Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 101 Hurry up and invite Emperor Qitian

In the garden of Zhishuge, a bhikkhu came in a hurry, prostrated himself under the Fulou, and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, the Venerable Shariputra has sent news that Devadatta and his five hundred disciples have fallen into demons! Now that Venerable Ananda has been wounded, he vowed to break the Lingshan Mountain, topple the thunder sound, and make all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas sink into the sea of ​​suffering."

"You're late!" Fulou said with his back turned to him.

The bhikkhu raised his head in shock, and cautiously came to Fuluna, a black palm mark was printed on Fuluna's heart, shattering his golden body, the Venerable Fuluna had died for a long time. Just when he was so frightened that he lost his mind, Fu Lou's broken golden body suddenly said, "Don't be afraid, this is a little bit of trouble before I die, I leave a message for you!"

"Deva Datuo has already fallen into a demon. He came to me to discuss the Dharma. In vain, I was called the World Honored One. I was the first to speak, but I was no match for Devadatuo's astonishing demonic thoughts. Later, I forcibly made a move, but after three moves, I was killed. He broke the golden body and died. You passed on my last words to Shariputra. After Devadatta fell into a demon, his supernatural powers and magic powers improved, which was terrifying. Not Shariputra, Subhuti, Moke Kasyapa, Mu Jianlian, Ana Five people cannot win together."

"Protect Venerable Anarud, he has the first eye in the sky, and is the only one who can see through Devadatta's movements. After me, Devadatta's next target is him!"

"Maha Kajanyan is able to distinguish profound meanings and apply Taoism, so he is called 'the first theory of theory'. I am afraid that I will be in trouble before me. It is only because the two of us are best at speaking and discussing, that Devadatta tried in vain to refute The World Honored One preached the righteous Dharma, so he first approached us two. What Devadatta wanted was to destroy the Mahayana. Our ten disciples are all Shravakayana and Predestined Enlightenment Vehicles. Devadatta is an evil disciple and wants to shake it. We wait for Zen mind, turn us into his minions."

"And the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan are all Mahayana disciples. The Bodhisattva Hammer is a heretic in the eyes of Devadatta, so they will never accept it, and they must all be killed. Disciples of the three vehicles, Devadatta led the rebellion against the Buddha. Buddha, strive for the arhats of the vehicle of sravakas and the vehicles of predestined enlightenment, and destroy the Bodhisattva vehicle and Mahayana."

"Go tell Shariputra my worries... Among the ten disciples, I am afraid that some will fall to Devadatta!"

After Fuluna finished speaking, he kowtowed and bowed his head, and said no more, as if a trace of ignorance and affliction had left. The bhikkhu disciple knelt for a long time, but never heard Fuluna's mantra, so he could only hold back his grief, got up and prepared to leave This dangerous place.

Just as he was about to leave and close the door of the temple, he suddenly heard Fuluna's voice that seemed to hesitate for a long time, but finally he couldn't help telling him: "Be careful of Ananda and Rahula!" The monk looked up and saw Fuluna's golden body. But it was dim and unresponsive. I don't know if it was Fu Louna's last message or his hallucination.

One day later, Shariputra, together with Muggallana and Subhuti, arrived from the city of Vaisali. When they saw Furuna's broken golden body, they all showed anger and sorrow. Putting the golden body together with the golden body of Kajanyan that he had brought, he said to all the disciples who came to the world with the World Honored One: "Deva Datta has rebelled against the Buddha, and both Fuluna and Kajanyan have been harmed by him. Into reincarnation."

All the disciples showed expressions of grief, clasped their hands together, and remained silent. The atmosphere was very depressing for a while.

Shariputra saw that the disciples were concerned, stood at the head, and said solemnly: "Two days ago, Ananda came to me and told me that Devadatta violated the decree of the World Honored One and entered the meditation heaven to find the place where the World Honored One confronted Brahma. After coming out of samadhi, immediately rebel against the Buddha!"

