Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 2 In the beginning, there was a way, come to my magic door, be respected as the ancestor

"Styx!" Yuanyu Tianzun couldn't help trembling when he heard the name, and thought to himself: "Is this the Styx I thought of? The blood sea Styx, the power to open up the great asura magic path in the future... this Before Pan Gu opened the world, the water was really deep, so can such great power be seen everywhere?"

"After Da Luo, it really is almost another world!"

Yuanyu Tianzun had such a thought in a flash, and hurriedly replied: "It's actually the leader of Styx, who is new to Xiaodao and doesn't know the rules, so I ask the leader to give me some advice!"

After all, he is also the Lord of Great Luo, and he has a profound skill in nourishing Qi. Even if he suddenly saw those powerful people in myths and legends, Yuan Yu Tianzun just adjusted it and got used to it...

Styx is very kind and seems to be very helpful. He immediately explained: "Fellow Daoist, you know that the fifth congenital..."

Xiantian, before Pangu created the world, Wutai refers to: Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, Taiji, five kinds of congenital good fortune, the state of the universe opening, from Wuji to Taiji—transition from Wuji to Wuji The five stages before the birth of heaven and earth.

Promise is chaos.

It is also the concept of the ultimateity of Tao... boundless, endless, infinite, endless. This formless and formless original state of the universe is also called chaos. Of course, there is no chaotic air in the chaos, nor is it a space filled with a large cloud of chaotic air. In the state of the border, there are no chaotic gods and demons in it, and the congenital spiritual treasures are conceived (all of which are transformed by the future Da Luo), and even Pangu was not born in chaos.

Pangu was typed... not born.

Chaos is Wuji, and the process of opening up chaos is the creation of Taiji from Wuji.

There are five stages in Wuji Shengtaiji. The beginning is the Taiyi Era, that is, the Da Luos traced back to the oldest era, the starting point of time... Yin and Yang have not changed. It's too easy to be lonely. Too easy, the beginning of the gods without seeing the breath. Taiyi is the beginning of everything, nothing, an absolute state of 'nothing'.

At the end of the Taiyi era, there was a 'god'.

It is the origin of everything in the universe, the supreme, pure to the extreme innate immortal aura, that is, Da Luo, can only take advantage of a loophole in the transformation from the Taiyi period to the Taichu period. .

This is the time period when Yuan Yu came, and the "origin" of all Da Luo's stops.

Strictly speaking, this time point in which something is created out of nothing belongs to the time point when the Taichu period and the Taiyi period intersect, so it is said: In the beginning there was Tao, Tao and God were together, and Tao was God.

After Taiyi is Taichu, formless and qualityless, only the innate state of qi, with qi but no form, this is the understood chaos in the ordinary sense.

After Taichu Ji, is Taishi.

There is form but no quality, which cannot be seen by the senses. Yin and Yang intermingle and become one, and the form is born from the one. Although there is form, there is no quality. This is called Taishi. The state of the universe at this time is like the chaos understood by later generations. The chaotic energy of the unity of yin and yang fills the heaven and the earth, the innate spirit treasure and the chaotic gods and demons (both of which are Da Luo's vests) breathe out the chaotic energy, and everything is in the process of being conceived.

Taishi transforms into Taisu...Taishi transforms into shape, form has quality, but does not form a body, so it is called Taisu.

At this time, everything in the chaos took shape. Chaos gods and innate spirit treasures gave birth to their real forms one by one.

Then some extremely powerful Daluo slaughtered all the gods and demons of chaos, proved Pangu, opened up the world, and divided yin and yang.

Pangu opened up the world, that is, the Taiji period.

Taiji is the state in which the universe was born. The first four states still belong to Wuji. In the Taiji period, Wuji was opened up, the universe was transformed, yin and yang were separated, and clear and turbid were separated. One is two, two is three, and three is all things.

Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi is the process of Dao giving birth to Yi, and Yi was born in Taishi Ji.

After the transition of the Taisu period, to the Taiji period, one life is two, two is three, and three is all things.

Then Pan Gu died and turned into a prehistoric world.

