After Wukong finished explaining with him, he heard Chen Ang's call, so he left Zhu Dahaoshang to think for himself, and turned to see Chen Ang.

On the deer platform, heavy snow was scattered on the ground like pieces of silver. In a pure white world, countless mandala flowers bloomed in seven colors, which looked extraordinarily enchanting, even a little strange. Chen Ang stood in the snow, and when Wukong came back, he let him He sat down next to him and said, "Wukong, since you have been studying with your teacher, you have been diligent and unremitting every day, and now you have achieved a small success. I am very comforted by the teacher!"

"Now you can see through the falseness of the so-called prajna wisdom, and understand that science is the only way to truly explore the Dao, which is very good!"

"Science is not something concrete, it is a world view, a methodology, which recognizes all objective reality, and summarizes and recognizes laws from the observation and understanding of the objective world. In other words, science is an objective Laws are the laws summed up in the process of consciously understanding objective laws, so science should not be mythologized, because the science we know has limitations and is relative.”

"Fellow Sakyamuni, in order to prevent his own understanding from hindering the correct understanding of future generations in the Dharma preached by Shakyamuni, he simplifies all theories and leaves the three dharma seals to verify the correct Dharma. I also follow him and insist on Self-describing the two seals of science, to verify the true Dharma is knowledge and practice. There are many ways to understand the world, such as learning...but any understanding must be verified in practice after all, which cannot guarantee that you are always on the right track On the road, because the objective world has objective limitations after all.”

"Wukong, my teacher once had an experiment, trying to prove that under a certain level of information manipulation, the manipulated person will never be able to recognize the real objective world. This law, I call it the law of information dimensionality reduction. The cognition The information level of object dimensionality reduction is a constantly changing constant according to the cognitive ability of the cognitive object."

"This common sense is the dimensionality reduction constant of the cognitive object information, also known as the information moat."

"But I have another theory as a teacher, which is a theory that falsifies the law of dimensionality reduction of information. That is, a cognitive object can produce variables beyond the information barrier, that is, intelligent creatures can produce miracles beyond my cognition. Its operation is never a constant, but a variable, so that all obstacles to the dimension of wisdom and cognitive objects are not absolutely established. That is, the theory of variable dimension enhancement."

"In order to verify this theory of falsification and overthrow the law of information dimensionality reduction, a series of experiments were designed for a certain deity of the teacher, and the variables of the cognitive object were assembled in the form of civilization, and countless variables that could increase the dimension A collection of objects to integrate and amplify that variable."

Wukong asked curiously, "Master, have you succeeded?"

Chen Ang smiled slightly and said: 'It's too far away! Wukong, now as a teacher, I want to teach you the seal of practice. Practice is the means by which cognitive feedback acts on the objective world and then reacts on cognition. In scientific research, it is called experiment. "

"As a teacher, I teach you to seek the road. Cognition and practice are two legs. The most effective method of cognition and practice is to learn and experiment. Wukong, you must love learning and experiment. Always, Don't forget to study and experiment. For example, this time, an experiment was conveniently arranged for the teacher. The so-called fighting skills are all subsections, and experiments are important there."

"The most important thing about the experiment is the experiment plan." Chen Ang said with a smile: "Wukong, this homework is to formulate your own experiment plan according to the experiment plan of the teacher, complete the experiment, and make an experiment. Summary report, hand it over to me!"

Wukong received an experiment plan from Chen Ang:

Large-scale human trial in Yiqu country uses psychotropic drugs to stimulate the study of the two powers of Buddhist vows

Experiment plan summary: This experiment is divided into nine parts in total, including the analysis of the effect of psychotropic drugs on Yiqu people, the study of the system of Buddhist fundamental mana, the construction of the nine-consciousness system of Buddhism, the analysis of the interference of mind force on dark matter, and the principle of wish power Exploring... This experiment aims to use Buddhist samples to study the effect of human mind on the material world. The experimental design is as follows:

Chen Ang explained: "The experiment designed for the teacher is based on the teacher's in-depth understanding of Buddhism.

Buddhism has six senses, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. According to the research of the teacher, the other five senses, and the five senses represented by color, sound, smell, taste, and touch, are just the sensory functions of human organs, and the sixth sense consciousness is extremely representative of conscious activities. , is the root of touching the magical power of Buddhism. "

"My teacher conjectures that the so-called consciousness also corresponds to a sense of the human body that is separated from the organ level. The function of sensory organs. To study consciousness, one must contact it from consciousness activities, and the most basic representation of consciousness activities, which is free from the interference of other five senses, is a dream!"

"Dreams are human consciousness activities. The method of Buddhism to touch consciousness activities is a kind of spiritual activity meditation that simulates dreams."

"According to the unified theory of information, all the objective world is composed of information, and all objective phenomena are manipulated by information. The way we contact the objective world is through the senses. Only with vision can we have hue, and with touch can we have Quality, shape, space, with the sense of hearing, there are fluctuations, and with the sense of taste and smell, there is taste. The concepts and definitions of all objective substances are derived from the summary of our perception of the world. Therefore, the sixth sense represented by consciousness , it is possible to observe a deeper multiplied world."

"Wukong, you should be clear about the difference between the world you see and the world observed by the five senses since you cultivated Quantum Yuanshen. The world that mortals can see in this world is just a drop in the ocean compared to you. The world they cannot see and cannot detect can be called the dark world, and for most people whose conscious senses are suppressed, the world perceived by consciousness is also the dark world.”