Moggallana said: "Devada has slandered the Buddha several times and questioned the Buddha's mantra and purpose, and the World Honored One has decreed to denounce him twice. It is not surprising that he has committed such a big rebellion. We should invite some Bodhisattvas from Lingshan to come. , to punish this demon together, to be cast into the hell, and suffer immeasurable kalpas.”

Shariputra did not act rashly, but thought about it: "Deva Datta came to the world as the cousin of the World Honored One. Besides, he has always been respected. Among the monks and nuns, many people are confused by him. There are also many Buddhas and arhats in Lingshan. Few people are shaken. Now, the most important thing is to stabilize people's hearts, otherwise, if more Buddhist disciples follow him into demons, it will be a catastrophe for our Lingshan Buddhist sect!"

Mu Jianlian said: "Dare to ask brother,

How to calm down? "

Shariputra pondered for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Thousands of kalpas ago before Devadatta, it was the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, who first turned the Dharma theory for the World Honored One, and passed down the Pacceek Buddha, who was also the leader of the ancient Buddha vehicle. Now the World Honored One has enlightened again. Mahayana Bodhisattva Vehicle, Devadatta questioned and rebelled, and the lineage of the ancient Buddha has many followers."

"Now in Lingshan, the ancient Buddhas are hidden from the world, but if Devadatta raises the flag, there must be many people besides his five hundred followers who will be shaken. Already gone. Moko Kasyapa!"

Moke Kassapa came out and said, "The younger brother is here!"

Shariputra ordered him: "Go to Lingshan to look for the relics left by the World Honored One when the ancient Buddha passed away. This is the old seat of Devadatta, which can restrain him."

Shariputra said again: "Devada became a demon, but he was limited to the Pytyek Buddha, the Arahantship, and did not see the Mahayana. He questioned the Mahayana Buddhism with the Hinayana Dharma. It must be known that the Mahayana follows the Hinayana, such as the bullock cart, out of the Mahayana. House of fire. Doubting the way of Mahayana Bodhisattvas with the Dharma seal of the Hinayana is like doubting a boat while begging for alms bowl, doubting a bridge while riding a boat, and being self-righteous."

"But the arhats who practice the Hinayana today still have doubts about the Dharma, so you can't say that."

After thinking about it for a long time, Sariputta ordered Upali to say: "Venerable Upali, go and tell your disciples that Devadatta committed five rebellious crimes and murdered the World Honored One, so he died. He ordered five hundred disciples to throw stones to kill the Buddha. , failed. He also threw a big stone on Mount Qijabori, although it was blocked by Jinpiluo God, the fragments hurt the Buddha's feet and bleed."

"When the Buddha entered Rajagha, the wild elephant harmed him, but the elephant surrendered to the Buddha when he met the Buddha, and nothing happened. After being reprimanded by the World Honored One, he still did not change his evil thoughts. Putting poison, intending to hurt the Buddha by bowing to the Buddha's feet, but the Buddha's feet are as solid as a rock, and the Devas broke their own fingers, and it was the end of their lives."

Upali was shocked and said, "Deva Datta is dead, so how to explain that heretic demon?"

Shariputra sneered and said: "The heretic evil spirit is the king of Jinnara among the eight protectors of Lingshan. After he became a Bodhisattva, Kinnara did not listen to my advice and went to see Brahma in samadhi. Only in this way can the influence of Devadatta be eliminated, so that it cannot bewitch Buddha disciples."

Upali came down as ordered, but Moggallana said: "But that demon is rampant, don't let it go, please brother and I invite all Bodhisattvas from Shangling Mountain to subdue this demon."

But Shariputra said: "Although Devadatta is a serious problem, but the Brahma-transformed Brahma is a peerless demon who forced the World-Honored One to enter meditation, and the immeasurable God who came from the west is not a good person. Compared with that The two devils can't be regarded as a confidant's trouble. If we only pay attention to him, the other two devils will take the opportunity to make trouble, and there will be even more dangers!"

Mu Jianlian said: "What do you think, brother?"

Shariputra said: "Use the other's spear to attack your own shield. Muqianlian, you go to the Jade Emperor and say that there are monsters in the west who led the troops to make trouble. Please ask him to send Qitian Demon Emperor to subdue the demons." Fumo!"

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