Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 57 Countdown to World Destruction

"I will produce a virus of consciousness, which uses the tiniest bacteria as the carrier. As long as I infect that kind of bacteria, my consciousness will invade the body and co-exist with it, stimulating the energy of living body cells, and making all the living things on this planet All creatures become a part of me. Then I collapse my self-awareness, and pull all the self-awareness of all life into the world you are in now - the Emerald Dream, let the master control, modify, and realize the world in the master's heart!" Yi Wa said enthusiastically.

Ning Daoqi looked up, and sure enough, he saw a vague phantom of the earth in this world. He didn't know what it was, but he could feel what Eva said really came from his heart, because he could feel it. , Creatures like Eva seem unable to hide their thoughts, or in other words, they don't hide this consciousness at all, their thoughts are transparent.

A kind of fear welled up in Ning Daoqi's heart. At this moment, he forgot about Yang Guang and the shitty things about the Zhengdao court. He had only one thought in his mind—to dedicate his all to stop the terrible plan of Yuanshi Tianmo .

"The one who controls Yang Guang is also the original demon?" Ning Daoqi asked tremblingly.

"Yeah! Yang Guang is a great heavenly demon. Originally, according to his plan, he wanted to preserve the self-consciousness of the creatures on this planet, and let him build an empire to unify this planet, crush all disobedient subjects, and turn the world into a demon. But the master never Woke up from a deep sleep! The master is so strong, the master is so great... How can he have time to play with you slowly like this?"

"This world can only have one will - that is the will of His Majesty Yuanshi Tianmo!"

"There can only be one ruler in this world - and that is His Majesty Yuanshi Tianmo!"

Eva's consciousness is extremely fanatical, that kind of wholehearted, selfless and fearless obedience to a person's terrible will, almost infected both Lu Li and Ning Daoqi, and it said devoutly: "So, the great demon Yang Guang rushed to the street Your Majesty Yuanshi Tianmo created me as a tiny person and gave me the great mission of controlling this planet for him!"

"Now there are 800 million mortal monkeys on this planet, of which there are only 100 million mortals in China, and monkeys in other places! Half of the monkeys will be exhausted to death, and they will be used to create the imperial guard of His Majesty Yuanshi Tianmo, and brainwash 100 million mortals to become His Majesty's warriors... to cross the infinite Time and space, go to the world of the female snails, and kill all those street-crawlers!"

"Eva, I want to dedicate everything to the great cause of His Majesty Yuanshi Tianmo, sacrifice all of me!"

The innocent Eva with a voice like a girl said such terrible things, and her extremely fanatical consciousness made Ning Daoqi and Lu Li tremble.

"Eva! Eva, wake up first!" Lu Li reminded in fear.

He intentionally ignored the hint from the main god in his ear: "Help Yuanshi Tianma control the world of Tang Dynasty,

Create the demon star, go to the mysterious world of magic soldiers, and slaughter the gods. Rewards for killing Pangu and Nuwa..."

"We also want to fight for the great cause of His Majesty Tianmo..." Lu Li lied, "I wonder what you plan to do, Eva?"

"Action?" Eva, who has been exposed to plant consciousness since she was born, believed them very simply. She wondered: "What is action? I just need to cultivate the Eva source body left by the master in my body and bear the fruit of the sacred tree." , when the fruit is ripe, Eva spores will erupt, and it will only take three days to infect this planet."

"What if there is an enemy who wants to destroy it?" Lu Li pretended to be worried.

"Who dares? Eva, I will blow them to pieces!" Eva's consciousness was furious.

"There are many bad people in this world, and there are many people who are not willing to obey His Majesty the Demon... Be careful, right, fellow Daoist Ning?" In order to win Eva's trust, Lu Li even did not hesitate to drag Ning Daoqi next to him into a thief Boat.

Ning Daoqi had never lied in his life, and for the sake of the common people, he had no choice but to blush and say, "Yes! Brother Lu is right!"

