When Wukong returned to the laboratory and was about to carry out the fine-tuning of the eighty-ninth transformation experiment, the Brain God hurriedly shouted when he saw Wukong: "Wukong, it's not good! The Jingmen God escaped on that strange bird." !"


"who I am?"

"Where do I come from?"

"Where am I going?"

King Widgaruro was a little confused. Although he had successfully escaped from the laboratory, he really didn't want to recall how the furry thing standing above his head carried out a series of plans for its escape. Because of the severe blow, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva may have a series of symptoms of denial of reality, forced amnesia, and self-closing.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva has closed the spiritual mountain in his heart, and the recovered spiritual consciousness only puts the consciousness incarnation of King Garuda to deal with the outside world. At this time, it can be said that Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva has given up healing, closed himself, and handed it over to another subordinate personality The one who controls, now controls this body is the King Garuda Yamantaka.

Although King Daweide Garuda failed to break free from the restraint of Chen Ang and Wukong, he was able to control his body and flew towards the west.

And the furry thing on the top of its head still didn't stop sighing and sighing like a mania, followed by three philosophical questions, and said poetically: "Life is not only the troubles in front of you, but also poetry and the distance!"

"Travel on a big bird, see the ups and downs of this world, go to Lingshan and Tianting, turn the prayer wheel under the Daleiyin Temple, burn incense devoutly, and cleanse the soul..." The waist god was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

"Waiting for Daleiyin Temple! This deity burns incense with you to purify your soul!" King Dawei Dejialuluo sneered in his heart.

The Jingmen Shenjun, who was rooted on the sarcoid on the head of King Jialuluo, twisted his fat body, turned around and advised: "Xuan Shenjun, I told you not to read those messy articles written by those literati in the world! Those are all Lingshan Gods and Buddhas anesthetize the foolish people and the psychotropic drugs that foolish people self-numb, as the body and spirit of the new century, we should pursue excellence and superhumanity, be a strong man, and dominate those mediocre people."

King Daweide Garuda pretended not to hear the conversation happening above his head, but desperately flew towards the direction of Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, the western Lingshan. Put on eighteen tricks, vowing to let them die in a very rhythmic way.

But after all, it is only a subordinate personality indulged by Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva after denying himself. Without those eyes, he can see the luck above his head. After the tragic blow, not only did the luck cut off by Chen Ang not recover, but the next catastrophe was brewing.

The old gentleman who was thousands of miles away had an expression of not being able to bear to look directly at him, turned his head and said to Chen Ang: "Tianzun is too much! The general situation is so great that he enters into the infinite tolerance, and he has taken six senses, but he has great wisdom and perseverance. , merciful person, why is the Heavenly Venerable humiliated like this?"

"This is just sharpening the mind of Zen, what is humiliation?" Chen Ang asked back: "Entering the filthy land, you can become a pure body of glass, and entering the feces drowning hell, and turn into a pure and wonderful pure land. Bodhisattva practitioners? Walk with supernatural powers? If a Bodhisattva If you don’t have supernatural powers, you can’t be humiliated. Should you be a Bodhisattva with your heart, or with supernatural powers? Should you be a Bodhisattva with compassion, great vows, wisdom, perseverance, and bravery, or should you be a Bodhisattva with supreme dharma power?”

"If supernatural powers are used as Bodhisattvas, I can save everyone in the three realms to be Bodhisattvas." Chen Ang smiled and said, "This is the catastrophe for the two saints to try their Zen minds, and the great Bodhisattvas should encourage them."

I'm speechless, okay, I'll be castrated now! He could only sigh, and persuaded him: "Heavenly Lord judges others by himself, how do you know that there will be no such retribution in the future? If someone uses this to test Tianzun's heart, what will Tianzun do?"

Chen Ang smiled but didn't answer, just stretched out his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

Laojun was stunned: "What does Tianzun mean by this?"

Chen Ang sneered and said, "To test my Dao heart, have you asked me if I have an iron fist the size of a sandbag?"

"Fist is power, fist power is power, and power is Tao! To grasp the fist is to grasp the mind of Tao. Laojun, with my compassion,

Wisdom, perseverance, and Dao Xin are all because I have supernatural powers and mana! Lingshan God and Buddha, claiming to save all living beings with compassion, wisdom and perseverance, is the practice of a Bodhisattva. But I just want to expose one thing...the so-called bodhisattva's actions are supernatural powers and mana. The truth that surpasses all Buddhist scriptures, as I have heard, is - those who have supernatural powers, mana, power, and authority can manipulate all weak people! "

"The reason why a Buddha is a Buddha is because he has power. Power is the principle that transcends all compassion, prajna, and perseverance."

