Najialuo Tower King Weide flew to the west for three hours, only to see that the grass and trees on the ground became sparser and sparser. As far as the eye could see, it was all loess desert, so he knew that he had reached the border of Xiniu Hezhou, and then flew southwest for two days. It was overjoyed to reach Shendu Xitian, and it would soon be able to get rid of the filth on its head!

But he heard the Jingmen Shenjun above his head suddenly said: "Brother Bird has been flying for several hours, and I think he is far away from the Yiqu! Wukong should not be able to find it! I see that there seems to be people below, Why don't you stop for a while and rest for a while, what do you think, Brother Bird?"

King Daweide of the Nagara Tower ignored what it said at all, and just snorted coldly in his heart: "Brother Bird? Who is your brother Bird! You filth insults me so much, when you arrive at Daleiyin Temple, you must be tortured in every possible way before you can do it." Vent the hatred in my heart!"

Seeing that it ignored it, the Jingmen God asked a few more questions, and King Dawei De Jia Luolou just flew to the west. Finally, the Jingmen God said helplessly: "Brother Bird misunderstood me too much. I am Huang Ting Shenshen, Wukong was born by controlling the will of the organs, this monitoring consciousness, he knows it in his heart, it is my ability to survive and survive, and now it is rooted in the sarcoma in the heart of Brother Bird, how can I not know what you think, the fluctuation of consciousness?"

"When I first took root, Brother Niao still had a divine and unfathomable subjective consciousness. At that time, I had sympathy with him, and I deeply felt that consciousness, with a profound state, was proficient in these, and could see through the attachment of things and me. Xiang and Wuxiang, although they are too negative, willing to be mediocre, capable and not superhuman, it is unavoidable to make people sigh. But he is also a wise man of the same way, and I want to attract him as a good friend!"

"Unexpectedly, after I only spoke to him a few words, he closed himself, refused to communicate with me, and released Brother Bird, his subordinate personality."

"It can be seen that the world has a deep prejudice against me!" The Jingmen Shenjun sighed:

Hearing what he said, King Weide Jialuluo couldn't help but recall the process when Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva was forced to close his consciousness. At that time, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva couldn't bear it anymore and had to say: "You ignorant filth, how can you pollute me? Dharma body, since you have the heart to escape, you can release my restraint, and I will rescue you. If you offend me even the slightest bit, I will let you know that my Buddha also has Vajra's angry eyes, the fire of King Ming!"

"Brother Bird, you are a disciple of Xitian Buddhism!" Jingmen Shenjun said happily: "I heard that Xitian Buddhism is unparalleled in dialectics and has a high level of attainment in philosophy. The Samana sect does not accept female disciples, master and apprentice brothers, day and night. Living together, arguing with each other, fighting each other, and studying philosophy. The novice is taught by the elders every night. It is the first organization in the three worlds to study philosophy systematically."

"It really makes me yearn for it!"

The Jingmen Nerve only used two sentences, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva felt that ignorance was burning in his heart, and his meditation skills were broken. He heard the Jingmen God still nagging there: "... I once mentioned Buddhism to Wukong, and asked him to send it to me. I used to debate philosophy with those monks, and participated in the study of emptiness, object and self, and form. But he told me that there are countless temples under the Great Leiyin Temple in the West Heaven, and there are countless temples outside the holy land of Lingshan. In the Dharma Realm of the temple, tens of thousands of monks recite scriptures and debate the Dharma day and night, and they can produce hundreds of millions of catties of dung every day!"

"The poisonous farmer likes the manure of this temple the most. Even the merchant who carries the manure sells more expensive than others in the temple at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. I asked Wukong why this is so. Wukong said to me: this manure It’s different from other places, it’s all done by the masters, and when it’s soaked, one load can be used by others!”

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva was furious, once meditating, it turned into flowing water, only listening to the Jingmen God, who still didn't know it, and said deadly: "I laughed Wukong must have missed his memory! This matter must not be poisoned by himself. It is clearly written in Dr. Chen's notes that agriculture is very backward, and I haven't learned how to apply manure in the middle of the soil!"

