Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 115 The three worlds have already repeated, and the Lingxiao Temple is delayed

On the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor was sitting on the throne with his bow arched, and official You Yiling hurriedly entered the hall, proclaimed to the Jade Emperor with a trembling voice, and said: "Long live, there is a night tour god outside the Tongming Palace to perform the performance, and listen to the edict issued by the Heavenly Lord." .”

The Jade Emperor's eyebrows drooped slightly, and he opened his eyes and said, "Oh? What are you playing?"

Lingguan You Yi suddenly bowed down, terrified, his voice could not help trembling and said: "Long live, that monster monkey from the lower realm, Sun Wukong, has turned against him again! Now the world is mixed with monsters and monsters gathered in Lingshan, boiled in the Daleiyin Temple and turned against the sky, The name is Jing Nan, and we must raise troops to attack the Lingxiao Palace, to remonstrate Your Majesty, on the side of the Qing Emperor, and punish Tathagata!"

Listening to official You Yiling's report, among the important ministers of His Highness, there are many people who look a little strange, very strange, and the corners of the mouths of a few who can't hide it are slightly upturned. , I advised him not to go there, this is good. He has been calculated, and now in order to get rid of the stigma, he has to work hard, and he has to be reprimanded by God. "

"Tell him to be like Emperor Ziwei and Taishan Mansion, who was consumed by the Heavenly Court system by the Great Heavenly Venerable, so he lost his temper, so he can use it properly."

It turns out that on this Lingshan Mountain, a group of heavenly gods died in retribution. Apart from taking this opportunity to escape from Lingshan Wutian and die, they also took the opportunity to plot against Wukong. How could it be such a coincidental intrusion, as the saying goes, it is better to make mistakes than to make merit, and the Jade Emperor saw clearly Wukong's evasion and not wanting to get mixed up.

Therefore, this plan was set up by taking advantage of the situation, firstly, as a way for the bureaucrats to kill and suppress, secondly, to take advantage of the opportunity to subdue Wukong, and thirdly... also to find an opponent for Wutian. The Jade Emperor directly ordered that a powerful frontier official like Wukong would naturally ignore it, but if Wukong was accused of killing the Tathagata and destroying Lingshan, then Wukong would have to do nothing to get rid of the crime. If you don't work for the Heavenly Court Lingshan, you will die for nothing.

This is the Heavenly Court's plan to kill people with a knife, and it is also the means of the Jade Emperor's mind and power struggle.

However, Wukong had already seen through the context and had his own means to deal with it. However, Chen Ang suddenly made a move, which made Wukong have nowhere to attack, and he was in a mess. Isn't this the case on the Heavenly Court?

But at this time they still don't know, so in the Lingxiao Palace, all the important officials in the hall are very calm, and they can even say hello and exchange eyes with each other in a friendly manner.

Jade Emperor Da Tianzun announced to all the civil and military immortals, and asked: "It is not enough for this monster monkey to have my title of Qi Tian, ​​why did it make trouble again? Killing the Buddhas and elders of the Western Heaven is the five elders of the five directions and five elders named by me personally. Zun Chong, if he was really killed by Monkey King, the demon monkey from the lower realm, he must be punished heavily and sent to capture him."

Taibai Xingjun below said: "I would like to report to the Great Heavenly Venerable, the Western Buddhas and elders have gone through thousands of kalpas, and they are masters of Taoism. How can Sun Wukong do such a great thing after only a few decades of birth. There may be reasons for it. Please also ask your majesty He was ordered to go to the palace to defend himself."

Another Wu De Xingjun played up and said: "This statement is wrong, long live, the monster monkey made trouble a few days ago, beat the Lord of Mount Tai, made a big disturbance in the Nether God's Court, disrupted the Tianhe River, and secretly led a group of monsters to gather and besiege the Nantian Gate. This is The crime of great rebellion should be crushed on the immortal platform, cut off the immortal body, and sent to the eighteenth level of hell for eternity. He won the mercy of the Great Heavenly Venerable and bestowed grace on him. Not only did he forgive him for his innocence, but he was also named the Great Emperor Qitian , by the name of Emperor Zun."

