Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 109 Surrounding the audience across time and space

The divine light burst out, shaking the entire Daxiong Palace!

The Tathagata's golden body is raised in front of his chest, his fingers are stretched naturally, and his palms are facing outwards. It represents the Buddha's great compassionate wish to save all living beings, and to provide peace of mind for all living beings.

There are three secrets in Buddhism, body secrets, speech secrets, and mind secrets, which are expressed by supernatural powers, that is, mudras, mantras, and deities.

Bodhisattvas such as Avalokiteshvara and Samantabhadra use the seal of the lion, the seal of the vase, the seal of the inner and outer binding, the seal of the Vajra, the seal of the lotus flower, etc., to respond to the universe from the outside, and display their infinite supernatural powers.

When several great Bodhisattvas were trapped in Zhongnan Mountain by Chen Ang in the past, they showed the powerful power of Dharma Seal to reverse time and space, reverse the universe, and even change the three realms. Unfortunately, they met Chen Ang and were thrown into time and space for five hundred years Finally, lost in the long river of time, after all kinds of hardships, he was rescued by the Tathagata.

This is just one of the more common mudras among several kinds of Buddhism. The application of mudras has nothing to do with supernatural powers, but only with the great wishes of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Therefore, it belongs to the supernatural powers of Bodhisattva's way of beating Mahayana. One seal is issued, which symbolizes Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. All wisdom, power, willingness, and deeds span the past and future.

For Buddhists who are proficient in the way of the universe, time and space, the issuance of a seal is not only the present power of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, but also the past and future fruit status, and the joint application of mana is a supernatural power that transcends time and reaches the fourth dimension , such as Avalokiteshvara, she will become a Buddha with the future, and she will become the Dharma Bright Tathagata. When she seals the seal, she will not only have the great power of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, but also have the immeasurable magical powers of the Dharma Bright Tathagata. handprint.

Although the Tathagata's golden body has now fallen into the True Tathagata to prove the Tathagata's fruit position, he uses his handprints to symbolize all the wisdom, power, vows, and actions of Sakyamuni Buddha in the past and future, and even uses his own Dharma seal——Sakyamuni Buddha Among the five seals, the fearless seal symbolizes the transformation of all living beings and the enlightenment of Buddhism.

Just when the handprints run through the past and the future, the entire Daleiyin Temple seems to have emerged independently from the long river of time. Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the past are listed under it, and the scene of listening to the Tathagata raising his hands to preach, but it seems dilapidated and the Dharma is withered. Daleiyin Temple has been obliterated in history, and scenes of ruins emerged.

Like the past and future of this temple, presented together.

This is the power of the fearless seal. In the scriptures at the beginning of what I heard, one after another grand sayings are described. Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, gods, Dharma protectors, and gods are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, and they are like stars in the sky. In Yinsi, this is the past memory of this temple, where the past, present and future have been confused here.

The power of these immortals and holy Buddhas who listened to the Buddha's words are all gathered in this fearless seal.

Even Wukong felt small in the face of this power!

There is also a ruin-like Daleiyin Temple emerging. All the Buddhas have disappeared, and the Dharma has been shattered. Now the magnificent Daxiong Palace, only remains of the wreckage, endless dilapidation and loneliness. A few vague figures stepped into the In the ruins of the Daxiong Palace, remember the former glory here.

"Is this the Great Leiyin Temple?" Someone whispered: "The legendary holy land of Lingshan, where all the Buddhas preach... only a few pieces of wreckage remain..."

"The Dharma-rectification era is over!" Someone sighed, "Now is the Dharma-ending age."

The few vague shadows looked at the position of Wukong and Tathagata's golden body, and said with emotion: "This should be the very center of the Daxiong Palace. In the past, Tathagata once preached here. Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, great figures beyond our imagination, Listen below, that is the glorious and prosperous age of Buddhism!"

Suddenly a voice exclaimed: "Look, that position seems to be emitting golden light!"

"This is the Buddha's light! Could it be that after the Buddhas of the Dharma-rectification era have passed away, what relics are left behind? Or is it a change that is about to come in the Dharma-rectification era... A shocking accident happened in Daleiyin Temple. Most of it was left by Lingshan in the past The ruins are unearthed!"

"The Buddha is dead, the gods are gone, and now there are still relics born,

Is it a sign that the era is about to end? "

"There's probably a big opportunity in it!" Someone urged, and after a while, they seemed to be able to see the Tathagata's golden body and Wukong, and they all trembled and exclaimed, unable to control themselves.

Someone else said in a low voice: "The Dharma appearance is solemn, sitting on the lotus platform of the throne in Daleiyin Temple. Besides Sakyamuni Buddha, who else is worthy of such an honor?"

"Who is that swinging the stick at the Buddha?"

"Hair-faced Lei Gongzui, it's a god monkey! Could it be Sun Wukong who defeated Buddha?"

"We seem to know some great secret... probably the truth about the disappearance of Lingshan in ancient times!"

"The Buddha formed the fearless seal with one hand and the wish seal with the other hand. It must be Shakyamuni Buddha... Why did the Dou Victory Buddha swing his stick at Shakyamuni Buddha? This seems to be from the past The scene reappears as an illusion!"

An exclamation came from behind: "I saw the corpses of the Four King Kong!"

"There is still the body of Bodhisattva Wei Tuo standing insanely at the door, dying with reluctance to rest his eyes, and roaring with all his strength. What kind of shocking changes happened to Lingshan in the past? Is this the scene of the end of the Fa-rectification era?"

"Dead! They are all dead! The five hundred arhats are dead! The Eight Great Bodhisattvas are also dead!"

"No, there are no figures of the Four Great Bodhisattvas, they did not die here!"

"The history of Lingshan's demise has been covered up, but do you want to reproduce the scene at that time today? This is a shocking mystery, which may contain the answer to the destruction of the previous era. The ruins of Lingshan have changed, reappearing in the Fa-rectification period. The Great Sage of Heaven, the truth about the battle between the Buddha and the Buddha. What about the relics of the Heavenly Court?"

Someone felt the aftermath of the stick and seal intersecting, passing through countless time and space, and said tremblingly: "The Buddha in the past was so powerful that it was unbelievable, and the Monkey King was able to fight alone... In this round, who won? "

Facing Tathagata's fist that gathered the past and the future, including the power of all gods and Buddhas in the Three Realms, Wukong didn't have time to pay attention to those little bugs.

An iron rod condenses infinite quality.

The aftermath of the intersection of the two fists and sticks was enough to cross the barrier of time and space, and the energy was stimulated, and traveled through time to the past. During the Dharma meeting of the Tathagata, an arhat was hit on the head with a stick, fell off the lotus platform, and scattered. The shattered energy shot indiscriminately, messing up the conference.

But this puja is just for nothing. The lowest people participating in the puja are gods. It is difficult for the little gods with a lower status to get close to the Daxiong Hall. , It's just a little embarrassing.

But at the time of the end of the Dharma in the future, the loss of vigor is enough to be a fatal danger!

After this, someone screamed: "It is said that powerful gods and Buddhas can travel across time and space. Could it be that they want to hit our time and space? Could it be that the ancient Lingshan disappeared because the Tathagata Buddha and Dou Victory Buddha went to the future?"

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