Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 111 Chen Ang is the Strong Commentator

All the traversers looked at Chen Ang expectantly, and Chen Ang frowned slightly, as if he was concentrating on it. The others didn't dare to disturb them, so they had to guard aside, lest the aftermath of that energy fly in and kill their only savior, Stir into minced meat.

Chen Ang thought for a long time before he loosened his brows and said to the crowd: "The only solution for now is to fight to the death and use the power of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven to tear apart the long river of time and space blocked by the Tathagata seal!"

"The Tathagata fought with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and it is the power of the Tathagata's seal that traps us now and then. Then the only one who can break the five seals of Sakyamuni and rescue us is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!"

"We have to help Great Sage Equaling Heaven to break the distorted time and space here. Presumably he doesn't want to see that Tathagata welcomes the older god and Buddha. If we can help make time and space return to normal, it will be The only chance."

Chen Ang sighed with emotion.

After hearing this, the others had to admit that this was indeed the only way!

"However, the Tathagata Buddha and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven have reached an unprecedented level of mana cultivation. Compared with them, we are mere ants, how can we help?" Someone questioned: "These two great gods Fighting against each other depends on us, how can we control it?"

Chen Ang smiled slightly and said calmly: "This can only rely on our only advantage. If there is no power to change the game, then we can only take advantage of the situation. It just so happens that we all come from the future. Only by making good use of this point can we move enough The power to change the battle situation!"

At this time, someone among the traversers exclaimed.

It turned out that it was the fight between the Monkey King and the Tathagata Buddha over there, and another shocking change happened. Monkey King roared, and the roar tore apart time and space. Reverse the relationship of time, change causal determinism, change the past.

In the more ancient past, above the Lingshan Dharma Assembly, a divine stone fell from the sky, smashed into Mount Sumeru, and fell in front of the Great Leiyin Temple. The glass sea evaporated for seven hundred miles, and countless monks were killed. In the sacred stone, a divine fetus appeared faintly, curled up in the stone, and the pale golden fetal shadow seemed to contain the power to shatter the void.

The traversers looked at Chen Ang, hoping that he could give an explanation.

Chen Ang said in a low voice: "It's amazing, it's amazing! As we all know, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven was born in the Aolai Kingdom of the East China Sea, about the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Daleiyin Temple Tathagata Dharma Assembly had already begun many kalpas ago. , this Great Sage Equaling Heaven actually wants to tamper with his past and cover his own existence on the timeline of the Tathagata Puja."

"If this divine fetus is born, it will immediately become Monkey King's past body. Even if the gods and gods in the Tathagata puja are not afraid of him, they will not be able to intervene in the duel between Tathagata and Monkey King."

Sure enough, a god fetus hatched in the god stone, exactly like Monkey King. As soon as he was born, he was capable of defeating the world, killing all gods, wielding the fragments of the god stone, hitting Lingshan, and fighting in the past.

"This is... too incredible!" The traversers exclaimed in shock.

This kind of powerful character is really terrifying, and his strength cannot be guessed. This kind of rogue method of pulling in the past self and beating opponents in groups, meeting the strong man who used the power to break the void, distort the past, and call himself to be born in advance, is really a tyrannical strong man who regards time and space as bullshit.

Facing the fierceness of the stone monkey, the older Tathagata and the present Tathagata changed the Dharma seal at the same time, twisted the thumb and middle finger, and the rest of the fingers were naturally loosened, just like the Dharma. The seal of saying that represents the Buddha's saying - ***.

The Tathagata's golden body rotates in the dark, and the space-time power from the wish seal and the Shi Wu fear seal begins to rotate further, and freezes the time and space of the Daleiyin Temple, causing the time here to undergo inconceivable changes.

The concept of time, the moment of change.

The meaning of movement and speed has undergone a fundamental change. The ferocious and tyrannical monkey in the past suddenly froze and lost its ferocious power.

The entire world is like a huge piece of amber, stagnating all energy.

All the passers-by could only look at Chen Ang, and he explained: "The Tathagata Buddha is really powerful, with immeasurable supernatural powers, it's unbelievable... The great sage Qi Tian can defeat ten thousand with one enemy, and he is not afraid of besieged because he can pry It is powerful enough to smash the void, and has infinite mass, so it has infinite energy."

"No one can defeat him in terms of pure power and energy, so no matter how many people swarm up, it will only disperse the power so that it can be broken one by one."

"But the Tathagata is the Tathagata Buddha after all. He changed the time dimension of Daleiyin Temple's existence. When time changes, the speed changes. Without time, there is no speed. Without speed, there is no energy. The so-called energy and Power is actually the correlation coefficient of speed applied to mass. The reason why Sun Wukong has unparalleled power and infinite energy is because of his infinite mass and mastery of space. The spatial change of mass is energy. Therefore, Sun Wukong almost directly understands the law of energy."

"Now that Tathagata has pulled the plug and distorted the time dimension, then the correct speed cannot be obtained. You see, Monkey King's past body cannot attack anyone in the Tathagata Dharma Assembly, because their time is faster than Monkey King's past, forever Fast forward a second, and energy and power mean nothing."

"And when that period of time is shrinking towards the 'now', the gods and Buddhas of Lingshan will also come to the 'now' in a second in the morning. At that time, the Tathagata will be able to pull that mere second into a thousand mountains and rivers. Do you believe it or not? "

"No matter how powerful Sun Wukong is, it's hard to attack something that is one second faster than him!" Chen Ang's boy sighed.

"Then we..." Someone asked hesitantly.

"It's meaningless to us!" Chen Ang said lightly: "Don't look at it as just a second, the power of Sakyamuni's five seals can completely control time. For different frames of reference, time is different. Between everyone So I think that time is universal, not special, because we are all in a similar frame of reference, but for the Tathagata, he has the ability to distinguish our frame of reference. For him, every object, the time of existence It's all independent."

"Sun Wukong's past, the gods and Buddhas of the Tathagata Dharma Assembly, and us are in a completely different frame of reference. If the Tathagata makes it fast, it can be fast, and if it is slow, it can be slow. Letting Wukong pass is like facing the sky. It doesn't make any sense to us, damn it, or die."

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