The sixth prince, Chi Le, was stuffed with a scroll of scriptures by Chen Ang. The scroll of scriptures was pure gold in color, and it was a good-looking picture. Stars are generally dotted outside dozens of visualization pictures, and the fonts and pictures are shining with silver light, which is extremely sacred. Those dozens of visualization patterns are composed of countless runes containing spiritual hint information. When you spread them out, they look like a pool of Silver light, the pattern of gods and Buddhas on it, the treasure looks solemn, and you can tell it is a treasure at a glance.

Or Wukong next to him can see clearly that this is clearly a very high-level spiritual suggestion technique. Under the majestic appearance of gods and Buddhas, it is a profound study of the human species, in terms of spirit, consciousness, and brain function.

Wukong secretly said: "My patriarch is really not a good person! With such a technique, without dissecting and slicing one hundred and eighty thousand brains, is it possible to study it? I am afraid that it is not only human beings, but also all kinds of animals, cows, horses, monkeys and pigs." , have all been poisoned by him!"

Thinking of this, Wukong became a little worried, and sighed: "I just said how the thousands of monsters I subdued were greedy for ink. It turns out that the patriarch is also interested in the brains of monsters! Poor! Poor...the tens of thousands of monsters, many Demon king, I don’t know how many are left. There are also three demon kings, including the macaque king and the lion camel king.

Thinking of this, Wukong shuddered, and thoughtfully said: "I forgot! I was born as a natural stone monkey. When I was in the underworld, I saw that I was the only one in the stone monkey family. As the ancestor said, silicon-based organisms imitate the carbon-based configuration—isn’t it a research sample with great scientific research value. My brain must also arouse the interest of the ancestor..."

"When I went to apprentice, the patriarch came inexplicably, could it be..." Wukong didn't dare to think about it, so he hurriedly restrained the heart ape. Now that Wukong has to teach the truth, of course he won't have these worries anymore. If you are interested in the monkey's brain structure and primordial consciousness, you only need to assign a homework and ask Wukong to study himself thoroughly and report it.

But he still said sincerely in his heart: "Thank you, Patriarch, for not killing me!"

Wukong looked at the eyes of the sixth prince again, and there was a faint trace of rejoicing. The sixth prince knew that the scripture in his hand was a treasure, so he quickly put it away, he was secretly worried, and left in a hurry without saying goodbye.

After the sixth prince left, the other nobles didn't dare to come up, so that the place around Chen Ang became more clean, Wukong hurriedly asked for advice: "Patriarch, I have many difficulties in studying the Zhou Bofu, and I hope the patriarch can give some advice to my disciples." Fan." Chen Ang said with a smile: "Teacher, preaching and teaching karma to solve doubts! Wukong, you can bring it up, as long as you don't have specific assignments, I will answer you for the teacher!"

Wukong then asked: "Patriarch, it is already clear that the magical power of Buddhism comes from the consciousness, but the consciousness is just a sense organ, how to generate the power of thought and become a supernatural power?"

Chen Ang explained: "When I discussed Taoism with Lao Tzu in the past, I once said that Taoism looks at flowers, gathering and dispersing, and condensing, and it is just vitality! What I said is that matter has two phases of temperament, that is, particles, waves, and Qi. Qi forms all things. It is also said that Buddhism sees flowers, the movement and stillness fluctuate, and it is just thoughts! It is said that only the mind is only me, everything is empty, and reality is achieved.”

"But the master also said that such a subjective and idealistic world view is not good, the world is objective and material... Buddhism divides the world into the formless realm, the form realm, and the desire realm. Observe the world with your own consciousness. The attitude of affirming the objective and real world is only interesting and does not see the truth. Nowadays, Buddhist magic powers and supernatural powers are objective and true. How to explain it?"

Chen Ang said with a smile: "Although the theory of emptiness and everything is paranoid, it also conforms to objective facts. Buddhism recognizes that material endowments not only include attributes that we can see, but also attributes that humans cannot see. The objective things that people know are only limited to his cognition. Just like icebergs on the sea, standing on the shore, you can only see a small part. There are more material attributes and concepts beyond the world he knows. "

"However, in terms of the understanding of this objective phenomenon, Buddhism is on par with real science,

There is a difference. "

"Buddhism talks about form and emptiness, and the attributes of objective things recognized by people are called hues, while the parts of objective things hidden under the sea, their attributes and laws that people cannot recognize temporarily, are called emptiness. But they can't correctly let them realize that these laws are the objective laws of people's subjective understanding of the world, but they think they are the objective laws of the world itself."

"They cannot realize that this is an attribute of the objective world endowed by human consciousness, but instead think that this is an objective attribute of the world itself."

"This falls into the trap of idealism, and turns to think that human consciousness can determine the appearance of the emptiness of things, that is, I think that the flower is a flower, and it is the appearance of the flower. If you understand emptiness, then A flower is just a phase, put down the phase of the flower and pick up the phase of the world, that flower is a world!" Chen Ang held a golden mandala flower and demonstrated it to Wukong.

The golden mandala sprinkled a little bit of light, Wukong probed to see, there is indeed a world in the flower.

Looking at Chen Ang again, I saw Chen Ang looking deeply at himself, suddenly realized, and suddenly said: "This is a supernatural power!"

