Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 70 Asserting Prajna is not Wisdom

Zhu Dahao looked at the wonderful scene of flowers blooming all over the deer terrace in an instant, and was dumbfounded. When he came back to his senses, he secretly cried out: "I am also familiar with this mandala flower. The caravans have also made mandala flowers in Yiqu Daqin. In the trading of medicinal materials of Dharams, except for witches and others who use them to burn incense and prepare medicines, I have never heard of other uses. In this winter, blooming a garden of flowers is certainly a means of gods... But, what's the use of it? ?”

"When spring begins, such useless flowers and plants can be found everywhere. The Hu monk over there received a vase. When it's my turn, why did I get such a thing?"

However, Zhu Dahao merchant is Zhu Dahao merchant after all, he quickly came back to his senses, and secretly said: "There are only useless merchants, how can there be useless products? This mandala flower can be found everywhere in ordinary days. There may not be any rarity. But now that the winter is cold and the grass is withered, there is a capital to buy and sell, not to mention that the flowers are blooming everywhere, but it is the means of gods. In this way, it can be regarded as a rare commodity."

At this time, King Yiqu of Lutai Palace also heard the news and rushed out. Seeing the wonderful scene of raining mandala flowers in the snow, the fragrance is subtle, and the colorful flowers are blooming everywhere, he was shocked and said: "The two Great Sages of Middle Earth... this... this is..."

Chen Ang smiled slightly, and replied: "I am very grateful for the hospitality of the King, so I specially ordered the mandala flowers in this garden to bloom as a reward for the King."

As soon as the words came out, King Yiqu hadn't reacted yet, and the businessman Zhu Dahao was a little sluggish, looking at Chen Ang almost with a look of admiration! Such ability to do one business three times makes Zhu Dahao feel ashamed. Over there, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva said to give the vase, so he gave the vase, and Chen Ang wanted to give the mandala flower...

First, Tianyu Mandala sold personal favors for Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, then gave these flowers as treasures to Zhu Dahao merchants, and finally sold these Nine Winters, Blooming Auspicious Flowers to King Yiqu as favors.

A favor is sold in three installments, which is really a good deal.

Merchant Zhu Dahao calculated carefully and found that the business was done really well. This is the first time that the cold winter has been counted, and the flowers are blooming on the deer terrace. He is selling the favor of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, and he is selling face. Although Zhu Dahao merchant does not know Chen Ang's I don't know the origin of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, but I think they are both extremely honorable. This is equivalent to Chen Ang selling his own face to Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and forming a favor.

If the ordinary people whose status is not noble enough, not to mention the flower-blooming deer platform, but the golden pavement, the glazed tiles, the white jade hall, and hospitality, it is only the duty of worship, not human affection. Only Chen Ang, the Jade Emperor Well, with my status, it's a matter of affection for me to walk a few more steps to meet him.

The second time to sell favors was to give treasures to help Zhu Dahao merchant to complete the fight, and what was given was an opportunity.

For a top businessman like Zhu Dahao, as long as they are given a chance to obtain these mandala flowers, everything will be settled, and they will naturally go for it.

The third time I sold favors to the King of Yiqu was for the auspicious flowers that bloomed in winter. Such a holy relic would definitely enhance the prestige of the King of Yiqu. After careful calculation, the one Chen Ang sold to Dashizhi was personally ordered. The face of mandala blossoming was sold to Zhu Dahao merchant by the deer terrace flower itself and the opportunity it created, and what was sold to King Yiqu was the meaning of the flower bloom to other people.

The mandala flowers in this garden were sold three times a day, but each of them was the most meaningful thing to the other party, completely draining the value inside. This kind of business method made Zhu Dahao Great admiration, if enlightened.

The king of Yiqu really accepted his affection, and said with great joy: "Your guest really has the ability of gods and ghosts, what people can't. I have only tasted the taste of being a king since this moment! The minister has to die, this dog-army old custom, arrogant and unreasonable, not as many as in the middle land! If one day, I can also order these hundred flowers to bloom in the cold winter like the two doctors, God's will and people's heart are all as good as they want, nothing is too good!"

Chen Ang asked: "Where did Your Majesty hear these truths?"

King Yiqu laughed and said, "It's a scholar from the Qi State.

Passing through my country of Yiqu, the king called him to this Lutai couple, he told me! "

The businessman Zhu Dahao next to him sneered in his heart and said: "The barbarians don't know where to hear the strange talk, just take it as my middle-earth custom, the king wants the minister to die, I kill the king first, this is the true nature of me as a scholar-bureaucrat!"

