Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 1 Da Luo has no reason, the end of Taiyi, Chaos gods and demons

"The time has come!"

Yuan Yudao Jun Jiayi sits on the long river of time, sitting on countless illusory universes, from the past to the future, condensed into a mighty long river of time, this long river has countless tributaries, and in each tributary, there is a The illusory figures, these illusory dao bodies that run through the long river of time and spread parallel universes, serve as fulcrums and provide the key road signs for Daoist Yuan Yu.

At the end of the road is Da Luo!

After Yuanyu Daojun condensed and collected all his Dao Seeds, he continued to explore up and down the long river of time, constantly projecting himself into others in other parallel universes, and finally cultivated and polished Dao Seeds to become the only one in all worlds.

After this step, it is the end of the Dao, and the Dao Fruit must be entrusted to the Da Luo Realm of the Da Luo Heaven.

After proving Dao Da Luo, Yuan Yu Daojun will be able to achieve unprecedented Dao karma...

In this universe, he has long been at the pinnacle. There is no trace of the existence of a Daluo Tianzun in this world for 205,000 years. In the danger of exploring the Dao of Da Luo, they turned away one after another. In the realm of Da Luo, if there were no scriptures left by the Taoist ancestors, Taoist Yuan Yu thought it was just an illusory legend.

According to legend, the highest of the thirty-six heavens is the Daluo Heaven.

At the realm of Yuan Yu, one can already understand the true meaning of the thirty-six days. The thirty-six days are the thirty-six layers of worlds in the eyes of immortals, from the secular world of ordinary people to the world of desire that can be seen in all shapes and colors. Six days... Thirty-six days is not a fairy world with one level and another level, but the real world in the eyes of different cultivators.

Therefore, although the world of the heavens under the control of the Vientiane Realm is divided into five immortals, and there are realms of cultivating qi, transforming gods, and anti-virtualism, etc., in the eyes of Daoist Yuanyu Daojun, thirty-six days are different. Forming a school can more accurately divide the realm of cultivators. Of course, the thirty-six days are a bit cumbersome, and there is a division method of the twelve heavens.

The sky of Taixu... is attached to the ground, and one looks at a loss... It is the realm of Qi training. When the mind wanders in Taixu, it is the first time to see Qi. Can feel the Qi in the body, and the spirit seems to be in the void.

Shi Huatian... wind, rain, thunder and lightning,

Clouds, fog, frost, and snow, while walking down and forming... Practicing qi to transform the spirit, wind, rain, thunder, lightning, clouds, fog, frost and snow can all be formed with qi. In other words, it is seen that the essence of energy such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning is Qi, and the movement of the cardinal of heaven and earth can also be seen to be generated by Qi, which can transform the Qi in the body into phases of Qi changes such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Preliminary refining into mana!

Then there are the Moon Wheel Heaven, Youdao Heaven, Yang Mingming, Liesu Heaven, Doushu Heaven, Fudo Heaven, Qionglong Heaven, Yan Motian, Tushitian...

And lastly... Da Luotian!

Such a celestial environment is called the external scene in Taoism, which means the known world and the scene outside the heart.

On the contrary, it is the inner scene, knowing the true self.

Yuanyu Daojun is the golden immortal Daoguo, the Daojun career position, and the Tushitian exterior scene monk. He is only one step away from the ultimate monk, the end of the Tao, and the realm of Daluo.

Daluotian is a strange time and space where matter is not easy, the light of the universe is unchanging, the end of the universe and the beginning of the light of nature, it is included outside the heavens, and there is no end. It is above the time and space where it is located, higher than the long river of time, and can interfere with the level of the universe. Time is the change of matter, but the matter of Daluotian remains unchanged. It is that high-dimensional.

Daoist Yuan Yu had been comprehending for tens of thousands of years before he could vaguely feel that world.

If you want to prove Da Luo, you have to find the mysterious Da Luo Tian, ​​and if you want to find Da Luo Tian, ​​you have to measure the universe. Taoist Yuan Yu distributes his Dao body in the upstream and downstream of the timeline, and expands to the nearby The parallel universe of the universe, on the one hand, uses the locations of these Tao bodies as coordinates, and through coordinates, measures the point where all time, space and matter remain unchanged.

