I love learning, learning enriches me, and learning makes me happy!

Except for scientific truth, all other pursuits are absurd and ridiculous...Because truth is the only certain truth in the world, everything else may be biased, wrong and illusory!

——Chen Ang

When Wukong was flipping through Chen Ang's notes, he found these essays at the end of the volume. In this notebook, he could still see Chen Ang's immaturity and youthfulness in the past. He even wrote some divine episodes of human emotions in the notes. babbling, describing his superficial 'sentiments', but the further down the line, the more objective, real... and cold the words recorded in the notes became.

Gradually shed the greenness and emotion, and became more and more cold and precise.

It can be seen from the notes that when Chen Ang first conducted experiments, he first took frogs, rabbits, and mice as subjects, cut their skins, divided their muscles, and then neatly removed their organs and pulled them apart. cervical vertebrae, and their spines were pierced with needles.

Afterwards, he began to use orangutans and humans as experimental subjects, using a scalpel to loosen the shackles of the skin, walk between muscles, bones and tissue gaps, cut open organs and blood vessels, and observe cells under various optical and electrical microscopes. Explore the microscopic secrets of cells with probes and compounds.

After the experimental techniques and knowledge level have made gratifying progress, he began to deconstruct human genetics and explore the birth of life by using mathematics as the way of thinking, cell genes as targets, and the most microscopic manipulation method of physics as a scalpel. to analyze the existence of human beings, mutants, and aliens.

Later, when these were meaningless to him, when he understood the code of all life, and human beings had no secrets from him, he began to create life, species, civilization, blaspheme wisdom, and become the creator !

His research is not limited to living individuals, physical phenomena, and the fields that human science has already involved. He began to explore the sun, moon, and stars, analyze the four fundamental forces, and explore the unknown in the dark matter world. He studied multi-dimensional time and space. Observe civilization with a perspective beyond the time dimension, and destroy humanity with unimaginable cruelty.

At this time, emotion is just some surface reaction data for him, beauty, ugliness, good and evil no longer have practical meaning, the human body is just a pair of leftovers and mistakes piled up and barely functioning garbage, superpowers are like ignorance Stupid things unconsciously stir the waves on the water surface, the universe is just a crude model built by energy, matter, information and dimensions, and these four are unified at a higher level.

Energy is matter, matter is energy, information is dimension, and dimension is information.

Matter is also a dimension, and energy is also information!

Wukong saw Chen Ang's cold description of the birth of the universe in the notes: It is certain that the birth of the universe originated from a piece of information containing infinite independent variables. For matter, the concept represented by this piece of information is a singularity, and for energy, it is shown as a singularity. Infinity, but there is no matter or energy at this time, because it is zero-dimensional in dimension.

It is the first cause of the birth of the universe, the origin of everything.

When this piece of information produces the first solution, the first constant that can be determined, and the first meaningful concept that can be observed, a 'big bang' occurs! The big bang is the process of information self-calculation of infinite variables, the process of starting to solve meaningful solutions, the process of upgrading from zero dimension to high latitude, and the process of birth and expansion of matter and energy.

Energy is the moving matter, matter is the jumping dimensional string, and dimension is the intentional solution of information.

These four are originally one!

Chen Ang believes that even in the stable period, the universe is layered, that is, the four-dimensional universe, on the time axis determined by time, the countless parallel universes generated according to the Planck time interval are completely overlapped at the bottom of the material, and That is to say, all parallel universes share the matter and energy of this one universe.

For the universe, time has no meaning.

At the time of the big bang, time did not exist, that is to say, anyone who goes back to the dimension,

They can all reach the time when the Big Bang happened. The Big Bang did not happen before the birth of the universe, but when the zero-dimensional to one-dimensional ascended.

The universe is a layered world transitioning from zero-dimensional to one-dimensional, one-dimensional to two-dimensional, and two-dimensional to three-dimensional. Humans live between three-dimensional and four-dimensional. The way of existence at the macro level, the conservation of matter and energy, also only belongs to the dimension where human beings exist.

The creation of the material universe is the result of the disturbance of the one-dimensional universe.

In the eyes of human beings, the universe is a three-dimensional space and material world that is constantly changing and developing. In the eyes of four-dimensional creatures, the universe is a world of possibilities composed of time axes. Countless parallel universes form time axes, and different time axes have different developments. , like a game world that can keep saving files.

But in Chen Ang's eyes, the universe is like a layered ball radiating from one point to the surroundings. The origin is zero-dimensional, which is the first cause. The first layer is a one-dimensional universe. It is a kind of solution, there is no energy and matter here, only a one-dimensional space with information significance.

The one-dimensional universe is sublimated to two-dimensional, which is the second-level universe. It has the concept of plane in space, and the information contained in it has more complex meanings. In the three-dimensional universe, the third level, this complex information becomes matter.

In the fourth-level universe, the four-dimensional space, matter has new properties, and matter with the meaning of time, then there is movement. Time allows matter to have the concept of speed, and the matter that changes and moves is energy.

Energy is the matter of the fourth dimension, and energy is the matter with the concept of speed.

By analogy, the level of the universe is getting higher and higher, and the endowments of matter and energy are becoming more and more complex, but they are the same in essence. The bottom zero dimension is information, and from zero dimension to one dimension, information is endowed with space. Attributes, from one-dimensional to two-dimensional, the information becomes more and more complex, and concepts such as shape, color, and size appear. From two-dimensional to three-dimensional, the dynamic one-dimensional space, because of the complexity of information, forms particles and forms substances.