"Now that the wolf's heart is not enough, he still rebelled. He made a big disturbance on the Lingshan Mountain, hurt the body of the Buddha, and shed the blood of the Buddha's body. This is a combination of the crimes of the five rebellions. Thinking of the stone monkey, which was born and raised by the earth, your majesty is like the incarnation of heaven and earth." , Your Majesty should be respected as a father, he will be titled by the Great Heavenly Venerable, and he will be a servant of the heavenly court, and the Buddhas and elders of the West will teach and enlighten all living beings."

"Now Sun Wukong is going against the heavens, killing his master and having no relatives. It can be seen that this is a heinous, rebellious person born in the back of his head. He should send heavenly soldiers and generals to lock him up and kill him on the immortal platform, so as to uphold the rules of heaven!"

Wude Xingjun speaks uprightly, acting as a black face, and wants to accuse Wukong of crimes. Everyone below knows the inside story, but there is a system in heaven, even if he knows it well, as long as the righteous words of the palace are justified,

If Wukong wants to pass this level, he has to peel off at least one piece of skin.

When it goes to heaven, it will naturally be rounded and flattened by the Jade Emperor.

This group of important ministers in the heavenly court, generations of gods think well, but what happened to Wukong has long been out of routine. Chen Ang glanced at the tens of thousands of demon soldiers in the fortune golden boat, the lion and camel king, the macaque king, and the tamarin king. There are also other demon kings from all walks of life who have a total of thirty-six Tiangang demon army and seventy-two disha demon army, with a total of 30 million people.

It is the elite soldiers and monsters carefully trained by Chen Ang. Although there is not enough time to compare with the army of the Republic and Xianqin in the war that stretches across the multiverse, it is also enough to match ten times the heavenly soldiers.

"Wukong! You rebelled against the foundation of the family, and I have already prepared everything for you as a teacher! Just kill for nine days and break through the sky!"

With a wave of Chen Ang's right hand, the demon army's killing sound shook the sky, and they flew towards Lingshan on one hundred and eight huge bronze divine boats that looked like small fortune-telling golden ships. The bronze divine boat stretched out six huge wings driven by the real fire of the sun , a group of huge ships are in order, the army is neat, and they play the title of Emperor Qitian. They are extremely ostentatious along the way, and the three worlds are known to be noisy. , Liu Ding Liujia was dumbfounded and helpless.

"The group of demon kings are creative, and they work very hard!" Chen Ang saw the little demons in all directions and got a glimpse of the army of the Qitian demon army. His spirit was shocked, and he worked harder to pretend to be ghosts, show off prophecies, and nursery rhymes.

On the four major continents, there are different spiritual mountains everywhere, and the rivers are strange. A farmer went out to plow the field. After walking two steps, an old cow mooed: "Sovereign of the Three Realms, Emperor Qitian!" Then a magpie chirped: "When the Heavenly Emperor loses his virtue, there will be disasters and disasters. The spirit mountain will subdue the demons, and the demon emperor will be equal to the sky!"

Leaving Leisi behind, he couldn't escape in embarrassment, and there was an old turtle coming out of the river, with an inscription on his back armor: "There is Shenzhou in the extreme east of the world, and the holy name in the stone is equal to the sky!"

Looking to the east, a huge rooster is covered with five-color feathers, embroidered with the pattern of five virtues, pretending to be a phoenix, flying towards the direction of the Great Hall of the Great Heroes in Lingshan.

In the mountains and rivers of the world, there are countless monsters who sell their life strength to create momentum for Wukong everywhere. Wherever there are signs of life, there are all kinds of auspicious signs everywhere. At that time, Ganoderma lucidum and fairy grass are flooding. When you go out to buy vegetables, you can pick them up A dozen of ganoderma lucidum of various colors were stolen by the monsters in the mountains and placed in various places in the city.

When you go out, you can see clouds of various colors, red, yellow, and green. In one day, countless dragons, snakes, pythons, and miscellaneous dragons come and go across the river. In just one step, you can hear lame nursery rhymes written by various monsters, which are so annoying that you can't recite them.

Chen Ang laughed angrily when he saw it: "It's not that the powerful officials in the world are usurping the throne, so what's the use of making so many? Is it possible that the selection of the emperor in the heavens still depends on the opinions of mortal monsters? Forget it! At least it can create some momentum to show that the monsters in the world The support of the spirit devils to Wukong, they have also shown their loyalty."

"On Changing Emperor, the least one who can hold a little right to speak is a high-level god. Isn't it ridiculous that these things are in front of their eyes?"

Chen Ang sighed: "It seems that if I really want to show auspiciousness, I have to come in person!"

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