"Shut up!" Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva couldn't help scolding: "You slander the Buddha and heretics, you are like an arrow in the nose, once you lose your human body, there is no time to come out, and endless suffering will be repaid."

Immediately afterwards, countless scriptures were chanted, speaking quickly and chaotically, which made Jingmen Shenjun dizzy and confused.

It is extremely boring, and the logic is ridiculous. If the power of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is still there, he will naturally be able to speak like a lotus flower and penetrate into people's hearts. His tongue is extremely powerful, but Chen Ang restrained his magic power, which made his tongue become clumsy. .

Jingmen Shenjun heard that his head was swollen and he had a headache, so he could only ask timidly: "I...can I intervene?"

"Shut up!" Dashizhi Bodhisattva was furious, and roared like a Hong Zhong Dalu, killing the Jingmen God Lord. Seeing the Jingmen God Lord's ugly appearance, he couldn't help but want to use his magic power to throw him into the Abi Hell. A thousand cuts by a thousand cuts can't erase his hatred.

Jingmen Shenjun opened his eyes wide and was extremely frightened.

Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva wanted to bring up his mana, but when he found the emptiness in his body filled with an uncomfortable feeling of emptiness, he woke up in shock and said to himself: "No, that day when my luck was cut off, my wisdom was also cut off in the dark. The realm of harmony, now my bodhisattva realm is like a tree without roots, the spring of my heart is dry, my meditation is broken, and my performance is in danger of retreating. This filth is not worth mentioning in front of me, but now it can arouse my heart. Heart fire, this is Bo Xun Tianma destroying my way and deeds, a catastrophe!"

Immediately take advantage of this spiritual light, close the consciousness, no longer feel the external world, and cut off the source of ignorance, troubles and disturbances.

Jingmen Shenjun was still timid when the Bodhisattva was angry, and saw the strange bird's eyes closed, its consciousness shrank to the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness, and fell into a state of submergence and submergence. Another consciousness, which was a hundred times weaker, took over on his behalf. In this body, Jingmen Shenjun took the opportunity to jump on the head of the strange bird, cut open the sarcoma with a scalpel, and transplanted his own blood vessels and nerves with the Garuda heart.

Feeling that the blood energy and essence began to nourish his body, the Jingmen Shenjun sighed in satisfaction, and said: "The transplantation is finally successful! The body that just left Zhou Bofu, without the support of blood energy, is too cold. It is cold and Tired! It is better to have a body. Kidney, I will perform a transplant operation for you now!"

So when I woke up, I felt that there was a vertical fleshy crown on my head, and a waist on my back. Garuda King Wade thought bitterly, and he was gnashing his teeth for a while, and his anger caused blood to rush to his head , Immediately felt that the thing above my head stood up again, suddenly felt ashamed and angry, and could no longer bear it.

"I'll fight with you!" Dawei De Garuda King roared in his heart, he just slammed his head against a cliff, he flew extremely fast, and he seemed to die together.

The rocks on the cliff were as sharp as knives, and even though the Garuda bird was made of steel, it couldn't withstand such a collision. The Jingmen god sighed, and there were many laments, lamenting that he was not understood by the world, lamenting the ignorance and prejudice of the world.

Just when the bloody incident happened, a demon king flying across the sky suddenly stopped, and asked in surprise, "Why does this fellow clan have such a strange appearance? He actually has a handle growing on his head... It's all in vain." Gorgeous feathers. Is it going to hit the cliff again to commit suicide?"

"This fellow is like this, there must be grievances, I must not stand idly by. Big brother gathers all the demon kings, and wants to find Sun Wukong to discuss his superiority, let me invite these four seas and wilderness, you bird kings. Although this fellow is described as wretched , the cultivation base is low, but it can be used!"

That demon king was Peng Demon King. He saw that the Garuda bird was about to crash into the cliff and commit suicide, so he rushed to rescue him.

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