"This is supernatural power. The power to reverse supernatural power is the power of thought! In fact, how can there be power of thought? It's just magic power!" Chen Ang sneered: "Obviously it is a flower, and it is also a flower that ordinary people can't recognize except flowers! It's just a world, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Fire can burn and water can flow. This is the objective attribute behind things. People can't see it, but they can understand the material attributes summarized. Buddhism just says it is the emptiness of matter. What else is there? If you pile up 'emptiness', you can see that once the understanding of the world goes astray, there will be all kinds of distortions, and the power of thought and vow power mentioned by Buddhism is nothing more than distorted science!"

Chen Ang said seriously: "Wukong, you asked the truth behind the objective existence of Buddhist supernatural powers. It is actually very simple. This world has various attributes beyond our understanding. Compared with the invisible bright world, that world can be called dark. The world, anything, is regarded as "empty" outside our understanding, and there are many existences in places where there is no existence. For example, when ordinary people cannot understand air, we use carbon monoxide as a poison gas weapon, so what ordinary people see is what we see The person who kills will definitely exclaim - supernatural power!"

"But Buddhism only found a kind of power that mortals can't perceive, and recognizes a part of the world that mortals can't understand. That kind of power is mana, and the law that mana acts on the world is supernatural power. The observer The experiment revealed a part of the 'force' that consciousness acts on matter, and the general term for the force that consciousness says acts on matter is thought power. And the law of using this objectively existing 'force' is supernatural powers. How simple!"

"Actually think about it, Wukong!" Chen Ang stretched out his hand lightly, and took a stone: "I used gravitational waves to move matter for my teacher. Is this gravitational wave magic power? Countless immortals and Buddhas have said, Isn't it supernatural?"

Wukong took out a flashlight, turned it on, and illuminated a small part of the sky. He said with a smile, "So, Master. I'm using this flashlight to take careless photos. Is it a supernatural power? The electricity in it is also mana!"

"No, Wukong! Electricity is not self-reliance, but external force, so it is a magic weapon, not mana!" Chen Ang said with a smile: "Besides, if you wait for ordinary people to research electricity, you will not be called a magical weapon!"

Chen Ang touched Wukong's head slightly, and Wukong felt that there were many formulas and data in his mind. Chen Ang said: "The study of mind power is related to your homework. I will not guide you, but can only give you some basic attributes of mind power. inspire your research."

"That's how it is!" Wukong realized after analyzing and understanding: "Master's research is thorough!"

"This power of thought is really mysterious. Just relying on the power of consciousness, you can leverage these many laws and practice all kinds of supernatural powers. So the practice of supernatural powers is to be familiar with these things? No wonder the master said that the so-called epiphany, realm, and enlightenment are just information. That’s all. So what’s the difference between brainwashing and enlightenment?”

"So, apart from science, all practices can be brainwashed. If the master can study thoroughly, grasp the information of the Tathagata old man, and brainwash ten or eight Tathagata Buddhas, how difficult is it? No matter how difficult it is, it is nothing more than It's just a technical problem!"

Chen Ang shook his head and said, "Wukong, you are wrong!"

Wukong looked up in surprise, only to see Chen Ang replying: "Even scientific research can be brainwashed. Wash away the original personality, instill scientific literacy and knowledge, and become a researcher. What's the difficulty in seeking the way of science?"

"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing. In this world, there is only the difference between knowing and not knowing. Is there any difference between knowing by epiphany and knowing by brainwashing? Knowledge is always the same. It is just a question of immaturity of brainwashing technology. All will can Brainwashing, all memory brainwashing, all emotions, personality, self, can be brainwashed. Because people are nothing more than objects in the objective world! They can recognize, transform, and develop!"

"Brainwashing method is good! Knowledge can't be forgotten! If there is a problem? The technique is not done well!" Chen Ang read a poem on the spot, and asked Wukong: "Oh Wukong! If you don't want to learn, just tell your teacher, why don't you learn?" The master has already developed the brainwashing technology for most life forms including you, and once you send it out, you will learn it."

"As a teacher, the skills are mature, even the personality will not be lost, and the self still exists, absolutely no different from what you have learned by yourself! Wukong, would you like it?" Chen Ang smiled like a Lingshan Buddha, his eyes sparkled with the light of seeking knowledge And the curiosity about Wukong's brain structure is full of curiosity for research.

Wukong was sweating coldly, and said in admiration, "Master, I must study hard!"

In the void, Chen Ang laughed in shock and said: "Science must be repeatable. If it cannot be repeated, it must be pseudoscience. I am so scientific, of course it is repeatable. I must study it when I have time. , Copy my information and brainwash the whole universe, what interesting things will happen. Unfortunately, there is a brainwashing paradox, a person’s scientific cognition can never develop the technology to perfectly brainwash his own information. So even if the whole universe is brainwashed into me There are also very serious sequelae.”

"Hey! It's just the collapse of the original cognition and the death of personality!"

"Hey! If the whole universe becomes me, it will greatly dilute the fun of this kind of experiment... However, paradoxes are endless loops that occur when the level of cognition is not reached. I will definitely be able to develop a perfect copy My cognition world, without damaging the technology of the experimental subject... when the time comes to experiment... hehehehe!"

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