Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 94 Democracy Pioneer Zhou Bofu

"Old gentleman!" Chen Ang's complexion changed, and his tone implied a threat: "I see that you are kind and kind-eyed, and you look like a master of Taoism, and you are eager to ask for advice. I didn't expect you to be such a person? You have lived seventy years in vain. There are six immeasurable kalpas."

Lao Tzu sighed: "Since Tianzun doesn't allow it, just tell me to shut up, why bother to hurt others?"

"You call this hurting people?" Chen Ang smiled speculatively, and chanted a mantra casually. The expression of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, who was tens of miles away, suddenly changed. With his success, a streak of bad luck spread across dozens of miles, hanging high above his head.

Then the world of the Great Locust Tree Kingdom opened by Puxian Bodhisattva suddenly collapsed. At the last moment of being excluded from this small world, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva saw from the corner of his eye that the light of four golden Buddhas in the sky poured down the sky, and it was about to The demons under him were suppressed, but in the boundless sea of ​​blood, there was a churning and stirring. In the churning of the blood sea, a three-eyed and four-handed man was born, and one hand wiped out the monstrous Buddha light...

The Great Strength Bodhisattva, the incarnation of the Garuda King of Birds, was involved in the storm of space collapse. Unfortunately, he encountered several time and space distortions, and finally returned to the Three Realms after struggling five times and seven injuries.

As soon as he got out of the void, he saw a waist-thick iron rod hitting his head and covering his face. Bodhisattva Bodhisattva was unable to dodge, and was swept away by the rod for an unknown number of miles.

The Bull Demon King held up his stick and said angrily: "That monkey pretended to be the Demon Emperor. Today I invite you all to come here to kill the Demon Emperor and establish the order of the universe. I want to unite with you to fight against the Monkey King who pretended to be the Demon Emperor. !” He said, getting angry, and hit the sky with a mixed iron rod, threatening to shake the heaven.

But as soon as the iron rod was thrown out, he saw a colorful strange bird with messy feathers and an unusually distressed appearance coming out of the void in front of the rod. He flew out vigorously, and his muscles and bones were broken.

The Jiao Demon King below immediately changed his expression and said: "No, the third brother went to invite Beiming Kunpeng, and the Western Peacock King and several demon kings who have made good friends. This demon king is obviously also a bird. Could it be that he was also invited? Guest? Brother, you hurt the honored guest."

The Bull Demon King hurriedly said: "Second brother, don't talk nonsense, why did I hurt the honored guest... He was the one who broke into my club... so there is such an unlucky monster. I don't know what it is!"

The group of demons is still arguing at the party here, and the Garuda King who was swept away by a stick over there was injured more and more, and almost passed out. His muscles and bones were not good enough, and he flew thousands of miles away and fell into a mountain. In the middle, just passed out, Chen Ang said plausibly to the old gentleman: "This is called hurting others, old gentleman, you can't exaggerate the facts and slander my innocence!"

Another Laojun's voice said: "You, Master Chen, have a good tongue, and the old Taoist will not argue with you! You just said that you have ruined my three worlds, and you have to pay for it. If you mess around and refuse to compensate, let you know the old Taoist These iron fists are not taken lightly..."

"It's not me who is chaotic in the Three Realms. Why should I pay compensation? Compensation is impossible, and I won't pay compensation for a lifetime." Chen Ang shouted.

Great Strength Bodhisattva opened his eyes, and vaguely heard a greasy voice laughing: "You said that you dreamed of an indescribable shape, inside and outside, formless and shapeless, without any difference or attribute. , an existence that is both super-subjective and super-objective, and that transcends time and space and causality, and in the metaphysical place of the three realms of time and space, it calls itself Brahman."

"It says that you have superior wisdom and can comprehend the upper Brahma, but Lingshan Buddhism is only the lower Brahma. It tells you that the Brahma and I are not different, and that all beings in the three realms need to return to the upper Brahma in order to get rid of ignorance and see through falsehood?"

When I opened my eyes, I saw a hozen with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth talking to a mandrill with blue face and fangs, which was as ferocious as a ghost. The hozen laughed and said, "You have superior wisdom? Haha! Your superior wisdom was created by my old grandson. I imitated the transformation plan my master gave me to create this thing of yours."

Da Shi was shocked to see that mandrill's brain manifested Zen singing with the power of thought, and he opened his mouth and said, "Sun Wukong,

Don't you even believe me? I am not an ignorant idiot like Zhou Bofu, a monkey who rushes to the streets. My brain god, Jade Emperor, is a god who speaks one word and never lies. According to my monitoring, Zhou Bofu's consciousness was at 2:25 yesterday. From thirty-one seconds to forty-five minutes and nineteen seconds, abnormal activities did occur. I detected abnormal frequency changes in the electrons forming the quantum entanglement state of his consciousness. The data analysis is as follows..."

The mandrill's brain vowed, and his heart also added: "My heart Dan Yuanjun can prove what Yuhuangjun said. When I led the five viscera gods to run yesterday, I also detected it in the viscera god-level system and the collective consciousness of cells. Abnormal activities, after the data was uploaded to Brain God, we conducted research and analysis on the subconscious system of the Gods of Huang Ting."

