Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 209 Batman's Hole Card and Fu Manchu's Killing

Gotham, this gloomy city, the turmoil has just been quelled from here. For this reason, Superman slaughtered more than 100,000 people. The employees of the Wayne Group sent immune serum to the streets and alleys of Gotham. Year-old children are vaccinated...

The sky is slightly brighter!

Superman is wearing a conspicuous red cape, suspended in the sky, anyone in Gotham can look up hundreds of meters in the sky, and see the fuzzy red dots in the sky...

Looking at him at the same level is the huge projection screen in the sky of Gotham, which can be said to be the craziest crime in the history of Gotham. It still codes out lines of text without any haste: "In order to facilitate the delivery of vaccines for you, I will help you I did big data statistical work..." One face after another appeared on the screen.

Some are old, some are young... some are young and beautiful, some are dirty and destitute...

Gotham has a population of 30 million, more than 4 million evaporated overnight today, but the serum can only supply 13 million people, which means that more than 15 million people will die, when the sun completely leaps out of the horizon At that time, these people will turn into zombie monsters. This is the specific time given by the lunatic behind the screen. He wants to make Gotham a hell on earth at the moment when it is bathed in sunshine.

The Wayne Group cleared out a quarantine area, and only those who had been injected with the serum could enter the quarantine area.

Most people are destined to be abandoned, the real difficult choice is to decide who can survive...

The screen in front of Batman slowly wrote: "The atmosphere is hopeless now... You still have a way to save this city. We all know Louis, right? Now she passed out because of insufficient blood supply... We all know her It's just angry words, let her wake up, see what happened here, she will sacrifice herself..."

"Bruce, you are so understanding. Manipulating a woman to sacrifice for your city is too easy for you!"

"One person and 15 million people, it's a heavy topic."

"Everything I'm going to torture today: Will half the guilty be sacrificed for the sake of an innocent?

Will you punish those guilty for the sake of justice?

Do collective crimes need to be punished?

Do humans need a god who keeps their evil in check? "

"The subject of the torture is called justice...Superman gave his answer. He chose to believe in his own justice and become a powerful force...What about you? Bruce? Deciding who will die...It is too difficult for you !The only progress you've made so far is keeping children alive even though many of them have a bloody yes on their heads..."

"But what about the rest? Have you decided who will die?"

"Still need them to stand up?" There are many elderly people standing on the street on the screen...they are holding signs...I have lived long enough!

Let others live!

There are also people who hold up the signs of "one life for one life" and bring their sons and daughters. Generally speaking, they are the younger generation.

Let the youth live!

"Or more...the opposite. We can see who they want to die... If you dare not take this responsibility, then let the people decide!" The screen flickered, and a national policy appeared. Poll - "Who do you want dead?"

"Good and evil?"

More Gotham City crime lists appear in the subtitles,

To say that Gotham is worthy of its name, the 30 million citizens have more than 10 million criminal records... although most of them are petty crimes.

"Poor and rich?"

The slums and rich neighborhoods of Gotham appeared on the screen. The crime, alcoholism, and gangs in the slums are so joyful for the lower class! Now black and white inside, old and young gangsters, all out on the streets, all out of their homes, staring at the sky with Superman and projections on it.

There are also wealthy areas. These high-quality people are at least calm when facing the apocalypse. Most of them are in their mansions, watching the same picture on TV, or saying goodbye to their families. I'm praying, and I'm with my family.

"Or... In fact, this proposition is meaningless. After all, there are two more months and everyone will die. Now it's just a little extra time. It doesn't make much sense to live for so long."

Batman stared at the line of text, and said indifferently in his heart: "Today, no one will die! But I have lost Superman forever..."

He waited for the dawn, at that moment, he would turn over his restore all the tragedies that happened in the past.

The only thing that can't be undone...


twenty-three hours ago

It seems that the little spider that everyone has forgotten is running desperately to the Second Prophet. He left the watchtower last week. On the day Shazam died, Batman found him and told him...something is very dangerous The enemies of the world are eyeing the Justice League, and now they are in the dark, and the League is in the open. They have some conspiracies and plans that Batman himself doesn't know.

Batman felt bad.

Everyone in the alliance now either has various flaws and is not enough to trust, or is stared at by the enemy like the Big Three of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, but because of this, those black hands now All eyes were drawn to the Justice League, and the little spider became a blind spot.

But the little spider is the only one who has the ability to save everything... Batman told the little spider that the separation between him and the Eye of Agomodo was calculated by the second prophet, and the second prophet told Batman that in the next situation In the movie, Batman has no hope of saving the situation at all (this is analyzed by Batman trapped in the time trap). The only way to break the situation is the little spider ignored by everyone.

