Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 212 Endgame: The Box of Genesis Apocalypse

People have imagined all the weird pictures they can see after entering the origin, but after they actually enter the origin, they find that everything here is very simple, because this is a world of 'nothing', and he did not see Steve Rogers The other half of the body doesn't even have the concept of 'seeing'...

The man stretched out his hand curiously, and he found that he did not exist here in a material state.

Because before the Big Bang, there was no matter in this world.

There is nothing here!

"Here is a terrifying existence of omniscience and omnipotence. At the source of the origin, overlooking the world below, reach out from here and control the entire multiverse...Of course you don't have the four powers left by the four knights, so you can't see him at all!" A Voices come from this 'nothing' world.

"Steve Rogers?" The man asked puzzledly, "I know something about what you said. He is the apocalypse, the one who destroyed your world?"

"No, he is not yet, he is the Messiah! Jesus! Prophet! Holy Son! All the sacred titles you can think of belong to him..." Steve appeared in his most classic blue and white striped uniform In front of people: "The origin is very wonderful, nothing exists here, and everything exists."

"So you come here in a strange state, where thoughts and thoughts are visible, but body and matter are invisible... So... I just remind you of my image."

"I already understand why you came... Don't blame me for invading your privacy, because everything is written on your body? If you want me not to see it, you need to concentrate enough..."

"Captain Steve, thank you for everything you have done to our world!" the man whispered.

Steve showed a strange expression: "But I died before your world was created! I don't know your world...Of course after you appeared here, I think I already know enough about the plan of the apocalypse !"

"You mean survivors from the previous universe,

Going to use our universe as raw material and restore the backup they kept? I sympathize with what happened to them. After knowing this incident, I am more determined to protect our world, so... I will never allow this to happen! "

"So you're here to ask for my opinion?" Steve joked, "Ask me, the survivor, to save that world at the cost of destroying yours?"

The person's face became more serious! He thought Rogers would support didn't look like that was the case.

"You... the heroes of the last universe... There are many real warriors and heroes among you, which impresses me, they chose to fight for our world, and refused to sacrifice countless lives for the hypocritical resurrection..."

Rogers was not surprised, and said frankly: "This is a painful choice... But this is not Tianqi's plan. Tianqi doesn't care about restoring a universe at all, he doesn't care about life, he doesn't care about the universe, he doesn't care about the meaning of our existence, since you already know If the one who controls everything is Apocalypse, then you should not believe in this naive plan."

"Man... that's not what you're really trying to stop."

"Our universe was destroyed by ourselves! Stark...Nick...Ms. Marvel are all involved! The plan you mentioned is just compensation for what they did, they tried to redeem a little...Nick said they plan, but that cunning one-eyed dragon only revealed a trivial part of it."

Rogers sighed: "Our universe, there is an unspeakable darkness and disaster, it is called 'Apocalypse'. It thinks itself qualified to test all civilizations, it sows and creates many races, and then decides in the test whether they are It can survive, this is the disaster of the apocalypse..."

"There is another universe, which is subtly the same as ours, but different. It is attached to the periphery of our multiverse... like a peninsula on our universe."

"Apocalypse was born there. He destroyed that universe. Many survivors fled to our world and to the earth. Before human beings were born...they were called ancient civilizations."

"When fighting against the apocalypse, we will of course touch history. All ancient civilizations did not fall into an accident about 5,000 years ago... the Tongtian Tower incident, when all ancient and powerful civilizations on the earth worked together The Babel Tower was built in Babylon, just as the myth says, Babylon was destroyed by the Babel Tower, and the Messiah took action, severely injuring or even destroying the participating ancient civilizations.”

"At that time, we thought that the ancient civilization must have discovered the real weakness of the apocalypse, so the Messiah who felt threatened would destroy them... So SHIELD, a secret service agency that protected human beings at that time, decided to dig out the apocalypse. Scourge - the secret of the power left by the Messiah and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

"If you find the power left by the four knights, you can find the power left by the Messiah. We think it has something to do with the Tongtian Tower."

"In the last apocalypse disaster, Stark was polluted by the dark titan created by the apocalypse. This pollution made him frantically look for the power left by the apocalypse. He found the life evolution equation, which is God... also It is the general design plan for Tianqi to create all life, and according to this design plan, he transforms himself into a kind of quantum life."

"We came to origin in battle, when we carried those four powers... war, famine, pestilence and death, and we saw the messiah, we saw the 'Babel' project, we saw the messiah left behind The secrets of ... the secrets of Genesis."

"The ancient civilizations did not give up their resistance to the apocalypse. They felt the secret left by the Messiah—the human completion plan. Using the power left by this plan, they built a 'torch' to shoot the light of the heart to the entire multiverse, Contact all parallel worlds, and then they know all the possibilities in the future, including the coming of the more powerful ancient civilization Human Revolutionary Union, the return of the apocalypse, they have exhausted all their efforts, and the entire universe works together to stop the apocalypse. But in In the process of destroying one universe after another, they gradually despaired, because they have tried all the methods, all the methods within our multiverse, but they could not prevent the parallel universes from being destroyed one by one, and the timeline slowly closed. end, leading to the same future...destruction!"