After Styx's explanation, Yuanyu Tianzun had a general understanding of the Chaos Wuji he was in. Da Luo, or the Chaos Gods and Demons, opened up such a gathering point at the turn of Taiyi and Taichu for everyone to interact with each other. Communicating, and most importantly...making deals.

"Since fellow daoists know that we are Chaos Gods and Demons, you should have some guesses about the next calamity!" Styx said with a smile: "Of course, Da Luo Wujie. The so-called calamity is the calamity of this world, is it The calamity of our outer appearance is also the calamity of the Chaos God and Demon in the eyes of all living beings... But we are not Chaos God and Demon, so there is actually no calamity."

"It's just that Pangu wants to open up the world, so he needs to lend us a loan!"

Yuan Yu Tianzun said with a wry smile: "Three thousand chaotic gods and demons were robbed, naturally it is the number of days."

"There is no number of days, we are the number of days...It is nothing more than expanding ourselves to the oldest point in time after the realization of Da Luo. Da Luo is the oldest. Some people in later generations think they have glimpsed the secret of Da Luo. Only the God and Demon born in Chaos can prove Da Luo, so he took a detour and tried every means to get closer to the Chaos God and Demon, trying to turn himself into a Chaos God and Demon."

"Of course... this is also a Da Luo way."

"I think Taoist Yuan Yu, you are following the way of the outdoor scene of Huangting. The outdoor scene of Huangting has nine days, twelve days, twenty-four days, thirty-three days, and thirty-six days. The Dao fruit entrusts Da Luotian, that is, what Buddhism calls non-imagination, non-non-imagination, and achieves Da Luo. Similarly, some people visualize the real body of chaotic gods and demons, cultivate themselves into gods and demons, walk the original way of gods and demons, and become Taoists. Coming here in a moment, incarnating as a chaotic god and demon and proving the Tao... all these methods of proving the Tao are all Da Luo, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior."

"Does Da Luo have a different way to prove Dao?" Tianzun Yuanyu asked a little ignorantly, he already knew that the Vientiane Realm he was born in was just a small realm of the prehistoric universe, and he also exhausted the luck of the entire Vientiane Realm It was only after a dangerous and dangerous testament to Daluo. In this process, Yuanyu Tianzun didn't know how many worlds he traveled through. Just the longitudinal direction of the long river of time and space, he has as many as 120,000 people, plus the horizontal direction, the number of people in the past and future is exactly one yuan.

And in this infinite number of universes, there are only five fingers who can be called fellow Taoists by him, and who are qualified to challenge Da Luo.

Although there are also people who have comprehended other paths to step into Daluo, they have died before they have time to step on the threshold! In the end, Yuan Yu and several fellow Taoists went on and on, and finally walked out of him as a Da Luo Tianzun.

The difficulty is uncountable!

"Three thousand roads, all of which can prove the Tao." Minghe said calmly: "It's just that there are difficulties and easy ones. After enlightenment, there is no distinction between high and low. The end of the Tao is Daluo. In this universe, Daluo Luo is the end. Don’t look at Taoist Buddha, Yuanshi Zhulong and their status are billions of times higher than yours, but they are just big Luo.”

"Just like in the chaos, the power of the weakest Chaos God Demon and Pangu is very different, but in terms of Taoism, they are all the same!"

"Why do you say that Da Luo, who practiced the way of primitive gods and demons, took a detour?" Styx sighed, "That's because the difficulty for him to prove the way is ten thousand times that of yours. The order of Demon and Da Luo is reversed, and the threshold is as high as a three-story building."

"The chaotic gods and demons are originally a temporary product before innateness. Just like the five congenitals, they are an excessive state in which the infinity produces Taiji. When Taiji produces two forms, two forms produce four images, and three forms produce all things, it is proved in turn. Chaos gods and demons that can only be born in the congenital Wutai... The later the time goes, the later the era is separated from the creation of heaven and earth, and the difficulty will rise rapidly."

"The only successful Taoist friend was at the beginning of the Great Desolation, who received the legacy of a Chaos God and Demon, our Daoist Daoist, who is equivalent to the parent and child of the Chaos God and Demon. Bao, first cultivated the body of the gods and demons to the peak, then used the treasures to prove the way, and used the congenital spiritual treasures to unite the way, and returned to the early age for a short time, and then successfully proved the chaos gods and demons."