Little Spider shoulders the heavy responsibility of destroying the world, so those black hands hiding in the dark ignore him intentionally or unintentionally.

They were all blinded by the shadow of the little spider, forgetting that the little spider is also a person who has the ability to save the world.

In order to let them ignore the little spider, the Second Prophet planned early on to make the little spider lose the Eye of Agomodo. The Invisible Man.

No matter what those black hands plan, with the help of Constantine, the little spider who got the Eye of Agomodo has the possibility to stop everything and save everything. So Constantine had to leave the field and run to a place where no one could find him... This is not difficult for Zhakang who has a perfect score for stealth...

So Batman drove Constantine away...

And the little spider has to leave everyone's sight, and it is impossible for Batman to contact him, because this will draw the attention of the mastermind behind the scenes to him, and the sacrifice made by Batman will be over! So the little spider can only get news from the TV. Batman thinks that the other party will make things worse. Even if he doesn't, Batman can also hint to the little spider through the media.

At the last moment, the little spider will return with the eye of Agomodo as Batman's most critical trump card.

Batman and the Justice League are just pawns on the table to attract the attention of the enemy, while Little Spider and Constantine are the most critical hope... Batman is so ruthless that he even deceives himself.

When Spider-Man heard what happened in Gotham, he knew it was time...he had to find the Second Prophet and learn from her where Constantine was hiding. The second prophet is the most critical point to interrupt the investigation of the black hand behind the scenes...

Batman has always had a plan.

But Fu Manchu also counted to this step. He didn't know where the most critical step of Batman's plan was, but he knew that no one in the Justice League knew about Batman's plan, so he also responded, that is, to target Batman's most critical step. Achilles' heel - trust...

Batman's strongest is his tactical and planning ability.

The weakest thing is trust. A mystic is doomed not to be trusted, nor to trust others.

Fu Manchu didn't know what Batman's plan was, so he directly attacked the trust between the Justice League, making Batman unable to control his teammates, so he made a murderous plan to make Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash With the centrifugation of Batman, the plans of both of them are now proceeding smoothly.

Batman successfully hid the most critical hole card.

And Fu Manchu used the God of the World plan to completely change Superman. Yes, Batman can save everything, but he can't restore Superman's changed thoughts, and he can't restore Superman who has become a god of the world. This is where Batman really struggles... so what if he can read files? Fu Manchu's plan has succeeded!

What he really wanted to create was a god among men, and the destruction of Gotham was just a giveaway.

And these are achieved by destroying the trust between Batman and Superman. Facing the destruction of Gotham, Batman can't tell his plan. At the most critical moment, he can't say to Superman: "Trust I... Let Gotham be destroyed. We can read the file... At that time, we will go straight to the Yellow Dragon, eliminate the source, and return to the days of the Justice League."

The real weakness of Batman's plan is that he can't reveal any information about the plan... a secret plan, Fu Manchu simply ignores this plan, doesn't try to find Batman's hole card, he just makes this hole card become it doesn't make sense...

So Superman can only act on his own and make his own choices, and now all the results are doomed!

The only flaw in Batman's plan was caught by Fu Manchu... If Fu Manchu's plan was to break down the Justice League one by one and kill the members of the Justice League one by one, what he would have to face now might be a sudden resurrection, which would have a negative effect on him. The Justice League, who knows both cards and intelligence, is gone.

But Fu Manchu murdered his heart...

"Do you know what is the best part of this plan?" When Fu Manchu was planning this conspiracy, he said to the evil alliance six in the dark: "Look at these plans you have made...replace steel bones, murder sand Praise, challenging Aquaman Arthur... trapping The Flash to torture his conscience is something to watch."

"But these are just blows... What I want is to really and completely destroy the Justice League."

" just a small way. I want to wake them up...I want them to be completely divided. This is not something that can be achieved by creating distrust and panic and concocting a crisis of trust in the Justice League. This requires...justice to torture them!"

Fu Manchu laughed..."You didn't see the real crisis of trust between Batman and Superman...I want you to look at the data again, why the first meeting between Batman and Superman happened like this Huge conflict. Is the problem between them resolved? Superman trusts Batman, but does Batman trust Superman?"

"Batman has been wondering whether Superman will become the dictator, the power that in turn controls mankind?"

"Then let's help him realize this suspicion?"

"Fulfills Batman's suspicion of Superman by combating Superman's trust in Batman."

"I will name this plan...God on Earth!"

This is the real plan to deal with Batman... Fu Manzhou said quietly: "I won't lose forever!"

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