"If you can develop your consciousness, touch your senses, and see that part of the dark world, you will have the possibility to influence dark matter and dark energy, and do things that ordinary people can't do. Such means are supernatural powers. Supernatural powers cultivated by developing consciousness What it is, as a teacher, I already know it, it is the self-reliance in Buddhism!"

"The interference of other people's consciousness is the power of other people's will"

"The power of consciousness to influence the objective world is what Buddhism calls the other's self-power, the power of thought and the power of aspiration, and the supernatural powers of Buddhism are based on the power of thought and aspiration cultivated by the sense organs of consciousness. It is not the end of this kind of cognition, but a starting point, and the subsequent road, the great power of Buddhism has been walked out, after the eyes, ears, nose, color, body and mind, there are Adana consciousness, Alaya consciousness, and Amara consciousness.”

"At the level of being a teacher, many things are unknown, but we must not think that this kind of knowledge based on our wisdom and experience is completely objective. If we don't practice it, then this kind of knowledge will never be verified. Therefore, even if you are a teacher who knows what the nine consciousnesses are, you have to experiment. This experiment plan is to use Datura flowers, a psychotropic drug that can affect consciousness, as a tool to analyze and develop consciousness, and even the other three consciousnesses. process."

Wukong thought for a long time, and asked Chen Ang: "Master, the next step of the experimental plan is to develop an experimental tool to understand and control consciousness?" He flipped through Chen Ang's experimental plan, which only had an outline, and complained Said: "Master, you won't ask me to develop this tool! It also emphasizes that this kind of tool must be self-sufficient, and you can't use all kinds of means and tools beyond the ordinary... I can't figure it out!"

Chen Ang scolded with a smile: "You tired monkey, you are really lazy, begging to be beaten!"

"All kinds of meditation skills in Buddhism can develop consciousness. If you follow it and make up your own, what's the problem?"

Wukong shook his head and said: "Master, don't pretend that I don't see it. For Buddhist meditation, you still need to visualize the Dharma body of Buddha and Bodhisattva. With the help of those Buddhist powers, you can take the most difficult first step. Only those methods that use asceticism to stimulate the body, the blessing of the three secrets of body, speech and mind, and the practice of vows can be used to practice smoothly. It is so difficult for me to develop a method that does not use Buddhist methods!"

Chen Ang reached out and twirled a mandala flower, smiling slightly.

Wukong had a sudden realization: "Master, you mean to use) drugs to practice? This mandala flower can make people sink into all kinds of illusions, distort the five senses, but it is a panacea to amplify the senses of consciousness, but the practice of consciousness is the most taboo to mix the real and the illusion. When the senses are practiced, there are no concepts, and they are dominated by the five senses, so that the information captured by the consciousness will be transformed into various strange illusions.

"Thus, although the six consciousnesses are the treasures of human beings, they are the six thieves when they recognize the higher-level senses."

"You have to have great wisdom and great perseverance to see through the devil and see the true nature. Now, distorting the six consciousnesses with this ever-changing smoke can certainly amplify the consciousness and senses and achieve the effect of advanced meditation skills, but It is also called the extreme distortion of sensory information, that is, the five commonly used senses will be confused, not to mention the more subtle consciousness?"

Chen Ang smiled and said: "This is your test, do you still expect me to answer it?"

Wukong cried and begged for mercy: "Patriarch, this mandala flower, a normal person will eat it and eat it, half crazy or not, not to mention the extremely dangerous things such as consciousness cultivation, the meditation, meditation, visualization, etc. Kungfu is extremely fragile when you start it, even if someone yells at the side, it may cause them to go mad, how can they withstand the ravages of such a wolf and tiger medicine?"

Chen Ang scolded: "Don't try to lie to me about the answer, this is your own homework, refer to the answer briefly! The only hint is, since this medicine for wolves and tigers is so dangerous, then the shaman of the Yiqu Kingdom will not be able to use it." How do you use it to make medicine? You can find the answer yourself! If the first battle is over, and you haven’t made the experiment plan, will be punished as a teacher!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ang took out a monkey monster from the bronze cart under his buttocks, threw it to Wukong and said, "Now Yiqu Country is the place where I fight with Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, and the population monsters here are all used It’s not good for you to intervene in the materials of fighting skills. You can use this monkey to study how to use datura flowers to make experimental tools for controlling consciousness!”

Then he chased Wukong away, ignoring him.

Wukong held the monkey monster, thinking hard, but still couldn't grasp the clue, so he asked the monkey monster, "What kind of monkey are you, and why do you look so weird? Do you have a name?"

The weird monkey demon replied pitifully: "I am a baboon demon from Hezhou, Xiniu, so I don't look like a macaque. I have a common name called Zhou Bofu. I heard that the elder said that my name is not good, and I offended him." , so you will be tortured in every possible way.”

Wukong immediately said happily: "My patriarch is very vengeful! I don't know how your name offended him."

Chen Ang's voice suddenly came to Wukong's ear: "Don't listen to that baboon's nonsense! His family has no affinity with you. Do you know that baboons eat monkeys? They eat monkeys!" Wukong suddenly His eyes suddenly changed, he looked at Zhou Bofu, and said with a sneer, "I think you are very dishonest, with a pair of eyes, heh! There is a hint of lust..."

Wukong clasped his hands together, rolled up countless mandala flowers, and flew towards the outside of the deer platform, and heard the lingering sound in the air: "You bastard, please take) medicine for me! Offended Master, if my grandson Wouldn’t Master blame me if I didn’t test you until you became insane?”

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