"Hey! It's right in front!" Minghe waved his hand, and greeted the innate immortal aura that suddenly turned into a black-clothed Taoist, sometimes a thousand li giant kun, and sometimes a gigantic roc in front of him: "Patriarch Kunpeng!"

When Patriarch Kunpeng saw Minghe, his expression changed and he cursed: "Minghe, you are that shit-stirring stick again!"

"Don't go away! Patriarch Kunpeng... come to my demon sect to set up a sect! My demon sect lacks talents like you. If you come to my sect, I will give you all the belongings of demons and make you the deputy leader. Not under me...don't go! Patriarch Kunpeng!" Minghe shouted at the back of Kunpeng who couldn't avoid it, that is, Patriarch Kunpeng ran fast, and disappeared in a flash.

Let Styx can only catch up, shaking his head and sighing.

Minghe turned around to greet Yuanyu Tianzun and said, "By the way, fellow Taoist Yuanyu, would you like to come to our Demon Dao to set up a pole?"

But he saw Yuanyu Tianzun already nervously paused on the road, looking at Styx with horror on his face.

Ming He sincerely persuaded: "Fellow Daoist Yuanyu...don't be nervous! I, Minghe, never forcibly pull people... Fellow Daoist Kunpeng is just impatient with me. To tell you the truth, I am He Nai is a narcissus proving the way, and what he comprehends is the water element avenue in the three elements of heaven, earth and water. He was originally a pillar of the immortal way.

"However, the former fellow Taoist Luohu, who is a stinky shit pot, has gone offline! The Buddhas of the Three Qing Dynasty invited me to be the leader of such a demonic way... I said you should ask someone else to be wise! I am an ancient narcissus, practicing Shuiyuan Dao, and I am going to open up the Styx Tianhe River Tu Da Dao, the orthodox Taoist sect who established the flood and water cycle, how did he become the leader of the demonic way?"

"Just tell me, the majesty, everyone has already decided! This shit pot is on your head."

"You are a newcomer, you have just come to the wilderness, and you have not made an inch. We can't always catch Luo Hu and a sheep! It will hurt your conscience... Xuanmen and Buddhism always need someone to play the villain. There is no pressure and excitement. If there is no mechanism for weeding out our disciples and grandchildren, he will not be good in this prehistoric world. You can carry forward your the leader of the Demonic Dao!"

Ming He looked up to the sky and sighed: "I believed in his evil... From now on, all the joys of the prehistoric are under my control!

"Actually, the way of magic still has great potential... Fellow Daoist Yuan Yu, you come to me to be the deputy leader. You can choose one of the blood demon, bone demon, death demon, and yin demon. The future is very bright. But sometimes you have to act as the Buddha, Sanqing's special actor. Da Luo has tens of millions of clones, and it won't interfere with your other identities!"

"A lot of fellow Taoists are working in their own jobs. Besides playing the main roles, they will also come to me to get a vest. Sometimes they can play against themselves to set off the demeanor and stature of their main identity. While pretending to be a good person, at the same time Playing the bad guy... the effect is really good. If you look at Buddhism, he asked me to be the emperor of Dazizai, and Yuanshi also asked me to play against him as the demon of Yuanshi."

"I'm currently leading the positions of the Great Asura Demon Sect, the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon, and other Taoist and Buddhist heavenly courts, and I'm doing very well. Daoist Yuanyu, don't you really think about it?"

Styx looked at Tianzun Yuanyu expectantly, and Tianzun Yuanyu shook his head like a rattle, as if a ray of light seemed to be running away immediately.

Minghe said with a bitter face: "I originally wanted to manage the water cycle of the prehistoric, and just set up a three-dimensional career position. However, Sanqing insisted that my heaven, earth and Minghe are related to the blood sea, and the blood sea occupies one-third of the demonic energy." Lucky, you want me to be the leader of the Demonic Dao. Fellow Daoist Luohu has been the leader of several Demonic Taoists in the Pangu period, and he was so bullied by them...I was so angry that I refused to be the leader again. I didn’t know the Taoism at the time, and I was tricked into being a thief Boat. From then on, one person will defeat the great power of the leader of the prehistoric..."

Yuanyu Tianzun was about to cry!

