Wukong looked back in shock, but saw his own patriarch there, screaming in horror and seriousness: "Sun Wukong has turned his back again! Go and report to the Jade Emperor!" While secretly kicking out a one-horned ghost king, that one-horned ghost king is someone from the heaven. The yin god who weaved, who was as famous as the powerful ghost king, was kicked out now, with a bitter expression on his face, and he was extremely reluctant.

Chen Ang said to it: "Go, go, take a step slower, be careful of your life!"

Only then did the one-horned ghost king put on a smiling face, slipped into the Daleiyin Temple, passed by all the demon kings and squeezed in front of Wukong. It can be seen that when I passed Lingshan today, I saw the heroic figure of the Great Emperor sweeping Lingshan down and beating Tathagata to death, he is really a hero among us demons, the God-destined Demon Emperor."

"When I was passing by the Longevity Mountain, I saw the yellow cloud of Tianshan Mountain falling to the ground. Before it touched the dust, it was held up by a nine-colored Ganoderma lucidum and turned into a yellow ocher robe. The Ganoderma wrote: The emperor and the sky are equal. The little I learned a little bit of divination, and knew that it was a prophecy, but I never understood its meaning. When I met the emperor today, I realized that it was auspicious from heaven, and secretly promised the emperor to equalize the sky."

As he spoke, he took out an ocher-yellow robe and a nine-color ganoderma, offering them to Wukong.

After Wukong heard this, his breath was stagnant, and he said angrily, "What are you going to do?"

The one-horned ghost king hastily said: "Auspiciousness descended from the heavens and released me. I want to respect Qi Tianyao Emperor as the emperor of heaven. The emperor wiped out the treacherous evil spirits in Lingshan. The old Tathagata perverted the three realms of cholera. Faint and innocent, bewitched by the Tathagata old man, now that the Great Emperor is mobilizing troops to clear the Lingshan Mountain, it is difficult for Jing to clear the emperor's side. Isn't it in accordance with the will of heaven and the heart?"

"It is reasonable to admonish the Jade Emperor and call him a virtuous man."

As soon as the one-horned ghost king spoke, the eyes of the demon kings around him immediately changed! Looking at the one-horned ghost king, he secretly said in his heart: "What a traitor, he doesn't want to be superficial like this. It's time to persuade him! If he succeeds, it will immediately be a great contribution to Fulongting. How can I let him monopolize it? How shameless, you actually got ahead of me."

Immediately, the Long Live Fox King stood up, kowtowed and said, "I invite the Great Demon Emperor Qi Tian to ascend the throne in the Daleiyin Temple of the Lingshan Mountain, and obey the will of God. In the Daleiyin Temple, I saw that the emperor killed the Tathagata old demon with his hands, and his aura became nine colors, like a canopy! It is the aura of the emperor of heaven! Please take the throne!"

Wukong really had something to say in his heart, but it was hard to say it in front of everyone, so he could only ruthlessly say in his heart: "Do you think I didn't see the reluctance on your face when you were kicked out by my ancestor?" ? Pushing me to the top so hard is trying to kill my old grandson!"

"So framed me, what is the plot?"

"Is it my patriarch's plan, or is it that the Jade Emperor wants to force me against me?" Countless thoughts turned in Wukong's mind. Chen Ang acted like an antelope with its horns hanging on its horns, doing whatever it wanted without leaving any traces, which made it difficult for Wukong to understand for a while.

Wukong's silence at this time was misunderstood by all the demon kings. The bull demon king was particularly complicated. After an extremely fierce psychological struggle, he sighed secretly: "That's all! That's all! This Monkey King even killed the Tathagata Buddha! Really! It’s the majestic demon, a generation of giants among demons, how can I compare with him?”

"I can't compete with him for the position of Demon Emperor!"

"I turned against him at first because he received the honor bestowed by the Jade Emperor, which weakened my monster's courage. Now, it seems that this generation is a man with deep scheming and the appearance of a city man. He surrendered to the Jade Emperor. The expedient measure is to lurk in the Heavenly Court and see the weakness of the Lingshan in one fell swoop, kill the Buddha and destroy the temple, level the Lingshan, and then rebel against the sky."

"It can be seen how deep the scheming is! He is indeed a generation of heroes!"