"That's right!" Eva thought: "If you don't have time, you should come over and protect the fruit of the sacred tree, and don't let it be eaten before it explodes! Especially you, you must control the Qilin Demon. If the Qilin Demon If you eat it, the plan will be over!"

"When will the fruit of the sacred tree be ripe?" Lu Li asked as if very enthusiastic: "We can seize the time to come over then."

"It's still three months away!" Eva said dejectedly, "If you can't control this world for His Majesty right away, Eva is very useless..."

Lu Li and Ning Daoqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, there was still time, but immediately felt urgent, Lu Li looked at the Qilin Demon who was oppressed by his own consciousness, and asked Eva: "The Qilin Demon is too dangerous in my body , may control me at any time and destroy your plan! Can you separate it from me, or seal it away?"

"Yes!" Eva's answer made Lu Li overjoyed.

But soon, her following words made Lu Li fall into an ice cave: "I will try my best to launch you into the sun and help the Qilin Demon swallow the sun. It will swallow the sun for at least five thousand years! It will not hurt His Majesty Yuanshi Tianmo The great cause has become an obstacle!" Eva said proudly.

"Then I'm dead!" Lu Li retorted loudly.

"What is 'death'? Is 'death' terrible?" Eva asked naively.

Lu Li said feebly: "You know how to kill the gods, why don't you know how to die?"

"Kill all the protoss! Your Majesty Yuanshi Tianmo is eternal!" Eva didn't understand the meaning of "death" at all, she only knew that she cried out excitedly, her consciousness trembling.

Lu Li tried hard to explain for a long time before Eva understood what he meant.

"You want to separate from the Qilin Demon! Eva can't do it!" Eva said indifferently, floating around in the space of consciousness.

Lu Li's eyes widened: "How is it possible? Didn't you do my operation?"

"You are the only master who did it by himself. Qilin Demon is essentially the same level as me. I have no way to make it... Only the master can combine the magical gene in your body in such a short period of time." , Go back to the source, and create such a terrifying existence as the Qilin Demon, which is embedded in your essence and is destined to replace you."

Eva explained: "The Qilin Demon is the only existence on this planet that restrains me. I and it are two sides of the same concept. I share life. Communication, exchange and origin, it is the origin of life selfishness, greed, and extreme ego. , if I am the initial dedication of life, it is the greed of the essence of life..."

"In a way, it was destined to consume me."

"Master's wisdom allowed him to see the essential principle of 'one is all, all is one' in the avenue. He divided this road into two and created me and Qilin Demon. We promote each other and restrain each other. As long as Qilin Demon If it devours me, it may swallow the entire universe and become the ultimate!"

"One is the whole, from one to the whole, that is, devouring everything and merging into one..." Ning Daoqi said thoughtfully: "This should represent the Qilin Demon, devouring everything to achieve the only one, with the ambition of a whole generation and essence."

"That's all one, it should be you." Lu Li also suddenly realized: "The consciousness that accommodates all creatures becomes that one, one is extremely selfish, one is absolutely selfless, one represents oneself to devour everything, and one gives up self to accommodate all beings. So It is the Unicorn Demon and you are the Divine Tree!"

"That's right! And if the Qilin Demon devours me, he will be equivalent to consummating himself, and will be a million times stronger. At that time, as long as it can perceive the existence, it will be able to swallow me in an instant. There is an absolute possibility Replace the universe with yourself." Eva said indifferently.

When Ning Daoqi heard the terrible news, he could only smile wryly: "How hard life is for the people!"

"You are the shell of the Qilin Demon!" Eva patted Lu Li's head and said, "You are so useless, it seems that there is no threat!"

"I'm so useless, I'm sorry!" Lu Li rolled his eyes and said: "So the Qilin Demon may devour me at any time, liberate me from the cage, and destroy the whole world..."

Ning Daoqi and Eva were taken aback for a moment, and suddenly discovered the real crisis in the whole world.

It will take three months for the sacred tree to destroy the world, but if Lu Li is swallowed by the Qilin Demon and then devours Eva, the world seems to be unable to last for three days.

So this world is only three days away from being destroyed? (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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