference, or It's the face of excitement, choosing yes without any regrets.

Louis looked at the screen in front of her with hatred. She suppressed her anger and looked at the mastermind behind the scenes with hatred.

But also ruthlessly, he said viciously: "No, I don't intend to forgive them! I will not sacrifice myself to save them, I will only save those who have not committed crimes. Are you satisfied, Mr. Black Hand?"

The whole of Gotham was in an uproar, and the writing on the screen paused, as if getting more excited, and speeded up: "Of course you have the right, Ms. Louis. You have the right not to forgive!"

The whole Gotham City is boiling.

Someone couldn't help cursing: "Bitch! What are you doing?"

"Crazy woman, you promised you'd kill us!"

"Why didn't Superman stop her?"

"Superman, you promised to save us!"

The writing on the screen just changed: "So what about you? Mr. Superman? Do you think they are guilty?"

"You are guilty!" Superman suppressed his anger, hugged his mother and said:

"Oh! I know... If you come to judge me for my crimes, I don't think I am innocent. But what I want to ask is, Mr. Superman, do you think these people..." The person who chose yes appeared on the screen The list is densely packed, and it has not been displayed after scrolling for a long time.

"Do you think these people are guilty?"

"What I need to remind you is that according to the inquiry I just made to one hundred authoritative judges and lawyers across the United States, most of them think that they have not violated the current law! Because of some blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, Mr. It is the justice of the law, and now I just want to ask your own justice, do you think they are guilty?"

Superman punches through the screen in front of him, and he doesn't answer, but the subtitles get his answer.

"You think they are guilty! Ignorant, selfish, stupid sins, but you have your own way of judging, will you forgive them?"

Superman looks down on Gotham, and now he has to make a choice. Will he choose to sacrifice half of the guilty people in Gotham for the sake of an innocent person? He will find a way to save these people, but he will not sacrifice any innocent people, even if he is not Louis. Although this seems like an old question.

But Superman still gave the answer. Faced with the fact that he cannot prevent all crimes, he will give up his choice and let some people suffer.

But if it's someone he loves and cares about, he won't. Because he has a greater responsibility.

When he intervenes, he will not choose more people and give up protecting the innocent.

The famous train paradox: When a train is about to enter the culvert, there are a group of children playing in the culvert. They are about to be hit by the train and die, but Superman can choose to change the track of the train and drive to another abandoned track. .

And on that abandoned track, there was an innocent child reading a book.

Normally, Superman stops the train, he has the ability to save everyone, but there are times when he can't do anything, like now... a bunch of kids who made their own mistakes, an innocent kid.

Only one side can be saved...Superman would not choose to kill innocent people in order to save more people.

He would choose to let the freight train run over and kill the group of brats and protect the innocent.

Now going one step further, if someone wants to change the track of the train, because there are his children among the group of bear children, so he chooses to mutilate innocent people, will Superman stop it?

Once he didn't, and then he found out that innocent child was his own.

Now...he has changed his choice!

He wants to protect Louis... and thinks he needs to protect the innocent from being killed... Fu Manchu smiled with satisfaction. He's starting to change Superman's mind! What's really important here is that he tested it out. When the justice he insists on conflicts with freedom, Superman will choose justice.

He will choose power for the sake of justice, and he thought it was unnecessary to choose before.

Now when facing the game, Superman chooses justice, and he finally thinks that he needs to choose instead of humans. Fu Manchu laughed happily. He wanted to use Superman to fear the weakness of his own strength and change Superman's will. Now he is almost successful! Batman also changed his face, he finally understood the enemy's way of dealing with Superman.

They will torture Superman's justice again and again, and then confirm the vague justice. They will confirm the vague marginal justice in difficult choices again and again, and make Superman's justice extreme.

For definite justice is extreme justice.

Superman will start to kill. When he finds that killing is in line with his justice, if he wants to destroy a person's principle, he needs to use his other principle. Only when one person's persistence is constantly tested and meets another's insistence Only then will you know what will last longer.

However, Superman is Superman after all, he firmly implements his own justice, no longer vague, no longer compromise with reality.

Batman knows that the real weakness of the Justice League is not whether it can implement justice, but whose justice it implements. In the past, their justice was relatively consistent, but only when they really face the test can they know whether they are fellow travelers.

Time goes by little by little, and the subtitles are no longer talking!

In other words, it is waiting for a final opportunity.

Superman and the Justice League were looking for them like crazy, but these people hid them too well, or maybe it was Chen Ang who made the move. Still finding nothing, Louis is admitted to Wayne Hospital and begins drawing blood to make a vaccine, Batman prevents them from sending the vaccine to the innocent right away because it would escalate the situation.

But Batman is ready to make the most vaccine possible without risking Louis' life.

The Justice League tried their best and couldn't find a way to unlock the biochemical virus.

In the last hour, the citizens of Gotham went crazy. They began to attack Wayne Hospital to seize the vaccine. Some timidly began to protest. It seemed that everyone was scolding the Justice League, and Diana was sprayed with dog blood. Showing their heads, the evil of human nature is undoubtedly revealed. They want to sacrifice Louis, claiming that the Justice League is killing them.

They bring their children to gain sympathy.

All in all, these people have only one purpose, to let Louis drain the blood and save them!

Diana doubted the nature of human beings very much this time. She had never felt so disgusted with human beings, just like returning to the battlefield of World War I, seeing human beings destroying each other, seeing human stupidity and greed, and human evil. Someone taught her that human beings have a good side, that human beings are complicated, but now Gotham's ugliness made her doubt it.

This is Diana's weakness... She doesn't have the human concept of good and evil. Her strength lies in the fact that she doesn't have many decadent concepts, such as not being able to kill people. But her weakness is also that she does not have these fixed moral concepts, so she is easily shaken.

Finally, Fu Manchu's last backhand was activated!

The cursor on the screen moved again, and it said to the thugs: "The serum is only enough for half the population, and now some of you thugs are destined not to get it...why not help them choose? Let nature choose, let you choose ... as long as half the population is killed? Will the Justice League stop you from using the vaccine?"

Gotham... fell into hell in an instant!

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