King Nayiqu ordered people to clean up the messy scene in the palace. Outside the palace, on the deer platform, a feast was set up to celebrate the auspiciousness of heaven and the mandala flowers bloomed, because there were heavy casualties in the deer platform hall, and the ground was covered with blood. , It is no longer suitable for banquets!

Zhu Dahao pondered for a long time before he came up with an idea. He went up to ask Wukong for advice and said, "Sun Junzi, the vase given by the Hu monk is not so extraordinary, and the fairy leader ordered the garden of mandala flowers to bloom. I also touched it." I don't know the clues, so please ask the gentleman to give me some clues, so that I can win this competition!"

Wukong pulled down a mandala flower next to him, and said with a smile: "That vase is useless, my master planted this flower is very useful, you have taken advantage of it! Just to let you know, that vase is a great trend. The symbol of the light of infinite wisdom can free all living beings from the disaster of blood, light and swords, and it is filled with infinite light, which can relieve all sufferings, surpassing the light of the sun and moon, and it is the light of infinite wisdom."

Zhu Dahao was frightened and said: 'Such immeasurable supernatural powers, how can you call them useless? Even if the Hu monk restrained the immeasurable supernatural power of the vase, even if he used one ten-thousandth of the power, I have a bunch of useless mandala flowers, how can I fight against it? "

Wukong laughed loudly and said: "His wisdom is different from mine, it's all big talk, don't let him deceive you!"

Zhu Dahao was puzzled and said: "Is there any difference in this wisdom?"

Wukong explained: "The wisdom of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and the old Husbands in Lingshan are all blown out by them, so that you can know that his wisdom is Prajna, and the wisdom handed down by my master is wisdom!"

"The so-called prajna is the way to eliminate the combination of the seer and the seen and lead to the way of liberation. Through the practice of the branches of unity, the impurity will gradually decrease, and the light of knowledge will illuminate the ability to discern. The wisdom of my family is To understand the inherent essential, inevitable, and stable connections in the process of the movement of things. To understand the rules of the objective world that do not depend on human will."

"The Prajna of his family is to know a metaphysical Taoism, the truth, the origin of all things, or to seek to eliminate the attachments and obstacles in one's heart. I have a verse, which can be said to be Prajna: the heart is like a bodhi tree, and the body is like a mirror stand. That bodhi The tree and the mirror stand are wisdom and prajna. The wisdom of my family is to understand the objective world and grasp the laws of change, movement and development of the material world.”

"I don't even know what kind of wisdom that bullshit Prajna is! If you can meditate, meditate, and meditate every day like him, and you can see some wisdom from your own heart, then it will make my grandson laugh. Such wisdom, except Anesthetizing yourself is not as good as bullshit! A human being is nothing more than a small speck of dust in the universe! The so-called consciousness, thinking, and heart are not a great principle, but like grass, trees and rocks. If you say that the heart is a thing, what is extraordinary The advantage is to be able to understand and grasp the objective laws of the objective world.”

"Indulge in the 'I'" and fail to realize that this world exists without anyone's "heart" and "I". ! "

Wukong sighed and said: "If you can't understand the objective world, it's nothing more than illusions if you keep shouting loudly and exaggerate your 'wisdom'! Therefore, in the vase of Dashizhi, there is a bottle of illusions. You As long as you hold true wisdom, these illusions are nothing more than mere."

Zhu Dahaoshang was half ignorant and half sweating, he said with difficulty: "Sun Junzi, even if it is an illusion, how many people in the Yiqu country can see through it, and the illusion that cannot be seen through has nothing to do with reality. What's the difference? There is an illusion over there, but Chen Xianchang gave me a bunch of mandalas that I don't know what to use, which really makes me embarrassed and surprised!"

Wukong said: "This mandala flower has infinite magical uses, but it is a treasure that is truly based on the objective world and objective laws. Just listen to me...

It makes people become immortals and saints, but eats their bones in secret. One mouthful swallows clouds and mist, two mouthfuls inhale and drifts like a god, three mouthfuls and four mouthfuls cut off worries, five mouthfuls and six mouthfuls forget sorrows, this thing is the first harm of destroying the spirit. It can overwhelm the city and destroy the country to disrupt human relations. Even if there are gods who boast of a firm heart, they are no match for the ever-changing smoke, the wind becomes a gu, the foundation of the Tao is destroyed, and the will collapses in a muddle.

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