Wukong thought about it for a long time, but in the end he didn't fight with Wutian. First, because he came to Lingshan this time, although there were great changes, his original idea was just to test the depth of the water. The depth of the water is bottomless, it's all done, after returning, you have to think carefully, whether you want to reject the Jade Emperor, and don't get mixed up in this muddy water.

The second is that no matter how much crime Wutian commits, it is the trouble of those bald donkeys, what is he doing?

Why does it need to pick this beam?

The third is that Wukong saw the traces of his unscrupulous master meddling in this muddy water. Wukong studied with Chen Ang for a long time, and he was no longer the simple and ignorant monkey at the beginning. If you go in, you will be trapped. This matter is dangerous and unpredictable, so Wukong has to be careful.

And the 'Golden Body of Tathagata' gave it an extremely weird feeling. When it first saw the golden body of Tathagata, it had a very weird feeling. Now Wutian pointed out the mystery of it, and the weirdness in it , is even more appalling. The pharmacist Liuli Buddha, whose status is beyond words, is the top three figures in Lingshan.

He was originally the Dharma body of Emperor Donghua, but speaking of it, which one is the main identity of Emperor Donghua is the medicine master Liuli Buddha or Emperor Donghua.

Moreover, the two Bodhisattvas Sunguang and Moonlight served by Medicine Buddha are also Bodhisattvas with extremely powerful supernatural powers in the Lingshan Mountain, second only to the four Bodhisattvas, Maitreya, Mahashizhi and other Bodhisattvas with special identities. , such a master of Buddhism, will be almost frightened crazy by a Tathagata Dharma body that is deceiving a corpse. Something must have happened that Wukong doesn't know yet.

"This Tan muddy water is getting deeper and deeper... If it is my old grandson who knows how to swim, he must be careful to drown in it!" Wukong sighed.

"I always feel that my dark-bellied patriarch is planning to trick me!" Wukong muttered in a low voice.

He gave Wutian a friendly smile, exited the Sutra Pavilion, and prepared to go back to find the 'Tathagata Dharmakaya' to settle the score, "The dead bald donkey is not my grandson, this Wutian big devil, let him go! I will resign from the Jade Emperor tomorrow. It's an errand imposed on me. Wouldn't it be easy to go back to my Huaguo Mountain and continue to do experiments?"

Returning to the Mahavira Hall, the Tathagata Dharma Body on the lotus seat is still smiling, as if it has been smiling and looking down on the three worlds since ancient times, exuding a peaceful atmosphere far away from the world.

Wukong ran up to it, and said with a low laugh: "Demon, you're out of your league!"

"You showed me the way, but let my old grandson know that the true knowledge of the Tathagata is still trapped in the formless realm, in the form and space, and it will not appear at all, let alone show me the way!" Wu Kong With a wave of the iron stick, he bared his teeth and said intimidatingly, "Tell me, where the hell are you from, dare to pretend to be the Tathagata Buddha to deceive me!"

"If there is any ambiguity in the words, my old grandson will take care of you!"


"Jishou Tian is in the middle of the sky, and the light shines brightly. The eight winds can't blow, and I sit on the purple golden lotus. You Buddha and I are merciful! Praise you and Buddha!" ​​The Tathagata changed a Dharma seal on his hand, and sang a song to praise himself brazenly Buddha's name.

Wukong raised his stick and pointed: "You look shameless, and you have the charm of my master!\

,""Wukong, you are really bold and mischievous." Tathagata smiled and said, "In front of this deity, you still dare to speak wildly and presumptuously. Do you know that if your master Wuliang Tianzun hadn't intervened to stop you, the Jade Emperor sent an order to ask me to take action as early as you made a big fuss in the Taishan court. At that time, you were already suppressed by the deity. Now that you have escaped with your life, not only are you careless in your words and deeds, and you are good at cultivation, but you have repeatedly caused troubles and acted presumptuously in front of me. Do you know who I am?"

Wukong sneered and said, "You are a corpse demon born from Tathagata's dead body!"

"Sun Wukong, you are fascinated by your obsession, and you are already obsessed with the truth!" Tathagata Dharmakaya said: "I am the Venerable Sakyamuni in the Western Paradise, because Zhenru is casting spells to subdue demons outside the colorless realm. Infiltrated to cause trouble, so I left a thought to protect this holy land of Lingshan Mountain. Therefore, I am the Tathagata, and the Tathagata is me!"

Wukong bared his teeth and said: "Don't you know that you are my grandson? You killed the pharmacist Liuli Buddha Light Tathagata,

Everyone in this Lingshan Mountain thinks you are a monster, because they don't want to harm the Tathagata's golden body, so they let you make trouble here, so that the Wutian old devil can see the opening and capture the Great Leiyin Temple. "

"You and him are of the same breed, that's why you sit and watch the grandsons of so many Buddhas being killed here, and remain indifferent. If Shakyamuni Buddha was here and saw his disciples and grandchildren being massacred, his buttocks would still be able to sit on the lotus seat Are you still trying to lie to me?"

