Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 100 Seeing Brahman Bewitched by Ananda

Devadatta looked at his cousin Gautama Siddhartha sitting between the two sala trees in the city of Kushina, the suddenly long body, with a lonely face, and he sat cross-legged in front of the Buddha. Devadatta is below Sakyamuni, among the many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who reincarnated with the Buddha in the mortal world, he has the highest wisdom and the most talented person.

Even the four great Bodhisattvas such as Samantabhadra and Manjusri have absolutely difficulty breaking through the Realm of Reality and entering the lowest level of the entanglement of the Three Realms. Outside of Brahma, they can see Brahma and face the level where Tathagata confronts Brahman.

Only Devadatta can touch the Realm of True Tathagata, just one step away from breaking through the place of nothingness, entering the highest state of formless Zen, breaking into the Three Realms, and helping the Tathagata. However, after he informed the disciples of Sakyamuni of this intention, he was met with unprecedented and unanimous opposition.

Shariputra also ordered Shakyamuni to stop him from searching for the place where Shakyamuni's consciousness went after he entered meditation.

But Devadatta is the first person in the Buddhist sect below the Buddha, and has many followers. Even in the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, Devadatta is also the leader of the eight protectors, the Pacceek Buddha of the Kinnara tribe , the four great Bodhisattvas plus one Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva can only command the Garuda tribe, but the Pacceek Buddha can alone command a tribe, which shows its lofty status.

A very beautiful and dignified monk came quietly behind him. Devadatta didn't even open his eyes, and said, "Ananda, do you still want to persuade me? The World Honored One, outside the formless realm, met with the evil spirits from the sky— — Brahma fights with each other, but you don’t allow me to help each other. Are you afraid that I will gain enlightenment from the World Honored One and destroy the lies of Shariputra and Subhuti?”

Ananda bent down, touched Devadatta's feet to salute, and respectfully said: "Brother, in the past, my Buddha discussed with the Jade Emperor, and please follow the example of the heavens. After that, the earth emperor's land will only give up reincarnation, and walk in the six hells based on good and evil. At that time, you were angry and objected, saying that the six paths of reincarnation divide good and evil, which is not the right way. All living beings are caused by karma, karma is extinguished, and all actions are impermanent. Every reincarnation should be a brand new individual. Don't worry about the troubles of the previous life, to the next generation."

"Emperor Houtu is selfless and treats all living beings as humble dogs. This is the most compassionate heart, far better than the six reincarnations."

"The World-Honored One was so angry that he made your predecessor burn the lamp, and the ancient Buddha was destroyed, and took away the four protectors of heaven and man, asura, kinnara, and dragon. After the rebirth of pratyekabuddha, he gave kinnara and the dragon department again. Later three Hundreds of kalpas ago, the World-Honored One discussed with the Jade Emperor to set up a law net of cause and effect, so that all beings will be rewarded for good and evil, and you objected again, saying that all living beings are impermanent, so they are miserable, and the ability to create a transcendent mind is the first cause of the Four Wonderful Truths. Opportunities are impermanent, causes and conditions are impermanent, there is no false theory of cause and effect.”

"The World-Honored One took away your Dragon Guardian Dharma again as a punishment."

"Now Manjusri and Samantabhadra have taken the scriptures from the foreign teacher that day, and they want to establish reincarnation, good and evil karma, to promote the Bodhisattva hammer, the way of Mahayana, to open up a pure land, and to save all living beings. Shariputra, Subhuti and others agree, You scold them face to face, saying that the Pure Land is a heretical way, that reincarnation cannot save sentient beings, only the three dharma seals, all actions are impermanent, all dharmas have no self, and Nirvana is peaceful. It can transcend the sea of ​​suffering.”

Devadatta finally opened his eyes and glared at Adan:

"Heart to heart has no grasping, follow the heart and have no attachments, thoughts and concepts without giving up, follow the thoughts without being confused, there is no gain and no birth, affliction is Bodhi, all illusions are perfect, neither comes nor goes, the true nature of life and death, there is no birth There is no extinction, and the Tripitaka is manifested with one heart, and the Tripitaka's nature is tranquil, which is called tranquility and Nirvana.

"Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, do not seek externally or seek from Bodhisattvas, but seek inwardly and learn the Dharma. On the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, with Sakyamuni's enlightenment, like a lamp in the sea of ​​suffering, illuminating the way forward , but it can’t help. The boat that saves people to the other shore is one’s own heart and self-strengthening. Now some people say that Shakyamuni’s wisdom is like a golden bridge on the sea of ​​suffering. Heretics and demons."