No wonder this person is so enthusiastic, this is the whole world looking for someone to take the blame! He is a newcomer, with no relatives and friends in the Taiyi period, he was almost tricked into boarding a thief ship, a good Taoist Tianzun, almost became a giant of the devil, an extremely vicious person, who can compare his grievances? Say go?

Styx left in disgust, Yuanyu Tianzun escaped from the catastrophe, and hurried away.

Although Taiyi Ji has not yet time and space, it is also vast and boundless. Yuanyu Tianzun felt that he had escaped from the shadow of the Styx after he escaped a long way. It happened that a ray of light came head-on, and Yuanyu Tianzun hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist, stay a step!" Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, Ling Guang not only didn't stop, but went three points faster, quite panicked.

Yuanyu Tianzun shouted fiercely: "Don't go, there is the Styx River ahead!"

Immediately, the spiritual light came to an emergency stop, and he turned back quickly. Yuan Yu went up to take a look, only to see that the man had a black face and thick beard.

Yuan Yu Tianzun recognized this person, he suddenly realized: "It turns out to be Marshal Xuantan."

Marshal Xuantan, whose full name is Jinlong Ruyizheng Yilonghu Xuantan Zhenjun, is Zhao Gongming, a famous immortal who cut off the teachings back then. It's not an outlier either. It's no wonder that Yuanyu Tianzun said that fellow daoists stopped, but it had the opposite effect.

Zhao Gongming smiled brightly and said: "So it's a new fellow Taoist, I thought it was Shen Gongbao who proved Daluo?"

"Fellow Daoist, are you lying to me, there is really Styx in front?"

Yuan Yu Tianzun didn't expect that the name of Styx would be so useful, he went up and asked: "I also just escaped from the leader of Styx, how can I see you going into the sea of ​​fire again, brother? But, what's wrong with Styx?" What makes you so afraid, bro?"

Zhao Gongming smiled wryly: "He wants me to go to his place to be a treasurer, a devil who is greedy and seductive, how dare I go? But this guy is a great supernatural being, a powerful man in Daluo, and in charge of the way of magic , if you hate him, I'm afraid there will be countless troubles in the future."

Yuan Yu Tianzun said in amazement: "What's the trouble... Da Luo Wujie..."

"Da Luo Wujie, but my heels are known to the whole world!" Zhao Gongming said with annoyed expression, "You are new here, so you don't know the importance of Da Luo's heels. Heels are the past of Da Luo's enlightenment. It’s like the time you practiced in the past, fellow Taoist. Da Luo can reverse cause and effect, and there will be no disasters or calamities. But Da Luo’s only opponents are other Da Luo. If other Da Luo returns to you when you have not verified the Tao, it will be You strangled..."

Yuanyu Tianzun frowned and said, "Da Luo's one certificate will last forever. Once he is certified, it will pervade the past and the future. How to kill it?"

"Da Luo will not lose his position, but he will lose me!" Zhao Gongming explained: "Why do you think Da Luo's innate immortality has turned into a congenital spiritual treasure?"

"Half of it is voluntary... The ancient Da Luo is impatient with the reincarnation of the Pangu, and takes the initiative to sleep and turn into a spiritual treasure, or find a Taoist companion as a spiritual treasure, survive the prehistoric calamity, and wait for the right time to reincarnate. And the other half , it is Da Luo who has no choice but to lose me."

"I'm waiting for Da Luo, although the past and the future are all over the place, but Da Luo's true self was formed before proving the Tao. Once someone finds a foothold, he will be obliterated in the process of growth, and with Da Luo's power, everything will be locked up." Shifting the footsteps, changing the fundamental opportunity. Then the origin of Da Luo will return to this place, and Da Luo itself will lose the past. Without the past, we will become real chaos gods and demons, and this place will become our the origin."

"Fellow Taoists may imagine that after all the past of oneself does not exist, where is the self?"

"Once there is only the origin of chaotic gods and demons, and if you continue to be targeted and consumed by people, you will gradually lose yourself, leaving only the nature of gods and demons. Although there is still a bit of innate aura that is immortal, Da Luo Yongzheng is ignorant, heartless and ruthless. In the end Completely lose myself and turn into an innate spiritual treasure... or become a magic weapon in the hands of the enemy, or find a destined Taoist partner, and prepare to reincarnate as a human being in the future and find myself."