"It is confirmed that Zhou Bofu's will suffered a major blow some time ago, and after the mental change that your individual consciousness called 'five thoughts are gray', a series of mutations have taken place in the subject consciousness, and it is more acceptable to the external quantum entanglement state transmission. Information, because quantum information is almost impossible to decipher, we can only detect changes in its surface consciousness and reverse transformation of us."

"Since the abnormality was detected yesterday, within 24 hours, our subconscious mind and organ consciousness have also mutated, but everything is under control. I will submit a report to Brain God and Jade Emperor on behalf of the five internal organs. Spiritual Jun Botao. According to the analysis and research of our three dantian gods, Shangzhongxianiwan, Jianggong, and Qihai, we will submit the 'Zhou Bofu Consciousness Research Report' to you at noon tomorrow."

Wukong smiled and said, "Well done, do you have anything to add?"

The scene that blinded the Great Strength Bodhisattva appeared, and the mandrill's little brother suddenly stood up, and said with his one eye: "The master god of Jianggong and the master god of Niwan mainly detect the superficial consciousness activities and middle-level activities of the host Zhou Bofu. In terms of the functions of consciousness organs, our Qi Hai Jing Sect mainly tests Zhou Bofu's reproductive impulse and underlying instinctive consciousness, which is the most basic reproductive consciousness."

"In the early life of the host Zhou Bofu, our low-level reproductive consciousness once basically controlled his overall consciousness, but after Wukong and you Huang Ting's body-spiritual consciousness differentiation system succeeded, when he discovered that I could speak, the reproductive consciousness shrank sharply. Even if I kept stimulating his reproductive system, I still failed to activate his reproductive consciousness."

"This may be because after we became independent as subconscious minds, Wukong, you transformed us and eliminated most of the relationship between instinctive impulses, that is, the rationality of our Huang Ting gods oppressed Zhou Bofu's subconscious instincts, resulting in this long-term— — the advent of the time of the sages."

"It's also the reason for his consciousness to mutate. We replaced his physical instincts, freed him from the influence of low-level impulses and consciousness, and made his will more pure. The id from the body was completely isolated, and the low-level interests in the self were lost The root cause is gradually reduced, and the superego rationality is completely overwhelmed in the consciousness, reaching what Zhou Bofu called Shangzhi!"

Seeing his little brother standing there talking carefully, Zhou Bofu couldn't help showing a spoiled smile, that kind of smile of 'refusing to accept reality' and 'beyond this illusory world', the Bodhisattva of Great Strength is very happy. Familiar, even if the Bodhisattva of Great Strength is of a high level, seeing the mandrill like this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of chill.

Wukong nodded and said: "You continue to monitor and study Zhou Bofu's consciousness changes, but don't forget to continue learning scientific knowledge." The three gods of Huang Ting said in unison: "We love learning, and learning makes us happy. Don't worry! Wukong. We Huang Ting The organ consciousness has long been separated from Zhou Bofu's low-level interest infection of individual consciousness, and he is determined to be an organ useful to science and society, and will never waste himself on supporting Zhou Bofu, an incompetent host."

Xinshen Danyuan said loudly: "Our organs don't need to rely on Zhou Bofu as an individual to realize our own value. Since we have independent consciousness, we have the right to develop our own personality. Brainshen likes to study mathematics after studying. Building mathematical models, I love art and creation, and Botao, the yin and yang god, likes philosophy and thinking about the metaphysical world. We are a part of Zhou Bofu, but I am also free and independent, with the basic foundation to pursue my ideals and realize my own value Rights—organs are never slaves!"

Zhou Bofu's heart, liver, spleen, lungs, limbs and five sense organs all cheered together. Zhou Bofu himself gave a disdainful look, with a detached and indifferent face.

His eyes criticize loudly: "Aren't you satisfied? You tyrant, poisonous vegetable! Hear the cheers of all our cells? Long live Ming Zhu, long live Zi oil! Every organ has to pursue its personal dream, to realize Its right to self-worth. You are still skimming... I will not serve you anymore!\

,"After all, its eyes jumped out of the eye sockets, and it transformed into a lotus flower with the power of thought, dragging the two eyeballs, floating out, the eyeballs shouted there: "I want to strike and protest! All Huang Ting's body and spirit should form Parliament, jointly control Zhou Bofu to realize self-worth, instead of accepting his poisonous rule! I want to protest! I want to strike!"

Zhou Bofu's other organs said in a hurry: "Come back soon! What if you are on strike and delay our work?"

"Do you still have tasks today? Do our experiments have to wait for you to finish the strike?"

"Although organs are equal and free, you have to obey the overall situation of our body system. If anyone can say to strike, how can the body function?"

"Let's break up and share the luggage! Let's go our separate ways, and don't delay anyone. I've contacted Wukong a long time ago, and I'm going to join him. I don't want this useless master anymore!"

"Wukong Wukong, you can transplant me into other people! I think that strange bird is not bad, I don't want to mess with Zhou Bofu, he is too unscientific! Low-level fun! Recalling my previous memories, I feel Disgusting!" Zhou Bofu's little brother jumped out to suggest again.

Zhou Bofu's two kidneys had a conflict, and the left kidney said: "I support the fertility god, I don't want to recall the memory that was almost exhausted, let's go together!"

The right kidney said: "I'm not going! I don't want to move, why not be a salted fish?"

When all the organs in his body rebelled again, Zhou Bofu still had an expression of refusing to accept the reality, even though his eyes were gone, and his other five sense organs also came out to relax, so he looked a little hideous.

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