Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 208 Rule is Power

"No, I beg you!" A mother, holding her child, begged the gangster who was approaching her with a grinning grin.

"Please..." The gangster smiled like a clown. Although the clown is dead, he has changed this city deeply like Batman. He will bury his madness in the hearts of everyone in this city. When the right time comes, this seed will sprout and grow, changing the people of Gotham. Although the clown is dead, he still breathes with Gotham.

The gangster laughed exaggeratedly like a clown: "Why don't you beg the Justice League and let them give us a way out?"

"They refused to give it to me, so I had no choice but to take it myself!"

The gangster was facing the mother's heart, she used her body to block her child, but the gangster understood the power of his modified pistol, he laughed wildly and wanted to have a double shot, he pulled the trigger, but heard the ding With a sound, a tall and graceful figure stood in front of the mother and child, her hands were crossed, and the bullet flew away from the guardian silver ring.

"Go to the shelter..." she helped the mother and child up.

"Thank you... Woman Xia!" The mother thanked Diana with sobs, and fled towards the shelter with her son in her arms.

Diana looked back at the gangster with disgust in her eyes, but the gangster was still laughing wildly: "You came to save us! The savior of the Justice League? Didn't you promise to save us? Why don't you let that bitch die?"

"The Justice League has no reason to let an innocent person sacrifice for you!" Diana said indifferently.

"And you've got enough!" Diana looked at the red one on the gangster's head in disgust—yes, the biochemical virus infected by the citizens of Gotham is very scary, and the Justice League has invited all famous scientists to research vaccines, but The best progress is also far away, and it is impossible to crack the vaccine within 24 hours.

The virus can also do some incredible things, such as marking yes or no on the head of the infected person.

Divide the whole of Gotham into two different groups...

Diana is going to tie up the gangsters,

Handed it over to the police station, the gangster smiled and said: "There is no police station anymore! stopped me once, but when you didn't stop me, I would have killed enough. Let the bullets pass through those hypocrites I can't describe the beauty of the blooming blood of the human skull."

"I also saw a policeman shooting down the street, shooting everyone he could see..."

He suddenly said loudly: "Don't you understand? There is no order here... This is a very evil place..."

As soon as the gangster finished speaking, he felt his perspective suddenly fly into the sky. His perspective swirled and scanned the surroundings. Before he lost consciousness, he saw a headless corpse spraying blood. Diana was taking back the blood-stained body. Killing God Sword...

Looking at the gangster whose head flew out, she said, "The human order has collapsed... Now is the time to practice the justice of nature!"

Natural Justice: (1) No one shall be a judge in his own case;

(2) The judge shall hear the parties.

Princess of the Amazons, decides to be the arbiter of human crimes... Human law enforcement agencies have collapsed, and the crimes that are happening will be judged by me.

Diana is not a non-killer. Even when she first came out of the Amazon Paradise Island, she participated in World War I and killed "evil Germans" on the battlefield. But she soon discovered that she had been deceived, and this war was never about Ares beguiling the evil Germans to invade other righteous countries.

Good America and Great Britain fight back against evil Germany.

It is human beings who kill each other out of their own inferiority and evil desires. There has never been a righteous side in this war. The German soldiers she killed were also innocent people who were bewitched by the upper class to participate in the war. They also have children and family members... On the contrary, she from Amazon participated in this war without any reason or stand, and became a murderer.

This made Diana feel unprecedented anger, and she was completely disappointed in humans.

It was not until someone proved to her that there is also love and beauty in human hearts, that Diana did not completely despair and returned to Paradise Island.

Diana is not afraid of killing. Unlike Batman and Ren, who are influenced by human values, try to avoid killing people and practice justice in human values. Diana, who was born on Paradise Island, does not think there is anything wrong with killing villains. I don't think it's ridiculous that there can be no gods in the world. You must know that Amazon not only has gods, but also has queens. They themselves live in power.

She believes that power can uphold justice, but she has no interest in becoming a power.

Although Diana is an Amazon warrior, she still has a female side, that is, she is willing to assist the powerful to maintain justice, but she is unwilling to become a powerful herself.

Although Diana is also influenced by the Justice League and tries to avoid killing lives, she is entirely out of respect for her companions and at the same time respects the human group. She regards herself as a guest of human beings, and it is extremely disrespectful in her consciousness for a guest to act independently in the host's house.

So Diana is willing to practice human justice and hand over the criminals to the sovereign government of human beings.

But now, with order crumbling, Diana decides to take up her own justice, the justice of nature, to adjudicate the crimes of mankind.

