Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 112 Yin Yang 3 and Division

"You've said so much, how do you escape from here?" Someone asked impatiently.

"Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things!" Chen Ang calmly said: "In many Taoist scriptures, it is believed that yin and yang are conceived in chaos, and then yin and yang are transformed into three, but it is actually a big fallacy, chaos! It is said that all things are in phases but not separated, and it describes the state of the early universe, when matter was muddled and never separated. It's scientific."

"Yin and yang were born earlier than chaos, and one is qi, which is matter. This sentence means that the universe was the first to produce matter, and matter has just been born, and it has the relative properties of yin and yang, which is symmetry and symmetry. Balance causes matter to be in a chaotic state, unable to form a world, until this state of yin-yang symmetry is spontaneously broken, resulting in a phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking, acting on matter, and yin-yang cannot maintain balance. Three is born, and all things can be formed."

"Senior!" The traversers said anxiously with confused heads, "What's the use of talking about it now?"

"Useful!" Chen Ang said calmly: "This passage is not only the process of the birth of the universe, but also a regular summary of physical phenomena. The repeated process of the spontaneous breaking of the symmetry of elementary particles, specifically, is the essence of matter—Qi, which expresses its basic properties through this generation of two, and the second generation of three. Therefore, it can be deduced that the basic properties of all Qi , are all manifested by the changes of yin and yang.”

"Only by understanding this sentence can we realize the essence of Wukong's tyrannical power."

"In this battle between dragons and tigers, the essence of power shown by Tathagata Buddha is high-dimensional time, while the essence of power shown by Monkey King is mass and energy. The two are unified. Energy is a relative physical concept. Many Classics and practitioners believe that energy is an objective existence like matter."

"In fact, this is completely wrong. Energy is the description of the movement of all macroscopic and microscopic matter. The essential properties of matter are movement. Space, time, energy, and speed are all attributes born relative to movement. Energy is the description of all macroscopic and microscopic matter. The description of material movement, there is no energy without movement, so the Tathagata Buddha can rely on the creation of time distortion, change the time attribute, and then affect the movement, change the speed, and thus change the energy, the fuller the speed, the lower the energy, the longer the relative time, the energy lower."

"We are talking about the essence of power expressed by Wukong—mass energy, mass and energy. In fact, the origin of all things is Qi, which is matter. Matter itself has no spontaneous quality, that is——Qi has no quality. The quality of all matter Both originate from the interaction of yin and yang, and the differentiation of yin and yang."

"Specifically, the Higgs field induces spontaneous symmetry breaking and imparts mass to gauge propagators and fermions. The field quantization of the Higgs field excites the Higgs particle, which acquires quality."

"This is the concept of the source of mass when particles are the essence of matter. In the universe of the three realms, another state of matter—qi, obtains mass through emptiness (Higgs field), and emptiness pervades the void, omnipresent. Everything When qi passes through deficiency qi, it is hindered by the interaction of yin and yang, and the two forms of yin and yang are differentiated. gravitational."

"So deficiency qi can also be called the quality of qi. Those who are too elemental are the beginning of quality. Deficiency qi is the qi of too elemental."

"Sun Wukong masters the Qi of Taisu, so he can control the quality and distort time and space."

"In the Three Realms, the quality of all vitality is essentially the interference of Taisu Qi. For example, the Yuan Qi manifested as light has very little interaction with Taisu Qi, so it has almost no quality."

While Chen Ang explained, in the void, using the basic symbols of the Eight Diagrams, Yin and Yang, using the Eight Diagrams deduction and Chinese classical mathematics,

He postponed the modern mathematical formula of the Higgs mechanism, translated it again, and explained the process of obtaining quality more accurately in mathematical language, but judging from the expressions of all the traversers, he did his work in vain.

"In short, Sun Wukong can change the quality of all vitality through the process of two giving birth to three, by changing the quantum activity of gravity. So even a beam of light, in its hands, can be accelerated to almost the weight of Mount Tai."

"If Tathagata did not have Daleiyin Temple in the past, those helpers of gods and Buddhas at Tathagata's Dharma Assembly would definitely not be opponents of Monkey King." Chen Ang explained: "The most basic attribute of matter is movement, based on movement. All attributes, including mass and energy, will be affected by time, so Monkey King cannot break the power of Sakyamuni's five seals."

"Only by finding the property that matter is not affected by motion, can we see the level of the material world that is completely unaffected by time, that is, the eternal and unchanging existence in all four-dimensional time and space. Then surpass the five seals of Sakyamuni and defeat the Tathagata Buddha!"

"Isn't the quality bad?" A knowledgeable traveler asked: "The gravitational force generated by the mass is essentially the distortion of space-time. If the mass is large enough, it should be able to tear space-time and destroy the space created by the five seals of Buddha Sakyamuni. Great Leiyin Temple World!"

"No." Chen Ang calmly vetoed: "The essence of Tathagata's control of time and space is movement, and the essence of Sun Wukong's control of time and space is gravity. The priority of movement is better than gravity. Therefore, Tathagata has higher authority to control time and space than Sun Wukong. Can Easily eliminate the influence of gravity on space-time."

"If you want to surpass the Five Seals of Sakyamuni, you must go beyond the fourth dimension and time. Because the Five Seals of Sakyamuni have reached the essence of time control, which is unparalleled."

"Then what is the eternal and unchanging thing in all time?" The old scholar asked cautiously, trembling.

Chen Ang sighed: "Time is the fourth dimension, and each dimension is the sublimation of the previous dimension, so if you want to be free from the influence of time, you must be below the fourth dimension, closer to the essence level. As you can imagine For a moment, what would matter look like in a timeless three-dimensional world?"

"Isn't that just a storage bag?" Someone said smartly.

"It's just a space where time never flows. Matter still has shape, quality, and color. Except that it doesn't change, there should be no difference." Other travelers also firmly said.

"So stupid!" Chen Ang sneered, "This is the three-dimensional world you imagined? First of all, if there is no time, there will be no motion, and if there is no motion, there will be no attributes based on motion. What do you think the motion of matter is? Standing still means there is no motion. Is it? Static matter is still moving inside, there is no movement, the vitality that makes up matter has no change of yin and yang, there is no two to produce three, particles have no spin, and no interaction."

"That is a space where there is no mass, no energy, no shape, and matter only exists in its most essential attributes. Even force does not exist, and all physical quantities, temperature, length, and speed disappear. The only thing that exists there is existence itself !"

"That is the nature of matter... Existence! Or Qi!"

"Going back to what I said at the beginning, the Tao produces one, the one produces two, the two produces three, and the three produces all things. This question is essentially a question of heaven, what is the origin and transformation of Yin and Yang?"

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