At the same time, it constantly swallows others and me, and traces the origin of the spirituality with its own soul of the same origin.

All others and I are high-dimensional... Or the projection of the "innate true self" projected to the material world. The Tao fruit is the sum of mutual cognition between the innate true self and the material world. Guo Nei artificially divides thirty-six heavens or twelve heavens, which are essentially the cognitive world of practitioners.

Daluotian is the innate true self in the material world, which is higher than all time and space and contains the material essence.

Looking for the innate true self through different others is like calculating the position of the light source through projection, and also deduces the location of the innate true self through the traces projected by the innate true self in different time and space and parallel worlds.

There are many catastrophes in this process. Not only do practitioners have to constantly adjust their body and mind to adapt to the process of returning to the innate true self, which is equivalent to constantly wearing down the self, which is more dangerous than any heart demon catastrophe. The coordinates in the long river of time fall off, and are washed into the long river of time, or are abandoned outside the long river of time.

Even more terrifying... thinking is trapped in some unspeakable dimensions of the universe.

He needs to rely on the anchor in the material world to escape into the extremely dark and timeless Great Black Tribulation with the help of an anchor in the material world, the Heavenly Fire Tribulation where high heat and high-energy energy actively destroys his own information body, and the Heart Demon Tribulation where a large amount of precipitated information washes away the corridors of his soul. Wait for the extremely dangerous dimension to find the supreme, eternal and free Da Luotian.

Then entrust the Dao Fruit in the Da Luo Heaven, prove the Da Luo, and become a Da Luo Tianzun who spreads on the timeline, omniscient and omnipotent, reaches the end of the Dao, can freely roam time and space, distort cause and effect, and create all things.

Become a worm lying on the timeline and growing to both ends!

Daoist Yuanyu tried several times, but he almost fell into those dangerous doomsdays. He must constantly analyze and recognize himself, and have a very high grasp of himself, so that he can survive this kind of world without his own cognition. To survive dangerous activities, he must grasp the essence among different selves and strengthen his heart. At the same time, he must have a considerable understanding of the material world, and the knowledge level is extremely high.

Otherwise, what the primordial spirit sees is not 'true'.

Once Yuanshen's perception falls into an unfamiliar environment, if he does not have enough knowledge, he will not be able to understand the perceived information and correctly understand the perceived information, and will use his old cognitive system to comprehend forcibly like a blind man touching an elephant. God explores Da Luotian's escape into the Dao Realm, and it will become an illusion.

All perception is no longer real.

Once this is the case, there will be a lot of errors and confusion in the structure of the cognitive world (Dao Fruit), and then either Daohua (losing the self, killing the soul) or becoming a demon (the cognitive world is completely distorted and crazy, and the Dao Fruit is distorted), or It is falling into the mundane world (the Tao and fruit are chaotic, mixed with a lot of misunderstandings).

Daoist Yuan Yu's former fellow Taoists who attacked Da Luo all fell at this step.

Countless perceptions and memories of him and me are mixed together in a chaotic way. Daoist Yuanyu either becomes a general, a romantic talent, or a down-and-out beggar, with different emotional personalities and completely different temperaments. After the road, there is a mix of fundamental ego divisions, each of which is his nature and each of which is not his.

These chaotic perceptual memories turned into phantoms and appeared in Daoist Yuan Yu's consciousness.

It was only then that Daoist Yuan Yu realized that he had fallen into a catastrophe again.

He and I rob, expand themselves to different worlds, and merge the sequelae of different selves. The self is an information structure. Of course, this structure is the most stable around a core, but a core of self is like the projection of the innate self into the real world. It is the same as the one point of the above, it is impossible to deduce the location of the innate true self.

This kind of structure is the most stable...and it cannot grasp the difference between the innate self and the ego.

Only in the conflict can we have a deeper understanding of the innate true self, and only through different other-self projections can we find the innate true self, so the difficulty lies in that, on the one hand, the conflict of different selves is needed to attack Daluo, and on the other hand, this kind of The conflict is wearing away Yuanyu Daojun's original self.

This is a relatively simple other-me calamity in the Da Luo calamity.

Buddhism is called self-image, all living beings!

