Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 213 Finale: End!

"The time for the decisive battle has come!" Batman looked up at the moon and made a judgment.

And Chen Ang is still in the laboratory, dissecting... himself, there was a time when he did not conduct human experiments and abided by the scientific ethics of human beings, but when he realized that all this was completely meaningless, he overturned this rule, But now he has started to reduce human experiments again, because he realized that there is a kind of experimental body that has a better effect.

That is me!

Using some experimental subjects for experiments, no matter how perfect, can only obtain information and data from one perspective. If you use yourself as the experimental subject, it will be a double surprise.

For Chen Ang, there can be countless selves at the same time.

And Chen Ang can also easily change the objective state of his body, so in addition to some spiritual experiments that require a wider range of specimens, Chen Ang began to copy various kinds of himself for experiments.

The self in the state of artificial intelligence, the self of Kryptonian blood, the entropic life form, the nuclear creature... All kinds of material body states, the self copied by Chen Ang is enough to form a life evolution equation.

A negligible consequence is that the experimental subjects who dared to show their emotions to themselves, after seeing Chen Ang's experiments on themselves, have little will to resist like plastic bags in a tenth-level typhoon. It disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only unforgettable fear and... fear.

Today is the day when an important experiment ends, and it is also the start time for the preparation of the merged project team... Chen Ang ended the experiment earlier, and the remaining time is worth wasting to have some spiritual exchanges with future experimental subjects and answer them Confuse. Now the Marvel multiverse experimental project, except for a few key projects related to several civilizations of the Human Revolutionary Federation, has entered the low ebb of production.

The destructive experiment on Marvel's parallel universe, after destroying countless timelines, finally made Chen Ang realize the low ebb of its value... This is not good, the fixed assets that Chen Ang invested in this universe (the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Mi Saiyan) has reached a large proportion. Although Chen Ang has repeatedly devoted himself to spreading the Four Horsemen to other universes, the experimental conditions of this universe are so mature, and the equipment and laboratories are at their peak.

It's such a waste to just throw it away.

It is necessary to expand the experimental site and increase the project team.

So Chen Tianqi made a plan and handed it over to Chen Ang, the person in charge of this experimental project. The experimental project is the merger of two multiverses, adding infinite variables in an instant, bringing a climax of experimental benefits. We carefully selected a universe that is most similar in nature to the Marvel Universe.

And provide preliminary verification for the next big plan.

The expected plan is called the Ultimate Laboratory... Chen Ang intends to create a constantly expanding laboratory universe—the Ultimate Multiverse, if the two multiverses are successfully fused. Without destroying the diversity of the multiverse, he merged them together to create an extremely large multiverse system as his laboratory.

Chen Tianqi can continue to study, and there is no longer a lack of materials and projects.

This project of being blinded, long-term, sick, and far-fetched is like a biology enthusiast who wants to create an extremely rich ecological circle to provide him with research samples. Chen Ang is also committed to creating this Species ecosphere and civilization ecosphere.

Diana was arranging the equipment. She took good care of the artifact given by the Queen of Amazons and her brother Vulcan, and cared for it to the best condition, regardless of the gods of Olympus who kept begging and warning in her ears: " Don't mess with him, Diana, please!"

"He will destroy us all!"

"Hasn't he already done this?" Diana raised her head and asked, "What are you still afraid of? Isn't he already ready to destroy the world? As gods, can't you be bold and resist him?"

"What else do you have to lose?"

"Even if the world is destroyed, we still have hope of survival...but facing him...we don't!"

Those trivial voices were silent for a while, and then a wise female voice whispered: "We are not gods... in front of the prophet, we are mortals!"

The Flash Barry is very scared, but unlike the gods of Olympus, he is not afraid of the prophet, but is afraid of his own power. When he finds that his power has its own will, it will be controlled by the enemy and imprisoned instead. After killing himself, he became afraid of divine power, so he could only run to the divine power motor.

He has to face the source of his power.

After entering the universe of Shenli Motor, Barry met another Barry.

He kept running in a dark universe, and the power came from every step he took: "You have to stop him Barry..." The other Barry Allen listened to what Barry had to say about everything during this time After telling him, he said: "I have always had a doubt. After the flash point, I messed up everything and restarted the entire universe."

"At that time, I was very puzzled, what is outside the wall of origin?"

"Now I know, outside the Wall of everything!"

"The wall of origin is our universe's barrier to protect ourselves, to isolate the defense system of crazy and evil existences like the Second Prophet from invading our world, but now, he has obviously succeeded. He disguised this universe as being unparalleled to our universe. Harmful things, through the encryption of the three prophets system, entered the wall of origin."

"He created everything after our universe, man, Batman, and you Barry, he also created life, magic, even Apocalypse and Krypton, but there are two things he couldn't create...that is us The divine power and emotional spectrum unique to the there is me!"

Barry Allen, who was used as a hamster for 'electricity', woke up and said: "He trapped me and trapped me in this small universe to create divine power... and why the Seven Lanterns disappeared is also understandable , because the Seven Lanterns were also brought over from my universe, they obviously knew something, so when the power of the emotional spectrum took root in this universe, they were silenced!"

"When I was saving our world, I have seen countless dangerous, crazy, or powerful and incredible opponents, but I have to admit, this one is the most dangerous, craziest, and most... ...a powerful opponent. Your universe is hopeless, and you will grasp at the last straw. This is not an embarrassing choice, they are just... for their benefit."