She stepped on the wings of the gods and flew across the streets of Gotham City, ruthlessly massacring all the criminals who were attacking innocent people. Her sword edge brushed the throats of those dregs, and cut them into two pieces... …

All these are faithfully reflected on the screens in the streets and alleys of Gotham. Those women and children crying in the chaos, those innocent people who were killed, countless split-screen live broadcasts of the current chaos in Gotham, and people are now doing their best to save them. Man, he almost teleports in this city, constantly knocking down those crazy townspeople.

But he did so only with a drop in the bucket, and in the whole crazy city, his little effort was completely in vain.

Every moment, hundreds, thousands of people are being killed...

The subtitles on the light screen flickered slowly: "You know you can't save everyone, man. But are you willing to save? Humans are killing each other, this is just a microcosm, is what happened here crazy? Crazy! But this planet With such crazy things happening all the time... man, you know how to stop this madness!"

"Take everything, bear all the sins...become...a god in the world!"

"Don't be fooled by him, all this is to force you to trample on your own principles..." Batman came in front of people: "You are a spiritual model of mankind...It is difficult to stick to principles..."

"What principle do I uphold?" The man said sadly, "Is it not to kill, or is it justice? Is not to kill part of justice?"

"Now I always need to do something. I can't save everyone, but I won't sit back and let evil happen to me."

The cursor moved slowly: "You know how I made this city go crazy... Batman, I once suffered a crushing defeat in your hands and became an eternal shame. For this reason, I have to humbly learn from your enemies... just like As the clown said, it only takes a bad day for anyone to become him. What a bad day for Gotham today!"

"I use fear to make them crazy and make this city out of control, and only fear can stop the crime, just like what you did with the bat, with fear...for fear!"

Seeing the people being tortured, and the voices of countless begging, he let go of his hearing, and in an instant, countless dying wailing and sinful laughter flooded into his mind.

"I decided to bear all this!"

"Bear all the sins of the world!"

Diana appeared behind him and expressed her support for him, using power to restrain evil, and using strength to cast justice!

I will be...a god among men...

The man turned into a red light and rushed to the sky. He let go of his five senses and enveloped the entire city. He could see through all obstacles, he could hear the slightest sound, and he knew the crimes of the entire city , he faced the descending city, his eyes glowed red.

Batman yelled, "NO!!!"

The heat rays penetrated most of the city, turning a gangster who was preparing to attack the orphanage into ashes, followed by the second, and the third, the man killed one person, and in an instant the number of people he killed passed Some lunatics in Arkham Asylum killed people all their lives, and the scarecrow was walking the streets with fear gas, making people kill each other, he looked up and laughed wildly.

The next moment, a heat ray pierced his chest.

Poison Ivy is making fertilizer in her backyard, burying people in the street under her beloved plants, and the heat rays burn her to ashes along with her beloved plants.

All evil must end.

Humans need a god on earth to protect them...

This scene was followed by Gotham's media all over the world, and the whole world fell silent. People finally broke through the taboos they set for themselves and began to judge the fate of mankind.

The master assassin in the Middle East looked at all this in Gotham and laughed loudly. He raised his neck and laughed wildly towards the sky: "This day has finally come. The crimes in Gotham have finally ushered in the end of the day. It will be you, Bruce! But you have let me down! Mankind...has his regulator at last!"

"He is man!"

If a person is willing, it only takes an instant to stop all crimes. When anyone is about to commit a crime, a heat ray will fall from the sky and steam him. Who else would dare to commit a crime? Fear hit Gotham like a tide, everyone knelt down with their heads in their hands, not daring to move...

Gotham has finally ushered in peace and order, order under people.

"The matter is settled!" The man slowly fell back to the ground.

Batman still thinks that people are not completely out of control, but the real loss of control is just around the corner. To stop the crime, even if people start killing people, Batman has a plan to recover. He has at least one hundred records about people starting to kill people. He has Faith redeems faith...but the real danger comes later.

Serum is still not enough for everyone...

This means that people have to start deciding who lives? who died?

He understands the plan of the black hand behind him. He uses people's sense of responsibility to let him carry the order of Gotham, so that people will take responsibility for Gotham, and those responsible must decide the fate of everyone in the city. Fate, decided their life and death, so he became a ruler.

A man's morality is higher than that of all rulers, but once he becomes a ruler, he is no longer a hero.

Heroes are role models for human beings, but rulers are only those who control human beings.

To rule is to rule...

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