From three-dimensional to four-dimensional, matter is endowed with the property of speed, and after being timed, energy is born.

Therefore, energy is a four-dimensional substance, matter is a three-dimensional one-dimensional string, and a one-dimensional string is one-dimensional information, and the information is upgraded to a one-dimensional space, and the one-dimensional space is upgraded to a two-dimensional membrane, and the two-dimensional membrane is upgraded to a dimension It is three-dimensional matter, and three-dimensional matter is upgraded to four-dimensional energy!

This is the theory of cosmic dimension enhancement, and it can also be called the unified theory of information.

That is to say, the first cause of the birth of the universe is information, and the information becomes space when the dimension is elevated, and the one-dimensional space, through the transition of the two-dimensional membrane, can appear as a state of matter in the third dimension, and the third-dimensional matter in the fourth-dimensional time, Endowed with the concept of speed, energy is created. Everything comes from information, and everything is born from information. This is the unity of information.

Therefore, energy can be transformed from matter, matter can be transformed from space, and space can be transformed from information. Energy does not exist in the three-dimensional universe, matter does not exist in the two-dimensional universe, and space does not exist in the zero-dimensional universe.

Looking back at the birth of the universe, it is just a mass of information with infinite variables.

If the fourth-dimensional matter that contains energy and speed is elevated to the fifth dimension, then it is foreseeable that what will be born must be a random, chaotic energy matter, that is, the dice thrown by God, which is probabilized Emerging energy and matter - quantum states.

It is the probabilistic matter, and the matter of the fifth dimension has the random property, and, it is the variable.

It is precisely because the universe in which human beings live has many levels, and the basic elements that make up the world—matter has very complex properties. It is transformed from information into strings in one dimension, membranes in two dimensions, matter in three dimensions, and energy in four dimensions. , turning five dimensions into probability—uncertainty, matter concentrates the properties of the five dimensions and even higher latitudes—Chen Ang also has a guess about this: human beings are also made of matter, but human beings—or the consciousness of life, It has super-materiality, and it is very likely to be a low-dimensional manifestation of the attributes endowed by higher latitudes.

If it is assumed that an external information can be traced back to the first cause of the birth of the universe, it comes from outside the universe, surpassing one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, four-dimensional and five-dimensional, containing all possible dimensions of the universe, beyond matter, energy, time , even the quantum probability, and even the consciousness, before reaching the time, there is no origin of time, space, and matter.

Change the independent information variable of the universe with its own information variable! To the first solution of the first cause of the universe, add a variable controlled by him - what happens then?

He can interfere with the evolution of the universe from zero-dimensional to one-dimensional, and then to more dimensions. He can interfere with all matter, all energy, all time and space, all dimensions, all consciousness, all probabilities, and everything in the universe—that It is Fan!

An independent message from a being called Apocalypse from beyond the universe.

But Brahma calculated all the independent variables of the information of the universe, and interfered with himself as a variable, it would... be omniscient and omnipotent!

The universe is a dream of Brahman, and all living beings are a thought of Brahman.

Destroy the world, enslave all living beings, usurp all authority, and turn himself into a terrifying existence of the creator, a peerless demon.

Brahman contains all dimensions and is above all living beings. If the universe is a river, then Brahman, one of the thoughts of revelation, is the fisherman sitting on the bank of the river. No...it's more like the universe is a computer, and Brahman is a programmer sitting in front of the computer and parsing the source code.

As an existence with a higher dimension than mortals, a more complicated and higher-authority program——Buddha and Bodhisattva, even if they have all kinds of means and supernatural powers, they can do nothing. How is Brahma?

At the most, it is to disconnect the input channel of Brahma interfering with the information of the universe—Brahma.

Or delete the program created by Brahma to attack and crack the system of the three realms universe-Shiva, Vishnu.

Only the Tathagata, who goes deep into the bottom layer of the Three Realms universe system, to a certain extent, belongs to the existence of artificial intelligence in the system, can use its own variables to encrypt the independent variable information of the universe, delay Brahma's cracking progress, and defend against others. The means of interference and invasion interfere with the operation of Brahma.

Or the developer of the universe system of the Three Realms, like Brahma, belongs to the external existence of the computer. Taiqing, who is higher than everything in the Three Realms, returns to the computer brain, and beats up this scum that destroys the operation of his own creation system.

In addition to these two, as those who are higher than ordinary data but fail to involve the origin of the universe: Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the impact on Brahma is very small, but only one billionth of the Tathagata.

Even the Tathagata, as the person with the highest authority who has touched the root of the universe of the Three Realms and can modify the underlying code, the highly intelligent AI can only passively resist Brahman's invasion and delay the fall of the universe of the Three Realms—because Van Gogh is higher than the Three Realms, higher than Everything in the Three Realms.

Laojun looked in front of him helplessly. Chen Ang, who had just created a flesh body in the void, and chewed on apples, sighed: "Why do fellow Taoists provoke it? It will make the old Taoist unsafe."

Chen Ang said excitedly: "Master, why don't you call back Daoist Taiqing, and we'll block him at the gate of the Three Realms universe, beat him up violently, and kill him. What do you think?"

Laojun sighed and advised: "Tianzun, this is your family matter, and the old man doesn't want to get involved."

"But the old Taoist has a word of advice to the Heavenly Venerable!" the Taishang Laojun said mysteriously.

Chen Ang took a bite of the apple and muttered, "Say it!"

"You can't write two Chen characters in one stroke. In my opinion, you just follow him!"

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