"But Barry...there is still the Justice League in this universe. Although he copied it, you are also the Justice League...go!" Barry Allen poured all his divine power into Barry's body: "Tell him... Duplicating you is the worst thing he did... because the Justice League can always stop the ambitions of these lunatics!"

The Flash felt that his divine power had broken through a limit. With the help of another Barry, he opened the confinement. He is no longer a sharer who needs a motor to use the divine power. Now, he is also creating the divine power. He has become a real The Flash...

Arthur looked at the direction of Atlantis with a complicated expression, where Mela became someone else's queen.

Now he must save his kingdom, his lover, his universe...his all...

Spider-Man accompanied the Third Prophet strolling through the streets and alleys. He put down his Spider-Man uniform and, as a young Peter Parker, stayed by Lily Stark's side. They played for a day, and Lily looked a little tired up. She propped her forehead and said, "Peter...Actually..."

"If you want to explain tomorrow's battle..." Peter spread his hands and said, "Then don't talk about it!"

"Give us a little hope!" Little Spider sighed, "I think I recognize who he is...someone...someone we have no hope of defeating at all."

"Peter...what the prophet sees doesn't mean everything." Lily held Peter's face and said, "There is a possibility that we cannot see, and the second prophet cannot decide...that is a miracle. And I... "Her voice began to cry a little, she stabilized her voice, tried her best not to collapse, and said: "Believe in miracles!"

"There are always people who can create the impossible, and that's what people call heroes!"

She closed her eyes and they kissed.

Wonder Woman took off her guardian ring, and let the power of Ares flow on her body, that powerful, uncontrollable, dangerous power... Man walked out of the origin, he became a perfect The state, the state of the golden age, also gained the power he wanted to protect the world... Batman put on the armor jointly created by the Justice League-the Hell Bat.

The Flash came to the Hall of Justice from the Electric Universe in an instant...

The little spider and the third prophet set foot on the prepared battlefield hand in hand.

Neptune Arthur and Cyborg also made every effort to transform and strengthen themselves during this period, and conducted targeted training on themselves.

Strange is ready outside of time, ready to sacrifice everything, if the Justice League has any hope of success, then he will fight to the death, if they fail, Strange will take second place and resurrect own world.

Constantine confessed to Zatana... Xiao Zha refused to forgive him, she said: "If we can survive, I will forget everything that happened before... People say that only when death passes by, Only one can see clearly one's own heart..."

"At that time. I will give up magic... for you!" Constantine said.

This flag is beautiful!

Cyborg opened the sonic passage to the moon. When all the heroes set foot on the empty moon, there were many heroes in the party, and some were even villains, rascals, clown girls, death knell, gorillas... and Shadow Pact, Teen Titans, Birds of Prey, Ultra Heroes and more...

On the opposite side is the entire World Security Council, all the people who survived from the old universe.

For their own world, in order to save such a possible future... They were also heroes, Nick Fury, Pepper...

Batman also sees the man behind it, the Sinister Seven, who has been trying to destroy the Justice League.

Mandarin, Bizarro, Madam Gao, Hawkeye, Specter, Namor and Grid, Bizarro was resurrected and Grid was never dead, trying to kill an artificial without cutting off the network Smart, that's simply not possible.

And the deepest shadow behind them...

Chen Ang!

Or... a kind of... apocalypse.

"Not bad..." Chen Ang applauded, then turned to Fu Manchu and said, "I'm very satisfied with the quality of these heroes."

"They'll be good beacons and've done a good job. I've trained you well, now they're more like, no, they're their Primarch! This universe can be so easily destroyed by DC Accepted by the multiverse, you have to credit...Fu Manchu!"

"The foundation stone of the First Prophet... will collapse in two hours. Then he will be born!"

"Stark..." Chen Ang said calmly.

Behind him appeared a tall man covered in blue and naked. He didn't look like Stark, but now it doesn't matter what image appears to Tony Stark, and he can be called Dr. Manhattan.

"I won't make a move!" Chen Ang said calmly: "My plan has been completed. The rest is up to you!"

Chen Ang ignored how Stark communicated with those people, but there was only one result. In order to fight against the devil, he had to become a devil too... What a ridiculous choice.

Those who stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you!

If you stay close to Tianqi for too will get close to him. Apocalypse is no safer than any evil god, now let Stark's past take a look, can he still recognize himself? Although Dr. Stark still has a trace of humanity, in order to save his own universe...but he wasted his only humanity for this.

This is where the sadness lies, struggling for the things you care about in the end, but in the end, you don't care about them anymore.

Chen Ang stood quietly on the observation platform, staring at the earth... Then behind him, the Evil Seven and the Justice League fought desperately, but he had no interest in participating in these hobbies for a long time! His game is over...

As time went by bit by bit, the golden man killed all directions, and there was no single enemy in his hands... But he still met Dr. Stark, and the decisive battle of fate began again. Fortunately, Mrs. Gao is also very strange after being controlled by Wu Dao.

The rest of the people were evenly matched. In the end, Batman still had a plan to let them gain the advantage one by one and win in the end, but so what, Chen Ang didn't care anymore!

Looking at the earth, he snapped his fingers lightly!

The universe collapsed to a point in an instant, and everyone died...

In an unimaginable explosion, the wall of origin... broke!

Eternity and infinity represent the entire multiverse. They inserted one hand into the body of Destiny and another universe. The two multiverses collided, and a huge hole appeared in the wall of origin. The flooded universe, like a life-saving straw, has begun to merge with another universe. This process is extremely long, but it has already begun irreversibly...

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