Daoist Yuan Yu had to abandon a large amount of self-construction. When facing self-emotional conflicts, one self and one character have different emotions. The best solution is to throw emotions and characters out of the core of the self , become an unimportant part of the self, which is relatively simple for Yuanyu Daojun.

After all, he has practiced Taoism for nearly ten thousand years, and the more intense emotions and personality are the feelings when he was young, which he has long since forgotten.

Therefore, when this kind of conflict occurs, he only needs to forget his feelings, and he can marginalize a large number of self-conflicts and become a dispensable part of his self-construction.

He will abandon a large number of annexed emotions and personalities, and finally the personality that has been cultivated for thousands of years will be the most stable at the core, and will naturally marginalize other selves.

This is a relatively simple calamity in the Great Luo Calamity!

After passing through countless weird and dangerous dimensions, the Dao Body below collapsed one after another. In the end, the eyes of Daoist Yuan Yu suddenly opened, and the overlapping Dao Body, countless phantoms superimposed together in the long river of time , Superimposing that long period of time and space on one point, an illusory Dao fruit suddenly jumped out from the head of Daoist Yuanyu and fell into the long river of time.

Hit on that point.

Suddenly, at that point, Daoguo unfolded an endless, endless, unchangeable, supreme world!

Da Luotian!

Daoist Yuanyu's last bit of consciousness and natural aura fell down, and went straight to the core of the Dao Fruit... Da Luotian is in the Dao Fruit. It is not the real material world, but some supreme principles of the conscious cognition of the material world Afterwards, constantly grind and sharpen, and finally unfold a layer of cognitive world.

After escaping into Daluotian, the way and way of consciousness to perceive the world has undergone a complete transformation.

Daoist Yuan Yu felt that the whole universe revealed its essence in front of him. Time does not exist. way manifested. He reappeared in the material world, and things appeared in his eyes, no longer rigid forms or breaths, but very rich, comprehensive states that include all futures.

One can see through its past and future, all attributes at a glance.

The fate of any living being is even more obvious...

He looked far into the past, and could still feel his existence spreading upstream and downstream of time... He explored the origin of the whole world, and spread beyond time... After passing through countless times and crossing the Vientiane world for countless births and deaths , he came to an unimaginably huge universe... Primordial!

In this universe, he perceives many life forms like him. If he is like a worm on the timeline, then he is rubbing against the existence of countless giant pythons, dragons, and even the huge earthly pythons that occupy the entire world. Passing by, Daoist Yuan Yu trembled and began to be full of panic. The further upstream he went, the more terrifying the other big Luos he saw became.

At last he saw a giant beyond his comprehension and imagination, containing all concepts, encompassing everything.

In his cognition, the giant holds a big axe, and the ax splits the wind, the earth, the water and the fire...


Daoist Yuan Yu said in horror.

Pangu is Tao, and this is the side of Tao he sees. Because of his innate cognition, he believes that the world was created by the giant Pangu, so the creation of the world appeared in front of him in this form. , Pangu created the world with the wheel, so he will also see Pangu open the world with the wheel...

Pangu is the Tao, and Daluo can stand before Pangu opened the sky, so Daluo is called the end of the Tao.

Pangu opened the sky, in the Taiji period...

And at the end of time, when something is created out of nothing, the moment when existence is born is the moment when the Taiyi period is about to transform into the Taichu period.

The moment Xiantianyi was about to be born...

Daoist Yuanyu came to the moment when the Taiyi period was about to end, and at the moment when something was born out of nothing, and the birth of the innate one-mystery and another-mystery, his body naturally did not exist in matter, and the Taiyi period only had a state of boundless and empty universe, and it is not even accurate to call it the universe. Because there is neither time nor space, that is, in nothingness, a little element will come into being.

But it's not deserted at all, on the contrary, it's quite lively.

"Look, look, take a look!" A yellow-robed Taoist priest shouted loudly in the void. Although he couldn't see the yellow robe, there was no Taoist priest, and he couldn't shout out, but Da Luo could understand each other, as long as he transformed, You can recognize this picture.

"A ray of innate immortality has become your most handy spiritual exchange for karma!" The yellow-robed Taoist shouted loudly: "It's definitely not a loss. Although my brother was born in the doomed era, he has quite good aptitude, otherwise I can't cultivate Daluo, I wish to turn into a spiritual treasure for immeasurable kalpas, and I only ask for the blessing of the great power to cover my heels."

