Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 56 God Tree Eva

Ning Daoqi was still worried that the location Lu Li mentioned was too vague, and the direction of "under the big tree downstream" was really not clear. A catastrophe.

But he drove the small boat for a while, and he understood why Lu Li only said the vague information of 'under the big tree', because this big tree is too conspicuous, and there is absolutely no possibility of ignoring it. He could see the canopy-like shade of trees in the distance from the boat. In the night, it was like a bright silk curtain. Countless veins flowing with brilliant brilliance supported the extremely beautiful canopy, like clouds and smoke.

This is a sacred tree that should not appear in this world. Ning Daoqi came to this tree by boat. Its shade covers a huge area with a radius of one kilometer, even across the banks of the Yangtze River, above the heads of cruise ships. Covering a starry sky, the veins of the branches flowed with brilliant energy radiation, and the leaves hung like starlight, dangerous and beautiful.

In Ning Daoqi's induction, this big tree is filled with a majestic and thick real energy like a mountain range. There is a vivid and dangerous energy everywhere on the ground under the feet, the canopy above the head, and the air roots hanging from the sky. machine.

Before Ning Daoqi abandoned the boat and went ashore, the air roots floating above the river swam like spirit snakes, interweaving a soft nest in front of Ning Daoqi, and the roots that were as thick as fingers were gently entangled On Lu Li's body, Ning Daoqi didn't know whether to stop it or just wait and see what happened, when he saw Qi Gen support Lu Li's body and put it on the soft nest.

A few crystal-like blood threads drilled from the center of Lu Li's eyebrows intertwined with the golden veins protruding from the air roots of the sacred tree, and suddenly his body relaxed, completely losing the breath of life.

Ning Daoqi was shocked, he didn't know whether to cut off this weird vein, but he saw another air root coming in front of him and produced the same golden vein, floating friendly in front of his chest, Ning Daoqi suddenly realized, Carefully stretching out his fingers, the golden veins melted into his fingertips, connecting with his nerves.

"Hello, I'm Eva." Ning Daoqi felt someone greet him again.

"Poverty Dao Ning Daoqi, I was entrusted to send him here to find someone under the tree. I don't know where he is now?" Ning Daoqi was a little confused. He felt that everything that happened today was beyond the reach of a man who had spent most of his life. It is within the range that the old people in the world can understand. But he reasonably estimated that this mysterious consciousness should be related to the man under the tree.

"Are you looking for Dr. Chen Ang? He is performing surgery on other people now, so it may not be convenient to see you!" The consciousness replied.

Ning Daoqi didn't know what the operation was referring to, but he could understand the words behind it. He asked, "But this Taoist brother is in danger, and he said that only the man under the tree can save him..."

"It should be that there is a problem with the Qilin demon consciousness in his body. I can help. I am awakening his consciousness now.

Share the pressure on him from the unicorn magic thoughts..." Ning Daoqi felt a sleeping consciousness and black thoughts blocked by that consciousness.

This is the latest contact between Ning Daoqi and the Qilin Demon. Although its activities are not active, Ning Daoqi can still feel the instinctive fear of human beings in the face of natural enemies, as well as the primitive animal nature in its consciousness, with a sense of wildness and wildness. The breath is cruel, tyrannical, and fierce. He seems to have seen the cruelty of going back to the beginning of life, and the selfishness that exterminates all.

"The Qilin Demon is terrible. It is the metamorphosis of the most primitive nature of all intelligent creatures. It condenses the most essential desire of life-survival, and at the same time extends this obsession to the negative. Because it comes from beasts, It contains all traces of life evolution, and also represents the desire for endless evolution, so it is called Qilin."

"The unicorn symbolizes the powerful power and potential of this continuous evolution, which constantly absorbs the advantages of infinite possibilities of life. It is the king of beasts, but at the same time, because it is extremely selfish, it wants to devour everything, possess everything, and hate everything except it. Everything, this kind of selfishness originating from the genetic origin, is also called a demon!"

"The Qilin Demon devours everything, possesses everything, and becomes the only evolutionary path and obsession!"

"My master created it, but he was also surprised by its greed and selfishness, so he sealed it in the body of Lu Li, the source of the sample, hoping to get an interesting result." Eva slowly awakened Lu Li awareness, but also for them to explain.

"He didn't tell me this at all!" Lu Li, who just woke up, said angrily: "He only told me that the power of strengthening is very powerful, and he didn't tell me that it would be so dangerous. safe!"

"Master doesn't need to tell you this. No matter how dangerous the Qilin Demon is to you and even me, it is just a harmless experiment to Master. No one can call a demon in front of Master. For the supreme Master, everything The dangerous demon city is just his servant. He is the demon of all demons, our master!" Eva revealed indifferently.

"Yuanshi Tianmo, you tricked me!" Lu Li was almost manic.

"Yuanshi Heavenly Demon?" Ning Daoqi's body trembled slightly, and he forced himself to resist the horror in his heart. He asked, "Is the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon that planted the Qilin Demon in Lu Daoyou's body? Lu Daoyou asked me to bring you to see him... That's right! Besides the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon who created such a terrifying existence, who can help Fellow Daoist Lu suppress the growth of the Qilin Demon."

"Then you are Eva?" Ning Daoqi turned his head and asked.

"You are Mo Zhi's consciousness?" Lu Li vaguely guessed something.

Eva replied: "Yes, in order to create a source of soldiers for their clan in this world, the master beat Nuwa's group of dead species to the street, specially inspired my self-awareness, and named me 'God Tree' Eva', has the great mission of infecting all plant life and unifying the consciousness of all creatures on a planet."

"It won't grow weird nerve tendrils like me!" Lu Li said in horror: "I just saw crystal-colored nerve-like tissue emerging from my blood..."

"That's not your nerves. Your nerves are in your body. Those are the nerves of the Qilin Demon. The Qilin Demon is the master of the blood in your body. I just borrowed its consciousness to pull you into this world. And the nerves grow This kind of thing is too primitive, although the master gave me this ability, it is only a substitute method in the early stage!" Eva replied.

"So how are you going to carry out the order Chen Ang gave you?" Lu Li asked curiously.

Lu Li didn't expect Eva to answer at all, but to his surprise, Eva answered very readily. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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