
The sixth prince still believed that this was Wukong's unintentional mistake, but although King Yiqu was not a human being, after all, he had more knowledge than him for decades, how could he not know that it was Chen Ang and Wukong who were killing people with a knife?

This is also the reason why Wukong didn't hide it, otherwise it would be 100% sure that the death of the prince and uncle would be unknown.

Wukong struck so decisively, but he surprised the king of Yiqu. The head that died on the ground was not a royal family, but he was also a powerful nobleman in the kingdom of Yiqu. Otherwise, why would the king of Yiqu praise his ineffective sixth son? ? Such a big man was calculated to die lightly. And it wasn't for power or political strife, or even a shadow that King Yiqu had hidden in his heart for a long time-being poisoned and killed by those witches and gods.

A powerful nobleman died just as a child's joke.

Although it wasn't that kid who killed him, just because of a few words from a yellow-mouthed kid and an ignorant kid, Chen Ang and others killed a nobleman whose status was no lower than him. How could King Yiqu be like this? Power above all fears.

The sixth prince couldn't believe it, he still looked at his uncle's head, and looked at Wukong expectantly, expecting him to say: "Prince, how about my spells? I'm just joking with you. Your uncle is still alive!" This is just an illusion!"

But Wukong is such a cruel and merciless person, he didn't care about caring for the lives of ants, but after learning from Chen Ang, he has a kind of indifferent compassion - my intention is like the will of heaven, and the kindness of heaven's heart lies in caring for the lives of these creatures? From the sky's point of view, running the rules and supporting yin and yang is the kindness of heaven.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wukong to kill tens of thousands of people based on his whim, and it is impossible to kill a nobleman of the Yiqu country halfway.

The sixth prince touched his uncle's head, under the tentacles, there was still a lingering warmth, he withdrew his hand as if touching coals, and screamed: "Illusion! This is all illusion! Bold Middle-earth wizard, dare Bullying me with illusion... Hurry up and undo this trick for me. Otherwise, I will ask my father to kill you two monsters!"

Chen Ang also understands such an unacceptable mental state due to intense mental stimulation. He smiled and said: "Sure enough, the prince saw it! Wukong, hurry up and remove the illusion... The prince is really good. I have a class here." Granting spells, I hope Wang Zihai will understand what I, a naughty apprentice, have done!"

Wukong didn't respond to being scolded at all, still smiling, he pointed at the head in the prince's hand, the sixth prince saw the bloody head in his arms suddenly turned into a stone, cried out in surprise, and threw the stone on the ground.

The King of Yiqu had already adjusted back, clapped his palms at the opportunity and laughed loudly: "Good spells, great spells by the immortal master! This king really can't see it at all!"

Chen Ang said with a smile: "Let the king laugh!"

The three of them complimented each other there, and said some good things. After the Yiqu king had said something nice, he found an excuse to leave: "Xiao Wang is too weak to drink, let's go down and rest for a while, please forgive me, forgive me!" , no longer looking at the sixth prince who was "very much loved" and who was about to "inherit the great rule", turned around and retreated.

As soon as King Yiqu walked away, he called his confidant and said, "Hurry up to Yu Zhi's department and tell the head of Henu that the head of Yu Zhi's clan is dead! Tell him to quickly win over those nobles and win their support. The king will make him the head of Yu Zhi clan later!"

That Hei Nu Dahu has always been at odds with the head of the Yuzhi tribe, but he is also a great nobleman of the Yuzhi tribe. He is the second person in the Yuzhi tribe who is friendly to King Yiqu. With his support, it is very possible to win Of course, if this is the case, the younger sister of the tribal leader Yuzhi, the woman of his King Yiqu, will die of illness silently. King Yiqu is still considering whether to take his son or not. As a gift for winning Heinu's big household.

But after careful consideration, the head of Yu Zhi still has some loyal arrangements after all. In order to win over these people, and to prevent losing the means to check and balance Hei Nu,

His six sons could not die either.

And those terrible middle-earth immortals, I'm afraid they will borrow his son's hand to do something.