"As the saying goes, if you listen to both, you will be bright and if you believe, you will be dark." The golden body of Tathagata smiled and said: "Sun Wukong, where did you hear these words?"

Wukong pinched his waist and said with a smile: "Partly Wutian told me, and partly I guessed it."

Tathagata's golden body shook his head slightly and said: "Absurd, absurd, you would believe him and not me. He was the murderer who killed all the families in Lingshan, so what he said is believable?"

Wukong: "There is some truth in your common saying, I don't know what else can you say?"

Tathagata's golden body said: "Sun Wukong, if you think I'm a monster, then it's bad. I was originally a Tathagata. Although I was stained by the Brahma and fell into the world, I still retained the temperament of Sakyamuni. Falling into my realm, causing me to fall to the Tathagata fruition, so that I can't protect the Lingshan, and I can't sit in the Tathagata."

"Therefore, it is necessary to reincarnate in Nirvana, return to purity, and return to the True Tathagata. After washing away the pollution of the Brahma and demons, you can become a Buddha again, restore the status of the Tathagata, protect the Lingshan, until the Tathagata True Tathagata defeats the Brahma and Demons, and returns to the Three Realms."

"But just before my reincarnation, the pharmacist Liuli Buddha suddenly attacked and killed my reincarnation, Qiao Ling'er."

Wukong frowned and said, "The Medicine Master Buddha is an oriental Buddha with a high status, how could he harm you?"

"The Brahma Demon is powerful, and he thinks that my True Tathagata will never come back. If that's the case, why keep me in the way? He is the Emperor Donghua of the Heavenly Court, and he is a minister in the same palace as me, and his status is not inferior to mine. The future Buddha, I mean Maitreya, of course he will be dissatisfied. In addition, the Lingshan Dharma Realm is contaminated by Brahma and demons, and all the Buddhas have evil thoughts, so it is not surprising that they will attack me."

Wukong continued to question: "Then how did you kill him? Why did you kill him?"

"Of course I have the Jade Emperor to help me. If Emperor Donghua controls Lingshan, can he, the Jade Emperor, continue to do it? And Sun Wukong, you are a smart person. Is it the corpse that I left behind, or the medicine master Tathagata who wants to kill the Buddha? Is it more harmful to my Lingshan Buddhism?"

"Jade Emperor!" Wukong was in disbelief.

"Why, I can't believe it? You underestimate the Jade Emperor! The Jade Emperor seems to have never displayed powerful supernatural powers and magic powers, but only appeared with the authority to rule the three worlds, so that a young monkey like you dare to make a fool of himself in front of him. This time, but this is actually only because if the Jade Emperor needs strong power to rule the Three Realms, then the foundation of his rule itself will be shaken. Therefore, he would rather rule the Three Realms by rules and authority than show his great strength." Tathagata The golden body sighed.

"What you said seems to make sense, but that's not the reason why you fell into such a situation." Wukong sneered.

Tathagata sighed: "Wukong, why don't you think about it any more? Without Maitreya Bodhisattva's acquiescence, how could Medicine Master Tathagata kill my reincarnated body? You must know that after Tathagata's death, it will be the prosperous age of Maitreya! If Shakyamuni is reincarnated again, what else does Maitreya Bodhisattva need to do?"

Monkey King was horrified, and could hardly accept what Tathagata Jinshen said.

Tathagata sighed: "So, I don't blame him. After Sakyamuni died, it was the time when Maitreya came into the world. So, I am here now. I am talking to you... Sun Wukong. Just complaining! You are right, I am the Tathagata, but I am not Shakyamuni Buddha either. When Brahma dyes the golden body, I will no longer be me!"

"Why did you tell me this?" Wukong asked puzzled.

Tathagata's golden body smiled slightly: "Because in this world, there is still one person who can prove that I am Tathagata, and he can help me."

Wukong thought for a moment, and then replied: "If I guess correctly, that person is me."

"It's you, Wukong. Only you have the seventeen relics that were left behind when the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp passed away, and only you can help me solve the war and reincarnate again. As long as you find my reincarnated body, A soul boy with a swastika on his back can collect all the eighteen relics left by the burning Buddha at the same time, and he will be able to get rid of the interference of Brahma on me, re-certify Bodhi, and become a Tathagata. At that time, my true suchness Only by not breaking away from the Three Realms completely can we defeat the Brahma Demon."

"Sun Wukong, only you can save the Three Realms! You should defeat the Buddha for the battle."

"I feel like you are tricking me!" Wukong said suspiciously: "Things are developing, why are you acting like this? It looks like something my master would do! I can't tell, where is he hiding now, and he is using me as an experiment!"

"Monkey King, stop being suspicious."

The left hand of the Tathagata's golden body suddenly changed into a seal of fearlessness, and the right hand naturally extended downwards, with the fingertips drooping, and the palm facing outwards, it was the "seal of wishing". Pull Wukong to fall into it.

Unable to bear it any longer, Wukong pulled out his iron rod and struck Yingluo on Tathagata's head.

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