"They are monkeys in nature, and their brains are easy to use. How can I fight them with a simple and honest white bull? My old bull can't compare to such a hero who can change a hundred minds with one thought in his heart. Or obey Be soft, admit defeat, lest it will see me dissatisfied in the future, and secretly calculate,

Damn my old cow. "

Immediately, he stammered and said a few words: "The appearance of the emperor is heavenly and human, and he secretly rebelled against the sky with his righteousness. He took down Lingshan in one fell swoop. He is really a hero among my demons. He is a great hero. Now he is the demon emperor, the emperor Ascend to the throne, who dares to refuse to accept it? I, Lao Niu, would like to be a follower of the great emperor!"

Jiao Demon King saw that his elder brother was subdued, and followed suit: "I would like to be the vanguard and break into the Nantian Gate for the emperor!"

A group of traversers who were still peeping in the future said in horror: "It turns out that the Monkey King is such a calculating and deep-minded monster. He killed the only son of his righteous brother, and on the way west, he was repeatedly an accomplice to Tianting Lingshan, killing The same clan, in order to win the trust of the Heavenly Court, wait for the opportunity to unify the Three Realms, and have the ambition to bring peace to the world."

The Buddha said dumbfounded: "This king of monsters is indeed a brutal, cold-blooded, cruel and ruthless person. I am afraid that he is a bunch of monsters, but he is just a pawn in his eyes."

"The number one conspirator in the Three Realms!" Someone terrified: "Although his conspiracy failed in future generations! But future generations know nothing about it, and he even got mixed up with the Taoist and Buddhist teams... I will definitely go back when I go back!" Write a book to expose the true face of Monkey King!"

At some point, Chen Ang returned to the crowd again. He waved the goose feather fan that came from nowhere, pointed to Jiang Shan and said, "Didn't you find anything wrong?"

"What?" The old pedant looked around nervously, confused: "There seems to be nothing unusual?"

"No abnormality is the biggest abnormality. I ask you that the Tathagata is dead and the five seals of Sakyamuni have been broken. Why haven't we returned to the future?"

"Yeah?" Someone said in shock.

Someone comforted himself: "Do you need a little buffer time?" It was a mess all of a sudden, only Chen Ang was still there shaking his fan gently, waiting for everyone to find out that no matter how long it had been cooled, even the older Tathagata Dharma Assembly held a group of immortals and Buddhas. gone, they still remain in the past.

After the buffer said that it went bankrupt, the traversers panicked. At this moment, Chen Ang said: "We may have changed history... It was I who revealed the flaws of Tathagata Sakyamuni's five seals, and Sun Wukong broke the turbulent flow of time and space. Without us, it is hard to predict what the outcome of this battle will be."

The old scholar tremblingly said: "You mean, it is very possible that Tathagata and Monkey King died together in the original history, so there is no record of the other side of Monkey King in history, because our arrival has changed history..."

"I'm not sure about the real reason." Chen Ang raised his head and said, "But I know, we can't go back to the future!"

Travelers are digesting this amazing news. There is already a phoenix on the Daxiong Palace over there, Qilin is born, Wukong beheaded the big demon Tathagata, and the sons of the five emperors of red, white, yellow, black and blue, the Peacock Daming King was killed by a group of demon kings. Forced to advise: "Ming Wang Mingjian, now that Lingshan is unpredictable, it is no use for Ming Wang to stay still. Ming Wang was originally from our demon background, and it is not good to be in this Lingshan. It is better to submit to Emperor Qitian, and he will be granted the title of emperor in the future." , wouldn’t it be beautiful to be rewarded by heaven and man?”

Peacock Daming King was half-pushed, and was surrounded by everyone on the top of the hall, pretending to be a Phoenix. He was the parent and child of the Phoenix, with gorgeous feathers, and he looked a bit like that, but the turtle monster pretended to be a spirit turtle and offered pictures. , and the Long Live Fox King yelled strangely at the side: "The demon emperor is prosperous, he is the emperor of heaven!"

The carp demon stuffed the persuaded yellow silk book into his stomach, spit it out and offered it at Wukong's feet, where several old antique demon kings concocted the "Book of Heaven", and a giraffe demon from Hezhou, Xiniu, simply called himself a unicorn and ran to the world Nonsense prophecies.

A monster that turns into a spirit of corn in Dongsheng Shenzhou, pollinates the world, and wants the world to grow "Jiahe".

A one-eyed human demon vowed: "The Demon Emperor and I belong to the same family, so we should help." So he ran into the Yellow River, using his one-eyed clairvoyance, to provoke Sidu.

There are also those who have chaotic stars, those who spread nursery rhymes, and those who put Wukong in a yellow robe in a hurry. The most powerful ones are the same clan as Wukong, who are the subordinates of Wu Zhiqi in the past. The river water became clear, and a prophecy was released: stars enter the Tianhe River, and clear water sages exit.

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