The sixth prince hasn't seen anything from his father's attitude. He can only say that people always like to deceive themselves by wishful thinking and believe in something they want to believe. Therefore, no matter how stupid they are, it is natural. This is One of the common denominators of all things stupid.

Chi Le was still high-spirited, but after seeing Wukong's smiling expression, there was still a psychological shadow after all. He restrained his arrogance and asked, "I don't know what kind of magic the two elders want to teach?"

Chen Ang explained: "It's just a basic technique of visualization, and a few heretical techniques for application."

The experiment that Chen Ang wants to track and study is a scientifically induced study of the relationship between personality, spirit and the six senses of Buddhism. The difference between hearts, of course, what Chen Ang wants to concoct is not two hearts, but seven hearts and eight hearts. At least let him split into ten or eight personalities, or sum up a visualization method that promotes the splitting of personalities. .

With the stimulation of psychotropic drugs like Datura, Chen Ang has probably researched the method of splitting personality.

It is a reverse stimulation method that combines Buddhism to subdue one's heart and see through the secrets of truth and delusion. Through the many illusions produced by entering meditation after taking mandala flowers, it stimulates many reincarnation delusions, nourishes delusions and makes them stronger. Hidden spiritual induction, including some unreasonable sounds, hallucinations, stimulate consciousness, make people schizophrenic, and produce several personalities.

Then through the directional cultivation and distortion of the personality, it will produce a steady state change. Of course, Prince Nachile will never know that these are his own personalities. The ghosts and gods under the infinite smallpox.

The core information of these personalities, such as personality and memory, not only comes from Chi Le himself, but also approaches the infinite yin demons, secret demons, and sky demons in the Tianmo Bliss Map in Chen Ang's hand, and draws a trace of the aura of the Tianmo Bliss Map in the dark. , it is convenient for Chen Ang to collect data and guide modulation. Generally speaking, it is to normalize, organize and weaponize split personality.

According to Chen Ang's research, personality is the summary of human consciousness information, and consciousness is the general term for the sixth sense and the perception it represents.

The supernatural power of Buddhism comes from the reaction of the sixth sense of consciousness to its cognitive world—that is, the part of the perceived dark world. This reaction is the power of thought for oneself and the power of will for others.

And the method of using thought power to change the material world is supernatural power.

Personality, as a collection of consciousness information, can be used as an information carrier for the development of telekinetic powers, just like a programmed weapon. By visualizing different information such as Dharma protectors, gods and Buddhas, strange animals, celestial phenomena, etc., personality can be split to serve as weapons. It is the nature of this so-called conception technique to produce the supernatural powers of the mind.

For Chen Ang, not to mention that memory is not sacred and unique, even the self is not sacred. The so-called enlightenment, the so-called epiphany, seeing through the truth and falsehood, is just a kind of consciousness information that can be analyzed!

There is no essential difference between the true heart and the delusional mind, and there is no essential difference between the epiphany from nature and the information instilled by forced brainwashing.

For Chen Ang, the awareness of ordinary monks is just personality information that can be studied, repeated, and even industrialized. Through the study of the supernatural powers of Lingshan gods and Buddhas, the information that imitates the way they use their thoughts is encrypted into those gods and Buddhas. The image of the little white mouse splits out, and many personalities of Mahasthamaprapta, Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, and even Sakyamuni Buddha come out, and they can immediately cultivate their "supernatural powers". This is the right way to study Buddhist thoughts ah!

There were many dangerous thoughts in Chen Ang's mind, but a peaceful smile appeared on his face and he said: "This spell is called the two-phase wheel-turning method of the heavens, the true and the false, and there are many heresy tricks attached. There are many visualization pictures. Thinking of a god, a fairy, a saint, or even a devil or a strange beast, all of them have supernatural powers and can practice many spells... Shame on me! My master and my disciples have the skills, but just in case, the sixth prince If you can practice this spell, with your extraordinary talent, you will definitely be able to far surpass the little skill that my apprentice demonstrated today."

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