"The tools that shoot the light of the mind to the entire multiverse are the 'Babel Towers' built using the power 'Zhenjin' left over from the war.

In the end, the five great gods of the universe...the incarnation of the five concepts that made them stronger in order to resist the apocalypse, and gave everything to make them stronger, gave the only enlightenment to the ancient civilization. The Eternal God is the incarnation of all the concepts of time in the multiverse. He told Ancient civilizations... Beyond the multiverse, there are universes. "

"He revealed to them a whole different multiverse."

"So the ancient civilization decided to ask for help from another multiverse. They transformed the Babel Tower and shot the light of the soul of intelligent life in the universe to another universe. They believed that only by combining the power of the two universes could they have a chance to save everything."

"So... Tongtian Tower was destroyed seven days later, and all ancient civilizations were hit hard by the sudden apocalypse."

"Having discovered this, Tony Stark, recovering from madness, thought he had found a way to deal with Apocalypse."

"That is to restart the Genesis Project..."

"I also thought he was right at first, thinking that this was the only way to save our universe, but Thanos came to me, Thanos is a cosmic villain, a totalitarian ruler of the galaxy, and he told me that the Messiah will destroy the sky The tower doesn't think the Tongtian Tower is a threat, but just doesn't like candidates cheating."

"And the Messiah raised a fatal question...Why would other multiverses risk being destroyed in order to save our universe, and provoke the unspeakable darkness of Apocalypse?"

"So Eternal God, the five gods have a new plan!"

"Apocalypse became interested in their plan, because of the resistance of this universe, all the variables are no longer enough to surpass his calculations, this hopeless resistance makes him boring, so he wants to create a huge variable, give us A space to create miracles. The original plan of the ancient civilization was to let the Eternal God (the concept god of our universe) and the concept god of another multiverse embrace each other by destiny, so that the two multiverses could merge for a short time."

"But Apocalypse's plan is to force eternity into destiny, to force our universe into another multiverse, to break through the barrier between the two universes, and to create a passage to that universe. Facing Apocalypse, sooner or later they will Standing with us... Even if there is no one, the five gods who have merged the two universes will be even more powerful."

"In this way, we have the capital to fight against the apocalypse."

"Thanos received from a parallel world destroyed by the apocalypse, gained the power of death, and his own memory and power who knew the truth of the plan. He believes that it is necessary to bring the apocalypse to other universes and drag another multiverse into the abyss of destruction. Incorrect, he wants to save another universe. So he created the League of Saviors, trying to destroy the earth, destroy the power left by Messiah and the Four Horsemen, and destroy the power of Genesis!"

"I think Thanos is right that Apocalypse should not have another universe even if there is no hope. But Stark and Nick think that the 'Genesis' project is the only hope to save our universe. We have a civil war... ...The result is as you can the destruction of the single universe we are in is not only the disaster of Apocalypse, but also the material that the five gods and Apocalypse jointly created to open another universe plan!"

"Now they have created a dual universe, using the material basis of our universe, to create a parallel world of the opposite multiverse. This world is created according to the timeline of the opposite universe, so that this universe can pass through the space between the two universes. The Wall of Origin, the Three Prophets system you know, is actually a set of Trojan horse viruses."

"A Trojan horse virus specially designed for the wall of origin...Three sets of variables that cannot be locked will encrypt our universe, disguised as a concept that poses no threat to another universe, and enter there."

"You guys, the Justice League is an anchor point created by the heroes of another universe, anchoring this dual universe to the opposite universe, so that this world becomes a world that rests on our universe and on the opposite universe. bridge between them, and that's not all, they decided to destroy the world, blasting a passage in the middle of the Wall of Origin."

"There is only one piece of material at the bottom of all parallel worlds in the multiverse, and all parallel universes use one piece of material. This is also the fundamental difference between the two universes."

"Any open teleportation channel has the potential to be repaired."

"But if all the matter in the parallel universe we are in is mixed into the total mass of the multiverse on the opposite side, then every part of matter will be a perfect teleportation beacon, and the two universes will never be separated again... This is Genesis plan, create a world where two universes merge, and then... destroy it!"

"People... take my power to stop their crazy behavior."

"We are... the saviors!"

People learned all the truth and were completely shocked by this dark plan!

"As for the restart plan, it does exist, but it is a reward for Stark and Nick's crazy implementation of this plan. When the two universes are opened up, Apocalypse will destroy a world. Using that world as raw material, the file is restored. Their world. In this way, Stark and Nick can completely let go of their hands! No more guilt...even if it is destroying their own world, to invade another multiverse, even if it is destroying a single body Universe, use it as material to revive your own universe.”

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