"The three realms are a great sea of ​​suffering, and the pure land is also a sea of ​​suffering. Manjusri and Samantabhadra deceive all living beings into using the pure land of the sea of ​​suffering as the other shore.

To be free from troubles. It's really a demon! "

"Samsara karma, good and evil cause and effect are permanent, not impermanent. Bodhisattva Hammer and Mahayana save people say that there is a self, not non-self. Rebirth in the Pure Land and the Land of Ultimate Bliss are not Nirvana." Devadatta opened his eyes and shouted angrily: " Wouldn't it violate the seal of the three dharmas? According to the teachings of gods and Buddhas, those who confuse all living beings in the three realms, Bodhisattvas, should be killed!"

"The World Honored One also said that besides the seal of the three dharmas, there is also the seal of reality!" Ananda explained.

"Who is the World Honored One?" Devadatta said indifferently, "Is it the Tathagata Buddha, or Shakyamuni? Or Gautama Siddhartha?" Ananda was shocked and said, "Devadatta! Do you doubt the Buddha? "

"One thousand kalpas ago, the World Honored One taught me the Dharma. He once said: If you get the seal of the Buddha, you will be able to understand without hindrance; if you get the seal of the king, you will have no difficulty. Even if the Buddha said, those who violate the three seals are heretics!" Devadatta said calmly, "This is my World Honored One!"

"After I demoted the position of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, all thoughts were lost. I meditated for three kalpas and followed the World-Honored One. Finally, in meditation, I realized that the World-Honored One is the true one in the world. It is Sakyamuni Ni. A thousand kalpas ago, the World-Honored One was still the World-Honored One, and after a thousand kalpas, the Tathagata is not the World-Honored One. Gods and Buddhas are not Buddhas!"

"Buddha is an enlightened being, not a god, and can't save people! Today's Tathagata Buddha is the Buddha's affliction, your affliction is transformed, it is the Buddha in the hearts of all living beings in the world, but it is not my Buddha, it is a demon! "

"Deva Datta!" Ananda stood up in shock and said, "Are you going to betray the Buddha?"

"Ananda!" Devadatta smiled and said, "My little brother, after I realized this truth, my meditation was shaken. When I was an ancient Buddha, I was able to meditate beyond the four sky and sky of the colorless realm, to see the truth. Zen mind After being shaken, I was trapped in a place of nothingness. Now that the evil spirit from outside - Brahma is coming, I can finally verify whether the Tathagata is the World-Honored One!"

"If the Tathagata is close to the Brahman, then the Tathagata is an evil demon from heretics. The world-honored one was troubled when he became a Buddha. If the Tathagata is not a Brahman, then I will go to Nirvana and Nirvana, and go clean." Devadatta smiled to Ananda.

Five hundred Buddhas walked out behind him, and three thousand Kinnaras protectors, all of whom were his followers. The ancient Buddhas of Lingshan in the past, and now a group of Buddhas led by Pacceka Buddha, surrounded Gautama Siddhartha and Devas. Da Duo sat down and watched the results of his search for Buddha in samadhi. There are three thousand Buddhas in Lingshan, and the vehicles are different. In the past, there were one thousand Buddhas in the lineage of the ancient Buddhas. Afterwards, another two hundred were scattered, and now there are only five hundred Pacceek Buddhas, which are for the Pacceek Buddha Vehicle.

Under the withered and flourishing trees, Devadatta fell into extinction, and went to the heaven of neither thought nor non-non-conceived thought.

Ananda's Zen mind was shaken, and he looked at Devadatta's body in amazement. One day and night later, Ananda saw Devadatta's corpse opened his eyes and shed tears of blood. Laughed wildly three times, and roared: "The World Honored One is dead, the Tathagata is heretic! All the Buddhas follow me and destroy Lingshan!"

"All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are evil followers. Only impermanence can awaken their original mind and make them realize their enlightenment."

"I want all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to sink into the sea of ​​suffering, the pure land of the Lingshan Mountains to live in emptiness, all Buddhas are impermanent, good and evil are impermanent, and cause and effect are impermanent. Follow me and follow me to break the six realms and confuse good and evil. Turn yourself into an external demon and set up a catastrophe for the Buddha!"

"The Dharma is dead, heretics are rampant. In the end of the kalpa, there will be no law, and I will have no heaven!"

Ananda was terrified to see that the golden body of Pacceek Buddha Kinnara collapsed, and he sat down on the lotus platform and turned into a black lotus. The five hundred Pacceek Buddhas also followed Devadatta and transformed into demons. Pacceka Buddha... No, it should be Wutian. Seeing Ananda's terrified expression, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

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