Zhao Gongming smiled wryly and said, "Do fellow Taoists now know why Hong Huang has so many innate spiritual treasures? They are all Da Luo! Our disciples of the Three Religions are backed by three teachers, and we never hide our heels, nor can we hide... ...The three teachers set the trend, how can we cover it up? Fortunately, no one dares to wear down our heels. If Da Luo wants to go back and interfere in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, will the three teachers really be clay puppets? The trend can be changed, but the general trend cannot be changed.”

"The corners and corners are up to us, but the general trend of history can only be determined by great supernatural powers and powerful people. Today's prehistoric history has long since reached a balance between the powerful, and no matter how many variables you have, you can't violate the general trend."

"But the leader of Styx told me that Da Luo is the end of the Tao, and there is no more way!" Yuan Yu Tianzun secretly scolded Styx for talking nonsense, and asked: "How many Da Luo are there in the prehistoric world now? Since fellow Taoists are not afraid of people Why are you so afraid of Styx Master Styx if you ignore your heels?"

"Da Luo is indeed the end of Dao, and the prehistoric is transformed by Da Luo, and there is no higher Dao fruit!" Zhao Gongming explained: "The three teachers are Da Luo, the Buddha is also Da Luo, the Holy Mother of the Emperor Wa, Fuxi The Holy Ancestor, Master Candle Dragon, are all big Luos...but can their big Luos be the same as our big Luos?"

"There are a few great supernatural beings in Honghuang..." Zhao Gongming smiled wryly, "Styx is a great supernatural being, that's why I'm afraid of him. Even with the blessing of the teacher, but the ancestor of Minghe wants to trick me... How many people can the teacher save?" Second-rate?"

"Pangu has been reincarnated several times in Honghuang, and Pangu has changed several times. Many great powers have long since disappeared. Only the incarnation of cause and effect has been given to the younger generation. How do I know how many hidden powers there are? Daoists only need to remember, everything Those who are honored as ancestors should not be provoked! Of course, they must be honored as ancestors in Daluo. When they arrive in Daluo, all Taoists will call them Tianzun, and all Buddhists will call them enlightened beings. Those who are ancestors are not counted as Tianzun, either they are Datianzun, such as Yuanshi Datianzun, Lingbao Datianzun, or the ancestor of the Holy Mother, the ancestor of the leader."

"Old Ancestor Minghe, he is called the ancestor!"

Yuanyu Tianzun suddenly realized: "No wonder I heard him called Patriarch Kunpeng..."

"That is also honored as the ancestor!" Zhao Gongming said sadly: "The prehistoric era has been reincarnated... Every time Pangu opened the sky, and at the end of the Taiyi Era, there was Da Luo incarnated as a chaotic god and demon, accommodated by the strongest of Da Luo All Da Luo's Dao Fruits, incarnate as Pangu, kill and devour all chaotic gods and demons, and then open up the world, and then the world will be more complete, and the continuous good fortune of Da Luo will increase the possibility of more Da Luo being born in the future, so too At the end of the Yi Dynasty, there are more Chaos Gods and Demons."

"In the end, there are more and more big Luos who have the possibility of proving the Dao, until the Dao is three thousand, and the chaotic gods and demons are three thousand..."

"This prehistoric world is Da Luo's game!" Zhao Gongming sighed, but still didn't say this.

Honghuang is a game field, and Da Luo is the player, and the ancestor who is called the ancestor is also a paid local player in Da Luo... The ordinary Da Luo is used to satisfy ordinary players who pay local tyrants.

Want to have fun without paying?

Styx stopped another cute newcomer...

"Don't call me Patriarch, it sounds old-fashioned...Look at my body, I am still a young man. I have gone through countless calamities, and I am still a young man when I return...Young man, are you interested in being the patriarch of the Demon Sect? It's very cool!"

Mengxin pointed to himself and said, "Don't you recognize me, Patriarch? What a treasure I am!"


"Oh!" Mengxin Duobao quietly passed by.

Ming He said angrily: "It's an old can I pretend to be innocent!"

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