At this time, a great man in white came over, looked at the ray of snake-shaped aura, his face was happy, and said: "This thing has a predestined relationship with my Buddhism!"

"Okay! Then entrust it to Dashi!" The yellow-robed Taoist priest was not dissatisfied at all, but rather pleased.

Daoist Yuanyu... now Yuanyu Tianzun is ignorant, he quickly grabbed the sleeve of a passing white-faced boy and said: "Fellow Daoist, stay a while!"

Hearing the words, the boy stopped and said, "Are you a newcomer?"

Yuan Yu Tianzun said in a low voice: "It's the first time for the poor to come here. I don't know what's the mystery here? This innate immortality, but..."

The young man smiled slightly and said: "This is the end of the Taiyi Era, when the Yuan Dynasty was not born, the starting point of all Da Luo backtracking time and space, and also the origin of the universe time here. Da Luo has no beginning and no end, it lives the same life as the universe, the oldest, So everyone was born here. When Yuan was not born."

"Because matter is born after Pangu opened the sky in the Taiji period and when Yin and Yang were divided, there is no matter here, and Yuan is still formed in the Taichu period, that is, it will be born after the next moment, so there is no vitality here. Only Daluo's Essence, a little spiritual light can exist, which is the current state of you and me."

"Born for innate, Daluo is immortal in nature, so it is called innate immortal aura."

"There are many potential needs for transactions between Daluo and Luo, but because nothing exists, so the transactions here only have innate immortality or acquired karma. In other words, you can either sell your body or sell your body. One sells the future body. The Taoist friend just now probably has an unstable origin, and the probability of attaining the Tao is too small. Although Da Luo has a permanent certificate, but Da Luo also reverses cause and effect, so there is still the worry of regressing, so he sold his body to entrust Under the Almighty sect, turn into an innate spiritual treasure to seek protection."

"Isn't the indestructible aura just..." Yuan Yu Tianzun was a little frightened.

The young man nodded and said: "You are right. Those treasures transformed by the innate immortal aura are the real body of Da Luo. Da Luo runs through all time and space, so every time before Pangu opens the sky, all the Da Luo in downstream time and space will be together. Gathering here, although the future has not yet been determined at this time, there is no cause and no calamity for Da Luo, so as long as Da Luo is likely to be born, he will come here. The result is the cause...becoming a chaos god and demon."

The young man smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for becoming a member of my Chaos Demon!"

"It turns out that... Chaos gods and demons have such an origin!" Yuan Yu Tianzun suddenly heard such fierce news, and felt that he had to slow down.

"Otherwise?" The young man smiled and said, "Daoist Yuan Yu thought that in this chaos, some gods and demons that surpassed future generations can really be born naturally? Then why do we practice? Do so many fellow Taoists practice hard?" , all went into the dog's belly? It's better for Chaos to give birth to a few creatures..."

"Chaos gods and demons were born innately, congenitally as gods, with noble heels, and great supernatural powers... In fact, it is too easy to evolve from the beginning, when something is born out of nothing, when existence is born, I waited for Da Luo to come across time, and the result is the cause. A heel created by birth. Now Fellow Daoist Yuan Yu is also a Chaos God and Demon!"

"How do fellow Taoists know that I am Yuan Yu?" Yuan Yu Tianzun was surprised at first, and then looked downstream in time and space, only to see the downstream covered by clouds and fog. Seeing some things, those concealed things were naturally concealed by other big Luos.

Yuan Yuchu came to Taiyi Ji, just a newcomer who just proved his way, so naturally he couldn't see through the hands and feet of those veteran Da Luo.

But he did understand that Da Luo knew everything, so as long as it wasn't something that Da Luo deliberately concealed, he would know everything at a glance.

That young man is obviously not weak among Da Luo, so he can see his origin, but he can't see his heel, so Yuan Yu can only ask straightly: "I don't know the name of You Zun..."

The young man nodded and smiled: "It's easy to say... It's also a newcomer in Xiaminghe. I only know a little more than fellow daoist, so I'm here to show off. It makes fellow daoist Yuanyu laugh!"

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