"Wisdom, perseverance, and courage are the conditions required to obtain power. Seeking knowledge is the truth that masters all power. Bodhisattvas are not those who save all living beings. Gods and Buddhas are not those who redeem all living beings. They only gain power through strength, courage, wisdom, and perseverance. , A person who manipulates all living beings!"

Chen Ang sneered and said, "What is the difference between what I do and the gods and Buddhas? Why are they enlightening sentient beings to enlightenment, while I am a humiliation? If the Tathagata is old and bald, he has studied hard and practiced hard, recognized the truth of this world, and mastered the power beyond me. Power. Then welcome him to 'save' me, because he is practicing my principles."

"Practice the truth that this world is objective, real, and cannot be transferred by anyone's will. If you want to change the world and change others, you can only rely on practice, practice your own will, and overcome resistance-that is strength. If you want to practice and transform this world, we need to understand this objective world.”

"So, all behavioral practices rely on power, and all power comes from the cognition of the objective world."

"This is the objective and unchanging truth of this world. It is not what I heard, not what the gods and Buddhas said. If the Tathagata does not talk about this truth, but talk about those metaphysical, empty and empty things, it is really deceiving sentient beings. Deceive myself. I do this to let Dashizhi realize the mistake of deceiving myself, deny the one-sided and false truth, and return to the objective and real world. Realize that the so-called salvation of all beings is to use power to manipulate All living beings, use your strength to carry out your own will. Adding any praise to it is false deceit."

Laozi sighed: "Tianzun is extreme!"

Chen Ang clenched his fist again and said with a smile, "But at least I know what I'm doing? Does the Bodhisattva know?"

"Why does the Tathagata say that I am a demon? Because I am close to the Dao and wish to know all objective truths, and truth is only one-sided truth, so the truth of Buddhism, when it is practiced in the objective world, will be distorted, because one-sidedness adds to the whole, and the subjective adds to it. In the objective world, it must be corrected by the objective world. If there is a deficiency in the truth, it will be tainted by demons when verified in the world. Because the force imposed by the subjective on the objective must have a counterforce, and one-sided truths in the real world will inevitably have contradictions. .”

"Therefore, the reaction force verified by the objective world is—the devil!"

"The old gentleman said the way, the Tathagata said that it is true, and all self-improvement said that strength is power. If you impose a force, there must be a force that opposes it. This is a demon. In the three realms and outside the three realms, the Taoists and Buddhas all agree with the Tao and get the Tao. I, Chen Ang, am the only one who is still looking for it. The way you get the Tao is the way of the strong, the one-sided way. My pursuit of the way is the ultimate truth, the objective way, and the comprehensive way.”

"Therefore, if your Dao is true, if you meet my Dao, you will receive my reaction."

"Because everyone in this world has already attained the Tao, and I am the closest to the Tao, so your one-sided truths have been stained by demons, and you respect me, so the Tathagata old man called me Yuanshi Tianmo, not the original, but the original. For the most fundamental, original, and essential, I am the most essential demon of his truth. Therefore, I damage all truths, and harm all those who have attained truths."

"Magic dyeing is actually the most objective correction from the objective world."

"All gods and Buddhas insist on saying the way, and they must be infected by demons. His gods, Buddhas, and Tathagatas teach the world, and my demons will make his teachings a joke. Therefore, my descendants will wear his cassocks and practice demons in the name of Buddha. Tao. Why? It’s just human nature. It comes from the heart, comes from nature, comes from the objective world, and exists objectively. The power of demons does not come from desires, nor from demonic thoughts, but from the Buddha. strength."

"When the Buddha wants to change a person's nature, he must receive the power of this objective nature to restore and react. Therefore, in the future, among the Buddhist monks and Bodhisattvas, the thoughts of greed, ignorance, ignorance and hatred are all natural and come from the heart. Gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas think that This is where the Heavenly Demon, Yin Demon, and Demonic Thought came from, and it was pushed to Bo Xun."

"I really don't know that I, Yuanshi Tianmo!"

Hearing this, Lao Tzu could only smile wryly, and sighed, "Those who honor me as an ancestor in the future must also be your descendants."

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